Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1924, p. 20

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\\-'ILJ\IETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1924 ,,k in return is the privilege of know- 15,552,077 Cars in in!-{ more about these 'gyp' club_s that U. S., Half Year Count ~hake the public's confidence 111. the Automobiles registered in the various ~ort of organization work that 1 so urgently needed in motordom ." states during the first ~ix months of 192-J amounted to 15.552,077. an increase \\'ore! has heen receind IH· the of 20 per cent over the same period for rackard ~lotor ·ar company that .\ . Chevrolet Has Cheapest F. Bement. secretary and ,·ice pre,i Coach on Auto Market last year. according to figures just redt·nt oi the Lincoln High\\'ay a~socia Cadillac Secures Neysa Mc- tion. and E. S. Evans. ont· of the found - ThL· Cherrolet Motor company an - ceived from the Kational Headquarters ers of the association. han sut:cl·ecled nounces a new model to it~ line-the of the Amer;ca n Au.omobilc Association Mein Painting in dri,·ing the as5ociation's official Che,-rolct coach. which will he the at Washington. These figures are the Packard Six car from Winnipeg to lowe:.t priced coach 011 the market. result of the semi-annual count made This Chenolet coach, however, by the United States Bureau of Public \'ancoun·r. a trip which had heen l ·. xpre~~ing- the \'tr_,. spiri t of the thought impo~sihle for an automobile. differs from most of the coaches on Roads . the 1narkct in that the rear panels St vie Sa Jon now heing conducted by The two l.incoln Highway men There were registered during the first ( ·:;rlill~H· distributors and dealers in dan·d the hazards of the roadie'~ are steel clear to the top, like the six months of the year 13,645,726 pase1·erv part of the rountr.r i~ a pasttl mount ai n fa,tne~s to arouse interest other Chl'nolct closed models, and senger cars, 1,831,405 mQtor trucks and tlr:l\~ Ill)! produced hy ~ey'a l\[c~[ein. in the proposed Canadian Nat ion a I is finished in black with gold stripe- 74,946 taxicabs. busses and cars for hire. po ,.;i hl~ America·, mo't liked woman Highway. They were to rtTein: a the ~ame a' the Che\TOlct sedan. It is estimated that before the end of artht at the prc~ent timl'. whose work gold medal for their trail - hlazing The door on each side is excep- the year the total number of all classes ha ' lll'l'll popularized by the use of efforts. It is an award offered 'event! tionally large allowing for easy enSalea R-m and SerYice Statio. h<r illu,tration~ and co1er design-. in \'cars ag-o as an inducement for in- trance and exit. while the wide wind- of cars in use on the streets and high1010-11 Chica·o A't'e., Enaatoa, Ill. m;u.: azinn of thL· higher cia~ . In her trepid motoris t s to attempt the pa~ ows, two on each side. afford an ex- ways of this country will exceed 18,part1ctdar linr it i' generally recog- sage of th e passes of the Canadian treme range of Yision during all sea- 000,000. ni .rc(l that :.li:- ~ :\fc:.fein exemplifies Rockies and the dangerous Fraser sons and refreshing ventilation in th e pre~ent - day 1 ·ogue and that the River Canyon. Many perso ns had at- warm weather. The rear quarter type of American woman portrayed tempted to win the medal but each windo\\'s are the same width as the by her is the mos t popular. pre,·ious attempt had met failnn·. door window s. Telcgrarw; to the headquarter s of The Cadillac Style Salon i:, bring The interior of the coach is large con ducted for the purpo'r of a cq uaint - the l.inroln Highway A ssoc iation in and roonw. with the dri,·er's seat ing Cadillac owners and the l;'Cncral Detroit from Bement sai d the countn stationan- · and a folding scat to the puhlic with the many body ~ty lo now \\·a, ~o clifficult that 36 hours were conThe rear seat obtainable upon the Cadillac V -63 sumed in tra~·eling one stretch of 60 ri~ht of· the dri1·er. cha . .;sis. lt also marks the fir.st pub- miles . Covering another 63 miles the across the hack has ample room for three. lic ~ howing of the new custom coach- trail hlazers were forced to run The sea ts and cu s hions