Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Sep 1924, p. 23

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Jay be there lll- VILLAGB 011' KB!IfiLW08TR. ~OTICE t bid With ~ contrac t In til Y the Village entered Into 1 ° (Xpiratlon ot t~; ,c the awar 4 0~ law and a bo 1 rdance with tbd 16A of th e ~ for 1897 &lid 011' P11BLIC LB'MIN'G. I' IIIDRII' I:YRDiftii'H Wlall' II"- a.AI" ~ t «.: onn~tH t ·ertala 'o levied and COJI. the cost of Bald n divided Into ill bear In tereat per centum Per IW, and th e con. for 8Uch labor I anll time war. t of the in s tall. seesament, pur. nds to draw ln. elx per centum accompanied by check, certified for an amount 1.1 than ten J>er rate of the bid or propo8al wil) accompan led by Improvements reject any or 'lllnols, Septem . lPROVEMEN'I'H. . ~1URRAY, !, President. etary . L50-ltc r-- OOT of Evanston , recently broke feet, and a~nt4 been fotced raJ week s. --oMrs. ]. S. Prescott of St. Alberwalf, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kunz left for Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Nichol, 1131 their home in Manitowoc after being Ashland avenue, gave a large dinner Florida, is visiting her parents~ Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McMillen of 1010 Public notice 18 hereby given, pur- afternoon, nig~t, 365 days in a year. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James W. party at the North Shore club on Linden avenue. suant to Jaw, that the Board of Local Sun, clouds, ram, blue sky, green trees, Alder of 931 Greenwood avenue for Friday, September S. . -oImprovements of the VIllage of Kenilseveral weeks. --oworth, Cook County, Illinois, will re- and deep clear crystalline water. All Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Fuermann have -oMr. and Mrs. W . W. DeBerard arid returned to their home at 835 Greenceive sealed bids or propoeal8 for the for nothing. Drink the lake and no Mr. and Mrs. Perry L. Smithers of family of ~ Elmwood avenue will grading, draining, paving and curbing $50,000,000 sanitary canal to keep it In Sterling Road, Earleton Road, .Joe- pure: No plumber's bills, no public 711 Lake avenue will return this week return from Fish Creek, Wisconsin, wood avenue after a short stay at Post Lake, Wisconsin. eph Sears Road and Southdean Road from an extended motor trip through in two weeks. In said VIllage ae epeolfted In and servtce corporation with its penalty the west and Canada. . -o--oNo grocery bills. by ordinance deecrlbing, locattnc and for nonpayment. Mrs. J, W. Flint of Dickson, lllinoit, d e fining the same, and authorizing a Blueberry pies growing on the hiltis visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Foss Ma~d her small son Mrs. A. M. Rossman and her three speci al assessment to pay the co8t sides, raspberry jam in the bushes of Detroit a~e visiting Mr. and Mrs. children of 1223 Elmwood avenue, are Mrs. Mathilda Van Deursen of 1101 thereo f which special a.aseument baa fresh fish in the lake, partridge stew' b ee n levied and conftrmed In the County · M. ]. Hammers of 807 Greenwood ave- back from their camp at Lake Geor,e, Forest avenue. co urt of Cook County, Illinois, and and venison steak in the woods waiting nue for a week. where they have been since June 3. -ois there known as Special Assessment for you. This is the life; it is life. -o-()Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cooper are No. 18, and that auch eealed bids or Five hours from civilization by proposals shall be In the hands of th"e Mrs. A. L. Barnard of Fresno. Mrs. R. A. Buckman has returned to spending two weeks at their summer President of 8ald Board of Local Im- motor boat. One long, long day by C!l~ifor~ia, is making an extended her home at 1025 Greenwood avenue, cottage at Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. provements, Mr. .James C. Murray, canoe. We have two days yet to our vtstt wath Mrs. K. D . King of 914 having spent the summer at Plum Lake, -oKenilworth, Illlnol8, or the Secretary L. F . English of 1007 Greenwood Wisconsin. or said Board of Local Improvemente, credit. So we arrive at Pipestonl.' Greenwood avenue. Falls at noon and camp and see who avenue is in .Oklahoma on a business Mr. Clive J. Taylor, Kenilworth, Illl-o-o"W~e