Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Sep 1924, p. 8

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s \\'ILl\IETTE LlFE FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 1924 t>lpes, fire hydrants SECOND CITIZENSHIP ances in Ridge Av enu Road, Briar Street, Road, LECTURE, OCTOBER 2 Cummings VIrginia AYenue, in Raid Hoger nected syatem of caat Scouts to Hear of South America 'N. T. BAND GETS I SERVICE BADGES Organization Now Comprises 108 Pieces A~ an inaugural to the new season, pins were awarded this week to those members of the New Trier High school band who served last year. as well as to Mrs. H. E. Cotton, director NOTICE OF AWARD of music, Frederick F.. Clerk. superintendent, and J. C. Schumacher, the Keallwortlt 8peelal ~·enmeat N., It, bandmaster. The awards were in recNotice Is hereby given thlt ~ ognition of exceptional service renBoard of Local Improvenwnta of ~ dered the school last year. Village of Kenilworth, Cook Countt The names of those who were Illinois, after due publication of no~ awarded emblems but who graduated as required by law, did on the tart or were not present, were read. The day of September, A. D. 1924 awlrd Ia The T. H . Iglehart Co. th e CODIJ'It· complete list of ~tudents receiving the for the constru~tlon of th e lmp!'f ··· insignia comprises Dave Boyington. ment consisting of a connected lhltl Fletcher Carpenter, Kenneth Gatherof sanitary sewers and appurtenanet~ coal, Horace Hubbard, Hal Hudson. In Bralar Street, Kenilworth Aven114, VIrginia Avenue, Roger Aven114, lames Parker, Herman Flentye, Ed Cummings Avenue and MacLean At1· Koretz, Fred Broughton, David Thaynue, In said VIllage, as descrlbe4 bJ er, Carlton Marsh, Robert McAllen, ordinance of said VIllage, and for u. Forest Eason, Leonard Schmidtz, construction of which Improvement 1 Donald Wilber, Russell Johnson, Alspecial asaessment was levied lJii confirmed by the County Court of Coo\ lison Clark, Hugh Campbell, CornelCounty. Illinois, as Kenilworth ius Van Schaack. Tom Gillett, Warclal Assessment No. 17 tor the ren Sieboldt, Ed Riddle, Judson sum of thirteen thousand one Thompson, Preston Peters, Truman seventy -eight and 40/100 ($1,3178. 40) (upon the quantltltlf Richards, Francis Behrens, Allen the estimate of cost). Simmons, Gemiell Burke, Robert Dated, Kenilworth, Illinois, Septem. Behrenes, Theodore Perry, Everett ber 24th, A. D. 1924. Fox, Prescott Olmsted, Ed Brandriff, JAMES C. MURRAY, President of the Board of Local Im. Ed Koza, Robert Martin, E. Lang, provemente of Kenilworth, Cook Bob Schumacher, Robert Garretson, County, Illinois. Harrington Mitchell, Donald McDowell, Harold Lang, Paul Stoker, NOTICE OF AWARD Above reproduction of a photograph has nothing whatever to do with George Mcr~-,e nthaler, Sherman Goble, Keallwortlt Speel·l A·n···e·t Xo. 1& the lecture on South America scheduled as the feature of a Boy Scout meeting Robert T. Wilson ,Robert Page, Charat the Wilmette Parish Methodist church Monday evening, September 29. lotte Erwin, George Haack, John L. Couains Will Meet Again Notice is hereby given that tbt It merely shows a "human pyramid" constructed by Wilmette Scouts and is Pope. Richard Houren, Jim Lawton, Board of Local Improvements of tbe p~blished in this connection simply because the Scouts thought Wilmette Morris Hirsh, Herbert Wolff, Max After SO-year Separation Village ot Kenilworth, Cook County, L1fe Readers ought to see it. Now we shall proceed with the real story: Humphreys, Harding Van Schaack, Shortly after the arrival en October Illlnols, after due publlcatlon of noThe Boy Scouts of the Wilmette Alfred Horsman, Marshall Root, Tom 4 of MQs. Charles ]. Sumner, 7l4 tlce as required by law, did on Parish Methodist Episcopal church Gibson, Tom Copeland, Preston Far- Prairie avenue, regent of Greenwich !