Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Sep 1924, p. 12

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12 Fli'St Aid for Doctors rrr:==== lliijij·l~~ WILMETTE ~:;.;_:;;~:B~R 26.m:: l :.~~ IN 1 92 Incorporated and Accredited A Non-Proftt Institution 2-Pass. Utility Coupe Fine professional training in most recent developments in elementary and kindergarten work cove.ring every phase of child life from tnfancy to twelve years. Wilmette Rotary Club Hosts Wednesday Evening INCE the inception of the Wilmette Rotary club early in the year. villagers have h~en in_ tou~h w.ith _its activities .. Its views upon various village questtons, tts atms, tts tdeals of _serv.tce, and the messages its speakers have br.o ught have been of _vttal. tnflue~ce in the community life. And now the members are dtrectmg thetr enthusiasm into. a purely soci al venture. The. men will be hosts at r\inner and the theater on Wednesday evenmg, October 1, taking their guests to see "No, No, Nanette." 1 sociETY_ 0~ it" 'l'~ h;ng t1 "'111\'thl -ha. '640 FOR SA.L E BY YOUR LOCAL DEALER or from ~troa.r caltaral eoaraea. Praetleal experleaee Ia teaelllas. Hlsll o·etal ratla.r. aad eadcwae~nent· b;r edaeaton, eiYie aad E. B. MOORE & CO. Since 1878. Fine Hardwood Floors Laid Scraped, Cleaned, Finished WELLS-W£SCOT CO., INC. Phone aast-1857 £yusaton E·usaton .. ~~~-: !::::an;.plrlt aad . . . . .fello·.,.,.lllp Ia 10l:s: doraltorle., Eatllaalaatle atadeat body ef SM. Coatlaaoaa powtll b . .ed ···· tile flemaad for Ita lrJ'Adaatea darlas 38 yeara. eo·- S I Estimates Free I 218 South Wabash Ave. Chicago, Illinois Telephone Wabash 2020 High school graduates from accredited schools admitted without examination. Two and three year diplomas, four year degree. (;laaaea Now Startl·· For C atalope, B-k· of Vlewa ··· Gradaate R-ter, addr-t Evanston Wedding Interests Wilmette Society · NVITATIONS are out for the wedding of Miss Mildred Latham, I daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ray Latham of Evanston. Miss Latham will marry Charles Allen Kerr, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen Kerr of Evanston, Oct,ober 11, at the home of the bride, 1118 Sheridan road, Evanston. Horace J. Bridges will perform the ceremony at 8:30 o'clock in the evening. The bride and her family are well known in Wilmette where they at one time :-esided. National Kinderaarten aDd Elementary Colleae Boll 44l, 2944 Mle.. ls·· BealeYard CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Peoria Bloomln~oa Alice Carolyn Miller Will Marry in November Distinctive Apparel placed used. 1 pieces ad miss "Stunt Put from t "Coil "Twil Brinj For I The So b Duri progra I. L'A Fountain Square T an evening party given by Mrs. Ernest A. Gould of Evanston, A the engagement was announced of her sister, Miss Carolyn Miller, to Abner Cartwright Bisson, son of Mr. and 1\lrs. Alic~ William Bi!lson of St. Heliers, Jersey, of the Channel Islands. wedding will take place in November. The APPAREL FOR EVERY OCCASION IN STYLES FOR WOMEN AND MISSES A Remarkable Group of Women's and Misses' Autumn Dresses Silk and Woolen Fabrics $3950 Tailored, Sport and Afternoon Styles ·E xclusive Models for Your Selection T'S a delightful task to choose a new dress from these charmI ing new models at this moderate price. The gratifying assortments and the exclusive nature of this presentation is the result of a painstaking survey of the ideas and requirements of our patron . The fashion-rightness is assured by the various relinhle manufacturers, importers and modistes who contribute their best efforts to the fashioning of smart apparel. Navy Charmeen is )lsed effectively in a smart tailored dress that has a white crepe