Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1924, p. 23

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1924 in making new tmaking old ones. d concrete walks s of any lcill(f. HERE IS A PAGE OF GOOD NEWS 12 HELP WAN'TED-FEIIALE lt WANTED-MI8CELLANEOU8 M TUTOIU1118 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS , General WANTED-WHITE WOMAN OR GIRL FOR SALE- SPANISH BHAWL; DRAMATIO ART, 10-WEEX: TERM.. for general housework; own room: black; embroidered In colon. Wll. t;1·uu1 lt!IIBons. $U. Private, $10. Mra. small family. Tel. Wlnn. 1617. 1083. 19LTN1-ltp Marjorie C. Muaeman. ~~~i~; ~:fc Noticii-Claaalfted &dYertlaemente wUl be cbarce4 onlJ to reeldente of tbe dletrlct from Evaneton to Oh·ncoe lncluelve wbose name· appear In the telephone cUreetory or .,bo are regular aubacrlber.a to eltber WILM:ETTE LIFE WlNNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. · centa per lln't In one paper, 10 centa per line In all tllree RIJtll--10 papera. .JIINIMU. CHARGB lee. AYerace of ftye worde to the line. No black face type ueed. Ratea for Dleplay type on application. _W_A_N_T_E_D----.M-A-ID--F-O-R--~-2L_E-:-:-~---:-c I!~!!!!,=!!!!_..!!!!·o=.R~!!!!s=A~L=E-;=~M~I8~t:~'E:::7L~L=A~N~E=o~u::=s~= 1 iseth Ave., Glencoe Ilaoa .. Deadline for I naertiona-ClaaelfteC &dvertlaementa will be accepted up to WednelldaJ lt o'clock for tbe WILMETTE LIFE or "11 three papera; Thuraday u o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday U o'cl<M~k for tbe GLBNCOJ!l NJIIWB. Telephone·: WILMETTE 1110·1111 or WINNETKA 1000·1001. ' or Glencoe ,e right time to uy trees, shrubs 1 al . Price than 111 strowsky Avenue Woods innetka 546-J RE.>\L ESTATE 2 FOR .RENT-HOUSES ., '·· HLOCKS FROM LAKE AND 6-RM. AND RA TH, NEW BRICK " j,a1·k, 8-rm. stucco home on beautiresidence; hot water heat; owner fully wooded and landscaped lot 60 leaving town and ol'ters special Inx 195. All rooms unusually big and ducements to acceptable applicant. IJright; 2 baths; h . w. heat. ConBargain at $100.00. venient to "L," steam and school. 6-rm. frame country residence on Jtt·markable value for $25,000. beautiful large lot 100x177, well circumstances have Unu11ual wooded: convenient to transportacaused the owner or one of Wiltion. Furnace heat. $60.00. mette's most beautiful and unusual 4-rm. and kitchenette, frame cotEast side homes to reduce his price tage; stove heat; rear of large lot. over $3.000 for sale thla month. $35.00. Seven room house with huge living room, wl th Imported French t ftreplace: many French doors and windows; handsome dining room with Tel. Wll. 364 arched ceiling; heated solarium giv- 909 Ridge Ave. Ing from living room; 4 bright See Us for Acre Tracts chambers, sleeping porch; toilet and 2LTNt-ttc lavatory 1st floor; h . w. heat: gara~-:··: Jot 99x175, wooded and so ::F:::O::::R::--:R:-:E::-~N::::T:-_-F:::'U:":R:.":N:::':IS:.":H:":"::E::D:--O~R--:U~N~-~ plat····! as to give wide view. Such a furnished, with option to buy, new