Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1924, p. 10

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R c: 10 WI L\fETTE LIFE. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3. 192-l Wll!LlMIIEllillE CIHil!JIR?.CIHI NEW§ ANJDJ IPAJR?.ll§IHI ANN«:»l!JNCCEltWIENt S n 11 ,., ~-11 un' ·" ~tt roolo<k. tht· Junior ( 'hvt r v.1ll ha\r ·' ·thin dtm"" part~. T ·mnr rov. Congregational Church I 6 o'clo<·k. Epworth lta~u .. . ~Iunday -~ . Room English L u theran llt·.-.-nl.,af an<l ::'._.v .. nth \\' illiam Guist>. pastnt ;.;t'l ,·ic._.s for Octobl.'t' ;; : "Com ... unto me. all p· that labour lllfl are h .. a.-r laden. and I will giv.,·ou r ... st" will IJE' the fifth " l>ft'Bt Te-"t in :\latthrw 's Gospel " whil·h will l ot· th.- basis for sermon nE'Xt Sunday. This message will pr·o,·e of much comf ort and insr>iration to all who com.: to th e sen·ice ot worship which hegins at 11 o'clock. A cordial in\'ltatlon to all not hav ing a c hurch homt' to worshiP with our people . A beautiful duet. "Come unto ll .- and Rest," will be rf'ndert>d . Bibl._. School at 9 :45 o'clock. The mt-mbers vf the Primar~· deartment w .- r.- madt> hafJPY last Sunrtay because of tht> new o rgan which was the gift of t h.- ~~ isRionary society. The splenllid .,quipmt>nt and th e Improved mt>thods will make the w ork veq· intt-rt-sting !or thE' younger children. Chester Stark's class of boys will begin the study of their new text-book ntx t Sunda~·:l!arjorie llae, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Vatter Kehm, was bapti zed at th e service last Sunday. " I ·· ·\:'3 :f·0 ~- 1 ~~~~al~o;.tr~~t~ts. ' ~!onda,·. 12:30 o'clo··k. r.·mch club. <>ntral Y . ~f. C. o'clo,·k. Official Board m.-.-ting. sunday morning at ~· o' clol· k th,.. Church school .,-Ill bt>gln its n.-w )'tar of v. ork. contin uin g ll-" closely gradt-d stu.lv s~rll'll. At 10.30 tht- Junior con~o;.r.-Katoon will hold its fir st servoc., of the fall . .Ur. Ll oyd v.·ill talk ahout th ~ plan of work and lfr. Burt, ··r will ll·ad the Junior Choir in tht> ·" n ,,.,. ot song. .\ t 11 o'clock th" Sacrarn"nt of tht> J.,,r l ~ .'upp!'r will b~ c.- leh ratE'd and .\!·. LJ.,, d will spt-ak nn "The Tragt-dY .,( h.- Trou1Jit<1 HE'art. " .·\t i :3·) o'clock th" }\'ilmette Sund:n· E··emng club bPgtns it!' t~nth "··.tson. me.-tlng in this church Tue.!'da)·. 6:30 o'clock. Annual lfE'n · ~ donner. The booster dinntr ot the '.-ar. Dr. Schermerhorn. the new tPach.-r. will be present. ' and will ad<fr,..ss th.- men . The dinner will be s.-n· .. ct at the churc h by the third di\'l !'tOn of th" air! tor one dollar a platt-, and is tor mt>n only. A lin.- program os b;;in!( org-anized . . outs v.-111 hold th ... ir regular m..-ding. \\· .. ,rn.-l<<fa,. 4 o'clock. Th.- r.irl .\ II n.- ..- giris will giv.- th..-ir l'rvmist! . .,·clock . ~lld-\Y .-.- k !l"'rvw.- ol (Jra' .-r. "Thr J-:vantn·listic Program vf th.- \" c:a r ' {lrt'S.-n t.-<1 IJy tht- (o:tSlOr . '.-JI)c k. :\lisR Sar:J.h Brownlee will have childr._.n promoted from the C radlt dH\rg<> of th e mission !ltUllY program . Roll to the Beginners' de 19 . from Beginners to Primar~~~t;-ent; Pnmary to Junior; 40 from 1 fro111 .