Deoch an' nole, before 8 o'clock P. M. on Tuee- is here: Doris I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Nilles, 1634 Miss Ila Colling of Caro, Michigan, trip. He will be gone about a week. day, September 23, A. D. 1924. Said Doris." Doris again. Sweet brown Walnut avenue, announce the birth of is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Philip -oBoard of Local Improvements will Mr. and Mrs. William Mason of 1111 thereupon open said bide at the Kenil- haired Doris and brother Bill. How a daughter at the Evanston hospital E. Siggers of 1533 Highland avenue, for good it is to see Doris again. But Sheridan road have returned from a worth Aesembly Hall at the southAupst 31. a few days. west corner of Kenilworth Avenue and she is on her way and we tearfully motor trip through Wisconsin. --o-()Cumnor Road, Kenilworth, Illinois, at cheer their parting boat. --oMarjorie Jane Hecht. little daughMiss Fitqerald of Ridlet Park, 8 o'clock P. M. on Tu-esday, the Urd Mrs. J, E. Middleton of 725 ChestNext morning we are off and at te'." of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Hecht enter- Pennsylvania is visiting Miss Josephioe day of September, A. D. 19%4 . aut avenue is expected to return to Said bids or proposale must be made noon, land a* Winton. Ely and a tamed 16 of her little girl friends at Brown of 1539 Highland avenue for Wilmette, this week, from Wisconsin. out upon blanks furniehed by Windes shower bath at the community house a birthday party last week. several weeks. --o-& Marsh, Englneerar, which are on ftle and .change to clothes left with the --o-owith Mr. Clive .J. Taylor, Secretary of Wilderness Outfitters. We must have Mr. and Mrs. ]. R. Harper of 719 The usual monthly dinner for the Mrs. T. C. Moulding of 1004 Green- Park avenue have returned from theit' said Board of Local Improvements K t>n ilworth, Illinois, and at the offtc~ a new old suit next year and new old board of directors and committees was wood avenue entertained the Reading or Windes & Marsh, engineers, and at shoes. What we wore is hardly worth held .at the Ouilmette club on Tuesday circle at her home, on Monday · after· summer home in Hartford, Michigan. -oth ~ office of Village Manager, Kenil- packing. Then off on the D. & I. R. even mg. noon. wo rth, Illlnol8, where 8ald blanks may Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey Blau --orailroad for Duluth. obtained. --oentertained at dinner, September 6, at Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lynn of Dozing on the car, I awake with a Dr. and Mrs . .B. H. Kershaw ancl their home 1009 Chestnut avenue. Improvement mu8t be conIn accordance with plans and feeling that some one is staring at me Indianapolis will be the guests of Mr. family of Winnetka have returned --o-spec flcatlons for 8ame on tile with and I come to enough to see in the and Mrs. William McGibbon of 924 home after s~ending the summer tourMrs. Lorin Halt of Sterling, Illinois, Clive J . Taylor, VIllage Clerk of KenChestnut avenue on Friday. ing Califorma. Ilworth, Illinois, and the ordinance aisle that brown hair and those bright, spent a few days with Mrs. Tom Han --o--o-specifying the nature, locallt~· and laughing eyes, and there is Doris, who of 1008 Greenwood avenue, this week. Mrs. A. N. Page of 901 Ashland avedescription of said improvement to- this time literally jumps into my arms Mrs. Lylll;ln Drake of 933 Lake aveK!l~her with the detailed drawings, and I hug her close, mother and nue is visiting relatives in Indian- nue is spending a few days with her profile, plans and specifications art> on apolis for a few days. :Mr. Page is in brother, C. L. Keith, at the latter's Read the Want-Ad.t tile with 8ald Village Clerk at Kt>nll- father and Bill all aboard and Doris New York on a business trip. summer home at Hazlehurst, Wis. worth, Illlnois, and may be there In· on way home to Des Moines 'to enter --oSP!!Cted. second grade. I love Doris and I know Mrs. John Cullen of 1231 Ashland The contractors must bid with the where their cabin is at Pipestone understanding that a contract In the Falls, and I will see her again, you avenue, who has been ill at the Evansform generall}· used by the VIllage of ton hospital, is now at home and reKenilworth, must be entered into lm· bet. covering satisfactorily. mediately after the expiration of tt.