Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Oct 1924, p. 8

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1924 THEATRE GUILD ' SEASON OPENS "The Enchanted Cottage" to be first of 1924-25 Seuon'a Productions , DEAN, PLAY DIRECTOR Set Definite Dates for Year's Performances . IA PROCLAMATION I . Editor's Note: Fire Preventim~ Week for Illinois tvil! be observed f;om October 5 to 11. Duri!1g that tmre local officials will make a11 eff~rt to prosew~e a defmite Fire PrcvertiJOI~ _Program. m thr schools alld among cwtc orgam::_atiolls. Accomflall)Jillg is the formal F1re Prc1'CIItiou Proclamatio11 issrced l1y Governor Small. Alan ·on Follansbee, William C. Van Horne. J. Williams Macy. Samuel Otis :Mrs. Louis Sherman, Mrs. Henry Ten~ey , and many other . \Y inne tka people who will make ~he1r ~rst appearance with the Guild th1s yt.·ar . Among those from the other communities that will appear are: Percy B. Eckhart and Mrs. Edwin Hedncs of Kenilworth. Ralph Denn is of ~v anston, and Miss Muriel :\lcCorm1ck of Lake Forest. . Altogether, with such a hst of actors, and the ann~uncem.ent o( such plays, the Guild 1s Jookmg forward to a greater season than has bee~ experienced by a!'Y nc;m-profess10nal dramatic group 1n Ch1cago. hundred and twenty-four and of the State of Illinois the one hundred and sixth. LEN SMALL, Governor. MMERSON, Louls L. E Secretary of State. Establish Claaaea for Pre-Kindergarten Age :\[rs. Edwin W . Ellis of ]ndian H!ll road Winnetka, assisted by Mrs. Wliliam' E. de Mille of 1418 ~oyes ~treet, Evanston. is conducting a class 111 h~r home for her own children and their friends of pre-kindergarten age. Mrs. de Mille is a graduate of the National Kindergarten and ~lemen tary college and an expert m prekindergarten work. The class, which started. Wedn~s day, October 1, will be m sess10n three mornings a week-Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The Elhs home has been remodeled to meet the needs of the class and the location affords sample space for outdoor activities, it is explained. St. Augustine's Women to Hold Miaaion Soon Women of St. Augustine."s ~pi~copal church are to conduct a miSSIOn m the church during the wee~ of November 2 it was announced th1s week. ' Mrs. Ethel E. Patterson of Los Angeles California, has been secured to tdlire~t th~ mj6.sion, t,?e general theme of wh1ch w111 be, T~e Practice of the Presence of God. 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE- ~ -because eyebrows prevent perspiration from running into the eyes and also shield the eyes from dust. How grateful the coolness of The North Shore Theatre Guild made its first announcement of the cason thi~ week. with regard to its energetic and ambitious plans. "The Enchanted Cottage" by Si r Arthur Wing Pinero, is to l_>e the first production. Later, the Guild playl.rS are to produce the "S_quare Peg." !>Y Lewis Beach. The pohcy o£ the Gmld is to produce plays whi~h not hcen To the People of Illinoi ~. Greet in~: given in Chicago, but wh1ch have ~tIllinois has increased rts matenal tained considerable success and d1s· resources at a wonderful rate. We tinction elsewhere. Accordingly, the are a progressive State. Our road Jast two plays of the season have not building program, which is g~ving us been chosen, but will be either some the finest system of paved h1ghw~ys plays which are playing now in New in the country, is a tribute to our Ill· York or "Outwarrl Bound," "Hell-Bent itative. Our progress in other lines fN Hea\'en," "The Serpent's Tooth." has been apace. "This Fine Pretty \Vorld," "Queen It is fully as important to conserve Victoria," or "The Shewing Cp of resources at it is to create them. Yet Blanco Posnet." we permit more than $20,000.000 of The Theatre Guild produces inter- property to be destroyed by fire each esting, distinct, unique, and enjoyable year in this State. I say we permit plays, which arc new to Chicago. !Jut it. because fully three-fourths .of all which have esta!Jiished themselves in fires are cau·sed IJy acts of negligence other communities as standard dramas. or carlessness, . and are strictly preIt appeals to the artistic and social ventabJe. group oi the north shore communIf unabated. our fire losst's will cost ities, and holds its claim for support us $100,000,000 in the next five years, upon the type of fine plays, its high enough to pay for the proposed new standard of production, and its ex- bond issue roads. perienced. non-professional cast. Its Fire leaves a trail of ruin and desopeople who saw "Ice-bound," "Mary lation in home. factor:1. ·store an·d III" and "The Red Robe" last year every other kind of property. It kills . will testify to the high degree in and maims hundreds. which they achieved their ambition. Now. therefore, I. Len Small, GovThis is the fourth season of the Guild, ernor of Illinois, do hereby appoint and its record of high-grade plays and proclaim the week from October and performances is to be continued. 