Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1924, p. 18

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18 ·wiLMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1924 · . ~ f radio and fies solutton . . ~tud~nt. ~ een partiemoderr! electncltr .. a\·e. >., and each ularly mterested m M~xee d 1 perfc;>rma.nce sees the~e mte~ et'\ 1 °~ ~: looksng m the gasoltne dta. crawl~ ruck under the ~eats an e~l~nfor the 1e car to scare 111 ~ under t 1 1 I GOOD ROADS AN AID TO HEALTH time, to assurr.e charge of a diucese in the Southwest. ~ . . . . Among the Cathohc dtgnttanes who have bee~ invited to attend t~e hanqu~t are Card.nal George Mundele111 of Chtcago. Bishop Hoban of Chicago, and B . ~hop Muldoon of Rockford. . Prie~ts i rum all sections of the north ,hore and vicinity also will attend_ the Dealera Enthus!aatic About aff.tir as well as representatives ol the vario~s councils of the Knights of New Model Columbus in the vicinity of Chicago. Prominent among the priests attending will be Rev. Seideuherg, S. ]., an~ ··Thl' den~loprnent of the Flint S~x Father Piernin, S. }., of . Loyola umF11rty," declare north shore de~lers ~n \·ersity, aud Rev. Hugh_ P. Smythe of Dr. that car. "fulfills the need for a ltght SIX St. Mary's parish, Evanston. 111 character. ju,t as the Fliut Six "55" Smythe will be one of the speakers on filkrl 111 it~ own way a great void in the the evening's program. . \\'illiam !\apicr of Kemlworth is <Juality . ix field- the need for ~ large, Jl< ·\\erful. heautiiul six at a pnce any chairman of the committee selected to purcha .. er of a good six could afford to arrange the banquet and H . ~a":l mes, 422 Linden avenue, \Vtlmctte. IS Ill pay. "That is why the Flint Six Forty has charge of re~ervations. The banquet will be the most pretenfour wheel brakes and balloon tires, mounted on 20-inch disc wheels, as stan- tious affair ever conducted under ausdard equipment; why its lines follow pices of the Ouilmette council, Knights the beautifully molded curves of the of Columbus, it is said. Flint Six "55;" why is has a powerful. ,mooth and flexible engine, big and ntOI11) horlies, and appointmeuts and maH riab of fine quality. "It i~ light of character. "In appearance it exprcsse~ ideals which arc individual in the Flint line ;wd have won great public appro\'al. In design and construction the Flint Six Forty would do credit to far more ex- Lateat Production Ia Stylish pensive cars. Model "Only a careful study of Flint Six Forty specifications can give a picture of how great an achievement the development of this new companion six to The new ~r oon road ·ter, in satin hear the Flint nameplate really is. finished Duco, is one of the most at"Typical of the advanced desi~ and tracti\·e open cars that has been anman.\' improvements in this newest light nounced this season . It is exceptionsix are the Flint Perfected Four \\'heel ally well designed, with long, sweepHrakcs. These brakes overcome all the ing body lines, beautiful grey or two(thjcctions to, and develop to the utmost tone tan Duco finish, and the blue tlcgrce yet attained, all the advantages Spanish leather upholstery. The latest td such braking systems. production of the Moon plant is a "Instead of brake bands in the form very stylish automobile with plenty of a circle, brake shoes are used and of power, speed and endurance and tlw~e have been adapted to the rear as with unusual capacity for a car of its well as to the front wheels, in order type. that the whole system may be perfectly Genuine full-size halloon tires, four co-ordinated. The shoes, one outside wheel hydraulic brakes and a new and one inside the circumference of H1e and more efficient steering gear for l·rake drum, arc mounted on the two the balloon tire equipment, is standarm., of a fork which in turning ard on the new roadster at no extra !>!fUCezes them together with the brake cost. · The body dimcn~ions of this new drum hetwcen. "In \'iew of the fact that pressure is car were ~o ski llfull y worked out that. although the car is extremely :tpplied on on ly about one-fourth the drum surface the possibility of heating, lo~-. it is generously proportioped hurning or locking is practically elimin- w1th p!ent~· of leg room and head ated. Another great advantage ;., the clearance. The roadster is 161 inches iact that costs of relining are practically long. ha,; ample room for thn;e adult l'liminated and when necessary are com- passengers in the driver's compartAdditional passenger capacity paratively negligible. Adjustment~ a~ ment. origina ll y made have little tendency to i!t pro\'ided for In· mean of a conchaugc and are in accessible positions. venient rumble ~cat in the deck of "The Flint Six Forty is a modern car the car, giving the Moon roadster in every particular-in design. equip- almost double the capacitv of the ordinary roadster. · nJ('nt, performance and value. It i~ a The rumble seat is a \'Cry comlil-llll six of real character." fortable full cu~hioned seat accommodating two passengers, as~d is upholstered in blue Spanish leather to match the other upholstering of the car. It i:. an exceptionaltv meful feature. being e::-pecially u~cful for accommodating additional passengers when a trip to the golf links or to the countn· cluh or other occasion requires. · When the deck lid is down, all