Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Sep 1924, p. 6

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6 \YIL\f ET1'E LJFE, FRIDAY, SEPTE!\IBER 26, 192-l BUSY SEASON IN " Mu sic for e\·ery child" i' the ~logan a dopted for \\'ilmettc hy a committee which is interested in securing a list parent who would like to have October Program to Mean of their children tak e mu ,ic lc~son> . Much Activity E,·cn tho se children \\'ho have no pianos in their home s may take the ~c,,om, it is exp lained. for a cardboard kevhoard enables them to practice . By SCO UT R UFUS ln . loca liti es wh ere the proposed The Wilmett e Girl Scouts ha,·e method of 12 le ssons ha s hc cn tried started \'Cry enihu,iastica lly on their bv mmic teachers a nd music sc hools, "hig-g-r t and he~t year" in Scouting. tl;e report s show that the syste m ha~ In the liro,t two mectini!S of the year pro,·ed s uccessful and that enrollmen t s 20 nt:w member-, were taken in. There haY e steadily increased. \\'ith this art nnw an n ·cn 100 Scouts. three plan in mind, the music teachers arc cornplt:tl' troop, \\'ith officers. reminded that the object here is not Enry girl who wants to he a Scout to compete with them but, rather, to is in' iter! to join. \\'e meet every cooperate. \\'eclne,day afternoon at 4 o'clock in Otto \\'. :.\fei . sne r, who collaborthe \\'ilmrtte Parish ).fethodist cht rch ated with se\'era l others in compiling Lak e and Wilm ett e avenues. LljJtair{ the music hooks used in the Wilmette Pea se is in the office every day so public sc hool s. ha s been working for that you may come in and ask her 20 years to perfect a syste m for teach about Scoutin!'", and talk it over with ing children mu sic much a s they are her . Come join us now so that vou taught to read books. won't miss any of the peppy programs Briefly stated, thi s course is an inthat our officer have planned for us. expensive way to determine a child's If you don't belie\'e that we do in- sense of tun e, rhythm and talent for teresting things, look at the following music. It arouses hi s interests and program for Octoher : quicken s his faculty. This course ha s proved to be a phenomenal success Kenilworth Boy Scouts in Kansas City, Detroit and Lincoln, Prorram lor Octoher Elect 1924-25 Officers Wednesday, Octoher I, 4 o'clock- Nebraska, and now 20 large cities are Preston Farley was elected senior Patrol name s, to he shown by char- urging :Mr. 1feiss ner to conduct patrol leader of Kenilworth Boy ades, songs, mottos , slogans. Points teachers' institutes similar to that held Scout s Troop 1, at the first meeting of for originality. Officers will have a at Lyon and Healy's in Chicago last the season held Tuesday, September week, according to Mrs. W. Sandersurprise for you.' son, 914 Central a\·enue. who attended 23. Other officers elected were Tom Class in si mple poster making for the in sti tute and who is instrumental Hick s, treasurer: Carl Keith, scribe; our food sa le. Bring pictures of food in extending the mu si cal pri,·ilcges at Bob Sweet, quartermaster. t~at you cut fro":' the ad,·erti ing sec- nominal fee s. Tf the plan is successFriday afternoon and Saturday 20 tiOIH of ma,:.,>nz111es. Th ese, when ful, it is hoped hy 11 r s. Sanderson p~ste~J on cardboard in plea. ing comthat friends of the children will he hmatJOns, make excellent, inexpen s ive given an opportunity to assist. and attractive posters. Monday, Octohcr 6.