Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Sep 1924, p. 14

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M WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1924 in that genus that is born to It comforts us, blush unseen." however,' to know that only 25,357 of our fellow-citizens have entered \"ho's ·w ho, leaYing tt on the out ide with about 110,000,000. Miserit!, in this in stance has lot s of company. WILMETTE LIFE (Formerly The Lake Sl)ore Newa) Established 19'12 with which ie combined THE WILMETTE LOCAL NEWS Established 1898 ISSUED FRIDAY - by OF EACH WEEK LLOYD Tele(lll~·e HOLLISTER, INC. 1222 Central Ave., Wllml!tte, Ill. 0 · 0 ···· 0 0 · · wu.ette 18%0 TIME FOR FUN ·:.oo A YEAR A Chicago business man insist;.;,A.;;;;J.;.l.;.c;;;;o;;;;m;..;m=u=n=lc=a=u:=o=n=m~u=:et:==:=b=e=a=c==c=om:=- (;d tO US the other day that the IUBSCRIM'JON a yerage American business man ~~:~rth!r!~~~~~ ~~r w~~~~:J~~n n~~~u~~ didn't take off enough time for tnaure appearance In current Issue. fun. "\\'hY, here I am six days Resolutions ot condolence, cards or every week with my nose right thanks, obituary, poetry, notices of entertainments or other affairs where up against the grindstone. And an admittance charge will be made or some days l come do\\·n early, a collection taken, will be charged at stav late, and shorten np the rl!arular advertising rates. Entered at the post office at Wll· noO'n hour. \\'e ought to take it melle, Illinois, as mall matter of the eas1er. a econd class, under the act of March \\'e agree with him . Ameria. 1879. cans are hustlers , and often if FI{JDA Y. SEPTE~l BER 26. 1924 thcv hustle \\'ith a little slower Separate the Grades. pac-e they achieve better husiEnforce the Traffic Laws. ness results . \\' e've got the Build the Through Traffic Road. habit. \\'e're speed fanatics, W£den the Business Thoroughfares spee d maniacs. .\!most 500 deaths in Cook county by A VAGABOND SONG autos this year. '\\'e're in \\'hat for? Thrrr is somrtlri11g ;, llrr aul1111111 that an awful burn·. Because the otlier fellow is, and is 11atiz·e to mv bloodTouch of ma11ner, lr.ilrt of mood ; he's hurrying to heat US! A11d mv lrrart is like a r/1\'mr. Let's take off more time just U' itlr tire JCIIM(' and tir e f'r~ rf'h· ami llrr for fun. Down with the man crimson k cepiny time. who makes a merit out of getting Let's Tire scarlet of tire maph·s ra 11 slrolu mc do\\'n to business earlv! li~· e a Cl'\' have a picnic at least o;1ce a day. OJ h11.lflcs fJoing hy And m y lo11cly spirit thrills WOMEN VOTERS To scc tire frost) · asters like a smokc 1f he observes tbc seriousness tiPOII the hills. with " ·hich \\'Oman takes her Tlrcre is something in October sets the responsibilities as ,·oter mere g;ypsy blood astir ; man must confess that his sister We must rise and fol/m,· her. shou ld have been g-ranted the Wlrc1' from e<·ery /rill of flame Sire calls GIJd calls cach t·agabond by franchise privilege some cen11Q1111'. turies ago. \Vomen·s clubs -BI.l~S CAR:I[A~. everywhere are learning how to vote intelligently. One of the DAYS most active committees in the Opportunities are commg. club organization is the Civics and Next Monday and Tuesday are Legislation committee. It is apOpportunity Days. And what parent that the '"omen's ballots doe s that mean? Just this. That cast in the fall elections will be on those days you can buy in thoughtfully marked. Wilmette all sorts of things at ls it going too far to suggest greatly reduced prices. that the average woman is better Some kind of an advertising informed on civic questions than scheme? Yes - and perfectly the average man? If she is not, legitimat e. It's like this: The it is not because of her lack of merchants of Wilmette want you, opportunities to learn. Moreover, the people of Wilmette, to form she takes advantage of her opthe habit of buying more and portunities. So far as we know more of your necessities and men are not pursuing the study luxurie s in your own home-town. of politics so seriously as women. So the merchants are issuing to That's why it seems to us that you invitations (in the form of the average woman is bound to lowered prices). Y ott do some- he better informed. what the same thing when you want people to come and see you. WILEVANSBROOK . You invite them to dinner. The Oddfellows of Evanston, Wiln1ain difference between y,ou and mette, Winnetka a.nrl Glencoe got the merchants is that you give together on Saturday, September your guests their food for noth- 13, and united in an organization ing; the merchants give their which theY called the \\'ilevansguests good things at lower brook En<:'.ampment No. 177. This prices than usual. union will not only he trong in Don't you feel a little more in- itself hut will bring to each of timate with the people who have its con tituent lodges