are upholwork being built for the same chassis. through 17 railroad tunuels and tra In supplying the motif for tqe salon ,·e rs<· seven trestles bridging the Fra- stered in striped taupe wool cloth, For several days the while the sides, doors and head-lining the popular New York arti.st ha~ cre- se r Canyon. ated the figure of a youug woman rout<· was s uch that a si ngle slip are in mottled taupe of the same seate d in a limousine. The theme is at any time would have res ulted in material. There is a floor carpet to matci1. vigorously handh:d and the central disaster. figure, Aooded with a golden glow of Door windows, as well as side windlight, reAccb the 11armth and dignity ows are raised and lowered by Terncharacteristically produced hy ~li!!s stedt window regulators. There is a Mr~lcin\ inimitatahle handling of dome light in the car. The rear winpa~tel color,. dow in the car is wide and deep and i ~ equipped with a satin curtain. A Reproductions of the dra11ing in thl· original color~ arc di.splayerl in the metal sun ,·isor comes as standard Cadillac sho\\'rooms, and the ~a me equipment. ligurc has heen u.sed in new~papers and national magazine.s and upon the IT'S 'DONE WITH GAS' i111·itations and Salon anJwuncemt·nt!> Motor Club Fights Clever Thread enough to stretch from Balti ~Ji,tr:il>utcd hy the local Cadillac organSwindlers more across the Atlantic to London. IZatiOn . 4.200 miles. is heated. steamed, dried The custom bodies ha,·e heen de and made ready for spinning enry ~ ignl·ll for tho,c who desire the great hour hy means of a recent application Local motori , t~ are urgl·d to ron- of manufacturccl ga~ in an ca tern mill. v .. t po,sihlt· <kgree of exclusi\'l'tH"' and indi' idualit\. The iact that tht·\ ~tdt the 'taff oi the C'hll' ago ~doto1 an· clt'-.igned aial huilt I"· the ::.am~· rluh \\'hl'n in doubt rt'g-arding all\ \1 ' I'U \101111 . 1·: 1· .\IVI' I ;\'(; ' ' o.i Cadillac and Fisher oi·g;llli/atiOrb o ffer~ made I"· repre,t·ntati,·L I 11 ou r· , ·illag,. as '""' as 12. " ·as which ha,e continuOthh- IH1ilt hodie" qlll·-.tiunahle automoiJile organi,.ations . (flt' ~<lart)ing- UllllOUilt't'lllt'll{ lhiR \\'t<"k, ir.r Cadillac cha"1s a>;ure~ the pro- an·ord ing- to ;1n announcl'llll'Jit mad,· of Mr. Rl·Ot . ~tanager· of tlw \\' il duction of a supL·r,tructurc of marked "-" H. M. Drown. manager of the clul> . 111+-ll<' Auto l'aint Shop, in tht· n ·ar or at 1225 Central Avenue, Wilmette "This step is being takt·n a~ a me a ns lh . Vlllagt;l Tht"atre. ln S(lt-aklng or durability . haf.ance and s uitability, r·t· tlnishing· auto~ ~lr. ltot·t !<ald. unll'ith thl· minimum of ' additional co::.t of protecting the moto1 i,t from being der· a. uew proct>ss of t·e -t·na nJt·ling he Phone Wilmette 185 a11d of dC'preciation. · mulcted hy 'gyp' organi/ation~ ll'ilich ··au now guarallt<-t· !!1 hour· >H'J'Vi\'e. - .\.tlV. The addition of the cu,tom line of :tn· Oomishing in ;dl part~ oi the . l10cl!es presents the care in a greater country." he say... . l\lr . Brown also points out that the 1 anety of body -.tylco,, finish, color cr>mhi nations. and intt:rior appoint- motorist' s cooperation will be sutncient mt·nts than at any preyious time. compen~ation lor the service of the 2600 De-.ig-ns for the nn,· hodiL·~ pre,erYe duh in this connection . sinn' <·n·ry the characteristicalh· Cadillac fea- dfort i~ being made hy Lluh" atliiliture~. Changes han: been conscrva- ated with the American Automobile t i Vl' and blend harmoniou~ly. The association to rid the motor world of tn·anllint· efft·ct i~ retained and the these outfits that promi~l· much and !<lllger wht·e lh <bl' giv<'> added spac- take everythiug for them ... elves. "The A. A. A. has been acti1·el\· enIOusnes s. gaged in putting fake outfits out of Arnon~ the fcaturt·s which attract commission, and the latest information especial attention are the nickelis available, to all who care to conp~ated radiator casings. headlamp and sult this club regarding the mat~Jdl' lamps and a new hood with a ter," he says. "Matl\' motorists nickel - plated Ct' nter- hinge. The radi- are interested in motordom to the ator casing is of a new de ign, the extent where they are anxious to supmain feature of ·which i a croll emport e\'Cry worth while organization, hossment with the lines of the scroll it is in their eagerness to hell.