Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Sep 1924, p. 10

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1924 ILCOlUll§lE ]}JJ(Q)MJEJRS. AJI»IPJEAIR§ TIN NCDJRS.1'1Hl ~IHlCDIRIE RIECll1'AIL ·OC'Iro ~ club bridge parties e\·ery \\'edncsday are very we ll at tended, and a week from Sat urd ay, September 27, there will be a club dance. The Skok ie club Han·est Home dance will take place September 27. The !'Jorth Shore club is ha\'ing . . most successful lun cheons and bridg_e ADA::\U,. Lou1 se I!f?mer_, the cele· parties cnry \Vednesday. There !S 1natcd contralto, ~nil g tv~ a s~ng a large a tt en dance and great enthuslrccita l at the I\ cw Tner h1gh asm prevails among th e membe rs. <.chool on Wednesd~Y. e\·ening, October Pi,·ot games tak e place the la st \VedJ 5. lna>much as th1 s IS one _of ~he most ln c~day of eac h month. <·xtraordinary concerts e\·er g1vcn on the nnrth shore the a' embly hall wi ll hr ,old out long before th e concert date Winqetka Woman·s Club and, thcrd ore, tho"c who de~ ire to hear Resumes French Classes ::\fadame Homer ~hould make arrangeH E \Vinnetka \\'oman's club is ments at once. to he congrat ulat ed as it ope ns its 1\otices regarding this series of arttenth season oi Fre nch classes ists' recitals of which .Madame Homer's and conference~ unde r t he able dircc is the first, ha\·e already been sent out. \Vinnetka and . Hubbard \Voods sub- iion of l\1. George Cauu lt. M. Ca uult '-Cribcrs are asked to ca ll for their is widelr known throu g h his sc hool , J.aFrancaise. As one of th e most intickets at the Winnetka State as teresting French lec turers of Chicago sno11 as possiblr. All other subscribers and th e north s hor e, he ha s won the will receive their tickets hy mai l as soon sincere grati tud e of many \Vinnetka as payment is made. At present there women who ha\'c been in his classes is a limited number of season tickets, fo r years. Bec ause of the interest he \\hich may be obtained from Mrs. Bessie has awakened and the help he ha s Grant at the \Vinn etka State bank. gin·n bot h struggling beginners and For the especial henefit of new sub- ad\'ancrd students, the resumption of scrihcrs the dates and artists for thi s his cla o;>rs is greeted with general apentire series, sponsored by the Mac- proval. It is the hope of the club that Dow<:ll Musical club of Winnetka is as many north shore ·women will fi nd fo lio\\ s: time to t a ke advantage of these fine October 15 . . . . . . . . . . Louise Homer opportunitie s to acquil'e a knowledge November 4 .... Ossip Gabrilowitsch of French language a nd literature. February 19 . .. . Reginald Werrenrath ~f arch .31 . . Pablo Cassals aud Maria Friends-in-Group Aids h ogun. 10 --- Tickets for Artist Recitals Are Ready For the Su bscribers M which Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline is president, will have its f~rmal opening October 1, when a t ea wtll ~e given for the membe.rs and·. the1 r friends. Eac h person I S to bnng a gift which is to be g!ven to th e Economy shop. Th ere w1ll ~)e stunts, mu sic. a nd a ge neral good tune. The door s will be opened at two o'cJock. T Woman's Club to Begin LOCAL SCHOOLS ENROLL t~e~vi~:=o~-0:!~:.~ :u;:~ NEARLY 1,500 PUPILS Thieves Frustrated When Attempting to Steal Car An automobile, st olen from the premises of the Arthur Lamkey home at 720 Linden avenue, early this week, was r ecovered by the police within a block of the residence. Locked transmission blocked the thieve s and they left the machine st r a nded in the middle of the street within sight of the Lamkey home. T formation of teams for outd oor St>Orta will al so be given special attention. The class room work has been ao. ing on all week in all the schools in spite of the changes that had to' bt made when classes were overcrowded The first week of school indicates or adjustments made to balance the th at the Wilmette public sc hools have classes. . II r a n approximate enro ment o f 1,500 pupils, the largest in th e hi story of Police Order Cutting the village, according to Superintenof Tall Grass, W eeda de nt J . R. Harper. Although the ope nin g of the new Owners of vacant properties where Ridge school ha s solved the school growth of grass or weeds is in excesa of ten inches in height, have been re. housing problem, virtually every room ceiving notices from the Village police in all the school buildings is occupied signed by Acting Chief Henry Brautiwith classes. The regi strat ion at the gan, requesting the cutting of such Ridge school exceeds 300. growth. The organization of classes and These notices have been sent out ift placing of the pupils has taken up compliance with a village ordinance the greater portion of the week. Now which requires that vacant lots be with most of