Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Sep 1924, p. 17

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WILMETTE FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1924 17 thorough preparation !or con ftrmatlon . ! Places" Vacation Is over ; the young It Is an admitted !act that one hour \ Jlt'OIJI<' hav e 1 fl for college; It will a wee k Is not enough for the proper seem good to b e back In the r eg ular \t ; :3ll o'clock to-night the Ladles· hrlstian education of the child. H e re pew again worshipping with friend A,; 1 iR holding a rally for the people Is a fin e opportunit)' for your chll- and neighbor and meeting the newof I his parish and their friends. Eve ry- dren. comer. on l' is invi t ed and a good time Is On Monday afternoon the North End protui,..ed . ~orne out and get acquaintIt Is very necessary that all m e mbers of both the Senior and th e Jum;,·· Chcle will hold Its ftrst regular meeted! Ing of the tall at the home of Mrs : Walther league societies should at~urH1R\' at 9:3'0 o'clock. The Sun- tend their coming monthly meeting. Charles A. Eldridge, 1029 Lake avenue. ! '. ~~ti~o l In all departments will The month of Octobl'l' will see th e Luncheon served at 1 o'clock. Assist~~:~:. t. · l'rof. Schermerhorn will begl,n North Shore zone of the Walth e ·· h·n- Ing hostesses, Mrs. C. E. Tucker and his wol'li to·1ay In charge of the Men a gue convened here ,and both svrt<>ties Mrs. Thomas E. Thompson. l ' i.hl <' l'lass. All members of this class must make pre parations. All mmbe··!:l Tuesday at 7 o'clock Roosevelt ;,.,. un;t·d to be on hand to give Dr. on deck and on dut y! 1 Troop 2 will meet at headquarters. sdwt·nwrhorn a royal welcome, and i, 1· 111 g along a ~rlend. The other deThe Men's c lub actlvtit's will not be On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock aru111 .11ts are 1n active session. resu·m ed until th e month of Octolwr. V· sunday , 11 o'clock. Morning Wor- A large meeting Is plann ed fo·· Octo- l\lr. Lloyd conducts the second In the ship. This Is the last Sunday In the ber 30 at which time there will be In- Series of a most Interesting and lncon ren·nc e year. Dr. Stansell will stalled a radio receiving set to give structlvt> Atudy of the Book of Acts. all members and guests tht> ovportun- Save the \Vednesday evenings for the )JI'l':l Ch. , Hunclar. 3:30 Jo c lock. Home Guards lty of hearing the ntlre Reformf\.tlon c hurch. Day program to be broadcasted hy an!l )lolht···s' e wels will mett. sur 11 ta~·. r, o'clock. Inte··medlate Lea- KYW. Remember th e datt.', October On Thurstlay the Neighborhood Clr30, and be there. cle will hold an all-day rummage Sale gut· nweting. :\lomlay, 12:30 o'clock. Lunch ~lu~ at at the Econom>· Shop. An~· one having The Lord's Suppe1· will bt> c('lebrated articles !or this sale will kindly phone tht· Ct· ntJ·al Y. M. C. A., room A, 19 at St. John's on Sunday mo··ning Wllmet e 1 :>39. La Salle street. :llollday, 8 o'clock. Official Board- October 6, In the 0:45 o'clock service. All those desiring to go to th e Sacrafinal ml';-llng of Conference year. The ~ozy Cot·n .. r Circle will meet nt :'ll onday. 7:30 o'clock. The Boy ment are request('d to announce thls th t> church on Thursday. l.unch ou to the pastor on Friday, October 4. The served at 1 o'clock. scouts in their r eg ular meeting. W ednesday, 4 o'clock. The Girl confessional, or )Jr('parator)· se··vice, will begin at 9:30 o'clock. SeOtrts will meet. Fun Day. Th "' C('ntral Av e nu~> Circle will hoi.\ \Verlnesday, 8 o'clock. Wid-Week Its r eg ular m et> tlng at the hotne of St'I' Vice of p1·ayer and praise, lmmedlMrs. }~rank \o\"llson, 1118 Central aveatelv following which will be a short nUt' , on F1·1day afternoon. TJUitt·h e,, n ml'etlng of the Sunday School board. Next Sunday Is Organization Day In ser·v"'d at 1 o'clock. Thur·sday, 2 o'clock. Ladles' Aid the Church school. Classes above the nh't'ting. primary will meet JH' Omt>tly at 10 At the choir n·hearsal Fz iday <· \'CThursday, 7 o'clock. Junior Scouts o'clock. Class otflcet·s and committees nlng at i:30 o'clock, Mr. Cain wish es will meet. will be chosen ancl the program of ac- to met>t ('V('r ~· member an<1 al,..<> :1.11~· Th u rs11ay, 8 o'clock Senior Choir re- tivities for th e coming- months out- who desh-l· to join the choir thl~ ~- ,, al'. lined . Queen Esther Th t> Junior choir, unllt>r th·· ·lin'cAt the 11 o'clock servict> ?.lr. Llo~·d tlon of ;\[r flurtnH. meets Sntur·lay will vreach on "Big Lives In Little, .