de chine collar and cuffs. Novel button trimming down front and back trims thi garment. Size 18-price $39.50. Black Chinille woven on royal '-'lue georgette form a long tunic over a black satin skirt. The tunic is fur-trimmed and the long-barrel l'leeves are trimmed with black satin. Size 36, price $39.50. Tan Satin Crepe forms a pretty frock with embroidered rose henna collar and vest effect. It is made in coat style wi~h novelty button trimming. The size is 38, price $39.50. Black Satin in a coat style dress is very pretty with the lace collar and cuffs. Long sleeves and tucks on the skirt adds to its tailored simplicity. Size 44 and priced $39.50. ()ther Dresses Are Priced $15.00 to $75.00 Second Floor The :t\ational Convention of the For some little time a movement Woman's Home Missionary soc iety has been underway among Wellesleywhich assembles October 8 to l.'i, at ites who are holding position s and are the Chicago Temple, has three Wil- unable to attend the meetings of thP. mette residents who are assisting in Wellesley clubs in Chicago and on the activities. Mrs. B. C. Davi son is the north shore, to organize an C\·epresident of the northern district, and ning group which will "get together" Miss Edna Davison is in charge of occasionally for dinner and to keep o ne of the social affairs. in t0uch with college and club Jffairs. Splendid prog-rams have bem ar- A committee ha s been formed. a1;d rhe ranged during the days of the com·en- first meeting will he held Frid<.y evetion which north shore-ites 'lre in- ning, October 3. at the vVoman's City vited to attend. club at 6 o'clock. Any 'Wcllcdey On \Vedncsday eve ning the mono- alumna who is d es irou s of att·~nrling Iogue. "Italiana Redeemed ," will be these evening ga therin~s is asked t:> gi,·en by Mrs. Arthur Strickland. On communicate with Miss Elinht'th Thursday there will he a hanqu cr at Case. 759 Burr a\·cnuc, Hubbard the Drake. Friday. lectures will he \Vo ods, telephone Winnetka lYIO. ~iven on "Adventures in Brother- Reservations for the dinner si}ould he hood." Miss Davison is in charge 0: sent to Miss Case by Thursday, Octhe young people's lunch eon which . tober 2. will he held on Saturday at the Audi-otorium. Sunday morning, Bishop l\Ir. and l\Irs. H. C. LediK oi 1729 Hughes will give an addres . and iP Elmwood avenue, attended t:1:: dinner. the afternoon Dr. Soper of Evanston c··remony and reception gi,·e n on Satwit\ speak. On Monday, Mrs. Lloyda t:rday at th home of Mr. l.cdig'~ B. Smith will give an addrc. o;, and on father and' mother. 1\fr. and Mrs. Tuesday. a pageant will take place at Joseph T.edig of Chicago in c(·!ehraOrchestra hall. tion of their golden wedding ann!\'l' r-osary. Following the dinner. a mar. The north shore alumnae of the riage se n ·ice was again performed at :\ dl ion a I Kindergarten and Elcmen - St. Mathias' church, with the Re,·. tuy college will meet for lunc!1eo·1 Thiele officiating in the prc,cncc. of :::Jtnrday, October 4, at 12 o\:I.Jck i11 500 guests. Thre e little llow · r g-1rls. the ·un room of the rorth Shon· dressed in gold, carrying gold~n dahl!tot< i. E\·a11ston . ias and marigolds. led the hridc and Tile regular l\fonday mcetin~p ar.: groom once more to th e altar. A rehei11g held with Mrs. Florence S. ception was held at the home after Capron. These meetings arc ~poken the wedding. of as the "Workshop." Articles of -o1·1£ant wearing apparel and nursery The opening meeting of the :Manuacccs~orics are being made fo:- t h,· ka club took place last week at the college Corner, 508 Davis street, home of Mrs. E. R. Jame s. 1304 Forest £,·anston. The proceeds of th~se avenue. Officers were eletced for the sales are to increase the college huild- ensuing- year. Mrs. George Rice was iPg fund. made president and l\Irs. Wilbur -oGlover, trca urcr. The members deT'le opening meeting of th( !