the arrangements com- cleared of grass 3J1d weeds, which are pleted the pupils wilt launch upon their in excess of ten inches in height. regular program of study including manual training, domestic science and the arts, which will now receive full Read the Want-Ada attention. Phys ical education and the M t en w visitel I)atH retun ship Kenil away Cole, him , day. M~ \\TOOl Gran :Mr.l What Kitchen Aid Will Do for You Mixes dough for bread, cakes. pie, gin· ger-bread, doughnuts, rolls, etc. Mashes potatoes-two or two dozen, tl" a wondrous ftutriness. Makes mayonnaise (drops the oil gradually), one cup, or as many as you like. Beats eggs and icings; batter for pan· cakes, watrles, etc. Whips cream or evaporated milk, me rlng'ues, icings, etc. Creams various other Ingredients. Beats and creams fudge, fondants, etc. With attachment, It rreezes ice creams, sherbets, mousses, or any frozen dessert. It g~ lnds cotree, chips Ice, chops meat, nuts, J ··dslns, etc. It strains soups, purees, through a ftrte 'liPVe. stock tor t Mim stop and II Women Golfers Busy with Many Late Season Events in Defense Test Work HE Frilnds- in Council, a north shore organi za tion. proved it self to be most worthy in the Defense Day preparation . and activities. 1\fiss Aust in Stanley. \'icc president, assisted with fifty other women from variou s clul>s of Chicago. scn·ed sandwiche s to the men mobilized in Gra nt Park. and other members oi the " Friends" took part in various ways. ~[rs. \\'i lli a m Lawton is president . ONSIDERING the lateness of season, when golfing activities . are drawing to a close, the varIOU s clubs along the north shore are rema~kably hu ~y aud making up for lost t1mc occas1oned by the excessively rainy spring and summer. At Skokie, la st w<·ek. there was the "f!O alibi " forc so me. with Mrs. L. P . Z1nke, Mrs. E. P. Bartlett, and Mrs. Godfrey Phillips starring. Putting Daughters of British events also featured . Next week to Empire Arrange Bazaar follow up this week's choice score' on HE Daughters oi the Briti sh second nine played twice, there will he medal play, a first and second low Empire will hold th e first gathernet prize to he awarded to players ing of the seaso n at the LaSalle not winning a prize during the season . hot e l. on Thursday. The annual baIn the afternoon, a putting contest zaar will take place in .t\ovember: and will take place. on September 29. the corner stone of At North Shore, this week there the Britis h Old People's home at was an interestin g event ~ntitled River Forest will be laid. costume day when all members appeared. se-.. bed in ~:U:rturnes represent- Musicaf Club to Open lllg a wide range of beauty and originality of design. The event Season September 29 was decidedly successful and the HE North Shore :Musical club prize for the be t dressed member will meet September 29, at the w :ts awarded to Miss Mary Doland, home of l\frs. On·al Simpson. 9.32 who came attired as a Chinese woman. To the most attractiv J ly Tower road, Winnetka. at 2 o'clock, gowned guest, who was Mrs. lone to begin its sixth year of successful Kingsbury, a prize also was given. music work. She came as Pierott. Mr s. R. C. Boozer captured the prize for low net. Next week a two some will be played for the best ball, and, incidentally, the contest for the I I club championship will be in progress. I This match will undoubtedly be com- I pleted next week. as the only remaining contestants a , e, Mrs. H. H . Harrison and Mrs. A. D. Collins. of~ At Sunset Ridge, the best ball foreParJOI' .. r:'or ;rr&eb.. ~0:!:. some was won by Mrs. S. Edwin ~!:::Uw::l :Jo~~'t' Earle and Mrs. D. Price, in the fir st place. In the second place, Mrs. J . ·~O.W~~~dlii · ~l6 W. l\Iacy and Mrs. Mellen Martin o.u. of ......... r&w·] ....... were winners. The prize for the IIYeiT lun~it~ eQieDIM one making fewe st putt s was awarded to Mr s. Gerald Burnham. .. Ne~t week, there will be Blind ~~ ~ ~" 'lacs~· ce· Bogey play. lDoludH ~-- U CI1h Indian Hill had "Choice of Partner's A few r ese rvations open for tours leaving Sunday, Sept. 28 Eighteen Hole Score" this week. a nd Oct. 1 2. Next week, there will be Match play against par. Social event hav e been quite numerous at this club. Mrs. H . T . Turner gave a luncheon and bridge on Thursday, and on Tuesday, of this week, :1\fr . \V. S. Taylor gave a Gr ay Uae Motor Toun Co. luncheon for twenty guests. Next week, ther e will be Judith Boddie's tea l ll rtop~.'fl:t... and Mrs. Green's luncheon. The usual C T I T Strains apple sauce. It is not necessar y to pare or core ·the apples. This adds immeasurably to the flavor. It slices potatoes (to any desired thin· ness) . Cuts shortening in pastry. And It will retain the temperature (either hot or cold) of whatever product It Is