>n Both Kindt of LiYiq -od&Y8 from the date of the award of Well, after all, that is the life I It Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Mason oi contract, pursuant to law and a bond shall be given in accordance with the is two vacations in one, one to be 1030 Greenwood avenue have returned provi81ons of Section 76A of the Local there, and one when you get back to from Garrett Bay, Michigan, where lmprov em e nt8 Act for 1897 and soft carpets and mattresses and hot they spent two weeks. ~endm e nts thereto. --o"' : :i!pecial asse8sment, so levied and ('On· water, running in a tub. and the newsMr. and Mrs. A. G. Melville of 1022 fttrned to provide for the cost of said paper ea~h morning, and the telephone Improvement, has been divided Into connecting you with friends and peo- Greenwood avenue have returned from ten installment8 and will bear interest ple who know you by your first name a three weeks' outing in the Colorado at the rate of six per centum per mountains. annum, pu·rsuant to law, and the con- Both kinds of living are the life. -otractor 18 to be paid for such labor And this is the end of a true story. and matel'ial in bonds and time war- All facts will be vouched for, under Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Yost of 1016 rants payable only out of the InstallGreenwood avenue have motored to ments of said special assessment, pur- oath, by Lucien King and Omar S. suant to law, said bonds to draw in· Hunt of Indianapolis, George H. Ebert Somerset, Ohio, to visit relatives for a terest at the rate of six per centum of Duluth, Paul Chaffee, somewhere week or so. per annum. -oin South Dakota, and Walter Plummer, Each bid must be accom)>anled by somewhere on Gunflint Lake this Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Pringle have a8h or by a certified ct>t ck, cet'tlfled returned to their home, 1024 Eleventh winter, trapping beaver and mink and (Continued from page 19) SPECIAL A88E88MICNT NO. 1& 87·t·· of PaYlac, Jete,. Ia Streeta Ia KeaUwel'tll, llllaola. . B JN NATIONAL FOREST 1 .____ ~_· ___ ._ .. _~__ ... ____._ Wi~~o!~i:. C!_.-!_1 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 12 1924 I 23 Dr. and Mrs. Hubert Carleton and Mr. atHI . W. D. LaWI'eDCe their daughter, Phyllis, returned last ~ Lake aveaue returned ~¥· week from a five weeks' stay at Peliea· vacationing at Post Lake, Lake, Wisconsin. -()- ·a.ta .~eppt~~~· b~a..n1 ~ ··to( ~ .~~o!!!~ ·*""'" hoT-bcaril\8 animals fpr the ntum of tht.> agtrre.. of the bid Hudson Bay company. ropopa) and no bid or proposal will And if you don't believe them under ho~:!~e~~d c~~~~~s accompanied by at: t~~~da. ter a six w \ta' out'na R. -o- Improvements self. ~rre:;r:: o~h~r~~~~~ls~o reject an)· or be;>a1 t:.d ~~:~llworth, Illinois, Septem· The Board of Local oath, go up there and see for your- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reinboth of 1015 Ashland avenue have gone on an extended motor trip in the east. -o-- aad SERVICE STATION BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. By JA!.\IES C. MURRAY, -oATT~f!'f.JE J. TAYLOR, President. Three Wilmette boys, Harry Stone, Mr. and Mrs. George Slocum, 931 Secretary, 1234 Ashland avenue, Class A, over L50-1tc 130 pounds; Willard Thompson, 1356 Tw~lfth street, spent last week in St. VILLAGE OF WILMETTE W'.ILMETTE SPEClAL No. 160 ASSESSl\IE:'<T More Wilmette Youths Win Honora at Y Camp Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Stover, 1044 Ashland avenue, are home from a motor trip in northern Wisconsin. IN THE CO~XTY-COURT OF C~)K COUNTY, ILLINOIS. