;f ' ECTION WILMETTE LIFE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1924 OPPORTUNITY DAYS S · · . AN EVERY DAY OPPORTUNITY FOR Canne·d Goods The AUTO TRUCK OWNERS SAVE 25 TO 40% ON INSURANCE ne~ pack canned goods are waiting for your order. With three such well known bands as Savoy, Richelieu and Centrella you are assured of the best quality. FORD, DODGE, CHAMPION, ETC. $4 6 {$10,000-$20,000 Liability $5 additional. per year MEDIUM TRUCKS, $50 to $60 per year. HEAVIEST TRUCKS made, not over $70 per year. $5,000-$10,000 Liability and $1,000 Prop. Damage for TRUCKS. g-ra m th<· \I (kto b :\I ii th l' ) appca Fire, Theft, Collision on Trucks and Pleasure Car5 at proportionately low rates. Groceries and Meats · Wilmette Grocery & Market ' f' f' Syrr.11 Cl'rl For Hetter Things to Eat! Fruits and Vegetables POLICIES NON-ASSESSIBLE, FLAT RATES 100% PROTECTION-NO MEMBERSHIP FEE. He ;utcl' prnli1 arti~t EARL A. PETT· JBQNE, 512 Central Avenue North Shore Representative Phone Wilmette 733-J th~ (1 "lt \\ that ~ WILMETrE Special Prices FOR OPPORTUNITY DAYS --at-- Opportunity Days At ta ~y Son a Pa,[O Capri JOHN ·MILLEN'S New and Up-to-date Hardware across the street from the Library A good place to park your car and a safe place to buy Taylor's The Satisfactory Store Monday, Tuesday, September 29th and 30th OUR SPECIAL Prelu lmpr Etud Guaranteed Boil-proof Prints · Regular price, 65c per yard Good Hardware 1219-21 WILMETTE AVE. PHONES Opportunity Days, Only 45c yd. 3060-3061 1125-27 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 1914 ' Special for Opportunity Days. Regular SOc Size Bottles Palmolive Shampoo. It is a Splendid Article Which We highly recommend. Each - Wash Boilers -for- Opportunity Days $3.00 value for ......................................... $2.25 $4.50 value for .................................. : ...... $3.50 $5.50 value for ......................................... $4.50 $6.75 value for ......................................... $5.50 39c SNIDER-CAZEL DRUG CO. Quality Goods and Right Prices WILMETTE AND CENTRAL AVES. Wolff & Griffis HARDWARE PHONES 400-401 WILMETTE, ILL. 1185 Wilmette Ave. Phone 158 -SEE~ Our Latest Importation of A. S. Van Deusen "Seller of Good Food" Lustre China Novelties On Sale Opportunity Days Monday, Tuesday, September 29th and 30th Your choice of any article Central Avenue and 12th Street A bargain in this year's pack of sweet, tender, Sifted Early June Peaa for Opportunity Daya, September 29th and 30th 39c Reaular Valuea 75c See our window display Baby Stuart Sifted Early June Peas Doz. $2.15; Can 18c Canned Fruit Is .scarce. A reliable Broker has informed me that no J obb'mg H ouse, m · Chtcago has ..:anned fruit enough to last later than January 1st. You can buy now at normal prices. WILMETTE STATIONERY AND . GIFT SHOP 1101 CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 3051