Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1924, p. 21

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WILMETTE SEPTEMBER 1924 21 of the suites alrtad d. There are being of two, three, oms. The inte~ e is colonial lihitt the !~test inno,a. g system, tile-wain. t-in tubs and other spacious reception laces and a general lg the entrance. own~r and builder, ense tn making the of the finest apart. he north shore and ---.... i WANT AD SELL YOUR HOME ' 11 HELP W ANTED-II'EMALJC 11!1 FOR 8 .UE-AUTOMOBILEII GARD&lfl!lfQ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS &dvertlaementa will be charce4 only G I netal N oticea-Clualfted to residents of the diatrlct from Evanaton to 1rEILEUD1HI(OWE (Q)ltDJE~A lillNCG 1922 1922 1919 1919 1920 1923 GOOD USED CARS Buick Tour. . ............. *421> Chevrolet ............ . . .. ·zoo Ford Tour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60 Ford Del. . ..... : ......... U50 Dodge Tour............... fl75 Wills St. Claire ...... . .. $1,500 Glencoe Inclusive whose namea appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular aubecrlber.a to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. R 10 cents per line In one paper. JO cents per line In all three 4 <11--paperl. MINIMUM CHARGIIl &Oe. Averace of ftve words to tbe line. No black face type ueed. Ratea for Dlaplay ty),)e on application. Inaertions-Clualtled advertlaementl will be &C· te · . the WILMETTE LIFE or 1\ll thr!!P~:~e~:: ~h:::::·~:;yo·~~~i~~~~ WINNETKA TALK and Friday 11 o·ctock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephonea: WILMETTE 1UO·UU or WINNETKA 2000·1001. Deadline fot ::! REAL ESTATE FOR RENT--HOU!IE" TO RENT wooda, well oat b-utiful into tweaty· e acrea -ch. ateam road ATTRACTIVE, GOOD AS NEW, 6-RM. Colonial, heated sun and glazed alp. pchs., hot water heat, tile bath, \m- BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE mense south front, beautiful woodwith two bathe and two sun porch· 11LTN51-ltc ed lot. Garage. Only U2,500. es: choice locat·lon; close to shops and trains. October 1st. Tel. M r . I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Foster, Dearborn 3730. WANTED - MOTHER'S HELPER; 2LTN51-ltc young girl fond of children, who wants good home In pleasant surSole Agents roundings: good wages with InFOR RENT-A WELL-FURNISHED Center St. Wlnn. 254 crease II' satisfactory . 1078 Elm house to Jlesponslble party, from (Form. W. R. R . Ave.) Street. Tel. Wlnn. 666-J. Oct. 15 to May or June. 8 rooms; 1LTN51-ltc 11LTN51-ttc 2 baths. Rent reasonable to right party. Tel. Glencoe 851. 2LTN51-ltc WANTED-SECOND MAID; FOND OF children, who will look after 2 school boys, 7-11; walt at table; TO RENT-FURN. 6-ROOM BUNGAneat. refined; ref. req . Tel. Wlnn. low; beautiful grounds; adults; rea1380. 1163 Scott Ave., Hubard sonable. 540 Jackson Ave. Gl e n. Woods. 11LTN51-ltc 1024. 2LTN&l-ltc 7 -RM. COLONIAL, CLAPBOARD, 4 WANTED-WOMAN FOR GENERAL b edroo ms, 3 baths, adj. golf course, 3 WANTED TO RENT-HOUSES work and cooking; Ge1·man prelge. sun parlor, a genuine bargain - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f e rred: $80 per month. T e l. Glenat $15,000. Phone Winnetka 1226. WANTED-FIVE ROOMS OR MORE coe 903. 