\lhtw .. ek meeting "'edn esday at 3 Intermediate. nor to o'clock. Our n~->w plan Is working Rt>l .. mlilll)'. ThP attendanct and lntt>r<'st ar.- incrt-asing as w e proceed The ·wilmette Presbyteri an Is located at the corner of c~uteb "ith our ntw stu<ly course. stret:t and Greenleaf avenu lnth Tnanglt- :-.o. 1 or th e r.irls' Reserve cordially Invite you to worshle. We "ill m.-<'t at th<' chut·ch Friday after- us. P 'll'ith uo .. n at 4 o'elock. Sunda~· School, 9 :ao o'clock Christian Endeavor, 5:30 o'~l Last Sunday was promotion day for Midv.'eek Service, Wednesdayoek.t the Sunday school. There· were 10 1o'clock. · a I 11 Ju Now Is the Proper Time to Lime Your Lawns The rainy , eason has done great damage to many beautiful lawns. They should be taken care of. Let me give your lawn an application of Pulverized Lime Rock, which will sweeten the soil, kill the weeds and moss that grows in sour gr.o und. This lime is not ordinary white plaster's lime which must be used each year, but pure lime as it comes from the ground. One application will last from three to six years. This lime is not unsightly. When applied, it is raked down into the grass and soil. Let me call, explain what this lime is, what it will do. and our price and service. This is part .of the Bolinger service to North Shore property owners. Thun'd <H. i o't'lork. Juuior Hor \'an '\\'eqtritn .. n, chairman. will · at tht- hom.- of ~lr!!' .-\. L Bowt>r, ;<,·o uts. i : ' " n'clo>.-k. )Iii's Hawth··rn ... will .\'<hland av<,nu.-. Lunch.- on !1.-n·b"gin h.-r cou t·s~> on "Th" Psychology · .1 tt 1 o'clock of th... l 'runary Chllrl." Thi::- ,-o ur.s._. Ho·J ,. ,·plt Troop :-.o. ~ "ill mt<d at ·~ vp.-11 to all par.-.nts and t.-achcrs. t . 11lquarter~ at 7 o'd nc- k Tu~Fola y It i> ht'll11{ ~pon~or.-d or llrs. Fuller's fi.-parlm.-nt. Thf' cours will cover ·' n,ing. t ... n " ..... k,. aud a ft.- of $2 i>< ehargHl )liss Hawthorn<· Th.,. Annual mf'etin~ dJnnt·r ""ill h~ to ~o,·.- r .-xp.,n!l.-l!. !1.-rv.-d at 6 : ~5 on ":ed nt-sda ,.. This is is ' from th.- [),-p.lrtm.-nt of Ht-ligiOU!I tht- 49th in the Church's hi tory and Edu~-a tion of :-.orthw .. stt-rn uni \' t-rsi t ,. you will not want to miss lt. Resen·a- and i>' an authority on the su!Jj.-ct ,;f tions must be in before Tuesda~· /'1 1111!\ry psychology. morning There wJII bt: lots of tun throughout the en:ning and the E'lectlon ot officers will occur tollowtng t h· rt>ports of the year' s work. Th... services next ~unda}· , Uetollf'r ;, , at ::'t. .-\ugu.~tine's will be Hol\· 1 'omOn Thursday, October 9 the East munion at o'clock, Church ~ehools J-;nd 'ircle will hold th~>ir Rummage at !·:4.), Holy Communion with St!rmo n sal· at 201 CPntral avenue . Evanston, !\ t 11 o'clock. n.-ar Stewart avenue. On Friday choir reh .. ar~al at 7:31) :-..-xt Sunrla~ will 1,~ th.- l'r,rporat.: und ... r tht- dlrt c tion ot )[r. Cain anfl <'·>Jnlllunion for hoth H<,yH· au·l 1:irl!!' on Saturday at 7 o'clock thP Jun 1or 1 'ommuni·Hl 1.-ag-ues. Heh.-arsal und"r :llr. Bunn.-r. .\ d.