Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Sep 1924, p. 11

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WOOF TH!a( few gas holders ha,·e a capatit et, and they toot to erect. 'rht nds each and and 245 feet high re feet of grouni e in Chicago, one an~ 35th strttt Chtcago. ; = ~IEWlllLW(())JR1tiHI §(Q)CCJlAlL lLTIFIE eGAYEJR AS AlUJTLUlMIW M~JR(Q)ACCIHrlES 1 · ==========~====~==~~~~~~==========================~ WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY, SEP'l'EMBER 26, 1924 11 ale SocietY Interest Held by News of Three You~g Folk ning Spots Ients Dry 1 see how isappear. e possible for y.ou. men and UDIO ilmette Zll Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman, 255 MelMrs. Sydnt C. Eastman, 255 Melc avenue, has as her guest for the rose avenue, entertained Thursday for wmter, her niece, Miss Ma~jorie Bart- luncheon at the GlenView Golf club for lett, of Cheyen-ne, Wyoming. Miss Mrs. Edwin Rathbone of Pasadena. Bartlett will study at the Art in--ostitute this winter. Rev. Leland Hobard Danforth left --qTuesday for Burlington, Iowa, to be Mrs. J. T. Backus, Mrs. Joseph Joyce, ir the wedding party of a ·brother Mrs. Frank R. Young, Mrs. Fred E. clergyman. He returned Thursday. OHD of a wedding past and Cole and Mrs. George G. Moody were -om·,,·s of two to come will in- hostesses at luncheon arid bridge \Ve'dThe ).[ isses harlotte and Marion t·· re t Kenilworth residents. nesday at the North Shore Golf club. Eckhart 206 Cumberland avenue, left \ I r anrl Mrs. Terry Gaskell of the --o-Saturday . to attend Miss Madeira's , 1 · th· ,. SPvcreign hotel and Kenilworth Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Ketcham and school ii1 \Vashington, D. C. : 11 1h 1 u11 cr the marriage of their daugh- their daughter, Joan, of Sheridan roaQ, -o;~r \t ar) Elizabeth, to Charles Greg<;>ry will arrive home Sunday after spendMrs. Thomas Coyne, ?.40 Melrose K ing. ~·Ill of ~1r. and Mrs. Ralph Kmg ing the month at their summer cot- avenue, entertained Tuesday at lunch,,j Clc,·eland and Mentor, Ohio. The tage at Maimie Lake, \Visconsin. eon. bridge and mah jongg at Indian -oHill club. ceremony was ~erfor~ed in the presM iss Ethel Reardon. who spent last --a-tncc of immedtate frtends, Septe!'Tlber David and Philip Burnham, 536 10. h_ ,. the Rt·v. Howard Ganster, in week with Mrs. George E. Shipman at White Lake, Michigan. arrived Roslyn road, left Monday for ConChrist Church chapel, Waukegan. The young people are now on a motor Monday to spend the week at the necticut to attend the Canterbury home of 11rs. Osgood. schoo.J. trip through the cast and will stop at --o--oCleveland and will attend the homeMr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood, 423 Mrs. Charles Holmes, 200 Warwick coming at Williams college, WilliamsEssex road, and their son, Robert, left road, entertained the sewing club for town Massachusetts. Sunday evening for Santa Fe. New luncheon Monday. ~~ rs. Ralph S. Farwell of Evanston Mexico, where Rohert will attend --oanounCl'S the engagement of her daughschool. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Gerould and ter, ~1arjoric, to Donald Campbell --o-Patty Gerould left Sunday for their Brock. ~on of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rathbone arc home in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. I. Hrock. 520 Warwick road. M.iss spending this week with ~Ir. and ~rs. -o~·arwell was graduated from Girton John V. Rathbone, 523 Abbottsford Miss Ainslec Bennett, 185 Sheridan ~chool, and later she attended the Uni- road . They are returning from Long road, will leave Tuesday for Philadelversitv of Wisconsin. She made her Island to their home in Pasadena. phia to attend Ogontz. debut· in 11)20. Mr. Brock is a Yale --o--oMr. and Mrs. Belnap Hawkes of Mrs. Walter Gillett, 642 Abottsford -\nnnuncement has been made of the Cleveland will arrive to spend this road, entertained her bridge club for engagement of Miss Audrey Stixrud, week-end with Mr. Hawkes' father and luncheon Wednesday. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. mother, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Stixrud of \Vinnetka, to George E. Hawkes, I 57 Kenilworth avenue. Sh ipman. Jr., son of ~fr. and Mrs. --o-George E . Shipman of 432 Warwick Mrs. John Oleson, 240 Woodstock road. avenue, entertained Saturday evening at -()-a family party to celebrate the eighty1Jr~. Benjamin C. Hawkes. 157 seventh birthday of her father, Allen Kenilworth avenue. arriYed home Sun- B. Wrisley of Lombard, Illinois. day after spending a delightful sum--o-mer abroad. Her trip included M iss Helen Cresap, 239 Essex roJd, France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium will entertain tomorrow at luncheon nad and England. One outstanding fea- bridge in honor of Miss Sidney Hnsture oi her travels was her two kin of Toronto who is visiting :\irs. w('eks' stay in \t\'indsor, Scotland, Alexander Reichman of Barringltlll. where 'he found "perfect weather." -()-Jler return trip across the ocean was ~fiss Caroline Everett, who has been made on the S. S. Pittsburgh. After visiting Miss Patty Foresman. 515 Esspending a day in New York , she sex road, for the past week, left \Vedstopped off in Clenland for a three nesday for Chicago university where she days' visit with her son and his wife. will be a freshman. :.rr. and 1Jrs. Belnap Hawkes. r~ it· I Fint· Church of Christ, Scientist, WUmette, Ill. Tenth St. aud Central A..,... Christian Science Reading Room W .. 