11LTN51-ltc 1L'rN5t-ltc for housekeeping. Either cottage, old house, or apartment. \VIII pay \VHITE; GEN. $40 unheated, or $50 heated . Will WANTED - MAID; work : 3 aduHs; laundress employed; take best otrer. Address Life, 315. Tel. Wlnn. 1330. 11LT61-1tc 3LTN51-ltc SELL 6-RM. FRAME IN =~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~WANTE D-A COMPETENT WHITE choice neighborhood, schools and FOR RENT-APARTMENTS girl l'or gen. housework. Family ol' t1·ansportation, garage, garden and two. Wll. 931-J. 11LTN51-ltc large oak tree. $15,000. Phone FOR RENT-BY WIDOW, 7 FURNWinnetka 1800. 1LTND1-ltc Ished rooms (entire 2nd ft. and WANTED-WHITE MAID FOR GEN. k.ltchen and dining, room on 1st hous e work : no washing : other h~>lp ft.) In her beautiful home on e -halt kept . Wlnn. 1137. 11I..TN5l-ltc block from Sheridan Rd., Wilm e tte. Heat, light, etc., lnclud l:'d at $13 5.0 0 WANTED-WHITE MAID FOR GENp e r mo. to right party. Addnlss eral house work. Tel. Glen. 11. RefSELL 1-YR. OLD SIX-RM. Lift>, 319 . 4LT.\'ul-i.tc e r e nc e s r e quired . 11LTN51-ltp hrick Colonial In N. E . Winnetka. Hun and sleep. porch, tile bath, lot FOR RENT- NICELY Ft RNISHED LADY WANTED TO SEW IN TAILOR 7(; x:1 50, tl'l"es. $20,000. Phone Winliving room, bedroom, kitchen and shop. Address Life, 312. netka 1226. 1LTN51-ltc Pl'ivate bath. 11LT51-ltc llN WllNNIE1r~A is a desirable occupation Robert G. Bolinger for young women; the work Tree Expert is permanent, interesting WERSTED MOTOR CO. Dodge Bros. Dealers We also do sur·lcal work, and near home. Our operTel. Wlnn. 161> spraying, fertilising, pla.nUnc. 18LTN51·1tc Let us rearrange your abrub· ators are well paid; they bery for better effects. SALE-CHEVROLET SEDAN, like their work and associ- FOR 1230 Wilmette Avenue 10 months old, In best of condition; Phone Wll. 3163 like new; seat covers have ates. Vacations with pay looks never been orr upholstery; complete 24LTN51-4tc equipment- bumpers, motometer, are given each year, and spotlight, step plates, 5 good tlres,ll;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; seat covers, and large wheel with I! a liberal benefit plan is pro- lock. Price $650. Glencoe 702. 215 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE 18LTN35-ltc EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING; WINvided. Come to the office dow waalllng; ftoor waxing; furnl· and talk it over with the ture polishing; odd pa\ntlnc and cal· c\mlnlng jobs. Tel. W\nn. ~~~ ,.tfc Winnetka Chief Operator. Used Cars- All Makes 1 4 OPEN AIR SALES Illinois Bell Telephone Co. PIAKO TUl'fll'fG Cor. Sherman Ave. and GroTe St. Wlllys-Knlght and Overland Deal era Evanston 140 18LTN41·tfo EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIR· ing; old pianos made new. L. W. Foster. Tel. Wlnn. 609-J. 211LTNU-tfo Cheap labor means eheap wo11k. poorly done. Have your trees and shrubbery trimmed by experlenct>d men. Let me Inspect your trees and explain our method. lllTil lliiDcdlii~IID IHiiillll <Glf<ID1lllliil.~~ FOR SALJ.~-1924 5- pASSENGER OAK- 1·2'1-_P_A_I_N_T_I_N_G_'_A_N_D_D_E_c_o_R_A_T_I_N_o __ land sedan; driven only 7,000 miles; WHY NOT TRY OUR PRICES ON looks like new: full)' equil>PE-d. Thle painting and decorating. Carl Balo. Is a bargain, terms lf desired. Can Box 40, North Brook . Phone H\cb· be seen at our salesroom. 