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTI(' E, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons Interested that the village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, having orderpd the improvement of 4th Street from th e south curb line of Greenleaf Avenue to the north curb line of Laurel Avenue, and Linden Avenue from the east curb line or 5th Street to th(' west curb line of Third Street ( exc('pt across the right or way of the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad) by widening the pavement to a width of forty - one (H) feet Including the integral curb hea·elnatter described, and by removing portion8 of th(' slllewalk and curbing excavating for new pavement and pav ~ lng with reinfoa·ced concrete and constructing new sidewalk, taking up and relaying portions of the brtC'k pav('ment now In place In the 'cross walks otherwise Improving the said lit1~-~:;' "': all In the Village of Wilmette, nty, Illinois, In accordance the ordinance recommendt>d and f!stimate of the President of the Board of Lo('al Impa·ovements, submitted by the Board of Local Improvements, and passed and approved by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois. on the 21st day of August. A D 1!124 eald ordinance being on ttie in th~ office or the Village Clerk of the said Village, and said VIllage having apPlied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said proposed lmprovemen t according to the beneftta, and an assessment therefor having been mad(' and returned to eald Court, the ·final hearing thereon will be held on the 29th .day ot Septe.mber, A. D. 1924, at ten o clock A. M., or aa soon thereafter ae the business or the said Court 1111111 permit. All persona deeirln.r may ftle objections !Ia eald Court before said date, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordl· nance provldee for the collection of eald assessment In ten annual Installments with Interest thereon at the ~~~eum~f six per centum (6%) per Dated, 'VIlmette, Illlnole, September 11, A. D. 1924 . Penon appointed byH?~~ P'f-e :t,~~nt the Board of Local Improvements the Village of Wilmette, Cook ty, Illinois, to make eald apeclal 1 Greenwood circle, Class B, 100 to 129 pounds, and Robert Moetler, 908 Ashland avenue, Class B, also, won many honors in the final track meets recently at Camp Manitowish, conducted by the Wisconsin Y. M. C. A. at Boulder Lake, near Boulder Junction Wis. Harry Stone won first in the high jump, first in the baseball throw, second in shot-put, and third in the 100 yard dash. Willard Thompson won second in the 100 yard dash and Robert Moeller, won second place in the shot-put, broad and high jumps. These boys took canoe trips through the northern woods with experienced guides. On these trips, they traveled over trackless wast~. saw many of the wild animals of the forest, caught their own fish, which they broiled over their camp fires, and then lay down to sleep with only the canopy of the stars above them. Nearly five hundred boys from sixty-five different cities and towns in Wisconsin and Illinois attended Camp Manitowish, one of the score of camps conducted by state, Chicago and city Y. ~1. C. A. organizations in Wisconsin . I I I I I I I I i LULIAS BROTH·ERS I 635 MAIN STREET 1135 CENTRAL AVE. r ..._.,.___ ..______ .....,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L~~~~·;~·-~·~-~·-~·-~·-~·-~·-~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. 1010-11 a.ic:qo A·e., E·uaatoa ... Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Vve n1ake a special point of seeing to it that all our fruits and vegetabl~s are perfectly fresh and sound. Our one aitu ts to have our custon1ers I il Kenilworth Boya Show ~ Proweu in Track Work 1 Three Kenilworth boys, Tom Hicks, I Harry Dubsky and Walter Marx won 1 many honors in the final track me~ts ~ 635 MtiaStreet L60-ltc last week at Camp Manitowish, conducted by the Wisconsin Y. M. C. A. at Boulder Lake near Boulder Junetion, Wis. Tom Hicks, in Class C under 100 pounds, won first in 100 yard dash, first in broad jump, second in shot put, second in high jump and third in baseball throw. Harry Dubsky, Class A over 130 pounds, won first in broad jump, second in baseball throw, third in 100 yard dash. Walter Marx, 522 E sex road, Cia s B. 100 to 129 pounds, won second in shot put, third in baseball throw. These boys won more points in athletics than the boys from any of the other cities and towns in Wisconsin and Illinois. I I ~ 1 1 I I I I 1 1 J!.: El ~ i! j! I J'! CO~I PLETEL Y" SATISFIED. 1135 Ceatral A.e. Phones f~: llJil Having two large stores, we are always prepared to supply the needs of our patrons. BARGAINS EVERY SATURDAY. ~ a.J!Mt.~ai:.\l"'a.'-. · .,.,.· · · ·.,.,...

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