> flowing from either side of the radi- and that they are often caught by pro:ttor cap. Thtre is also a full moldfessional swindlers. It is not a diffiing on the side~ of tlw body and hood . cult matter to decide whether an for . which a~ti-.h haYe de\·elopcd a organization is legitimate or otherwise '.ancty of pa1nt and stripe combina- if only the matter i~ discussed with tions . the staff of the local club. for here the Standards for the interiors call for motorist will ob~en·e the conventional comistcnt development of the draw- procedure that is typical of the great ing room atmosphere by the use of hody of the A. A. A. clubs. He will WELLS-WE.SCOT co.. INC. ~pecially . elected crystal plate glass immediately ob erve the difference betor the windows. first selection of tween a club that is elaborately dehighest grade mohair and broadcloths picted in print and one that is active- 1103 Chica1o An. Phone USt-8857 for the upholstery in shades to har- ly engaged in offering service to m~miz~ with the exterior, walnut thousands of motorists. We want the tnmmmgs on doors and above the in- motorist who is in doubt to know the strument board inlairl with polished facts and all the officers of the club hurl walnut panels ed · f'd with pewter hands .. dome ~nd pill... .- lamps, door ant! wmdow lift handles of modified cia ss ic design, assist cords of silk rope on rear door posts, and headlining~ of the same material as the rest of the interior. The new line of bodies in no wav The new Gabriel Balloon-Type Snubbers are the fint interferes with the standard line which and only means that ldentifically control the greater i al o on display at the Salon in an upthrow and increased sprina action which occur unusual .variety of models with many contrastmg color scheme~ and interwhen balloon and low-preNUre tires encounter large iors of great richness. . bumps. Among the dccoratiC!ns. of buildings and sh?wrooms, the parnt111g hy Neysa And they are the fi..nt and only device that have the Mc~lem :l;Ppears as the ins~ ug necessary free play to allow tires and springs to abeorb genH~. It 1s one of a nup·',~r and macall bumps. prohably . the most in ~ p 1 ration~l of t ht:m ,_ w_luch has he en produced for t lw_ ( a~1llac CI'J;tpany by this gifted They are entirely new in principle- scientifically deartht mce the introduction of the ·ilned to provide both the free play and the ereater nC\\' - V-63 car. TRUE ART IN STYLE SALON PACKARD NEGOTIATES 'IMPOSSIBLE' TOUR LAKE SHORE AUTO SALES WARN AGAINST Let Us Store Your Car 'GYP' CONCERNS STO 'R AGE $10.00 Per Month General Auto Repairing WILMETTE MACHIN£ AND AUTO WORKS First Aid for Doctors Phone Wilmette 721 Maia Street WILMIDE, ILL. 2-Pass. Utility Coupe MOtORS SERVICE, Inc. '640 EVERYTHING . FOR THE AUTOMOBILE Newest 'lhe In Motoring Comfort HOOD ~ GENERAL AND qQODYEAR _ ... TIRES Are excellent tire equiptnent for any automobile and our tire service is the best you can get and it's convenient. Everything you can thi n k of 111 control which balloon and low-pressure tires must have. SAFETY AT RAIL CROSSINGS \Vhen approaching a grade cro:.sing hring the automobile to a stop, then look in both directions, listening intently for the sound of an approaching train. If you have made sure that there b no train approaching from either direction. proceed to cross the track-in low or second gear is the best way. To some peop . thi. in. truction may seem ::thurd, but it may be said the 9,000 person.. who h~v lost their lives at grade cro. mgs did not stop to a certain wheth r or not a train was approaching before proceeding to cross the tracks . Order them now. We can imtall them quickly, and without alteradon on vour car. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES Three Stores .......... .. ,,, ......... ··· BRAUN B~OTHERS 7ZJ Oak St. Wianetka ISIS 1%1 Maia St. W ilmette 3243 Rid1e aDd W ilatette A..-.a. Wilmette 21t J. C. Slown A. B. Van Deuaen

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