hom ~ haa never been ol'tered at like brick house; 7 rooms; 2 baths; extra price. $27,500. toilet; h. w. heat: real fireplace: 2Exclusive Agents car garage; choice location; three blocks from N. '\\~. trains. This house Is well built and well arranged and artistic In appearance. Owner, HO Drexel avenue, Glencoe. Linden Ave. Tel. Wil. 228 2LTN1-ltp 1L-ltc 3 O~E housework; 3 ln ·famlly; $18 per wk. FOR SALE-CHILD'S % elae Imported Tel. Glencoe 827. ULTNl-ltc violin, good tone; $36; also boy's all wool overcoat, size 10-12. good conSITUATION WANTED-MALE dition, $12. Tel. Wll. 3059. 21LTNl·ltP SITUATION WANTED- TO TAKE care of children In reftned family; FOR SALE-CHEAP. HUDSON SEAL all day or halt-day work. Tel. Wll. coat, size 38; lady's black velvet hat, 515. H·LTNl-ltp never worn; boy's suit, elae 8. Tel. Wll. 1475 or £' ~11 700 Laurel Ave. WANTED-POSITION AS 1 CHAUF21LTN1-ltc feur and houseman; references fur-1---------------------------------nlshed. Address 403 W. 56th St., FOR SALE-ANTIQUES; INCLUDING Chicago. 14LTN1-ltp maple and cherry bede; chests of drawers; tables: chairs; coverlets; WANTED-REGULAR POSITION BY prints and glassware. Tel. W.lnn. 462. experienced colored houseman. Tel. 21LTN1-1tc Highland Park 8. ULTNl-ltp VILLAGE OF WIL!IIETTB PUBLIC NOTICE Ia bereby glveD that a public hearing will be held before the undersigned, originally &p· pointed u the Zoning CommlAlon to hold said public hearing, at B:H o'clock P. M. on tbe twenty-eeconcl day of October, A. D., 1914, at tbe Vll· lage Hall In the VIllage of WUmette, Illinois, tor tbe purpoee of conalderlng a proposed amendment to the aonlng ordinance of the village of Wilmette, being Ordinance No. lll81 paned by the Prealdent and Board of Truateee of the VIllage of Wilmette, on, to-wit, the Urd day of Febru&l'7. A. D., 1922, said proposed amendment. providing for the changing of property located on .Main Street In aalcl Village, as follows: commenclnll at the north elde of Lake Avenue ancl continuing to the northern VIUace llmlta, also commencing at the eoutb side or Oakwood Avenue and continuIng to Isabella Street, the aouthern VIllage limits. which le now aoned aa "Use District B, Commercial Dlatrlet" to "Use District A, Residence District'" so that u·pon the adoption of said proposed amendment, said property will thereafter be zoned as "Uee District A, Residence District." Dated this twenty-fourth day of September 1924. Elmer D. Becker, G. T. Hellmuth, ..~. C. Huffman, Frederick J. Newey, ·· I~ 81TUA'l'ION WANTED-FEMALE REFINED, RESPONSIBLE WOMAN who understands and enjoys chll· dren Is available for evening engagements. Also wishes room ln private family, Tel. Wll. 1544 from 1-5 p. m. 15Ll-ltp WANTED- WASHINGS TO TAKE home; finished work and rough dry: also wet wash. '\\rill call for and deliver. 418 Prairie Avt.>. Tel. Wll. 1351. 