Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Sep 1924, p. 21

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 LET A WANT AD SELL YOUR railed wants is for him or with an rts to sell ng a sale. ~. he FOR RlllNT-ROOJIIS 18 SITUATION WANTED-MA.LE HOME FOR aALJC-AUTOWOBJ.Laa ch greater ~e chances We VIOU)d e property >n. nc. utoa Z.. oetb Ziti FOR RENT - VERY DESIRABLE SITUATION WANTED-IN PRIVATE FOR SALE-S-CYLINDER, 7-PA88EN· aer Peerle.. aedan; HouldallJ· apartment ot 3-rooma; aeparate ,enhome; can drive car; experienced In shock abaorber, aeat cover, aprln· trance ; also lat·ge 1'\)0tn with twin general house cleaning. Tel. Dougcover, ftve new Firestone · balloon beds, running water and separate las 8467. oticea-Claaalfted advertlaementa W'lll be cbar..ed OD17 Urea 7.20; machinery, uvholatery, all 13LTN60-ltp entrance. Hot water heat; near to realdenta of the district from Evanaton to In perfect condition, U,OOO. ~llln· transportation. 1046 Linden Ave., Glencoe lnclualve whose namea appear In the telephone directory or on account of owners serloua Ul· Wilmette. 8LTN50-ltc 16-YEAR-OLD BOY DESIRES POSIwho are regular aubacrlber.. to either WILKETTE LIFE, WINNETKA tion where he can gain storage batneaa. John M. Henderson, 720 Lin· TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. WOULD LIKE TO COMMUNICATE tery experience. Address Life, 307. coln Ave., Winnetka. Tel. 1819. with pt·otestant couple desiring 13LTN50-ltp lOLTN60·1tC tel--10 cent· per lin" In one paper. 20 centa per line In all three warm. nicely furnished front room, papera. MINIMUM CHARGE see. Avera&'e of ftve word· to with housekeeping privileges; In HONEST RELIABLE MAN WANTS DEPENDABLE USED CARS the line. No black face type uaed. , Ratea for Display type on appllcatlon. any kind of work with living quar- FOR SALE-RECEIVED IN TRADl11 family of three adults. Hubbard ters. Tel. Wlnn. 1443. 13LTN50-ltc Wootls. Tel. Winnetka 567. on new Dodge Hrothera and Will· for InsertiOni-ClaaaUled advertlaementa will be ac8LTN50-ltc Sainte Claire Motor cars. cepted up to Wednfladay 12 o'clock for 14 SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE the WILMETTE LIFE or A.ll three papera; Thursdav t:1 o'clock for the FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOM IN WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for thfl GLENCOE NJIIWS private residence. Central location. WANTED-:- WASHINGS · TO TAKE 6U Lincoln Ave. Talepbonea: WILMETTE lU0-1921 or WINNJIITKA 2000·2001. . Garage apace If desired. Bualneaa home; flnlahed work and rough dry; Winnetka. Ill. man preferred. References. Tel. Wll. also wet wash. Will call for and de· 18LTN49-ltc 41. 8LTN50-ltc ~~;aer 418 Prairie Ave. 1;L~50~~~ FOR SALE- OLDSMOBILE; GOOD· I<~OR RE:-\T - NICELY FURNISHED looking; go'o d running condition{· REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE front bedroom In a private home. REFINED WHITE WOMAN WITH will take $100 for qu-Ick aale. Cal FOR SALE OR R"'NT-" AND 1 """". Convenient to transportation. 418 one child wants position a._ house· me for further details. Wll. U5 . .,. --v &WOL Park Ave. 8L50-ltp keeper or maid. Tel. Wll. 713-J 18LTN60-ltc 17 LTN 50-ltp I-F-O_R Rllf., BRICK BUNGALOW, 1 BLOCK r::::~ort:~8~~~/o,t~J.oc~8s~oto,~~~:o·o: I-L-A_R_G_E-,--L-I_G_H_T-,__C_O_M_F_O_R_T_A_B=L~E after 7 P. M. __ S_A_L_E__N_A_S_H--19-2~3-~T~O~U~R:-:I::N-:":G:"'; ;:~~~ 0!a~algd:;e 1~;~~edr:t~ ";,~~~~ 8 ~~~~; Also Iota for sale f30 a ft. Owner. room ; hot water heat; 2 blocks from SITUATION WANTED-EXPERIENCgood condlUon; run 7,000 mllea. " County Line Rd. I blka. we·t of N. W. R. R .; gentleman preferred. ed laundre·· for Tueaday and Wed· Tel. 228. 