1113 Wilmette AYe. Hours: Daily (ex~ept Wednesday and Services: Saturday) 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. Sunday at 11 A. M. Wednesday: 9 A. M. to 7 :4SP. M. Wedn<'sday Testimonial Meeting Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. at 8 P.M. The Bible and Wonca by Ka17 Sunday School, 9 :45 A. M. Baker Eddy and all otber authorIzed Chrlatlan Science Literature Subject of the ~sson Sermon may be read, borrowed or purSeptember Reality" cbaaed. The Public: ia c:orclially iunted to atteud the Church Senicea ...& -riait the Readin· Roo·· za. .. Patty Shells For vour luncheon party, nothing v.:ill delight your women guests as will a course of crea":led chicken or oysters, served m our l attv shell s. The art .of making them, handed down to us hy French Chefs, is well known to our expert bakers. Our Patty Shells have that flaky lightness that is so desired. Fresh every dav. but to be sure of your supply, you had better order a day ahead. -oMrs. Sarah Anderson and Mrs. Ernest Fleischman of 325 Leicester road have issued cards for a reception on Friday afternoon. September 26, in honor of 11rs. Joseph Regneas of New York. Mrs. \\'illiam Colledge, Mrs. Fr:ed Bulley, Mrs. Lewis Walton and :\f tss I sa bel Cline ;u ass1,. i:.O~ host- --o- 1Irs. \Varrcn Pease and tht· 1Lisses Florence and Beatrice Pease, 320 Leicester road, arrived home Sunday from their Canadian Rocky trip. -o1\Irs. L. M. Allen, 258 1Iclrosc a\·enue. entertained her club for luncheon and bridge Tuesday. ,..,~.~· I U Austin Phelps:-J28 Leicester -oleft Tuesday for New Haven to Mrs. L. M. Allen, 412 Melrose ave- Yale. nue, leaves Friday to spend a week with her daughter, 11rs. Dwinnel Slater, at Dr. Arthur H. Tuttle Lexington, Massachusetts, before sailing from Kcw York with :M r. Allen on Dr. Alice D. Tuttle the S. S. Laconia. They plan to visit Oateopathic: Pby1ic:iana London. Paris, and Italy, and wilt reResidence and Office turn to Kenilworth the middle of No913 Central Avenue Yember. Phone 300 -oHamilton I lowe, 240 Kenilworth ~ve nue, has had as his guests, Robert Arr:.Jstrong oi Rockford, illinois, and Henry 1529 Wilmette Avenue Gasell of Kansas City. WL'<Incsday ning they had a farewell dance given them at the Edgewater Beach hotel as Mr. Howe and his guests left the following day for Annapolis where they PETER are midshipmen. road, enter/ the Chiropractic road towards health. Many a little child who has been benefited can lead adults who have tried everything without avail in an effort to regain their Did-time strength and vigor. Conaultation free p u·c- Phone 481 Wilmette Cab Co. Not Inc:. STEFFENS, Prop. Moth Prevention your summer clothes are, or soon will be, put AwayDon't just put them away as they are and let Moths get in to them. Prevent this by having your clothes cleaned before storing away. We sugg~st this because we know no moth will touch a garment that has just been thru our cleaning process. - o-\Jrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone, 312 Sheridan road, will he one of the hostesses Tuesday el'ening at l lnion League club dinner which will be the last celebration of the club before the building is torn down to make way for the modern club building. The temporary quarters will be in the De Jonghe building on 2\lonroc street. RATES ~- fo'rom "L" to 15th treet, or equivalent di:-.tance First Passenger .............. . ... . ...................... 3Sc Each additional Passenger . ........................... ZSc: From "L" to point!> we t of 15th Street, or equil'alcnt distance First Passenger ............ . ... . ....................... SOc: · Each additional Passenger .............. . ............... ZSc: r. A. Bennett, 185 Sheridan road, leaves today for Soo Lookout, Canada, where he expects to meet a friend from the east who will join him hunting moose. Mrs. Bennett and Miss Dorothy Bennett will leave a week from tomorrow to motor to Port Arthur, Canada. Mr. Bennett will meet them there October 10. -()-- --o- Phone Wilmette 2600 721 Main Street WILMmE, W.. = IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUik.· f I The Home and Garden club will meet with Mrs. John Oleson, 240 · Woodstock avenue, on Monday, September 29. The speaker, James Jensen, will take for his subject, "Landscaping on Small Lots." The club cordially invites the members of the Kenilworth Garden club to be guests on this occasion. -oMr. and Mrs. Vincent Taylor. 1101 Maple avenue, Evanston, and Peggy Taylor, who have been spending thts week motoring to Springfield and St. Louis, will spend the week-end at the Red Wing Hunting club in southern Illinois. They are returning Monday. -aDouglas Flood, 133 Kenilworth avenue, who has been voyaging along the Past and we t coast of South America, crossing the Andes mountains on his trip across the continent, arrived in New York Monday on the S. S. Voltaire, -oM iss Caroline Gromann. 1316 Chestnut avenue, left Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. l<.alph S. Gromann , to motor to Rockford, Illinois, where Miss Caroline will attend cotlege. MOTORS SERVICE,-Inc. EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE COLD WEATHER plays the dickens \\'ith an automobile. The oil is stiff, the battery loses some of its pep, the gasoline is hard to vaporize. In other word· to preform satisfactorily in cold weather your car must he in much better condition than in ,,·ann \\Tather. If it is limping now you \\'ill surely have trouble this \\'inter. Come early and a\·oid the rush. PRESSING REPAIRING Schultz & Nord THE NORTH SHORE'S LEADING TAILORS J. C. Slown A. B. Van Deusen 1152 Central Ave. Phone 320

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