- l~c· gatlon of otfi<'~"'" anrl tt·achers t~ · "n.' tho:: 'huro.:h ::schoo ls vi :it. .-\ugu.11111 Frida)·, Octolier 10 thE' r;uild will tll lt' ~ wtll attend a mP .. tinK at ('hrist holfl Its monthly mN:ting. Lunch"on r·hurch Parish Hous<·, oak and Linrlf'n will be served by th e Coz~ · Cornt>r cir- str.-_.-ts. \\'innf'tka, tonight, .1-'rillay , at 1'1.- at 1 o'clock. ' o el·!l'k. Tht'r ... will lw an aoldr.-s:; t.y ~li :<l' ~lab·· I L<·e ( 'ooro.-r vf th·· :-JaThf' ~f en's c lub will haY~> a Uig Ra- tlot.lal Ll!!partnwut of H \' ligi·,us Bflu·lio Pvenl ng on :l!ondar .. n.-ning, Oc-to- c~to·Jn. fr·Jnl ;'\';. " Yf)rk 11n "Th·· C hri:-~ IIPr 13. All men of tht corig-r~gation tlan :-.unut·t: :,.;,.,.il'li uf th·· Etoi><copal r"sf'rve th .: evening: < 'hur.·h. J rn~.- un l!onda y th t;> East End Circlo;. l!rs. l otl First Presbyterian Church Sermon morning: Ities." subject for next Sunday "DiscO \'ering X e w Possibil- St. Augustine's Parish rlay Qua~ 1... Tht' C'. E. :llissionary meeting Sun.. , ..-ning will b.. lt>d bv Fred Time ~ :30 o'clock. · I I Tt·ooo :-:o. ;; of the Boy Scouts will m .. ..t in the church g,·mnaslum Monda~- at i :30 o'clocK. Tht! Junior Scouts mPtJt, Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock . I \\'estminstf'r Guild will meet e 1rening program at th" church Tu~;sday, October 7, at 6 :30 Tht> ROBERT Phone \Vilmette 3163 G. BOUNCER 1230 \Vilmette Avenue Tree Expert and Gardener tor dinner and llflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ~ lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfi!I!IIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIflllllflll!lflflflfiiU!Iflflllllfiii!IIH., ~rr. 1'. H. Hop.-. .\lr. Hart·~- F<JWl· ·r awl :\lr. H . J . Lt-a<'h havt- lw.-n ap\\'ilme tt e and !'ark .\n-nu ... ~. \\'ilm.-tt ... poont· ·<f to r.-pr""'""t Ht . AUI-;U!!lino·'>< H.-rman \\'. :..r .. ~ ··r, l!. A . past<JJ' r·hun· h it.· eo_ ntl<·etion with th~ '"'"IJOR4nr. 1-'rairi,. Avf'nu·· . T.-.I··Ph'ill" ~~~··· ,1) <Jigant~atlou of th.- L<Jl'a! Hv,- :icout Church T<-l<·phonr· 3111 1 "1'1\.PIIl .. nt in uniHOII with th.- · H··taJ'\' !o'·:R\' H ' E!o' dub. th.- IJ)ItimilHM aJHI tho· ,-\JII cl·icail 16th Bunda~ aftt'r Tl'inlt\ L··!;I!Jil. !1.30 o't'101·k . Suntla , · :idHHJI :llll l l:iblt St. John's Lutheran NOW is the time to have your dill<!!. ~ :31) o'drwk. l'r·,·parat<H'.' Rt-1'\'ke a11d fnr ('OmlllUIIi!'HilfS. ~1. 4 ;) o'l'loek. fo'ir Hl <'ommun ion . 11 o'elock . I'~ ·ond ,..,.n il'o· IH~n· ice Hoh· · anrl Rer- Subject : f.; Tt' Ut· Pray e r EYer Yain '.' '111-:ETJ~(o!o' Monday at II o'<"lo k . Sunda,- Bchool 'l'<·ac hers' Iustitute. · 1\!onday at 4 o'clock. Christian Edur·at·on or Childr ·n. Thursday at 2 o'<-loek. Larllt·s Aid and MIHsionary. Friday at 4 o'clock. Christian E!IU··ation of ('hllrln·n. I.~:.~ ~~~~!~Y at II o'<·lock. Junior 'Valther 'rhP North ShoreZone of the "'althl·r U>ague will have Its quarterh· conVt·ntlon on Suntlay aftprnoon anrl evening, October 1!1, at St. John's Lutht- ran church, Wllmt!tte. The speakers <Jf the day are Pastor William Dallnmnn or Milwaukee, well known author and lecturtor, and Mr. M. Tennis of Trinity Lutheran ehurch, Oak Park, who will SJl!'ak on young peovle's Bib!