15LTN1-tfc HIGH SCHOOL GIRL DESIRES WK., My Chinese Shoppe Removal: I have moved "My Chinese Shoppe" to 929 Thirteenth Street, Wilmette, 8. W. corner of Forest Ave., where I shall be tJleased to meet all my old friends and many new ones. Antiques Several pieces ot beautiful American antique furniture and br·lc-a- brae. My tel.,phone Is the old number '\\'ilmette 676. Mrs. Panushka 92\l Thit·teenth !:;t. Wilmette 21LTN1-ltc !~~e:,no~~t ~~!lv:~!i~Yn 1 f~st:. Rt.>ter15LT1-ltc J. W. PLAIN, NEAT SEWING DONE AT home; reasonable. Phone after 5:00. Wilmette 3206. 15LTN1-ltc WANTED-EVENING WORK; WIUL take care of cblldren. Tel. Wlnn. 1846. 15LTN1-ltc :~~~~~~~ar~/~~r::r:.ge 422t R!:ew~!d Ave., Winnetka. WILL SELL MY WELL-CON- 1----------------21LTN1-1tp Roberio1.iu~~od~cr:~liSSION. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~ FOR RENT-APARTMEN'I'S FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED living room, bedroom, kltc' ttm and prtvate bath. Also fu·rnished rooms. HOMES ON North Shore located In Winnetka, near the lake on a beautiful lot with nearly 300 feet or frontag~. grouJJ<II:! have wonderful trees, the Ol·' THE BETTER Wilmettf' 1868 3LTN1-ltc in the lnter·lor plan, decorations and woodwork of the house which Is FOR RENT- 2-ROOM FURNISHED built on Steel framework. There kitchenette al)artment: private bath, are 7 bedrooms, 4 baths, 2 exlra lavatories, sleeping and dining ¥~~~\v~1~\!;"~-\v~nce; good ~~~~t~~~ porches, sewing room, linen room, :ieurvant's porch, unusual closet and FOR RENT-APARTMENTS AND OFC . pboard space. Basement ·Is very fice rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. ~~~r~de~n~ha~o~~lr~~e%o!~ 1 tho~d al~~~ Winnetka 62. 3LTN43-tfc Is worth $40,000 which makes the en-~ ., tire propos! tlon a very attractive 4 FOR REN r-ROOMS JlUrchase. FOR RENT - LARGE, CORNER QUINLAN & TYSON-Inc. front room, east side house, well furFountain Square, ~vanston nlshed, comfortable, 1 block cafe. Prou·ty Bldg Winnetka terla, 1 'h block transport. Hot ty 2600 ·· Winnetka 219 9 water heat, Instant hot water. Ret1LT5J!.2tc erences. Wll. 844-J, 4LTN1-ltp 726 11th Strr-et ~t'~~u~~~:~~~~ ~g:a~rideit~.s c~:riedE~~t WlliLWiiiE1f1flE llNN I ::ilt------------------------------- FOR RENT-VERY DESIRABLE front room suitable for two; large closet. Two blocks from Elm St. ROOM DUTCH COLONIAL HOUSE transportation. Tel. Wlnn. 730. blockds d ~est of "L" terminal. 4LT1-ltc eep woo e ot surrounded by high FOR RENT-2 CONNECTING ROOMS, class homes. Only $12,000. !urn. or un!urn.; housekeeping priv0 JL.llll ""' <&~m-""' ..@_ lieges. Tel. Wll. 969-M. (Ql(Ql U.U6Jl!.'WU.U ~ \Si.UU 4L1-ltc Te I. WI I. 407 or 408 ::F:-;O:."":R::--:R::-E:::-:N':':T::'--:R:::-;:0-:::0-:~":'f-A~N:-;-:D:--:::B~A~T::-H:-::-,--:I~N 1L1-ltc private family; ftrst floor. Tel. Wll. 1207. 625 Park Ave. 4LTN1-ltc Building Loans and NICE SUNNY ROOM FOR RENT, 1507 . Mortgages Wash. Ave. Gentleman preferred. WE HAVE BEEN GIVING AND CAN Tel.' ·wn. 969 -R. 4Ll-tfc continue to o!Ter Immediate service FOR RENT-PLEASANT FRONT RM.; to builders and home owners deslrsuitable for two. Phone after 5:00. ing maximum loans on Improved \.Yilmette 3206. 