Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1924, p. 2

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WILMF.TTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1924 2 MORGAN .DIRECTS OUR OPERA CLUB Chicago Dramatic Leader Joins Local Group What i' described as the most enthw.iastic meeting in the history of the Opera and Drama club, once the \\'ilrncrte Operatic and Dramatic so- Explains Voting Procedure For Absent Student How shall students. eligible to vote in the Presidential election. but removed from their home precincts, proceed to insure the ,·alidity of their ballots on November 4? · That question. no doubt, has perplexed the parent~ of the host of north shore students who are too far away at college to return for election day. Here is the ans,,·er to the question as submitted by lfaj . George R. Harbaugh, attorney and township collec~or, who has interested himself m securmg the correct information from election authorities : "There are a large number of college students in the territory from Wilmette to Glencoe, hoth young men and women, who are of legal age to vote at the Novembt·r election, but who doubtless will overlook their privilege because of lack of knowledge as to the procedure," writes Major Harbaugh. "I have been looking for some directions to be published in the Chicago papers pertaining We Make It Easy . for vou to tneet your fixed expenses bv t~eans of our Special P urpose Savi~gs Plan. \~ ou tnake deposits regularh· as often as . YOU v.rish, and start ~ ' and stop any tin1e you ple~se. ~: il'ty, wao; held la st Thursday evening wht·n the new director, Cecil Morgan, of Ravenswood, was weicorned to the club. "Mr. Morgan'~ personality," writes a member of the club, "is one of dramatic intensity and when he took the floor, his opening word s seemed to awaken the enthusiasm of every member. Enthusiasm was the password of the evening. "l\1 r. Morgan has had considerable expericnce in directing musical organizations similar to the local group. Every production with which he has to this matter but have failed to find hecn associated has been a success anything to date. I have just ascerand it needs but a few minutes con- tained from inquiry at the office of the tact with him to understand why thi! county clerk of Cook co~mty, th~t a~y ;, so. The '-Ociety is indeed to he con- student, whose legal r~s1dence . 1s m gra tulau·d upon its selection of a di- L'ook county. but who 1s a~tendmg coln ·c tor. lege at some other place m the state "Mr. Morgan also played and sang a or out oi the state. ma.y write to County iew selections from 'Cherry Blossom,' Clerk Ro_h~rt ~£. Swertz~r at the C~urt a comic opera. This work will he the f:fouse, Ch1~agn. requestm.g an applrcalirst of what promise to he many en- tron to rcg1stcr f~or:n hrs permaner_rt joyahlc t·n tt·r tainments to be gi,·en home address p~ov1dm.~ such student. IS this q·a,on. The opera, which is very not sclf-supportmg . (rl sclf-supportmg luncful and c1uite modem, lost none of the stud~nt may reg1ster and vote fror:n it, charm through the rendering of and at h1s college home) . The students ·1uite a few of its more popular num- name may then be placed upon the reghers hy Mr. Morgan and here again ister and the vote sent by mail to the t·nthusiasm came to the fore when the polling place in the voter's home prednh unanimously decided to start cinct. Meanwhile, and pending the re" or k on t hl' opera at once. ceipt of the autht>rity to register, the "E mphasis is again laid on the fact student's parent should see that the that there is room in the club for any student's name is placed on the register une interested either in musical or in the \'Oting precinct. There are dramatic lines. Meetings are held enough such poo;sible votes in the north t·very Thursday at the Byron C. Stolp shore villages to make considerable of ,t'110ol." an item:"' It is the Christtnas Saving Club idea tnodified to suit a wide variety of needs. It has a lready proven treInendously popular. I I I Oct. 6, 1924 RADIO STARS NEW RIDGE SCHOOL 17th St. and Spencer Ave. ··vou1· Home Ill I Banh·· Ill I I See Them In Person Hear Them Broadcast The Following Artists Will Positively Appear Jerry SulliYan Three Melodians Harry ,eise Frederick \Y. Agart Harmony Girl Bobby ougle Langdon Bros. Sen~n King-s of Syncopation Cosmas Chats SATURDAY SPECIALS ~=Extra Fine Vegetables and Fruits ~~ at Bargain Prices \\'e ha\'e just received a new car load of fancy \\'hite Potatoes for winter use. Leave your order today for a 20 bu. bag at $3.95 See A Broadcasting Studio In Full Operation Owing- to limited capacity there will be only s~·ats placed on sale at the following stores ~00 _ .. RENNECKAR DRUG CO. DANNEMARK ELECTRIC SHOP W. G. BEYRER RADIO SHOP RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY EXTRA SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY, HONEY DEW MELONS ........ 19c and up Fresh Evergreen Corn, per doz. ............. . 49c Sweet Potatoes, 3 lba . .............. .... ..... 2Sc Green and Wax Beana, per quart ............. . 1Sc Green Tomatoes, per box .................... 7Sc Large Yellow Cucumbers, per doz. . .......... 75c Michigan Concord Grapes, basket ............ 4Sc Sweet Oranges, per doz. . .......... .. ....... 39c Colorado Elberta Peaches Flata ............ $1.95 Crabapplea, 12 lba. for ...................... $1.00 Muahrooma, apecial, lb. . ..................... 69c ARTICHOKES, CUCUMBERS, LIMA BEANS, OYSTER PLANTS, EGG PLANT, WATERCRESS AT LOW PRICES. dire the the the day 1 Coamaa and Freab Fruit and Veaetablea are Synonymous TIME 8:15 P. M. ~ISSION ADULTS 1.00 CHILDREN .so COSMAS BROTHERS Oppoaite the Villqe 11aeatr.-WILMETI'E

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