Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1924, p. 22

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2l \YlL\lETTE LIFE. FRID.-\Y. OCTl BER 3. 1924 URGE CAUTION IN BUILDING Straus Finds That Housing Shortage Ia Overcome the con-aruction oi apartment· and horeb in Chicago a nd \icinity for pe rha ps ix months . ~~ urjZed hy S. J. T. Strau . <enior \ice pre,ident of - . \\' . Strau' and ompan~. in a rt>cent -ratement. "There i, need ior caution," aiel. ~fr . Strau~. "\\ 'e have had an unin terrupted period oi acti\ ity in t he hu1ldtng indu·try in thi· ncinit\· during the ta-t it>w year<. anrl we have rapidly hetn making up the hou.;ing "hortage. The 1me ha~ come when 'r<l pe.:-tl\e huilrlm:.r"' -hould he care'ulh crutinized and therr nt·ce-,it\' det ermin~d heiore they ar.- undt r-talc:en . ~lowing do\<n I specialize in making nt lawns and remaking old Flagstone and concrde "W l~ and drivew a ys of any kin<l. on: Now ia the time to ret NM, and plant pere-iala. I solicit your work and guarantee satisfaction . S. Biseth R th D · sTATE REALTY MEETING SOON Elmer Young, formerly of \Vilmette, i recovering from a serious operation at the \\'est Suburban hospital, Oak Park. H is mother and brother came from Vincennes Indiana, to be with him. ~tr. Young is ~ brother of Miss Edith Ray Young. LANDSCAPE GARDENER 379 Hazel Ave., Glencoe PJ.oa.. Wmnetka 431 or Glencoe tb Tt w "There are certain ~ecrion . more .\'onh ,!Jore real c-tate interests will pecially the no rth , hore and th e he represented thi~ . month at the con-out h ~hor(. w hich due to thl' larg-e \t'ntwn oi the lllinoi · A :<~ociarion of ·J umlrer oi aparrment> recently con- Real Estate board· to be held in , ructed or under construction. ha\ t' Gale,hurg. October 16-18. 'l ll!H·r:>l <upp \' Thi- no::et·--arily .\'ew laws to rai se the ,;tandard oi 'bears' the market for these d i trict . tht' rt'al e<tate lw, in es · will he am ong '··adtnQ n rt'P rt·duct:0!h and to the impor anr -uhit·c·, oi discu~sion ·,t. .. ral cor,c.---i<·n- 'n r·nt· and two at th · .:On\ention. it i, s t ated. : t a' It 'l ·t'· lon\l'nt:nn '1->taker., on le~i,Jarion ".\ a rt·lll oi thi< condition we ,. i'l he Harry G. Zander, pr e·ide nt of han· m uk nur ! <>lit\ more COiher\"a- the Chic a go Real Estate board; J. ti\ e 111 ret.:"ard ·o loiln· nn re id ntial Soule \Varterfield . of Ch icago, and properrie' H owe\(~r. this rlot"~ not Harry Gohtine. iormer presiden t of preclude th e underwriting- of loan · tlJP Chicago hoard. on ,jmilar prnjt'ct- in <Omt· location-;. Other topics and speakers are annr ior commercial hotel a crom m oda - nou nc ed a s follows: '· Busines> Ethics," by Jame s L. :\fc t ion, and other ente rprises nec es~ ary for efficient and economic al conduct Conaughy, pre ident of Knox college. "Real Estate Brokers and Bankers," of th e city', inrlu~tr ie and a~tivities. Th ere can he no doubt as to the futur e F"reatnl"S oi Chica!ZO- ?\owhere rl~e i~ r_here an e-qu al :.ized community conta111111g such bu.,y cosmopolitan life , so many th riYing h u inesses, s uch financial activity-such promise of future g reatn t:.,s-as there is in Chicago. " Fulfillment of plan of the Greater Chicago Plan Commision will make Chica,llo nor only the most beautiful city _in the world, hut one that will p~ovtde the _most advantageouV.::.~ii Jhes for busmess and ho~p~itte. "In our forty-two v~!s in Chicago, we have loa~eJ mtllion s and millions · ior new construction, and we will continue. We are anxious, however, t o avoid the results of temporary overdevelopment and the consequent economic disturbance. Ask Us About This Home It"~ Plant Now Thi s is the right time to plant and buy tree s, shrubs and perennials. Price s lower now than 111 ~ pring. in \\' in n e tka. ha s 6 roomsHot water heat Larg e iamily Good location. 