4LTN1-ltc -------------------------Alllltl:llffil n t'h 5~4 Lincoln Ave. NC:f:EASONop&tyPERRIN FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED T 1 WI 1949 g-ont room lnw~flvate fa~¥N /618 5 3 the FOR 1i AND - tp 6-room modern house, two blocks OFFit:ES 17LTN1-ltc from transportation; steam hE>at; WJ\N'l'ED-HOUSEHOJ,D GOODS IIi large slt.>eping and sun porches, new breakfast porch; Lovekin hot water WANTED TO RUY-SECOND HAND heater: excellent condition throughfurnltur' and other hous hold goods. out. Price $13,000. $3,000 cash and l:ii'I.ENDID STORE IN CENTRAL HlgheRt price paid for samt.>. Crost Wllmt>tte business district; 4 )'ear h=!lancP in easy payments. Address Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., lease to right party. Address 328, \V llmette Life, 316. No dealers. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. Wilmette Life. 5LTN1-ltc 1LTN51-3tp 1RLTN24-tfc R RALE OR RENT-5 AND 6-RM, houst.>s ; new: big lots: close to trans., lake, golf course: $10,000 to $21,000. Also lots for sale $30 a ft. Owner. County Line Rd . 2 blks. west of Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. -Y-3. 1LTN42-t!c SALE-WINNETKA~ ~~~:n:~~~~ en:~:~ :~·~T~::::~s FOR SALE-1\lAH JONGG SET, FELT SITUAt'ION WANTED-MALE table cove1· and racks, In perf. cond., HI AND JI'EMALit: $14.00, Tel. wn. 933-W. 21LT1·1tp N~te:· !!~IA:~E h~~~:a~~ d~~~; 1-F-O-R--S-A __ L_"_:-----M-U-:-S-K-:R'"'A-:T:--:LI~N':':E::::-D, The first meeting of the North Shore steady work. Referenct.>s fut·nlehed. heavy, full-length winter coat; else Musical club, was held at the home · of Tel. University 6667. 16LTN1-ltp 38; beaver collar and cul'ts. Tel. Wlnn. 627. 21LTN1-ltc Mrs. Orval Simpson of 932 Tower road, Winnetka, on Monday, September 29. 11 I<~OR 8"LE-HOU8EHOLD GOOD8 The program was a delightful one an4 l·'OR SALE - ENAMELLED GAS predicts the success of future programs t·ange In good condition: porch during the coming year. Mrs. Dorothy furnlturP: portieres; Camp Fire Girl's suit; football suit, ~:~lze 12; :a FINANCIAL Cordts and Mrs. Dorothy Macauley clothing. books, ete. Glen Cote, 366 ----------------------~:-:: were assisting hostesses. Park Ave .. Glt'ncoe. Tel. Glen. 26. WE ARE IN THE MARKET FO:rt. 17LTN1-tc hlgh-grtHie ftt·st mortgages on AusThe next meeting of the club will be tin, Oak Park or River Forest October 27, at the home of Mrs. Adolpb FOR ALE-GENUIXE :\lAHOGANY Jli'Operty. H. Ruth of 1345 Tower road, Winnetka. bookcase: antique carved walnut It vou have a mortgage maturing chair; 3x6 rug; bedroom chair; elecIn tht' nt>ar future, it may be to ~ tril' percolat01·; new black Martin )'OUr Interest to consult our· Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gage of Clearfur scarf. Reasonable. "'til. 2867. MR. H. H. BRETTMAN, 17Ll-1tp :Mercantile Trust & Savings Bank, water, Florida, are the guests of Mrs. Jackaon Blvd. and Clinton Street, Helen Gage, 1134 Elmwood avenue. Mr. "~OR SALE-LARGE 4-POSTER MA· Chicago, Illinois. Gage, who is running for congressman hogany bed: box springs: new hair Statt.