-vt'ning at i o'clock. Hoi) ommunlon will be se1·ved at th e 11 o'clock service next Su·nday morning, and It Is hoped that every c hurc h nwmbcr will b e In church to t·ect>ive this bl t'ss lng. Methodist Church St. Augustine's Parish Next Sunda)·, S('ptember 28, will be the ftfteenth Sunday after Trinity. There will be Holy Communion at St. Augustine's at 8 o'clock, Church schools at 9 : 45 and morning prayer with sermon at 11 o'clock. All services will be on winter time, one hour late·· than summer time. All clocks should be chang~>d Saturday nglht by being put one hour abead. club at 8 o'clock. Rev. George Craig Stewart, rector or St. Lu·ke's, Evanston , will be the special speaker. The r·ector and some of the laymen or St. Augustlne·s plan to att~nd. Next Friday evening, October 3, a Sl> clal speaker and leader from the New York headquarters of the Episcopal church will meet the ·teachers and officers of the various Episcopal church schools In the North 8hor district at Christ church, Parish House . corner Oak and Linden streets, Winnetka, at 8:16 o'clock. A delegation of officers and teachers from St. Augustine's will be In attendance. Monday, September 29, will be the day st't apart by the church to call to out· att .. ntl o n the place of the Angels anti their mission as taught In the Blbl~>. Th .. re will be a elebratlon of The attendances at St. Augustine'· th e Holy Communion In St. Augusfor the Sundays In Septemebr show a tine·,.. on this day at 8 o'clock. large advance over the same SundayS' The ftrst mN·tlng of the Associated last year, the communicant attendance Guilds of St. Augustine's was held yes- being considerably more than double te·rln)· In tht' Club House at 2 o'clock, last year's, and the otrerlng also morewhen plans and arrangements for the than double, while the total att,.ncoming I'E>IHion w ~> re talked over. dance shows an Increase of over 40% Tht· we·· k-da~· C('lebratlons of tilt· Holy Communion on Thursdan~ at 1(1 o'clock In St. Augustine's be~an ~· ··s t('rday. Thee«> 1\re lntenoed speclf\.lly for the womt>n or the parish. n e v. P. J. Tromtl began a dlscusdio n r-lal!s In th t· church for women on the g.meral 8Ubject "Evangelism In the Church." The local c hapte r of the Dnughto'rs of th(' King h t>lcl their first Wt·ekl:: lllt'e tlng at th(' close of this d iscu>Hion class. 't'ht' mt·n of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew f1·om th tJ Diocese of Chicago will hole! their autumn dloc ~sa n lll(' ... tlng at tht· Church of the Holy Comfort .. ,._ K.-nilworth, tomorrow nfternoon lw~innlng at 2 :30. This afternoon will lw d .. voted to recreallon with a twrvlct· In the church a.t 5 o'e!C'C'k. and dlmwr at the Kenilworth The Boy Scouts of St. Augustine's: began their regular meetings last night In the Parish House at 7:30. lnstea<l or meeting on Saturday nlghta.. as was the case last year. they wiD mel't this season on Monday evenlnaa.. The Pioneers of St. Augustine's under Mr. Rob er t Kenyon will begln their m eetings for the season, Saturday morning, September 27, at lD o'clock. Don't forget that your clocks should be set forward one hour tomorrow night. Services at St. Augustine's on Sunday, September 28, will be on winter tim('. Congregational Church Read the Want-Ada Tht· annual dinner of the Woman's Fore ig-n l\lisslonary society will be hel<l In the church Friday evening, Octoh.-t· 3, at 6:30 o'clock . A good dlnn t' l' and inte··estlng progrnm are prom Ise\!. l;pn\1 In your reservations not later tiHU1 noon Thursday, the second, to ~lt·s. Halph C. Moulding, t e lephone \\'llmHtt· 763-J. Baptist Church :\lorning worship at the usual hour. o'C'Iock on Sunday morning, with st>rmon by Mr. Stifll"r, the pasto1·, and music by th e Choral society. 11 Th e Bible school meets with gradt>d lnstr·ut'tion for all ages at 9:45, the Rdult ·htsst·s convening at 10 o'clock. Th e lntcnndlate B. Y. P. U. will m l'et at 3:3() Hunday aft<'l'noon In C hlldr eu·s hall. Th P Senior n. Y. P. U. will be l<'d by l\lr. J.~<·rmit HPnsley.' H e has chos,.n f o r his tOJ>ic, "Ou1· Task ." Th cy met>! at G:30 in Chi ld ren'R hall. 'At 7·30, the Se:;h,~ ,muslcaJ s rvlc e tht' choir as anuo.:'nlced el" ...:·h.,n·. CamJ> Fire Gh·ls will me.