an access been your guests than with those of ambition and vigor. you don't know so well? \Vhy The Roman father b,· means of not give your friends, the bu.si- sticks taken singly ·and in a ness men, the ame opportuntty hundle showed the weakness of of. getting on friendlier terms an individual and the strength wtth you? of those individuals when bound Shop with them next ·M onday together. But long before that and Tuesday. time. the strength of associated individuals had been pro\'ed. InWHO'S WHO? deed by uniting, the weaker of Becau~e a man's or woman's the lower animals showed them name is not to be found in Who's selves more than a match for the Who does not necessarily mean stronger. that this neglected man or As a vital association of lodges wpman is insignificant. It the new Wilevansbt:.o ok Encampmay be that the individual ment will have many opportunhas been asked for a bi,o graph- ities for service commensurate i<.;al sketch and for some reason with it size and influence. has failed to respond. Or it may very well he that the comA HAPPY MAN pilers of \\'ho's \Vho have not A friend of .ours wanted an icediscovered certain well-qualified hox. He wanted a good one. hut per ons. he also wanted to spend a .. little It must also . he \emembered money as possible. heing frugal. that the names 111 th1s book are What to do;> To make a hart the names of "notable'· men and story some,,:hat shorter we will warne~. To quote from t~e p~e- tell you without further delay face: It should be borne m mmd that he got for $7 an ice-box that that the . names in Who's Who was "worth $..15"-to quote his In Amenca have been selected own words-"if it is worth anynot a the be t but as an attempt thing." to choose the be t known men He found it in a want ad. and women of the country." There is an important difference It take only a little time for betwee~ "be t,. and "best the tourist to become fed-up. His known. powers of appreciation are soon Many of ~r friend are not in exhausted. Then he wants to go W. Were also absent. Our to sleep or go home. One cathe!.b:n~ we b ·long to the dral every four or five days is ._ t " utOunot. tv .th~ "best sufficient. Ruins easily become anown. r ctrcle ts tnduded tiresome. 1 pan led by the name and address of the 0 ,, A Rule of Transportation for the North Shore and a fast and comfortable line is the best. That character... izes the sendee of the North Shore Line between any two points on the North Shore. ~ ff STRAIGHT line is the shortest distance between two points- Local, express and fast limited service is carefully arranged to meet the requirements of North Shore citizens. With double-tracked, stone,ballasted roadbed, the latest steel equiP" ment, including dining and parlor,observation cars, and an operating personnel picked for efficiency and courtesy, the North Shore Line is a real transportation factor of the North Shore. It is more than a coincidence that the name of the North Shore Line ls the same as the territory it serves, for it is identified in every way with the interests of the North Shore. And when residents of every community from Chicago to Milwaukee refer to the North Shore Line as "our line", we are proud of the co,ownership implied. Fast, frequent trains from the heart of Chicago, the Loop, to the heart of Milwaukee serve every intermediate city and town. Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 a way that all tural c ress yo arc glad Patri " ·hose ~ire to things a Her sec !-he pla i; a joy is the ?iprth Shore !Aferchandise 'Despatch Service . 'I Over,night service for shippers .hetwee~ every important po~nt on the North Shore Line. Merchandtse recetved up to 6 p. m. dehvered the next morning. Through service to Sheboygan, Burlington, Watertown and all points on the Milwaukee Northern R. R. and T. M. E. R. & L. For rates, deliveries, etc., write or telephone local North Shore agent, or Traffic Department: Chicago office, 72 West Adams St., 'phones State 5723 and Central 8280; Milwaukee office, 403 Security Bldg., 'phones Grand 990 and Grand 2762. Chicago North Shore and M1lwaukee Railroad Company This gas and oiling station is just across the street from our garage, and is under our management. YOU DID! got up this morning, had a nice bath, put on fresh linen, and Oh, boy! how good it makes one feel. You know an automobile is a good deal like a human. Give it oil, grease, and tighten it up every so often, and the result is a smooth-running engine, no squeaking and sure braking power-a machine just humming with life to go. For economy's sake-call the Hubbard Woods Garage. You will receive reliable service and courteous treatment. YES, I HUBBARD WOODS GARAGE 1010 Tower Road WINNETKA, ILUNOIS 11 Service With A Smile." PHONES: W.· WINNETKA 617-1834 bnd

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