> 1340. 22LTNt-ltc mattrt.>ss; dres'*r to match bed. ol the firs't district, is returning to his Rare bargain at $76. Tt.>l. ~Vll. 2282. :.ca PERSONAL home Monday. Mrs. Gage, who has ---------------------~~=-1-7L~1~-l~t~c _H_O_M_E_S-----F-R--:T-:VV~O:--A-:T-:T-:R~A~C-:T-:I~V":'E= been in Asheville, North Carolina, for FUH SALE - DAVENPORT AND ProtNitant Amprican girls; ages 8 some time, will remain in Wilmette ehalr, excellPnt eottd., two pieces anti 12. ~o~ree or boarding homes. through October. for $75. Tel. Wnln. 1721. Might consider a<'loptlons. Address ~ 17LTN'l-ltc ·winnetka Talk 327. 23LTN1-ltp Mis Sara Huguenin, daughter of FOR SALE - l\IAHOGANY DINING EMPLOYED COUPLE APPRECIATt·oom st>t: sl<lt>board, round table and Ing nice home In private family; Mr. and . Mrs. Philip Huguenin of 506 bt"st of · home cooking; In good local- Lake avenue, will marry 0. William six chair·s. Tel. 'VInn. 52\ LTN-1tc 7 ltv: olease tel. Wll. 735-J. 23L1-ltp Lowry of Rogers Park on Friday eveFOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL OLD ROSE lH ning, October 10. Only relatives and LOST AND FOUND window drapes; net curtains; also intimate friends will be guests at the clothing for children, 9-10 years. LOST-14K GOLD ROWING MEDAL simple home wedding which will take 17 Ll-ltc watch fob; owner's name on back; place at 8:30 o'clock. Tel. '\\rin n. 93 8· masonic emblem attacbt.><l. Finder FOR ·SALE-MAH. LIYING ROOM -oplea11e leave at Village Theatre oftable; mah. chair; oak desk. 1030 fice. 22L1-ltc Mr. and Mrs. John Panushka have Greenwood Ave., Wilmette. Tel. Wilmette 1701. 17LT1-1tc L ~T-3 MONTHS OLD BRO\VN BEA- rented their home on Ninth street and gle puppy, Friday, St.>vtember 26th, have moved into the former Stolp FOR SALg-UPHfGHT COOK PIANO, child's pet, tlndeer please ('all Win- residence on the corner of Thirteenth $10~ AddtTsr ~ M~· ~~t!~2 St., Winnetka 620-J, reward. 24LTN1-1tc street and Forest a\'enue. net a, or· e · nn. ~ .. t7LTN1-1te 23 C.'ONTilA.CTORS AND JOBBERS ~ --------------------------Dr. Maude McKerchar, 1024 Central avenue, who has been ill for the past si.x HARRIS 1880. 17LTN1-2tc ~!~:~ 1722 Greenwood Rlvd., Ev- months with an infection of the ear, has resumed her practice. I F(~~4 s~~;-~~·¥.~Rwf.~~Y~~l.P~l~~: ~!?~· s:!~s;p;~P R~~h 2fiLTN60-trc }'(!~ ~~o~E~~2d-1Wo~~ S!j!fL~n~~o~~ i~~;~!~~tid~\~f~~~;r~~~~;s1{~~ter~~~ ~~~ -o-Harold K. Weld of 726 Tenth street is on a business trip to Minneapolis, Duluth, and St. Paul. He expects to return Saturday. ~ GARDENING 6 FOR UENT--GARAGES WA~TED-MIS BLLANEOU8 19 ----------------------------------GARAGE FOR RENT, 1031 GREENP. WFJISS & CO. Robert wood Avenue. Tel. Wll. 2036. WILMETTE JUNK DEALERS: BUY 6L49-tfc old clothes: papers, 60c per 100; Tree Expert magazines, 70c per 100; mE>tal. Tel. FOR RENT-GARAGE, 830 PARK Wt> also do t:IUrglcal work, Wil. 636. 