14 \VILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1924 is opening. Man begins thinking about the coal he'll soon have to order. \Voman begins planning how' to induce in man the proper attitude regarding her Fall gown. The younger men and " ·omen b~gin to learn the ways of the1r new school -teachers. 1\I.ost of the birds have di sappeared leaving behind only the sparrow s and a sca ttering of jays and crows. The squirrels are throwing acorn,~hells all ove~ the !'.ide-walks. I he mosqu1toes are nappin g; though a little sti:ring of the grass and bushes ts sufficient to rou e them. The red berries of the high bu h-cranberry lend a welcome sober hedge. The glow of color to the, tone-crop's srnnewhat pink blooms also relieve the solemnity of ~arly autumn. . Let's all go to work. knowt!lg that eternal vigilance is the pnce of liberty. WILMETTE LIFE (Formerly The Lake Shore News) Established 1912 with which Is combined THE WILMETTE LOCAL NEWS BOWLING The bowling season is at hand · fortunate . and Wi'lmette is m h aving pr.o perly conducted alleys in the Brown building where there is an absolute absence of the unstemly atmosphere frequently attaching to that character of enterprise. · Bowling is splendid exercise and a good health builder and d . , ll preserver. Roy Goo wm s a eys attract our most highly respected business and professional people. The recreation center is suited to the high moral standards of the community. It merits commen- Established 1898 tSSUED FRIDAY by OF EACH WEEK IN ALL THE WORLD NO CAR LIKE THIS 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. Telep·o·e .......... , Wll·ette 1820 .UBICRIPTJON .::.00 A YEAR All communication must be accompanied by the name and address ot the writer. Articles tor publication ehould reach the editor by Wednesday noon to Insure appearance In current Issue. Resolutions ot condolence, cards o! thanks, obituary, poetry, notices ot entertainments or other atralrs where an admittance charge will be made or a collection taken, will be charged at regular advertising rates. Entered at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, as mall matter ot the ·econd class, under the act ot March I, 1879. JEWETT SIX ASK US WHY TRACY HOLMES MOTOR CO. Phone 4903 EVANSTON 1027 Davis St. = ~!a~tiio~n~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1924 Separate the Grades. Enforce the Traffic Laws. Build the Through Traffic Road. Widen the Busiuess Thoroughfares A Trial Ton Will Convince WORK \\'a rk is a ble. sing. Children don't think so. They You That THE BLADES OF GRASS to the young doing is more important that what is done. As an older person recalls his child 1 hood days he is amazed to see how much joy he took in sheer activity. He was immersed in his games and never asked, or even felt impelled to ask, just For, if I did good deeds, I k11ow '10t of them." why he was doing this or that Tlrm God it~ all his splmdor, thing. Like all other healthy Arose from his thro11e. children he thought of work as "OJ~, best lillle blade of grass!" he drudgery. said. -Stephen Crane But to normal adults work is a blessing. It is not drudgery. WANTED Even though the man has put What we want is a fairly good aside childish things and is putcar that will run with as little ting more emphasis on what he trouble as our old Dobbin-buggy is doing than on the mere doing, combination used to. We used to still he's having a good time. feed 'Dobbin regularly and we Vacations are good, but w.o rk cleaned him with just as great is better. That is to say, about regularity. So far as we remem- two weeks of vacation out of the ber he gave good service with well-known fifty-two are all that only a little limp at long inter- the well-constituted person ought acations vals. But he could always be de- to be able to enjoy. pended on-to the best of our re- are good as a change of occupacollection. \Ve used to call for tion, but as a steady diet nothing him at a neighboring livery is so good as work. stable. We can't recall that he ever failed us. And his friendly SEEING STARS neigh often drove away the blues. You've often heard radio stars, But our car! Vve fed it reg- but have you ever seen them? ularly. Cleaned it every week or You've imagined how. they look so. Sometimes polished it. For a and perhaps seen thetr ptctures, few weeks it ran as smoothly as but have you ever met them facethe stars. Then it began to to face? Btutter. That meant cleaning the We're much interested in a spark-plugs. Once more it ran venture of one of our fellowalong dependably. Then both tc·wnsmen, Frint George by rear tires failed to hold air and name. He's going to bring