~!rdda{o o~e:i~rt~mr~~ro~em~~t 19~~ are to have the splendid opportunity ley, William Idler. Donald McAllen, chapter, Daughters of the British the contract for the conetructlon o! of hearing a lecture on "South AmeriMorgan Yost Gilbert Marshall. Sey- Empire, who has been in England the improvement consisting of a con. ca" by Alva M. Janes of Evanston at mour Burge, Susan Conley, George since May visiting her sister, Mr. nected system of grading, draining, their regular meeting Monday night, Holloway. Charles Lundberg, Karl and Mrs. Sumner will make a trip curbing and paving In Joseph Sean 0 September 29. The lecture is to be Karnopp, Lester Galitz and Rod John- to Pittsburgh to visit their niece and ~J'dst~~l~~~d~~ad~ 1~d·s:f:r~~~~g~ 0~ on the Copper and Nitrate mines in stone. Mr. Sumner's cousin, William, whom described by ordinance of said Vll· Chili, Santiago, Valparaiso, La Paz, This year's band has been practic- he has not seen in 50 years. lage, for the. costrucHon of whlllh ing regularly with 108 pieces. A numImprovement a epecial asseesment was Lake Titicaca, Mt. Sorata, Cuzco, AlNOTICE OF AWARD lcevied and Ccontlrmed by the County pacas, Llamas, Araquipa, Indian Soloists to Augment Inter- ber of bandmen, who have played during the past two years, will give conourt, of ook County. Illinois, aa Scenes, including a trip to the Urco certs with the band in addition to the Keallwortlt Speelu .u.-··e·t No. 18. ~~ni~'!o~~~a~~~~alofs:~:s~~~Jr~~- 0~~ Farm in the eastern part of Peru on eating Program regulars, but they are not able to be thoU11a.nd four hundred sevent}·-llve a tributary of the Amazon, Lima, with the hand during practice periods Notice is hereby given that the and 25/100 DoJlars ($101,475.26) (upon Cathedral. of conflicts with their studies. Board ot. Local Improvements of the the approximate quantltlee of the e·· At 7 !30 o'clock on Sunday evening, because Mr. Janes has visited this territory ._ . gt'ves Bandmaster Schumacher VIllage of Kenilworth, Cook County, tlmate of cost). Illinois, after due publlcatlon of noDated K nil th Illi 1 s t and prepared his own slides. It ' is an September 28, the Church \Yorship Thl ~ the largest band in the history of the tlce a· required by law, did on the ber 24th A. en. 'f.~if. ' n() s, ep em· opportunity a Boy Scout should not department of the Wilmette Baptist 1 Uniforms will be provided !~:rddt~ ot~e B.j.~t~~bi-;iehtrt D6o. ~t~ pr.,~om.mt.T!t'~~'1J~~1.-":Loea.\ lmchurch will offer to the community a school. miss. year's bandmen as soon as those contract for the construction ot the provements of Kenilworth, Cook 1!~~~~.-~ The Scouts have invited the Girl program of sacred music of unusual this County, llllnois. "I quality. The church's vested choir who graduated return the ones used improvement consisting of a conScouts as their gue's ts. will sing three numbers. Mr. \V. H. last season. Barnes, the church organist who is also serving this year as president of New Trier Grid Coaches the Chicago Artists' association, and Foresee Succeasful Year is one of the outstanding pipe-organ authorities in this section, will play Football prospects at New Trier four special numbers on the beautiful Township High school are looking new Austin organ which the church brighter every day as the candidates has recently installed, and solos will are given the daily drills on the pracbe rendered by Mr. Rollin Pease, one · fi td T0 h be £ th of the soloists of the last North Shore ttce e s. get t e st out 0 e wealth of material that has been reSpecial Ty'Rt' Cars Affected Music Festival, ·and who has done a porting regularly, Coach Childs has orgreat deal of concert work. He is ganized a coaching system this year by Reduction now connected with the School of that see{ns to be bringing excellent reMusic at Aurora, Ill. Th 1 . suits. E'~ · ....-. follo!s: comp ete program ts as In addition to~ carpenter, the In view of the upward trend in auto- Th L Ch d S former Cornell man, who is assisting mobile prices, consideralble surprise e ost or · · · · · · · · · · · · ullivan Coach Childs, W. S. Snyder, head of . d b D d Scherzo ....................... Rogers h d was occas10ne y o ge Brothers Mr. W. M. Barnes t e epartment of mathematics and who recent announcement of a reduction Sanctus ...............