1141 land Park 896-Y-4. 27LTN61-tfc Greenleal'. \VIlm c tte ~orth Shore Buick Co. Tel. Wil. 62. 1 LTN51·ltc ::8 TUTORING .-10---WE.........,.E~K---T~E~RII~. FOR SALE-STUDEBAKER SEDAN, I·D-R_A_M_A_TI_C_A_R_T1922, light six; lots ol' ex:trn equip· Class lessons, fl5. Private, $20. Kn. mt>nt: actual mil e age less than Marjorie c. Mussman. ~1t~N~l~:fc 14,000; best otrer over $600 cash takes it. Tel. Kenilworth 2583. 18LTN51-ltc ID ·'OR SAI.I·~MISt.'ELLANEOUS (Q)wiiDcew ILce~wnlTil~ CCnfry FOR SALE- 73 PRIVET HEDGE bushes, 4 yrs. old; cheap to person taking thl:'m up. W··ought iron bridge lamp, silk shade, like new. Mahg. fl. lump base. Small klddY car; play yard; breakfa.st lll"t of dishes: silver knives and forks; ~~~11~~1: . plates and cups{ 6 L 5~~~~~ NEW GRIDDERS TO MEET N. U. South Dakota and Cincinnati on Schedule Two grid games that will be of the nature of sectional contests are to be played on Northwestern field this fall when the Purple eleven meets Cincinnati university and South Dakota university. It will be the first appearance of these teams in Chicago for many years and will, iootba\\ observers say, go far towards providing var· iety to the games to be played in this section during the forthcoming season. South Dakota will open the Purple schedule on October 4. with Cincinnati scheduled for the following week-end. Coach Knute Rockne's Notre Dame athletes will make their appearance in Chicago after three year's absence when trey battle the Purple on North· western field in a post-season contelt on Novtmber 22. The Irish gridder1 are popular attractions wherever they appear and their contest with Coach Thistlethwaite's men wilt prove, it is predicted, one of the outstandinf. games in this territory during the fal. Another addition to the Purple schedule this fall will he the University of Michigan to be played at Ann Arbor on November 8. The Pur.ple will resume football relations watb Coach Fielding Yost's eleven after a lapse of sever._! years and the contest will be one of the stiffest on North· western's schedule. On the following week Coach Thistlethwaite will send his men against the Chicago Maroon· on Stagg Field. Indiana and Purdue, traditional rivals of the Purple, will journe1 Evanstonward this fall for their annual engagement. The Purple wilt be out to avenge the defeats meted out by these teams last fall in a hectic: contest and it is the purpose of the Northwestern squad to atone for thil performance . 7 SALE-WINNETKA, east aide, 6room modern house, two blocks Wilm e tte 1868 from transportation; steam heat; 726 llth Street 4LTN51-ltc large sl eping and sun porches, new breakfast porch : Lovekin hot water heatet·; excellent condition through- FOR RENT-625-llTH STREET: 4rm. ~nodern apartment; et.eam hea.t; but. l"l'ice $13.0tl0. $3,00Q cash and service; ln-a-door bed In D . -·~----..-~:t~~ft:nLii:~Y31~~y~n~al!.~~r.,as Ja~oltor R. Tel. Wilmette 2399. 1LTN51-3tp 4LTN49-3tc ----------------FOR RENT-APARTMENTS AND Olf· Elgin, Ill. ~rn:e~t~·eJ. G. F. Gonaalr;·NU~~~ (ONE HOUR FROM THE LOOP.) Beautiful homes and Improved acre tracts; also farms at bargain prices '1 FOR RENT-GARAGES -(live In beau·tlful Fox River ValHome Bank Bldg., Elgin, Illinois. 