302 Greenwood Ave., Glen· $ 7 ~· rm ., frame residence, furnace Grey Bay Rd. Tel. Hlc~~~d P~. Tel. Wll. 2139. 8L50-ltp neaday; prefer machine. Tel. Unlcoe. 18LTN·O-ltp heat, large lot, fruit and shade trees; 898· ·I. 1 41 ·t c 1P-L _E_A_S_A_N_T __ F_R_O_N_T __ R_O_O_M_ : _B_R_E_A_K-veralty %764-J. HLTNGO-ltc Immediate possession. $60.00. FOR SALE-316 FT. ON GLENVIEW fast it desired; neat· transportation SITUATION WANTED_ WILL DO 18 FOR 8ALE-MISCELLA!IIEOU8 6 rm., frame · bungalow on Lake I Road In Wilmette llmlta; large orand school. Tel. 'VII. 3206. curta.lna, luncheon seta, etc. Will do Ave., Y.z mile weat of Ridge Ave., · chard and 10-room home, recently SLT50-ltc plain sewing at home; also catering. FOR SALE-LARGE WHITE BASSENall modern conveniences, garage, hot remodeled; furnace heat: water and ------------~-::-::-:-::-::-1 Tel. \VII . 3 2 06 . HLTN50-ltc ette with canopy, $35; white wardwater heat, furnished or unfurnished, all modern Improvements; will dl- FOR RENT- NICE SVNNY ROOM, robe, lined In blue. $20; acalea, '6; or will sell. vide. Address Wilmette Lite, 306. 1507 Washington Ave. Tel. Wil. WANTED-BY FIRST CLASS LAUNfour bedaprea<la for twin beda, U lLT50-2tp 969-R. Gentleman preferred. dress, 3 or 4 days steady. Lincoln each: two double spreads; winter 8L50-ltc 3433 aftt.>t' 6 P. M. HLTN£i0-ltp coat, good condition, size 16 or 18, FOR RENT OR FOR SALE- A TTRAC__ R_E_N_T_ __ N_I_C_E_F_U_R_N-IS_H_E_D_S __ IN-- SITUATION WANTED - GENERAL M!'~ ~~~. ta..fe~~\~~~~·;09~~ or 16' ' 26 : tlve new brick bungalow; 5 large _F_O_R 909 Ridge Avenue rooms .and ac1·een porch ; garage; gle room In private family, $5 per housework by a white girl. Tel. 19LTN50-ltc Phone Wilmette 364 hot water heat; 72i Clover Road; 3% week. 1618 Central Ave. SL 0-ltc Wll mette 164 6. 14L50-ltp 1-F--R--S-A_L __ E_ ___ N::l-::C::K":":L:-=E~=P::-L-::A-:T::E=D~::B:::O:-;:T 'We have some very choice tracts blocks west of Kenllwot·th station; 5 0 for co untry homes and are prepared % block south of Kenilworth Ave. COMPETENT COLORED LAUNDRESS; Scout bugle, never been ueed. Radio to write all kinds of high class InTel. Wll. 933-W. 1LTN50-ltc FOR RENT-LARGE FRONT ROOM; experienced, wants stejldy position. sending equipment and lee akatea s urance. suitable for two; bt·eakfaat optional. Tel. Glencoe 987. 14LTN50-ltc on ahoea, alze 9 (rockers): aleo com· 1LTN50-ltc WATCH TillS COLUMN FOR THE Tel. Wll. 782-JX . 8L50-ltc plete equipment tor mechanical -----------------~ announcement' of the OIJenlng of the EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS FOR drawing work at high school. ExDuffy sub-division located In the FOR RENT - FURNISHED ROOM. Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Tel. Unlceptlonally cheap. Tel. Wll. 67 be· ~m,TI....nnn:>ll..c:D'Iffi'\ ~TI'i?'l\n:>~Tl... most beautiful part of Deerfleld, Telephone Wlnn. 712. 8LTN50-ltc verslty 6789. HL50-ltc tween 6 and 8 P'. 1\f. 19LTN50-ltc li:))I..\LilQJI..\Liu IQ)(9.l.J.L.U. ll'\lwu ll.lill write In for advanced Information. FOR SALE-AT THRIFT SHOP OP' WANTED TO RENT-ROOMS KENILWORTH-9-ROO:\l COLONIAL F . W . Russo, Deerfleld, Ill. 8 115 SITUATION WANTED-of Woman's Library Club, 8&8 Park 1 LTN 6 0-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - frame, with 2 baths and 2 extra lav., MALE AND FEMALE Ave., Glencoe; uaed clothing for men, Mplendid lat·ge rooms and closets, 100 ACRES OVERLOOKING BRIAR- W!N~~~se~~e~~;T-;:-~~U~~ !f~:!~ I·S-IT_U_A_T_I_O_N __ W_A_N-:"T':'E::-:D-C-~O:':U':'P=L-:E:-:F:::-::0::-R women and children; furniture. brlca-brac, books, etc., at reasonable liv. rm .. 