eviAvoid Dust Carriers of Dan- dence oi the rumble seat disappears, and to all appearance it is a roadster gerous Disease of con\'entional seating capacity. Two aluminum steps, one at the rear of each ;,ide of the car. afford easv en"Stati,tics invariably show that, gh·en trance and exit trom the rumbl~ scat the ~anw den~ity of population, the good and add a plea::ing sport effect to the roads tt·wn has a lower percentage of car. disease than the poor roads town," ~ays The road;,ter i, upholstered in blue a bulletin issued by the ChicagO Motor Spanish leather which harmonizes club. with the gn·y or tan body color. Th~ "Where thert· is a good road there i:. well tatlored cape top. the eli tinctive an abs nee of dust, and it is impossible l\foon de;.ign sih·ercd radiator, nickel to deny the importance of dust in tie cowl lamps. nickel windshield stanchspreading of almost c\·ery sort of dis- ions. and aluminum toe plates and ease. steps and numerOU$ other refinement!> "In a dusty n ad over which everyone and ma ter touches 1r:akc it a car of pa ses daily, a huge contagious colony unusual beauty and has made it one of germs is hound to become planted. of the most popular cars in the ~loon needing only a gust of wind to spread 1925 line. a score of infL·ctions m·er a large radius. "Thr snmmrr, and more particularly the dry times of autumn and winter, hecomt·., ~ca ons of grip, colds and other more .,l.'rious maladies. Here and thert- strange et>idemics of dipthcria, -.carlet fcvt-r and throat diseases crop up, ~ecmingly from nowhere, but investigation traces their origin to the dusty "Maxce" is coming to the north thoroughfare!> running through the ;,hore. locality. Thi;, famou my,tery thing will he "Where the road is hard, and well brought to Evan~ton, October 6-8, acfini..,hed with a hard, smooth surface, cording to 11. R. Reagan, local man~ltd >loping {rom the 'crown' or center. ager. mto well kept gutters on either side, it A great deal of speculation and di5hecotnt'> almo!>t as hard for dust to cus~ion has been occasioned by "Max1<\dgc there: "~ on the white surface of ~e'!>" \'isit and iu>t how the mystery enom led irun work." IS worked out has not yet been revealed. "~laxee" is a stock Maxwell sport touring car, jacked up so that the tires do not touch the floor. A ca.rcful sea~ch fails to reveal any w1re, or Iudden apparatus, yet the car ta!ks. laugh·, an:,wers questions, 'fhursday, Oc..tober 9, has been an- recogntzes people as they walk into nounced a ... tht> date of an elaborate ban- ~he salesroom and calls them by name, quet to lw l(ivcn in honor of Bi hop u!rlulges in ·!1 few jokes, plays any Fr~nti E. ~ell y of Oklahoma by the kmd ?f mus1c on request, lights its Ou1lme_ t te <.:o.unc1l, Knight of Colum- own. hght . ~ounds its own horn and bu · Wllh whtch council the newlv con- carrt~s on tn a way calculated to At times the ~rated prdate ha been clo. ely. affili- m.\ sttfy the 'martest. ted durmg hh extended pa torate in Yotcc. comrs from the engine and when ~he ltstener look for it there it will the St Francb Xavier pari h in WilJump to the gasoline tank or come mdt. . The hanqu t, tn be held on the Or- from under the front .seat . !hat this performance is accom!"lngton roof garden, Evanston, will be m th. natur of a "farewell dinner" to pl.s. hed by mechanical means goes without ay~ng, hut o cleverly i the the ln. hop, ·ho lea\~ , ..Uhin a short mtan appl1ed that tht mystery de- SAY FUNT SIX FULFILLS NEED 1 ; \ '~O~ IC~e~·======;:;:;:===============-==================:::::::::::::::::::;:;::::::, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ling of 1116 Greenwood avenue left Mond~y to motor to New Yor~. They will . be away a month or ssx weeks. Durmg their absen~e Mr. and Mrs. J· W. MeAllister (Mildred Spear) wsll stay at their home with Mrs. Ling's mother, .Mrs . Drury. The Wednesday Evening ,::"" course will have the first meeting~ season, October 15, at the home of"' Cha~les StonehiU, Glencoe, with ~ Louss Mann of the Sinai Congr . Chicago, giving the ,address. T~ many speakers of .Prominence on t"~ program for the wmter. ut s1 " " eql SUI c., J?· The Talking Maxwell Talks Hears Sees Plays Music Lights Its Own Lights Afternoons 3:00 L't lol ibi >t thi Pl1 c w l MOON ROADSTER AITRACTIVE JOB re1 an ha wa I D~ th ' Evenings 7:30 MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY October 6th, 7th, 8th Evanston Motor Sales 1015-17 Davis Street EVANSTON, ILL. Phone University 21:17 This gas and oiling station is just across the street from our garage, and is under our management. YOU DID! Car That Talks and Laughs Will Be on Show Here Y ES, I goc up this mo~ning, had a nice bath, put on fresh linen, and Oh, boy! how good tt makes one feel. You know an automobile is a good deal like a human. Give it oil, grease, and tighten it up every so often, and. the result is a smooth-running engine, no squeaking and sure brakmg power- a machine just humming with life to go. For economy's sake -call the Hubbard Woods Garage. You will receive reliable service and courteous treatment. lo\ clu Jar wi1 HUBBARD WOODS GARAGE 1010 Tower Road WINNETKA, ILLINOIS Bi CARDINAL MAY AnEND BANQUET FOR BISHOP 11 Service With A Smile." PHONES: sur wa tob fro Or sta thi cit· tha SOt rna WINNETKA 617-1834

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