19LTN2 -ltp Ave. Tel. Wll. 2590. 6L48-tfp l!!lraylng, f('rtlllzing, planting. Let us r·t>arrange your shrubSALE-WTLMETTE, N. E., 7 RM.I ~~~====~~~=~===~=~~ WANTED TO BUY-SECOND-HAND use In heart of village, 4 blocks JU W ANTBD '1'0 REN~ROOMS hen· fot· better effects. sllrle, woodt.>n RWing and block tor · 1230 ~VIlmette Avt.>nue traIn : 4 Iarge bed rooms: a tt r ac- ------------------------:--::-:-::::-:::ehlldr<·n's playground. Tt.>l. Wlnn. tlvE> living room: library with fire- WANTED - T'VO SMALL HOUSEPhone Wll. 3163 986. 19LTN1-ttc place. f'enter entrance: well built; keeping rooms: . unfurnlf!'hed. _ .\t}. 26LN51-4tc In excellent con<iii.ion . .,~1.660. ~!i '~!- Sperice·r- A'Ve:;-wlimett . WANTFJD-GLAFfFi . King. Tel. Wil. 215. 1LTN1-ltc 10L1-ltp flt any countE-r 6x2. Glen Cote, 366 Park Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 26 ~~( )R !';ALE-SOUTHEAST WINNET19LTN1-ltc .:1 HOUSEHOLD St!RviC:;: HELP WANTED-MALE ka, 6 rm. colonial; sun and slpg. 11 porches: h. w. heat; tile bath; lot _W_A __ N_T_E __ D------B-:O-:Y---:-F-:O-R---:-W:-:-:0-:R-::K::--:-I::N W !<"} pAy THE HIGH EST PRICES NORTH SHORE HOUSECLEANING ~Oxl87 beaut. wooded: garage; $22,shop and errands. Must be over 16. for paper, magazines, rags, t>tc. Service cleans wall paper and paint 100 ' · Less for cash. Tel. Wlnn. 254. Lloyd Hollister, Inc., 1222 Central North Shore Paper & 1\Tt.>tal Co. Tel. work; also furniture polishing, floor waxing anti window washing; calci;""~7:::::--::::::--=:=::------.....:l:.:L:.T:...:..:N..:1_·1:.t:.:c Ave. lOLl-ltp University 5133. 19LTN50-4tc mining and walls starched: rurnacee W A~T TO BUY A SIX OR SEVEN 1 N F :O.IAI It: WINNFJTKA Ft RNJTURE STORE eleaned and also odd jobs of all room colonial house In Winnetka or ~ HEI.P WA 'l'lt:D- E. ' buys and sells rugs, stoves, autos, klmls. Jo;d. T. Handy. Tel. Wll. Gl.-ncoe, up to $18,000. Address HELP WANTED - wANTED FOR pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash 1647. Call 7-8 A. M. or 6-8 P. M. Wilmette Lite, 329. LTNl-ttc general housework, experienced Street. 19LTN-tfc 27LT52-4tc Cheap labor means cheatl work. poorly uone. Have your trees n.nd shrubbery trimmed by experienced men . Let me Inspect your trees and explain our method. Miss Mary Fisher o£ 908 Greenwood avenue left Tuesday for Noroton, Conneticut, where she will attend Sacred Heart Convent. ~ C. Bolinger Mr. and Mrs . A. G. Franklin entertained 14 guests for dinner recently at their home, 849 Sheridan road. ~ Mrs. Everly of Pasadena is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Keith Roberts, 1014 Lake avenue. · ~·i;OW-CASE ~(} -- Woman's Club to Hold ,Book Review Meeting· Book of · i,;tcf*:~\ includin.g fiction and non-fiction will ~'~ re\'ll'wed ~t meetings of the Wilme~;t .~Vo,~an s club which will be held at 10 o ~.