·...... Gounod was formerly football coach at New in prices of their special type cars. Choir Trier, F. A. Kahler and W. L. Brown Dodge Brothers were able to do the Solo ......... , .....·......... Selected have been on the football field guiding unexpected, according to the factory Mr. Rollin Pease the players. During scrimmage periods announcement, on account of the in- Faith, Hope and Love ....... Shelley the coaching staff has been carefully creased volume of their purchases of Ladies' Chorus watching each player, offering suggesspecial equipment for the special type Largo-New World Symphony tions and criticisms. cars. . ........................... Dvorak Four complete teams have been on . Dodge Brothers special types conMr. Barnes the fieJd every day and the regular st~t of the ~tandard cars equipped Souls of the Righteous ...... Noble routin_e of scrimmage. passing, punting, wtth ac~essones which produce the Choir chargmg and tackling is given to all the utmost m comfort and convenience Solo ... ... ................... Selected players. The opinion of members of ad appearance of the car. Among Mr. Pease the coaching staff is that, barring unthese are the steel disc wheels, five Finale-First Sonata .. . .... Guilmant forseen accidents, New Trier will have CTOBBR ia pia month in Northern Wis· balloon type tires, nickle-trimmed Mr. Barnes one of the strongest teams in the Subconsin. The woods take on those glorious radi~tor, .nicke_l plate~ bumpers, auto- Anthem-"Gloria" ............ :\Iozart urban league. tints and shades which herald the arrival of m~ttc wmdshteld wtper, rear view Choir The first game of the season. will be gorgeous, golden Autumn. Bright, sunny days. rntrror. · scuff plates, cowl light.s and played at LaGrange, Saturday, October Nightaj,. cri~() enoQh for 10und, refreshing motometer with lock. A special body The first home game wilt take place stripe is also provided. Saturday, October 11, against Thornton. eleep. \,j()()Q fishing. Hunting season now open. Ma~ufa~turing a_nd buying thes.: accessones m quanhty, Dodge Brothers lo.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ar~ naturatl_y able to instatl them at Books recently added to the Wit- Complete Catalog System pnces constderably below what the mette Public library: at Local Publ" Library ASHLAND LIMITED. Lv.Chi~ daily at owner w_ould hav~ to pay at retail. IC 5:00 p.m., for Anti&o, Pelican, Rhinelander, The pubhc was qutck to sense this and Smith, Josslyn; Babcock, Soul of The index card cataloguing at the Tomahawk Lake, Midlake, WoodrufF, Bolton, the d~mand for the special types grew Abe Lincoln; Herrick, Waste; Shaw Wilmette Free Public library has been steadtly fr~m the mo~ent they were Saint Joan; Suckow, Country People; completed after more than three Lac du Flambeau, Powell, Manitowish, Mer· made avatlable. Thear convenience Barton, Better Days; Arlen Green months of listing and arranging done cer and Wine~. and app~arll:nce has elicited the great- Hat i Bind loss, Green Tim be;; Ertz by a cataloguing expert, with the asest admtratton everywhere and those Nina; Bojer, Prisoner Who Sang: sistance of the library staff. who know the volume that has bc:en Parker, Ports and Happy; Carman' All the non-fiction books in the attained can readily understand how Batlads and Lyrics; Trai ·l, ~eedle'; library have been arranged on the Lv. Chicago 5:00 p. for Three Lakes, Dodge Brothers were able to make E:re; Lo~ke, Coming of Amos; Sedg- shelves to conform to the authors E.,&e River, ConoverJ. Phelps'- Lando' Lakes a reduction when others were an- wtck, Ltttle French Girl· Service subjects and titles. The cards ar~ nouncing advances. Roughneck; Rinehart, Te~permentai also arranged so that, for example a and Watenmeet, on :;ept. 30th, Oct. 3rd, 7th d estnng · · · f ' on Four Dodge Brothers car are af- People; Barrington, Divine Lady. person 111 ormation and