· t at church on Tuesday at 3:30 o 'c lock. The l\1:1<1-Week ~I'ViC(', to be hl'ld on W e dn esdn.y at S o"clock in Chllclren·s hall, will ·be In chat·ge of the Membl'rllhip dcpar·tment. The subject tor consldcration is, "What Church :!\1 e mi.H~ r·shlp l\leans to M e." Th f' \VIlnwtt .- Baptist Choral ROCit'h· will me··t for rehearsal at 7:45, Thursday eVt'niug. Th t' October· meeting of th e \Voman's sodt·ty is schedul('d to1· Frlclay , ( ctober 3. The··e will b(' no \Vhlte Cross work In tht' morning. Luncheon will be servecl at 12:30, and the after· noon session will start at 2 o'clock. Th l' program of the afternoon will be a debate on the topic : "11esolved: "That the Japanese Exclusion Law Is for th e best Interests of the Am e rican peonle." Adjournment at 4 o'clock . The Fall Retreat of the Ba1>tlst chu1·ch will be held tomorrow, September 27. Th e afternoon session will comm('nce at 4 o'clock. Dinne·· will be se1·ved between 6 and 7 o'clock, and th e eve ning session will commence at 7 o'clock. The \Vilmete Baptist church Is located at Wilmette and Forest avenu es and welcomes all to Its services. The pastor, Hev. Francis C. Stifter, mav be reached at his study during the m'ot· nlngs or by appointment. The church ofllc& Is pone dally from 9 to 5 and from 9 to 12 o'clock on Saturdavs. The church telephone Is Wilmette -2236. For Your Convenience -28 Retail Stores No. 14 in a series of statements about the Company's business. OR your convenience we maintain and operate 28 retail stores where infonnation about the services rendered by this Company may be secured. In each of these stores there is arranged for your inspection a full display of selected gas or electric appliances which the Company guarantees. These may be purchased for cash or on monthly payments with your service statement. F The sales force in these stores fully understands the appliances and will advise with you so that you may select the type suited to your particular requirements. These appliances are correctly designed and manufactured to give good service according to standards set by the engineers of this Company. A rack of electric lamps, showing sizes, shapes and colors available for your use, is also on display. and Park avenues, Wllmettl' Herman \V. Meyer, M. A. pastor I'ralrl~> avenue. Telephone 1396. Church Telehone 3111. SERVU'I.<:S You are cordially invited to visit the Public Service Stores 15th Sunday after Tl'inlty 9:30 o'clock. Sunday school and Bible classt-s. 9:45 o'clock . First service and st>l'mon. 11 o'clock. Second service and sermon. SabJectr The Church's Character and Discipline. Friday, Se1>tember 26: Sunday school statr. Monday, September 29 at o'clock: Children's Class s. Monday, September 29 at o'clock: Tt>achers Institute. Thursday at 8 o'clock: The "BuildFriday at 8 o'clock: The Junior Walther Leagu-e. Friday at 8 o'clock: The Junior \Valther League. Friday at 4 o'clock: Children's Classes. The classt>s for the Christian education of chllclren reopened on l.\Ionday afternoon with an enrollment or forty chlldr~>n to which many will no doubt be a<lclt>d In the course of the ntJxt f ew weeks. All parents are urg.;,d to give th lr children the bendlt of this course which Is free to all. A:t .v child years of age or above may enClaues are held every .1\fondny Friday from 4 to 5 o'cloc!<. There are two divisions, a primary under the cllr ctlon ot Mia· Clara Mu-eller and an advanc d under the care of the pastor. The obj ct of tbeae classel lc1 to ~rive all children a gradual and MEETINGSr PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY I II OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Serving 6, 000 ·quare milu-202 citie· and town·-with Gaa or Electricity .·NO. S. REESMAN. Diatrict Manaaer 111 Church Str-t Phone Univeraity 3900 EVANSTON Phone Wilmette Z8SS The annoanoement that the PubHc Service Com· puy of Northent lUinoi· hae been aYVuded tlle Ch&rlee A. Collill Medel £or 19~3, i· a tribute to the territory in which thi· Company operetee ee well ea the service it rendere. Thie awud wee made to thie Company in com· petition with tht~ electric light end power com· pMtiee of the United Stetee "for diatinguiehed contribution to the development of electric light end power lor the convenience of tlte pubUo ud the bene/it of the induetry."

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