-Posters are due and will be judged at 4 :30 and Honor Students Awarded the be s t will recrive points for their TNT Keys at New Trier Se\'enth Senatorial District P.atrol. F.ach patrol will be responEight girls and eight hon \\'Crt' Sible for at least two posters that may awarded T~T keys at the assrmhl\' at be put up in stores in Wilmette. Wednesday, Octoher 8, 4 o'clock- New Trier Township high . chool Patrol meetings to plan for Food sa le \\'ednesday morning. This is a departure from the u ual an.d to make arrangrment s for decorTO YOUR atm,!l tables. All Scouts who han· custom of awarding these keys, as in joined since ~lav will gi\'e their past year~ the TNT honors were anAND "Promise." · · nounced at the close of the school Saturday, October 11.-Foo<l sale. year in June . The awards were made All food must he in the church at 9·30 to the most representatiYe students so that it may he priced and ydur who have displayed a combination of EXPRESSING tables arranged. Judging of the good scholarship. sociability, persoutables hy a committee of mothers will ality and activih·. YOUR The TNT a\~ards wiH be made take place at 10 o'clock and the Food DESIRE fOR A sale will he open to the public from again at the end of the school \'ear. to those seniors who mca,;ure uj, to 10:30 to 12 :30 o'clock. In order for a patrol to receive 100 the required standards. Those honored at the \\'e dne~day perce!lt, each girl in that patrol must contnhute at least one article made assembly were Helen Brown. Dorothy by herself. Each extra contribution Dickinson, Virginia Hannah. Kate ,J Janet Gordon, Jean mad~ by a Scout w ill give her patrol Hirschberg. 5 P A ( a pomt for each extr'a article. Patrols Markey, :\Iargaret ~e\\'man, Elizamay have food on their tables contri- beth Richards, Robert Atwood Robbuted hy mothers or friends but such ert English, Sherman Goble. George food will not bring any points to the 1\.fass~y , Blake Roberts, John Roos. patrol. Your State Senator is: Hardm Van Deursen and Donald First Aid course begins at head- Wilbur. J Ion. Frederick B. Roos quarters at 2:30 o'clock. Read en512 ::\Iarengo Avenue closed haclgc requirements for particulars. Please give your names if you Forest Park plan to attend. Repre ·entatives: Wednesday, October 15, 4 o'clock.Work for Tenderfoot and Second Hon. Howard P. Castle Class. Finish up Photographer's Badge. Barrington Thu.rsd~y, October 16, 3 o'clock.H on. Lewis B. Springer Exammatlon on all parts of TenderCoupe $1875 430 1Iaple A venue foot test. "Examination on Head part Sedan .. .. 1985 or Sencond Class only. !\I r. ~Iartin H. Finneran Wednesday, October 22, 4 o'clockBrougham · 2235 Calumet City We shall have as our guest !>Orne one ~a Thee of the village who will give us an interesting talk. We hope to have some T-6 Special one from the hank to tell us all sorts of unusual things about money. 1<)2) Issue of Annual Rep.o rt, Touring Reo .. 1595 Craf~sman and Citizen Badge work. Wlda IWiooa Tbw Kew York State Troopers Fnd_ a y, .October 24, 3 to 5 o'clock.Standard Exammahons on all parts of TenderFREE. SEND FOR COPY. Tourina Reo-1335 foot Test. Examination on Hand Stafl" P olle4! A u x iliary C ommittee Health and Helpfulness parts of REO EVANSTON CO. Fran k L. M a th e r , Supt. Second Class. 1101 Chicaao Ave., Evanaton !109 S. L a S alle S t . }Vednesday, October 29.-TendcrCh ica go, llllaola Phone Univeraity 6194 foot and Second Class Badge work Craf!sman and Citizen Badge. · Fnday evening, Octoher 31.