~ck, in the morning of the fourth Friday of each month d111ring the club cason. The fir t book review meeting will be held Friday, October 24, when t~ree hook which haYe attracted nation· wide attentio·J \\ill he discus ed. Jerilza's "Sunlight and Song" will be re\'iewed hy :\1 iss \\'inifred Bright at tht.· opening mt·t:ting. ~n\ith's "Jo S· lyn" will 1)<' t"lken up hy ·r-.rr~. Ralph Potter, and H hin~on's "Humanizing ,f hno" ·e-rs.n·" w:ll ht· discussed by ~fr . Carl \Vidney. - The book review m eting. in Novembcr will be held Friday, November 28, when the following will be re· Yit'\\ed: \"an Dort·n' · "Many Minda,* Mr . F. ). rhcidenh lm; Mauroit' "Ariel," Mrs. B. F. Blymyer; Wharton' "Old ~ew York." fr . Da~d Davi . Other ho~k~ to be re.view.. of the cour. l' of the sea .. on wrll,,h at 211 nounccd latt'r. FOR RENT-ROUSES ~·hite mal~; family ouse; goo! wages. ~~/ 1 t~~~; FOR RENT- WINNETKA. FROM USED CARS ~ct. 15th to May 1st, partly turn. WANTED- EXPERIENCED, CO.MPE· NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. ousf'; 4 bedrooms; h. w. heat: oil tent stenographer, perferably one hurner. Tel. Wlnn. 861. who has had municipal experience. ?.fust make room tor new stock. 2LTN1-ltc Apply Mr. Noe, VIllage Hall, Wln1 :F~O::R:-R:-::E:-N,_T._--W-I_N_N_E_T_K_A-.--A-T_T_R_A-Cnetka. 12LTN1·ltc ~sl 20 e · 12 L':i-n-ttc11 1 --------------------------1 FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING; WINdow washing: floor waxing: furniture polishing; odd painting and cal· clmlnlng jobs. Tel. Wlnnz 7 l*~~-tfc PIANO TUNING EXPERT PIA~O TUNING; HE~"AlRtlve new house; 5 bedrooms: 2 baths: \VANTED - STENOGRAPHER A, ~D ,,, 62 Lincoln AvA., Wlnnt.>tka t~':s:tt>~.1 ' 1 'l~~~~n~~~~~<1E> ~J." L·· w . extra lavatory; heated sun and typist. Call or address Room 8 v ~ ! LTN44-trc sleeping porch. Tel. Wlnn. 851, Lind n Avenue, VVInnetka. Dl·alers In Dodge Brothers Motor Cars 2LTN1-ltc 12LTN1-ltp 20LT!'\1-ttc ~~~~=~~=======----:m PAINTING AND DECoRATil\C'o ;:F;;O~R~-:R::-:E:::::N::T'"'---:G-:L-E __N_C_O_E __ F_U_R_N_I_SH __ E __ D HELP WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR WllY NOT TRY OUR PRICES ON 6-room bungalow; large lot; reas. cook and downstairs work. Tel. Used Car All Makes pnlntlng nn<l de<·oratlng. Carl Salo, let.>; long lease or winter mos. Mrs. Dawes, ~Vinn. 1771. 12LTN1-1tp l. Glencoe 1024. 5~0 Jackson, cornox 40, North Rrook. Phom> Htr;rhOPEN AIR SALES of Greenwood. 2LTN1-ltc Cor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. !anti l'l\rk R96-Y-4. 29LTN61-ttc WANTED- EXPERIENCED MAID. Wlllys-Knlght and Overland 32 KENNELS RENT- WINNETKA. BRAr-;D general housework: 2 adults: gooll Dealers new 6-rm. brick house; h. w. heat, wages. Tel. WI!. 2965. 12L1-ltc Evanston HO FOR SALE-U'REAT DANE PUPPIES: sun and dressing rooms. Tlle bath. . 20LTN24-t!c splendidly b 1·etl; rN\sonablf' price. Phone Evanston 9895 evenings or EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, BEST Tel. Wll. 290 . 32Ll-ttc Sunday A. M. 2LTN1-ltc wages. Tel. Wlnn. 58. 12LTN1-ltc 22 09 · I

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