Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1924, p. 12

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12 I \VIL:\1ETTE LIF FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1924 r I 1567 Sherman miN SOCIE~_ \I ill Erwin Olin Weds Miss Martha Duthie Tomon-ou, Ave. FOUNTAIN SQUARE, EVANSTON "GOOD FURNITURE MAKES THE HOME" TeL Univ. 6300 HE home of ~lr. and Mrs. James Russell Duthie, 835 Asbury a venue, Evan ston, will be the setting for a small home weddinc tomorrow afternoon when Miss Martha Duthie becomes the bridt of Erwin Blaine Olin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 0. Olin of 51& Washington avenue. Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth .of the Church of the Holy Comf.orter, Kenilwo~th, will read th~ serv1ce .at 4 o'clOck, Attending the bride as ma1d '?f, honor wtll b~ M1ss. Dorothy Thomas of Park Ridge, and M.r. Oltn s. be.st man ~1ll be h1s ~ousin, Herbert Larson of Hobart, lnd1ana. H1s s1ster, Mtss Irene Olm, wilt play the wedding march. A supper will be served at the close of the ceremony. T til chat urt· and dul Thl ap;1 an j!rO me \\C car Active Committee Plans Annual Party T HE annual card party for the ben~fit of the p~ilanthr.opy de. partment of the Wilmette Woman s club, of whtch department Mrs. Herbert E. \Vest is chairman, is to be given on Wednesday, ctoher 2<>. with the following committee in charge: Mrs. B. P. ·w anner. chairman: Mrs. William H. Holmes, chairman of tickets; Mrs. H. J. ~e\\'ton, chairman of tables; Mrs .. C. Warren .Cozzens, social <.·hairman: Mrs. Herbert E. ~'est, cha1rman of pnzes, and Mrs. R. F.. Pattison Kline, Mrs. Frederick Bowes, Mrs. Evan R. James, Mrs. Charles Harrison Smith, 'Mrs. J. M. Camelon, Mrs. A f. Woodcock, Mrs. Edward Kracke, Mrs. G. A. Webster, Mrs. W. F ·Froeschle and Mrs. J. B. Ott. mo da1 j ur Tc1 11UI1 folll spe\ and the G Engagement of Former Wilmette Girl Announced A NNOC'NCEMENT of interest comes from Mrs. John D. Couffer of Los Angeles, formerly of 903 Lake avenue, who announces the engagement of her daughter, Margaret Du Bois, to John R. Walsh Baldwin, son of Mrs. Katherine Walsh Baldwin of 5001 Blackstone avenue, Chicago. Today's Social Affair Benefits School Fund M RS. John Boylston is opening her home at 1302 Chestnut avenue this afternoon at 2 o'clock for a "social" and card party to henefit the St. Francis Xavier School fund. The last of the get-together lunch· eons of the social committee of the Wilmette Woman's club was held Wednesday, September 24, with 25 members in attendance. The se OC· casional affairs have been greatly enjoyed by the committee members, t'specially as it has given e\·ery in· dividual of the large committee the opportunity to become better acquaint· eo£ ""itb her '<_ltow workers. The time see med long between the closing oi the club's sea~;on until its opening in October. especially to these women who will serve during the new season. so the. e luncheons were giren through· out the summer season a, a mean~ oi keeping in touch with dub plans and with each other. at T tuni in ~Iiss Gennine Hahn. daughter of l\fr. and Mrs. George Hahn of Wilmette. will be one of the girls ushering at Orchestra hall on Tuesday evening, October 7, at the concert given by three well-known artists for the benefit of St. Catherine's Home for Dependent Girls. Renee Thornton, (Mrs. Richard Hageman) and Ulysses Lappas, international tenor, will give the program. A Problem Solved! Dresser ........... $75.00 or You have often wanted to furnish an extra room at little cost-ye t you wanted it attractive and artistic. The bedroom group sketched above offers a real opportunity. The design i" patterned after the quaint spool turnings that were so popular two generations ago. ).Iauy fine old pieces found in homes of the "Old South" ,,.t·re fa shioned \\'ith spool turned legs .. I i you \\'ill " ·rite us \\·e will gladly gi,·e you an intert·:;ting history of the spool design. -o~1 i3S Georgiana Roger:. of San T tab! ing D1ego. Beds (each) ...... $44.10 Che.,t ...... .. ... .. $63.00 Dn· s:-.ing- Tahle ... $Sl.OO Chair Bench ......... .... $12.75 ............ $10.50 former resident of \\'ilmette, spent with Mrs . Barry of 912 Green· leaf a~·enue . Miss Roge rs will leave ior the cast, by motor. in a few ~ays. to visit friends at Boston and New \ ork, before sailing for Europe, where she will make an extended trip of a year or more. Later in the year, she will n~cet a party of friends and fellow tottrl';ts from \Vilmette, · in Paris. ~fonda1· a 11 res fou o'cl pia whi the 175 a -o-Mrs. George Barry, 912 Greenleaf a1·enue ha s returned from South Orange, ~ew Jersey, where she, with the J ohn l.\facLeans of 914 Greenwood an~n~~· attended the wedding of Miss Mary l ~ h· zabeth Hatch to Frederick Needer of South Orange. John MacLean returned to Yale, :'"d the family, on their return from l'_cw Jersey, stopped at Buffalo for a tcw days. sch a ~ ph str The prices are Yery reasonable-listed separately for your convenience. Come in and -.pend an hour the next time you are in Evanston. Our :-tock of home furnishings is complete and carefully 5elected. You will be pleased at the prices. itet ~ Nitc Stat11l ........ $12.00 BROWN-UMLANDT FURNITURE COMPANY .Dill clau pro len dri1' ilCC< HGood Furniture Makes The Home" tintt o'cl< ~Irs '":It Con E1·a nur· Wo1 buiJ Boys' Tan and Black Shoes, stzes 1 to 6 . Girls' Tan and Black Shoe , stzes 11 to 2 ..... $5.00 . .... $s~so Special-$9.50 Value Boy ' Black or Tan Shoes and Oxfords, size 6 to 9 $4.95 G LF H £-Boys' and Girls' Brown, Blue, Green and Tan with fancy top . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.50 Pr. --oMr. and Mrs. Charles Triggs, formerly of Wilmette, are giving a houseparty this week-end at tht·ir summer home at Grand Beach, Mich· igan. Several Wilmette residents are included in the list of gue ts . -o-Mrs. George C. Murdock of Daven· port, Iowa, returned to her hom~ Wednesday after visiting Mrs. Kerry C. Meagher of 716 Central avenue, and other fdends in Wilmette, for several weeks. Evanston 619 DAVIS STREET University 3511 TWO STORES Wilmette 1120 WILMETIE AVE. ' Wilmette 311

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