lOth. fecte~ by the re~uction-the special Local M S gardening can look up the books unJo~rmg Car, sp~c 1 a~. ~,oadster, spec~al an lightly Hurt der the title of gardening if a specific In Michigan Train Wreck author is not known, or when several A . Sedan, spectal B Sedan, spectal lllillellata.pla ..... Bustness Coupe and special 4-PassanB souce.s of information are desired. All oa .... daily ·til Sept. 30da. Goocl n· J{er Coupe. The "B" Sedan and the runo Reinicke, Jr., 703 Park ave- the titles available at the library are tunliaC -til Oet. 31, 1924. Busine s Coupe have also been added nue, .was slig~tly injured Wednesday arranged in that manner. to the line of special types. morntng of thts week in a wreck of The fiction is placed on the shelves a Michigan Central train near Kat- 111 · I h b · 1 d P.,J-.-~~ .......... As the reduction was made possible amazoo, Mich. h a P a etlca or er under the by " '"'Conoma'es ... '"'ffect'"'d M r. R emtc · · k e received bruises about !lutth or's n_ames. The magazines are ... a'n th.. ... purchas'"' ... d' 111 B.B.~'i~~ of equipment us'"'d '"'Xclusa'v..,ly as in the past. ... ... "' on the th e 1 egs w h'l t e extricating himself S · e peno th teal d rack 1 Tllhp._.t special type cars, the standard types from the wreckage of the train which mce e epanure of Miss Sue are in no way affected, accorda'na for York to attend · to was derat'I ed by an automobile stalled Osmotherly C0 1 b' · New · C. M. MacDonald, local dealer. The at a crossing. ~m Ia untversaty, Miss Winifred prices of all standard typea remain Mr. Reinicke was able to be at his Wr.aght. has been in charge of the unchanaed. offices in Chicago on Thursday. :!.~~:u~~~rary on Wilmette and Parle: The second of a series of lecture ~ on "Citizenship," by Mrs. ~a~ter 1' . Dodd under auspices of the (1V JCS and Legisiation committee of th e Wilmette \Voman's cluh, will be given Thursday mornin!l, October 2, at t~e Woman's club. The subject for thts lecture will be, "Popular or Unpopular Government." Yesterday morning, Mrs. Dodd inaugurated the lecture series with a discussion of the question : "What is Government?" The series is especially vital in view of the approaching Presidential election and the Woman's club is bending every effort to awaken the interest of the wom~n in the community in the direction of intelligent voting and a knowledge of our government in its many branches and phases. Mrs. Dodd is a recognized authority on governmental questions. She, in collaboration with her husband, Prof. Walter F. Dodd of the University of Chicago, is the author of a widely used textbook entitled, "Government in Illinois." She is constantly in demand for lectures before civic organizations and has frequently talked before the Woman's City club and other outstanding civic groups. The Wilmette branch of the League of Women Voters inaugurated its season of activity last Friday with a preliminary meeting at the Woman's club. The organization is planning an intensive campaign to acquaint Wilmette women voters with an intelligent use of the franchise privilege, placing the voting question before them as, not merely a privile&"e, but a definite responsibility. described by ordlnan <· e of lage and for the con11tructto11 Improvement a Sl>l'l'ial was levied and confirmed by the r~ ty Court of Cook County, lllln ._ Kenilworth Special Asseaamt~~~ Ill 16, for the total sum ot twtnt "thousand six hundr ed ninety. 11 l'lll 90/100 Dollars ($26,696 .90) (UI)O~ ' : :f~r~;t~::). quantities of the Dated, Kenilworth, lllinoia, Sept ber 24th, A. D. · 1924. JAMES C. MURRAY, President of the Board of Loeat provemen~~u~~y.K:1~:~~~~~th, Cook ea"'- BAPTIST CHOIR OFFERS CONCERT 1------------------------------------------------------------------ PRICES DROP ON NEW DODGE CARS Early Autumn r---------------- 14. I AT THE UBRARY WisCOiisin O PutO.endPtServlee Special Aatallla Swvlce m., ._,...,__.. .......... Quo &fbmJ WEstERN Ill

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