-A Masquerade Hallow'en party. You'll hear more ah?ut it later, but give us your snooky 1deas. for children from 3 to 8 years of age Hirhlirhta for November A trip to the Northwestern observwill begin it's ninth year, on atory. WEDNESDAY, THE FIRST OF OCTOBER 1924 "Repair day." in the \Vinnetka \Voman's Club, ' ' Scouts. as citizens in Wilmette. Maple Avenue, Winnetka. Investiture, Parents' dinner and entertainment. · Mra. Anne Georae Millar will auperviae the advanced work. Sears Gridiron Heroes GIRL SCOUIDOM WOULD ADOPT NEWEST MUSIC LESSON SYSTEM Sco ut s will go on hik es to Camp a business trip Howell. with Roh crt Townley, Kenil - been gone for about a worth Scoutmaster. -oEdward Scheidenhelm, Jr., 704 Lak Ten bui'ding permits totaling $62:Duane Goodland Bartlett of 1603 av~mie,, left Monday to enter Corlldi 500 in "~alttati~n. were 1ssucrt th1s Lake avenue r eturn ed this week from umvers1ty. week at th e \\'i lm ettc ,· illag~ hall. Four of the permits were for dwellings and the others were for garages and an addition. The highe;.,t single cost of construction as shown hy t·he permits will he hy George ] . Schuster. \\'ho will. build a two-story brick \·eneer dwellm g at 85~ Sheridan road for $21.000. E. E. Strauss will erect a two-s tory brick ,·eneer dwelling and a garage at 329 W ashington street for $14.000; Josep h H ein zen, a two-s tory brick veneer d wellin g at 1520 Lake avenue for $10.000: Emil Gilberg, a two -story 556 CENTER STREET, WINNETKA hrick veneer dwelling at 233 Wood court for $9.000. Phones Winnetka 1186 or 1762 Th e other building permits were issued as follows: Leo Braun, to huild i_= and you are sure to get QUALITY and DURABILITY at '; a brick ga rage with li,·ing quarters lo\rcr cost because it is the CO-OPERATIVE SYSTEM . on the second floor in the Braun suh- 5 : division for $4.000; Simon J. 1-forand. ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII...i frame and stucco garage. 909 Ashland avenue, $2.000; Paul Schroeder, 3-car garage, Lake Shore addition. $750; Joseph Braun, an additon, $700; Sam P . Hastedik, garage, 1638 Spencer Delicious rolls, tasty soups, meats that avenue, $700; John Ratajczyk. frame garage, Kenilworth first addition , $350. satisfy, fresh yegetables, nicely Aa\'ored Week's Building Grants Aggregate $62,000 Total I E::R;o~~7:£f!~~~~~~RP=cI l !=- r . . . . iVHEN·· ·yc;c;·· ·wANT'l AND DECORATORS ====== deserts, splendid coffee-that's what we serve our guests. WELCH'S CAFETERIA 1131 -33 Central Avenue Wilmette 1981 To The Voters WRITE SENATOR REPRESENTATIVES STATE POLICE ILAKE SHORE AUTO Come in and aee the New Closed Models SALESROOM and SERVICE STATION 1010-16 Chicago Ave., Evanston REO The Reo Line GET THE BEST! When you \Yant a cake that will satisfy yo u and your fatni ly, a cake t hat's n1ade of the purest and best flour, butter, and fi1ling you go where they n1ake such cakes. One trial wi ll convince you that the Dutch Oven is t he place you 're looking for. We put quality above everything North Shore Montessori School nue, day, S Crest Mr. of the mercha also an Rotary club .. hore t at ion ore to Battle Evanstoniana The footba ll season will be onenf'd at the .To eph Sears school. Kenilworth. Wednesday, October 1, when the 85-pound t,e am meets the Orrington school elevt'n of Evanston. The Sears school team has heen practicing since the openin~t of the sch ool term and the light-weigh t pigs k in chasers promise to turn out some win . Games for t h e other teams of the school, which range in weight fro m 75 to 105 pounds in wejgh t, ar e being scheduled by Robert Townley, athletic director of the school. The Tuesday club me~ for luncheon and bridge t h is week wtth Mrs .. Clarence M. P uhlman of 623 Washmgton a ven ue. V r. and Mrs. Hilton of 1716 W a lnut avenu e have !e~urned f~om St. Louis, w here they VISite d relatives for senral clays. Addreaa Miaa Dorothy Seara, Telephone Kenil. 163 417 Warwick Rd., Kenllworth The teat of time ia the teat that teUa 35 yeara experience rendering satisfactory service The Dutch Oven 1129 Central Avenue Wilmette c.<\V. A. J. WOODCOCK p H0 N E 1 3 Q4 WILMETTE

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