~e,·. :y ci{ll·d to continue their philanthropy o··g-anized entral Council of Chilrl- work throughout the year. The next llOod Education will be held at the meeting will he held at the home of Ek;,nor club rooms, 17 North ~tate Mrs. Samuel Cohen. 1231 Forest avestreet. Saturday, October 4. at )[) :30 nue, on the afternoon of Sept ~ber 30. o'dnck. There will be a social ha 1f -ohour. music and a current exhibit. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Scheidenhelm tollowed by an address hy Fiora J. aud their daughter, Miss Mary Louise, r ·c-oke on "Social Motive in Edl!C'l- 804 Forest avenue, accompanied by 1ion." F.veryone is welcome. 'Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Scheidenhelm of --<>Lake avenue, their son, Edward, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Pickard and their and their daughter and son-in-law, daughter. Marion, returned last week Mr. and Mrs. McPherrin of Evanston. to their home at 819 Fifteenth street, were gue ts at the wedding of Albert after a three weeks' vacation when Schcidcnhelm and Miss Margaret th(·y visited Mackinac hland. Niag-ara \Vhit chi ll, which took place in IndianFalls and the Toronto Exposition apolis, Saturday e\·cning. They were also the guests of Dr. -oPickard's relatives in Brantford, LonDr. and Mrs. . G. Smith of 1323 don, Hamilton, and Exeter, Ontario, Greenwood avenue, with their daughCanada. ter, Marjorie, have just returned from -oan extended ' trip throug-h the cast, M iss Ethel Wray, daughter of Mrs. where, at Oswego. New York, they ]. G. \Vray of \Va shington avenue. attended the marriage of their so11, left· unday for her secoml y.·ar at Lysle, to Miss Ruth Graves, of OsBradford academy. Bradford. l\Ias·- wego. The young couple will move ac hu . ctts. J. Glenn \Vray, .[r., left to E,·anston. shortly, where they exlast \Vednc sdav to attend the l:ni- pect to make theit permanent home. versity of Wisconsin. ~Iiss ALee. who -og raduated from \Visco n sin last year, ~f rs . Albert H . \Veher. 826 Chestis now ,·isiting friends at her ~0rori·v nut a\·enuc, is assisting Mrs. Claire hou~c. - ~lore with the t ahlcs for the benefit -ohridge party to be given Tuesday, :\f r. and :\1 rs. \\". ] . Spill a inc, Jr .. of September 30. for the Illinois League 117 Xinth street, announce the birth of \Vomcn Voters at !\Irs. Edith of a son. \\'illiam. on August 16, at Rockefeller ~[cCormick's home. This the St. Franci-. hospita l. Mr s. Spil- is the fir. t time 1\frs. l\IcCormick has lainc :tnd the hahy are now at home. opened her entire home to any func:\Irs. \\'. ] . Spillaine, r .. of Ottowa tion of this nature, it i stated. Illinois. is ,·isiting her daughter fo~ -osevera l weeks. ~Iis Elizabeth Fitch of Elmwood -oavenue, leaves Sunday to enter train~[r . C. A. Borden of 1539 Walnut in~ in the Walter Reid hospital, a,·enue is back from a two weeks' \VashinJZton, D . C. Her mother Mrs. motor trip through Ohio. where, at laude Fitch. entertained at lun'cheon T <;~lcdo and Sandusky, she visite& for her Wednesday, and this evening f~1cnds and. rcl3;tivc~. A week pre- :\1 rs. George L. Martin, 1046 Elmwood vtou to thts tnp, he had been in avenue, is giving a small dinner for Detroit for a time. her. · -o~fr. and ~[rs. Louis Clark are now Mrs. Howard J. Koehn has just remaking t~ir home at the Orrington turned to her home, 923 Main street, hotel. Mrs. Clark has just returned after visiting relatives in Brooklyn, from a trip abroad. Philadelphia and other easter ncities. -o-

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