3 bed room s. Garages Lead in Week's with oi l burne r . Garage. lot. f!.'i foot iront. Da n ly homl' inr small and the price is right. Building Permit Recorda Gara~e- monopolized thl' bui lding plan< dur ing th e pa>t week. according to the building ptrmib i~:.ued at the \\'ilme tte \ 'illage hal l. Se\·en of the ten permits is,ued were for garages. one ior the r emodeling of a residence. one iot the construction of a on eo;ton· boiler room and one for a on est a r )· dwellin g . A. R. \Vilson will remodel his John Ostrowsky 1487 Asbury Avenue Hubbard Woods Phone W inne tka 546-J HILL & WHEELER, Inc. 736 E lm St. 334 Linden Ave. Wilmette 93 W inne tka 14Z · WE OFFER YOU Kitchenette Apartment (two or three rooms) --or- REALTY BOARDS PLAN NEXT BIG CONVENTION Preparations are already going forward for the next annual convention of the National Association of Real Estate boards, to be held in D etroit June 23-25, 1925. ' C~arles G . Edwards of New York. pr~stdent elect of the national associatiOn. has heen made chairman of the association's committee whcih will have general charge of the convention plans. Other members of the committee are H. U. Nelson, executive secretary of the. association, and Guy S. GrPene, prestdent of the Detroit ,Real Estate board. Mr. Greene has also been appointed general chairman of the Detroit board's special convention committee, which will have charge of the entertainment side of the meeting and wilt arrange details in offering the hospitality of the Detroit board and the city of Detroit to the convention visitors. Meantime at least one member hoard of the association, the Real Estate board of Knoxville Tennessee has already appointed its ~wn D etroit convention committee, to insure adeouate representation of that city at the .coming c<;mvention. Plans to ad,.e~t1se Knoxvtlle at the convention are bemg formed. Baltimore has alreadv chosen the man who will represen't the city in the national home town s p e_ch c~ntest held each year in connectton With the convention of national Real Estate men. Tulsa, which was runner-up among cities bidding for the coming convention, has already be{{un to make plans throuR"h its real t' ·tate board to bring the 1926 conveni~n to the city where skyscrapers and otl gushers contest the plains with the h!anket Indians. I~s Angeles, is olannmg ahead to 1932, when the Los Ange~es Real Estate board, which has been mstrumentat in b r inging the Olympic Games to America for that year, i plannin't to ask the National As ociation of Real Estate boards to hold its. annual. convention. in the city of the mternahonal athlettc classic. an Office -in the-- NEW FRANKLIN BUILDING at the corner of Elm and Linden streets WINNETKA Formerly Known as the Vallman Building This building, now nearing completion, is wthout . doubt· one of the finest structures on the North Shore. It is not only very attractive in its harmonious lines, proportions and external finish but is thoroughly fireproof and solidly constructed. It is in the most central portion of \-Vinnetka, very convenient to transportation. It is in the heart of the shopping district. The Apartments and Offices. I are new, fresh and clean, ready to receive their first occupants Apply At Once To George F. Gonsalves Phone Winnetka 62 Open New Subdivision Juat North of Glencoe Baird and Warner, Inc., announce the opening of a new ubdivision on Sheridan roe~d, north of Glencoe and outh of Highland Park, to be k nown a D r Park. The; tract contains 42 WINNETKA 746 Elm Street

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