(, study. A very Interesting enter~ainlng and bf.'neflclal program ts be!111'1' fll'!·pared for the occasion and lt ts ··xp<·cted that at least 200 voung JH'O J>lc will att ·nd. Supper will be lwn·;·d in the church rooms. It I·~~ .At tht' ,IHO<'t'81111 A,_,l<t'llllol~· llll···llllJ.;' ot tlw L.t·otherhoo«< of' ~l. Alltll·cw ht·lll at thl· Church ur til·· Hoi~· coon~ fon .- t·, Kt-nilworth, last Satunl·ty aftt·rnoon and "'vening, attt>nded by ov ... r 11111 la~· nwn, Ht, AugustinP'I:! lllt-ll WCI'C r.··t>·:<·!!l;nt ... d Mesl!rH. C. H .Hopt-, J. § C o_mfort. _ Lt·Rt.-r Wood, .1-{:;a.a· ry .b'owlt'r, r;, H . L1lly. J. A. stothcrt and the \ r~ e to_r. The meeting was most ··nthuHiasttl'. ~t. Augu!ltin·· 's hOJWH t<J form a. <'haptpr or tlw Crotht·rhi;<J·l or ~t. 11tlr"w 111 'VIlnwtte in the nt·at· rutuo· ... FURS Work Done Promptly at ::.o~~=~N~D Telephone 3722 REPAIRED REMODELED I b~- ~~ 1 111 111 11 111 1111 111 111 111 11 ~IIIWI""'""'"""""nnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhllllllllllll 111~ lr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii ~ ~i~ ' ii "~~i "'i~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~·i 'u~ mi m~ uli lll~ mi m~ ni lno~ uoij u'~ ~~·~ ~~·~ ~~·~ ~~·~ ·u~ ou~ u·~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~·~ ~~~~ ~~·i u'~ ~~~i "'~ u~i ul~ u·i "'~ ""i "l~l"i m~uli lu~ l"~ m~ "'~ "'~ "'~ u·~ mni"" j E S t & bJ" b d · 1908 U e amce Th t A,.,.oclat.·d <luild>l h··ltl an all On J.'rlda.y evetili1g, Octobet· 17, a da~JU('eting in St . .Aug-ul!tint·'s l'lub bi-weekly Bible class will be inaugur- ~OU!!t' yestt-nlay, Thu rsda~·. Oetouer :l. ated for the benefit of all the members <.:oft";; and sandwlcht's w;·rtJ ,..,. ,·v.-<i at of St. Johu's who cannot attend on noot~ . Arrangements for . lht· forth Hunday morning. In connection with comlllg Bazaar to be hPlcl in lJt·l·t· miH'I' :~ special Bible lesson, the regular "'"'~'" made. Hunday school lessons will also be dls<·uss d, the object bt.>lng to recruit and ~;~~![" tf!achHs ror th<· Sunday LULIAS BROTHERS 635 MAIN STREET 1135 CENTRAL AVE. Bap tist Church 2 o clock sharp tor Its regular month- !·i··~y The Ladle!!' Aid~nd MisBionary som ·ets on Thurt~day afternoon at l y huslnE'sl! anti aocial mE>etlng. The hu sl n ess session begin~:~ at two; hla~:~ rnuc·h as prcvaratlons are now uncler Wll}' for the annual church sale all mPrnht' J'!! of th societ~· shoul1l be pt·ea~nL . I Today is the <lat.- of th.- lll'tnbt'l' mt- .- ting of the \Voman'H soddv. Th,,,.,. will not b<' any \Vhlte ('rosll wot·k in th .. morning-. Lunch.-on will hP ,.,.n·e<l at 12 :30 o'l'lock. Thf' rlt'batt· 011 lhC i)I'O))O!'!itlon, "Jt(>SOIVNI That lht' Pr ·sent Japant·se l~xclusio·; A <"-' will Conser\'t.· tht· Ucl't Jnt;·r t>s ts of tiw .-\nH·ril'an 1\·otJlt>," will eotnm.. n,·.