mixing. All of this it will do-and more! T ~--- ........., com- Not ·only quicker-not· onlY · - but better-yes, better Kitchen Aid saves time and work, and produces much better results in the preparation of foods than any human can. No cake stirred by hand will compare with a Kitchen Aid cake, which is so much more thoroughly and evenly beaten that it comes out of the oven extra fine in texture, wondrously light and fluffy, truly delicious. Many long minutes devoted to stirring pound cakes, angel food, sponge cake and cup cakes by hand are saved for other tasks. And they are strired just as long as you like without tiring you. The secret of good mayonnaise is to secure quick emulsifying which on Kitchen Aid is insured by the automatic slow dripping of oil into the rapidly whipped mixture. Adding the lemon or vinegar with desired condiments rig·ht into the mixing bowl, and rapid, sure, mechanical ----~- : Fall Motor Toars ld::_r.,-ot!o=.t,Oelt::-1' u; .,, mixing accomplishes a most gratifying result, without the element of fai lure that so often follows hand methods. It is mostly a matter of turning the switch and letting Kitchen Aid do the work. Kitchen Aid mashes potatoes to a tempting rich lightIt beats in much ness impossible to achieve by hand. more milk than mashed potatoes ordinarily take. Consider again the list of Kitchen Aid accomplishments. See how it picks out the hard tasks, the arm-aching, nerve-disturbing, time-wasting drudgery, and all those things that have an element of uncertianty in them, doing them for you like clock work, without flaw or mistake. The turn of an electric switch,-that's your part of the work. The rest is left to Kitchen Aid. Sr. Ke1 Spr rna ho ~o~~~ ~li ~ 1·:V~ IQt!;h!ltfid Has Come to the North Shore What Leading Magazines Say About Kitchen Aid IN THE LADIES HOME JOURNAf. Test Kitchen , Kitchen Aid was put through every possible test and n~uitte d itself so perfectly that ln the FeiJt·uary Issu e, 1924, an entire ~ditorial vage in the magazine was dt'voted to telling the read ers about It and what it could do. GOOD HOUSEKEEPI:>;G Institute subjected Kit<-heu Aid to every test known to Kitchen requirem ent with the sam<' satisfactory results. They have given their official approval. J ... '·····------------------- All the Facilities of a Great Metropolitan School of Music are Available in Your Neighborhood ' The 24th year of COLUl\IBIA SCHOOL OF l\lUSIC opens eptember 8, and classe in the \VIL:\lETTE nRANCH will resume on that date . Private and class les ons. Piano. key board harmony. . ight reading and ear training. COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUSIC CLARE OSBORN~ REED, Director 127 11th Street, Boule.ard Buildina Alma CbiaiUDd aDd PhUomena lraee Teac:hera ia Charae MAIN SCHOOL,- S. W_... A.··ae, Chieqo Td t' ,... HarrieoD 5t3t Students in Branch Schools are entitled t o all the fr ee advantages offered by Columbia School of Music. The TRIBUNE Institute had the same experience and gave almost a newst>aper page to the very practical m erits or Kitchen Ald. MODERN PRISCILLA Proving Plant repeated the experiment and hundreds or Intelligent housekeepPI'S the country over have added tht.'lr endorsements. The September isaue of HOUSE BEAUTIFUL Magazine has commented on the virtues or Kitchen Aid at aome length. CHARM has the same favorable comments to make on Kitchen Ald In an editorial review of Its accompllahmenta. While Kitchen Aid has only recently come to the North Shore, it is not new, not untried. Representative homes on the North Shore have used It is Kitchen Aid for two years or more and regard it as indispensable. in daily use, many times a day, in thousands of homes, in many cities in the United States. In. !Jayton, Ohio, Kitchen Aid was introduced two years ago without advert1smg and now, simply through enthusiastic owners and users telling their friends, you wilt find Kitchen Aid in homes in every neighborhood throughout the city- north. south, east, west. Large siz~ machines. of Kitchen Aid type are in every day use in the fine~t ho.tels . m ~he Un~ted Stat.es, many of them in Chicago, with this obv10us JUStification: K1tc?en A1d sa':es time and labor, and being infallibly accurate does away wtth the cookmg failures. . Note again, at the top of this advertisement, what Kitchen Aid m_ ll do for you. Don't you want to know more about Kitchen Aid th1s almost. magic electrical machine-what it is; what it ' does; hbw tt solve~ your problem.. ~ot what we say, but, for example, r~prmts. of the edttonal articles from newspapers and magazmes ? Se/Ul the co~tpo" today for i~t/ormCJtio 1~. Troy Metal Products Co., Troy, 0. 1------------------------- - ~~,lj No~:~ 8f~~re~amea of users on the

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