1LTN48-5tp WlliLJMIJE TTJE ITNN A ""' Sl'l'lf A 'I'ION \VANTED-MALE YOUNG COLORED MAN WANTS HAND CARVED ANTIQUE WALNUT bed : new box spring and hair matposition as chautrPur: will do gentress : walnut chest of d1·awers: come ral work around hous e; experimod e; lat:ge mirror $200. Will sell enced. Address 255 Illinois Road. separately. Tel. Roger\fLT~st-S 6t2p Phone Lake Forest 627. 1 ULTNfil-ltp FOR SALE-ONE UPHIGHT PIANO, one fumed oak library table, 2 hard enameled lwds complete, oak dining table and 6 chairs, large mirror, on e whit e t·nameled chltronler, one step laddl:'l', one heater, misc e llaneous. Tel . Wlnn. 181>2. 966 Linden Av~>nue. 16LTN51-ltc FOR SALl·:- ATHDALE PUPPIES. 6 wks. old; male, U5. Inquire Gardener's cottage, 6·0 Hill Road, Winnetka. 19LTN51-ltc GARAGE FOR RENT, 1031 GREEN- WANTED BY COLORED MAN- POSIwood Avenue. Tel. Wll. 2036. tlon as chautreur or will accept poelIN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON . 7L49-tfc tlon for both man and wife. Phone FOR SALE- BLACK SATIN CREPE 10 YEARS' TIME' OR MORE dinner gown, ostrich trim, worn University 5667. 16LTN61-ltp Locatlon-8herldan Road, Cheataut twice, very cheap. Tel.. Wll. 2768. Ave., Ashland Ave., 7th Ave., lOth 19LTNI>l·ltp St., Lote J, 7 and 10, B. 1; L. ll, B. I; with riparian rlghta, L. 4, B. 5; L. FOR SALE- BEAUTIFUL BLACK FOR SALE- LARGE PART OF FURS and 4, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and 12, B. 10: Persian cat of fine pedigree. Also nishings for 9-room house: Georgian L. 5, B. 13; L. 1 and I, B. 17. her blue Pt>rslan kitten. Phone Win . period dining room set, antiquo John P. Gage, VIneland, :r:L.:NJ9-tfo H 19LTN-ltp 237. FOR REN'I'-ROOMS four-poster bed, kitchen cabinet, _..._..._..._..._....-...-....-...-...-...-.---------porch furniture. and numerous other FOR SALE-CHEAP : DRESSES; RENT - LARGE, CORNER articles. 1012 Greenwood Ave. Tel. . FOR SALE OR RENT-6 AND I RK. FOR size 38; shoes, &l.se 7AA. For des· front room, east aide house, well Wll. .2284 . 16LTN51-ltc houses; new; big lots: close to trans., crlptlon telephone Winnetka 2162. furnished, comfortable, 1 block cafe· 19LTN- ltp lake, golf co11rse: '10,000 to ,11,000. terla, 1 ~ block transport. Hot FOR SALEFURNITUREFUMED Also lots for sale UO a ft. Owner. water heat, Instant hot water. Refdark oak dining room table and 6 FOR SALE-LIVING ROOM, DININO County Line Rd. J blka. weat of erences. Wll. 8H-J. 8L51-ltc chairs, Frosted black baby carroom aml bedroom furniture, cheap. Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. riage, very good condition, $18; bl\eTel. Wil. 1511. 16LTN51-ltc 898- Y -S. 1LTN41·tfc FOR RENT -l<'RONT BEDROOM, slnt't; baby garden, etc: mahg. llbr. well l'urnished and ventilated, $7.00 tabl e; lamp. Tel. Wll. 455. ~1UST :SELL ALL HOUSEHOLD FUR· FOR SALE- 316 FT. ON GLENVIEW a w ee k. Two blocks l'rom business 16L49 - ltc n lture by Sunday. 931 12th Street , Road In Wilmette limits; large ordistrict. East side. Tel. Wll. 868. Wilmette. 