- at 2 o'cloek . Xe~t . :,.;unua~- mot·ning at 11 o'l'lol'i<, A uumb··r of the Senior ancl Junior members of the \Valther League socl- :\lr. ~ttil"r will pn·al'll on th .. th··nH· ' ..ty 'ha vt- Join I'd the Lutheran Athletic "Tlw l'ht·l,..tian atul His Lifl'." aa>~oclatlon of Chicago and vicinit)' antl "nthu11l:unn runs high for the Th" . Bible Scho~ with graded inv~t·iouH rnet·ts to lw ht'ld this fall and ~tr~dlon for· all agE's, will meet ut "'lntt·r·. A hask(·t ball t eam and s v- iot.'~·,.~~~k.aliult t'lassc!! eonvenlng at ··nll howling teams havl' alread,- been ~%~:~.·~-i among the rnembel'lr 'or St. Thf;' Juniot· and Jnt.-nne<liatt· 11 Y. ~l;3r·~C~~l~. m<·l't in the a(l\·l' JIOOI~ at Tho · Juniot· \\'alther league ·will lo_av <· its rPg-ular· bi-weekly meeting on ".riday ~>V<·n.Lftg, Octobe·· 4 , at x The program of tht· CollPg- 1 · ~ 1 · 11 up o do1·k. ':""ry member should he the1·e of tht· Ht>nlo1· B. Y. I'. l '. nwl'tiug Huncl>~Y at 5:30 will lw a de hate. Tlw "it~ f _ a_ ll_._ _ _ _ _ __ !~tgh . ,.ehool group will also meet at ,J .3!\ 111 the soulhw<·st class room . - Fall Fruits and Vegetables Fall i, the tin1c when fruit and vegetables are g-ood and also plentiful. \Ve ahvav have a full supplv of the very hcst. Every clay \Ve go to .tnarke~ and pick out ~hotcc f nnts and vegtable 1or our two big tores. Order by~ phone, if you wish, or co.nle tn. and select your suppltes. \\ e ain1 to give courteous . ervice. Methodist Church Hunday, 9 :30 o 'clock, the Sunday Hchool me!lts In all its depat·tments. II ·ginner Mrs. Osborne. Prlmary-Mu. FullE-r. Junior-MilliS Fisher. High Rchool - Miss Pease. Adult and Young Peoole-lJr. llil·k~··· !,) ·lwrmorhorn will I)(' :o;u~ 1 ,' 1 a~ E\'t.' 11 11 1K club, whose otwnin m; t tlng of tlw st·ason will be lwld n~ , This ··~un·h co--;;;wrat s with a.t the uw gram tht· ( 'ong··c~atioual church o'l'lOl'k . Furth(·r notice of iH ~lvun elst·where. 7 -3o l·~o :;:'·ak Tlw Camp Flrt> (-:-iris will llll·t·t Hl th;· dlurch \\"edncs<luy t·t 3:30 o'clock. 11 o'clock. 'l'he Holy 'ommunlon a.-rvlce of the lo'all eeutton will takt> Tlw. :\llll-wec.>k n;-t>tlng will bo held 11lace thla morning. Th~ t!astor will r turn from Confer .... nc.- tor this 11 r- ::~ .. ~~~\ e~~~l~da~· at !! o'dock In Chllvlc · and h will b well ~sistE'd l:it>~ clal eft'ort should be made to bring t~ . Tlw '\VIlmete Baptist "horal soc! ty thla lt4:rvlce our peopl· who may be for on._. r uon or another, Irregular i~ :tiL\ : ~l~eeo~clf~~k.t·eht'ar&al on ThurRilay their church attt>ndance. L t ver)' one who will, be a mlsslona.ry for thla Tht> \\·llnwttt> B-;;1tlst chun·h 1 1 ervlce. All the childr n and oun p opl , too, are Invited to thla lbna ~ cat.-d at \\·llmett and For~st avosnu~~ llful ... rvlce. ~ u ~r~~ he~.~tll)' welcomes all to Its sorvsun' e paator, Hev. Francis C duri~r, ma)' b reached at his study fi o'clock. Jnt,.rmedlate tea~~:ul' ·rh t-ont ·t Ia on between "\Vult'; an: rnent g ~~e morning!! or by appolnt"Avery:: Com out and b In on the cept . Satu~~a~· o~~:mls 9~~ena d~lly exj!~r\hot you may en- 9-12 on Saturday!! Th n from phon" 1 '\VIlmett~ na 5~ Church tele- 111 ,_, Ph ones ,l ·s· l311 - 635 Maia Street ru.. 1135 Central Ave. Ph onea 1·s· 1311 f 154 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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