5 to October 11, 1924. to he obser\'ed Dean ia Director in the State of Illinois as Fire PreAlexander Dean and Gregory Foley, vention Week. who were responsible, last season, for Let us not have merely a perfuncthe direction and production of the tory observance of Fire Prevention Guild plays, are to direct its course Week. Let each citizen rid his premagain this year. The membership ises of fire hazards and keep them campaign is commencing this week, free from such hazards thenceforth. and those people who desire to beHeating equipment including chimcome members and receive eight tick- neys, should be made safe. Electric ets for four performances, as well wiring should be examined and de· as six tickets for the three Playshop fects corrected. Rubbish should be productions at Northwestern univer- . thoroughly cleaned up and safely dissity are asked to send in their sub- posed of. Carefulness should be exscriptions at once to Mrs. J. C. West, ercised with all things which may 937 Gordon Terrace, Hubbard Woods. cause fire. One of the features of the new seaEspecially should schools; churches, son will be the announcing of all date.s theaters, public halls, hospitals, hotels for the entire season. These will be and the like be made as safe as pasadhered to. In addition to the Play- sible, with adequate exit facilities. shop productions of original plays by Fire drills should be practised in all north shore people, the membershtp schools. also includes several lecture-recepThursday, October 9, is designated tions given for its membership ex- as Fire Prevention Day because it is elusively. The dates for the Winnet- the anniversary of the Chicago fire. performances are November 8 and It would be appropriate, where pos10; January 24 and 26; March 28 and sible, to have practical talks and pro30, and May 2 and 4 in Jane Kuppen- grams on that day in the public heimer Memorial hall, Skokie school. schools and before Chambers of ComT~e Kenilworth performances will be merce and Civic organizations. gtven November 5, January 27, March Local officials should do all possible 25 and May 1. Performances will be to reduce fire losses in the1r comgiven in Evanston, Highland Park and munities. Cooperation of press and Lake Forest. pulpit is earnestly invited to the same Leaclera Ia Caata end. · Among the Winnetka people who In witness whereof, I have set my are to appear this season are: Mrs. hand and caused the Great Seal of Laird Bell, Mrs. E. V. L. Brown, L. the State of Illinois to be affixed. L. Buchanan, Mrs. Kent Chandler, Done at the Capitol in the City of Mrs .. Dudley Cates, Mrs. l!rederick Springfield this 15th of August, in the Diclcmson, Perry Dunlap Smtth, Mrs. year of our Lord ,one thousand nine without extra charge to you 9PilJII!Jr A. J. WOODCOCK Rubbing Alcohol PHONE ·1304 WILMETTE 1529 Wilmette Avenue Phone 411 Wilmette Cab Co. PETER STEFFENS, Prop. Not Inc. RATES From "L" to 15th Street, or equivalent distance First Passenger .... .. ................................... 35c Each additional Passenger ...........................· ZSc From "L" to points west of 15th Street, or equivalent distance First Passenger ...............................·........ SOc Each additional Passenger .............................. ZSc on hot, flushed skin I And how quickly it stops all perspiration odor! Here is the rub-down that tones you up after work or strenuous exercise. Use it to refresh you. Use it to put new life into tired, aching muscles. One of 200 Puretest preparations for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can produce. Reueckar Dna, Co. a.JescgfLa..,.-.. PboJHa 21 and 21 Helpful Hints About Electric Service One way to reduce your light bill- W HILE the slight increase that your electric light bill may show this month is due principally to the lengthened period of darkness at this season, you can save light by cleaning all the lamps {bulbs) in your house. CANDY! We carry a complete stock of the best candies, both for children and grownups. Special This Week Old Fashioned Stick Candy 27c: Lb. Butter Scotch Taffy [ shades and r~fkctOTS absorb 40% of th~ light 1ou ptry for. Dust and Dirt on lttmps, ] Clean and polish lamps with a dry cloth. Wash glass shades in soap and water. Clean silk shades with the suction brush attach-menton your vacuum cleaner. Replace all burned out lamps with new ones. The Company furnish~ 60 ..Watt Mazda lamps free for original installation or exchange. Other sizes at reduced prices. 40c Lb. Ridge Avenue Pharmacy Oppeaite St. JOMph'a Church PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Snring- 6,000 sqau~re mila - 202 cities and towns with G4U or Electricity JNO. S. REESMAN. Dlabict Muaaaer Ill Clawc· Stnet PJ.oae Unlnrelty 3tll EVANSTON Phone Wiii!Htte Z151 ~--------------'1. ~one 316

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