16LTN51·ltc chard and 10-room home, recently ' 8L51-ltc FOR SALE - PORCH FURNITl RE, remodeled; furnace heat; water and Including chairs, swing and Eng- FOR SALE- E DEN SWING WRINGall modern Improvements ; will di- FOR RENT-NICELY FUR:-ll·!HgD lnntl e r b('d and Chinese mat ; also er washing machine, $60. Phone vide. Address Wilmette Life, 306. front bedroom In a private home. baby buggy. All In excellent condiWinnetka 44 . 16LTN51-ltc 1LT60-2tp Convenient to transportation. Call tion . Tel. WI!. 1808. 16L51-1tc at H8 Park Ave. al'ter 6 P. M. WILL SACRIFICE 8L51-ltc SELLTNO Ol'T-COMP'LETE HOUSE _. __ w_A._N_T_a_o__ .. _I_s_c_JC_L_L_A_N_E_o_u_s_ _ ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS MY _F_O_R __ R_E_._N_T _ __ z_C_O_N_N_E_C_T_IN_G_R_v_O_M_S_, furnish lngs; very reasonabll". Tel. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES homesite In Ravinia Woods. Transl'or paper, magazines, rage, etc. portation and schools. All improveprhtate bath and sleeping l·<'l' Ch; ~~de~a~~en~~~s*\~m:t;~~· 23 · 623 North Shore Paper & Metal Co. Tel. ments. Address Life, 318. can be used ae kitchenette apt. 16LTNI>1-ltc University 6133. 20LTN50-4tc 1LTN51-ltp Kenilworth 1865. SL 'l'N51 ·-1tc AND FEMALE ~~er?~~;::lct#m:Wfi1.teA~~l~~~n~ 0 26~~ F<:. ~g ~ .. E~IaS<fe~Ir~l I~ J!~A ~~L1?Sl~ltt1c: ! ! l l! ! ! ! ! !8! ! 1! ! T! ! U! ! ! !A! ! T! ! I! ! O! ! N! ! ! ! ! !W! ! ! !A! ! N! ! T! ! E! ! ! !D-! ! ! ! ! !M! ! A! ! ! !L! ! E! ! ! !~ -----------------·1 1 06 8 7 .;.....---------------HONEST, RELIABLE MAN WANTS FOR SALE- VICTROLA: PERFECT any kind of work with living qua.rcond.. mfg. price '150. \V'ill sell ters. Tel. Winn. 1443. 13LTN51-ltc for *75. 411 Washington Avf>. Tel. Wll. 2963. 16LT61-ltc 14 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE LEAVING C[TY. WJLL SELL BEDroom . Jiving room furniture, odd EXP. LAUNDRESS; TUES. AND WED. tables and chairs; very reasonable. Prefer machine. Tel Unlv. 2764-J. Tel. Wll. 2714. 16L51-ltc 5 P. M. HLTN51-1tc ··o. NTED-LOT 50 TO 100 FT., IN ·enll. or Wlnn., at a bargain. Addrt>ss Life, 317. 1LT51-ltc CHOICE DEERI<,IELD LOTS AT special prices for the n e xt ten days. Cosmas Bros .. 1153 \VIImette Ave. Tel. Wll . 2694. 1LTN51-1tc WILL CONSIDER TRADING MY 6room new home on Cherry St. for ;~~~~t ~~t In Wlnnetk\L~~cti~~ 32 FOR SALE-RALDWIN UPRIGHT J>lano; splendid condition: ma.hogany cas~>; bargain for *195 . T~>l. Wlnn . 1491. 16LT51-ltc FOR SALE _ DAVENPORT AND VERY DESIRABLE ROOM NEAR ALL chair to match ; small table and transportation and restaurants, perdrapes. Reasonable. T e l. Win. 1204. sons employed. Wlnn. 1404. LTGl - ltc 16 8LTN51-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR SALE _ DAVENPORT AND CENTRAL HOTEL-LIGHT, OUTS[DE overstutred chair : mulbprry velour; ~~~m~~~~os/r\!'e~~e~~~-ar~ ~eeldents. very reas. Tel. wn. 2499 i LTlil-lt<' 6 8LT1-tfc LARGE FURNI HED FRONT rooms. south win<low, steam heat, ~~t '\:~1~r; 19~~~t side, ne8~T~~~~:r~ WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE buys an<l sf>ll!l rugs, stoves, autos, pianos. anything useful. 1045 Ash Street. 20LTN-tl'c LOST AND POUND 2~ ----------------I.OST-S~fALT... , RLUE. LEATHER coin punw . on North Shore El t>c trlc or In vicinity of Central Ave nue. WilmettE-. Rt>turn to 1222 Central Ave. Reward. 