a that meant more work. Now cluster of these radio stars to they tell us that the gas is not \Vilmette so that we may have distributed evenly, that the the unique pleasure of hearing 11 points" need lo.oking after; may- and seeing them. Doubtless you be we need some new ones. And are like us in wanting to see enalways it is an IT. Dobbin was tertainers when you're hearing a HE. them. \\ e'd no more think of apThe worst of it is this. \Vhen plauding an ordinary radio artist something goes wrong we first than we should now, in 1924, tinker with it a little ourseh·es think of demanding an encore of to save money. Then we talk to Cleopatra"s celebrated suicide our car-owning friend c; about it, scene. and get a different answer from o if vou want some ~xtra each one. They go into great de- 0rdinary -amusement, go up to tail about it, when all we want the Ridge avenue school on 1\Ionis a simple direct explanation. day evening, Oct,o ber 6~., and see, What we'd like is something of as well as hear, the radio stars, this sort. "Our car shimmies. including Jerry Sullivan. What shall we do?" Answer: "Tighten the king-bolt." But our THE ARTISTS' SERIES. friends prefer to tell us a long It is very important that all story setting forth their own our readers bear in mind the very troubles and giving no remedy. remarkable series of recitals to Why can't somebody make a be given this fall and winter by cheap dependable car that will a group of the world's greatest never cause trouble? singers and instrumentalists. That the phrase, the "world's greatest," is not taken in vain THE OCTOBER TICKET will be seen when the names of The time has come to part with these artists are given-Louise an improper fraction of our Homer, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, monthly income and receive in Heginald Werrenrath, Pablo exchange therefor a sixty-ride Casals, and Maria I vogun. Are pass. Having pocketed the paste- they not all in the first rank? board we will at once feel free At the date of this writing to ride to Chicagp whenever we there are a limited number of want to and maybe twice on Sat- extra season tickets, for this urdays. series, at the Winnetka State Everything human begins on bank. Apply at once or they will October first or thereabouts. be gone. ThoUI'h for Nature the melMadame Homer's recital, first ancholy days ha.-e come, still for of the series, will be given at the man and woman the season of New Trier assembly hall on Wedrenewed energy and excitement nesday evening, October 15th. eagerly to relate The m erits of their li1:es. This our slarcc! a small ·way belri1rd, Ashamed. · Presl'lltl)·, God said, "A11d what did :1'01~ dof" The little blade a11swercd, "0/r, my Lord, Memor.v is biller to me, ln l!car·cll , love to play. To the children Some Littlr blades of grass playing is almost an end in itself. Stood brfore God. "What did "OU. do f" vVe do not mean to sav that the Then all sa?·r mre of tlu little blades play of children is ain11ess. But Bega1~ GIVES MORE HEAT AT LESS COST No smoke-No soot and very little aah. Call Lawndale 702S and a Service man will come to your home, without cost to you, inspect your heating p1ant and show you how easy it ia to use coke and how to save on your heatini COlt. For Sale br. Edinger & Sona ................................ Phone Wilmette 641 Kutten Broa. . .......................·....·....... Phone Wilmette 1 _. 1 . Meyer Coal & Material Co·................ Phone Wilniette 1733-1734 uccessa gaging ly in I rclativ with t girl in or lice pledgi and I~ should! Into usual sister a hor mand s end o being causin Mis of Di not wit been · montH As Good as a Visit as good as a visit is a three minute staJUST tion-to-station telephone call. Evening, and you are away. You picture mother and father in the living room at home. The glow of the light shines on mother's soft gray hair and father's glasses. Mother is darning stockings. Father is reading the evening paper. At intervals he repeats some bit of news or a joke to 'T'HE Illinois Bell mother. If you could only be with ~ Telephone Com· jJony employs every them for just a few minutes ! proved method of obtaining economy You can, and for a small sum. in operation without impairing the quality Go to the telephone and ask Long ofits service. As more Distance for your home telephone telephones are added, operating costs neces· number. In a few mi'nutes you will sarily i11erease. hear mother's voice and father's greeting. Let " Long Distance" take you home for a visit. If and f "In t play of t been than "Cat long thro ® ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Polk, · One System