22LTN51-1tc LOST- BLACK COCKER SPANIEL RICHARDS-TILDEN WIU PLAY ON SKOKIE COURTS On Saturday and Sunday, Septem· ber 20 and 21, Vincent Richards, win· ner of men's singles at the Olympic games, and other prominent tennis players will be at the Skokie Country club courts, according to announce· ment by the club's Tenni committee. 'tennis matches will start at 3 o'clock on each day. Richards wiJJ play on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons. On Sunday he will play William T. Tilden, national champion, perhaps the greatest player the worlcl has ever produced. Vincent Richards, according to hit howing this year, hould be second in the world's ranking. He i the Olympic ingles and doubles cham· pion and besides holding many other titles he is the only player among the world's best players in the U. S. National matchc , who ran Tilden to five ets and almost beat him. It il con idered that, today, he i the only man who ha a very good chance of beatin& Tilden. He was second oa the Davis cup team. ranking ahead of Johnston and defeating Patterson an4 O'Hara deci i\·ely in single matchet. , 80 FOR RENT-HOUSES _F_ O_R __ R_E_N_T __ _ L_A_R_G_E __ S_U_N_N_Y_F=R-l-:,~=T room; private home: (:<':l h·al locntion. Tel. Wll. 965-M. ~LT.\'51-ltc F~!at~~LECh~~JLii1y ta~~.; :rA:n~~ ~~r~~~ : ~~/no~~~~~ ~~~~~~d~le~:r 1376 Sc ott Ave., Hubbard Woods. 16LTN51-ltc Rlackthol'ne H.oad. Reward . Tel. Wlnn. 239. 22LTN51-ltc 6-ROOM BRICK COLONIA~ RESIdence (new). Hot water heat: Immediate pose. Ridge Ave. $100.00. he~-{miarf;:mfot, referl~jt"c~nd fu~;::~: _e__w_A_N_T_E_~D __ T_o_R_E_N_T_-_R_o_o_M_s __ trees, Immediate pose. Ridge Ave. 6 0.00. 5 6-rm., sun and sleeping porch, ROOM WANTED-BY TWO YOUNG men and boy of 6 years. Board Is desired for the sh:-year-old. who bath, hot watt>r heat. P081eealon will attend school. Poet office box Oct. 1st, Winnetka .... .. .. $150.00 9L51-ltp 87 , Wilmette. HELP WANTED-MALE 1----------------FOR SALE- DARK $10. Tel. Wlnn. 15 LOST - ROSTON TERRIER: llALD spot on Lack . Brindle with white hair on neck and fore feet. Name "BulltPr." Reward If returned to Bright. Tel. Wil. 1965. 22LH-ttc FOR SALE-BLUE VELOUR DAVENport, loose cushions. Tt>l. Wll. 1449. LOST- BLACK SILK PURSE, WED16LTN51-1tc nesday afternoon, Sept. 10. In !rout of hom<> at u24 Maple< Ave .. \VllFOR SALF...-CARVED MAHO. LIVING mette. Flndt··· pleate telephonE' 2471 . room tablt>. Tel. \Vlnn. 966 . 22L51-l tc 16LTN51-1tc LORT- POI.I I·~ DOG; DARK OREY and blnck : 2 yean old . It foun<l. return to H . F.lm r . 639 Sprurl' St., 'VInnt>tka Rpwa.rd. 22LTal·ltC 2S CONTRACTORS AND .IOBBI!!RI HARRIS BUOS. PRESTO-UP GA· rages. North Shore Re<p.. Ralph Watts, 1722 Greenwood Blvd., Ev· aneton. Tel. Unlvt-rslty 3422-J. In· spectlon Invited. Cash or terma. Information gladly turn~~te.:NSO-tfc JJ o IH!o S<!:Ihl!l.<e~<ew & C<O>o -----------------------------·o 909 Ridge Avenue Phone Wilmette 36· 2LTND1-ltc RENT-SEVERAL DESIRABLE netka homes. From ftve to t rooms. Possession now. WANTED-HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT to work with flowers In greenhouse. Call during working hourll. Central Prouty Building, Winnetka and Ridge Aves., Wilmette. A., WISH TO PPRCHASE A RUG 9xtl. Winnetka 2199 Stachel. 10L51-ltp Tel. Glen. 70!. 17LTN51·1tc JLTN51-1tc NLAN & TYSON, Inc.

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