16x2t!, tile bath, 2 -cat· gargate Golf Clu·b, $1,100 per acre; ripe months. Beat references given. general housework; exp.; will work prices; open week daya from 8 A. age. wooded. $28,000. for sub-dividing. This Is an excel>Phone Wilmette 6 99 . 9L50-ltp separately Tel Lincoln 2616 N. E. Winnetka-The best value In tiona! buy aa property across road · · 16LTN50-ltp M. -to 6 P. M. Tel. Glen~~-tl~s 5 -1te N. E . Winnetka, Tapestry brick. 6brought $3,000 per acre. Act quickroom home, sun and sleep l>orches, ly. F. W. Russo, Deerfleld, 111. 10 HELP WANTED-MALE A NEAT AND RELIABLE .COLORED GROWN tile bath, hot water heat, lot 1175bl~r· 1LTN50-ltc BOY WANTED-TO HELP IN STORE, couple as cook and houseman. Phone FOR SALE- BEAUTIFUL male Merle collie; splendid dlapoal~~e;s~ ~~~-u~~· $2ud~~Os~all~· we u t DOUBLE YOUR MONEY - DEERtend stock, tools, etc. A good openUniversity !;667. lliLTN50-ltc tlon · excellent companion tor child. Vacant-A good lot near Country fleld vacant. Choice lots 50x125; allng for a boy to enter the automobile Tel.' Glenview Z&R-ll. Pe&'a Kennel, Day School, 60x132, trees, at $90. so flne cornet· lot, from $1 8 to $20 business: good wages. Motor Ser· 18 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS Winnetka Rd. % mlle eaat Wau· Acreage-A tine list or Investment per ft. For · further Information see vice Co .. i21 Main St., 'Yilmette. kesan Rd. 19LTN60-ltc FOR SALE-PART OF A COLLEC· properties along pt·oposed Not·th Cosmos Dt·os., 1153 Wilmette Ave. 10L50-ltc tlon from a private home, pictures, FOR SALE-RELIABLE GAS STO~Jil. Shore 1\ne. L50-ltc wANTED-HIGH GRADE AUTO MEwater colors, oils, bronsea and antlList and Bu~· Through $20; mahogany color braaa bed, con: chanlc. 'Verated Motor Company. quea. Can be aeen at 646 Prospect Unuoua poat. U: box aprlntra, 12, L~~poi ~f~~~SN!;.~t?l\1hJ-:.~Eel!::~~ 1't>l. wtnn. ltl5. tOLTN50-ltc Ave .. Winnetka. 16LTN50-ltc wheel barrow, $3; lawn mower and basket, $4. Tel. Wll. 66leLTNri0-1tc :,1=l==H=E=L=P==W=A=N=T=E=D-==F=E=M=A=L=E====Jl==H=E=L=P==W=A=N=T=E=D-==F=E=M=A=L=E==; $350 cash, balance $25 per month. F. r FOR SALE-LAROE NEW DOG W. Russo, Deerfield, Ill. 1LTN50-ltc house; alao two long oriental runners; large overstuffed chair. Can FOR SALE-COZY 4-ROOM HOUSE; be seen at 1123 Chatfleld Road, Hub· stove heat; newly painted and decbard Woods. Tel. Wlnn. 121>!. orated, $5 ,000 ; $2,000 eash. 271 Lin19LTNjO-ltc den Ave. Tel. Glencoe 429. G' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS neral N Ra Deadline WERSTED MOTOR co. FOR RENT ~~~d ~~~'ko~e: ~~~~fe~~t, R'!::~ ,!f!tr,~~ 'LLTNI>O-'L~ WE HAVE A CASH BUYER FOR A modern 6-room house neat· "L." Price must be right. Tel. Ol' write S. 0. Olin & Sons, 825 Davis St., University 8838. 1L50-ltc Local institution desires services of experienced stenographer. Address \Vilmette Life, A-309. FOR SALE-FULL-SIZED UPRIGHT plano; good condition: brown cue, $250, also beaut. old-Caah. mah&'. bureau, $76 . Must be sold by 20th; for appointment Tel. W~~tT~~i'.ttc FOR SALE-EXCELLENT HALF· alsed ·cello, simple for child 9 to 11 yrs. of age. Tel. W'll. ~~l£TN 5 0·ltC FOR SALE-YOUNG ELM TREES, LIlac buahe· and corral berry buahea. Tel. Wll. 2854. 19L50-1tc FOR SALE-FUR NECK PIECE. $10, coat $35. Worn twice. Tel. Wlnn. 1793. 19LTN60-1tc W .A.KTaD--KiaCIIILLAJ(JI:OUa IHI1'211fl 0 \!ii .U.UGII\!iiLLLL ~ ~.u. ffil!!lit'211ffi'l iQ>_ TftP 1'1"17'1\llllniTffi'\ttoo !<~OR SALE-2 CHOICE BLDG. LOTS; -w , LL.U.~ Exclusive Agents 556 Cent~lorsr:;~e~~. R. R. Ave~lnn. 254 :: 1LTN50-ltc FOR RENT- :SEW 7-ROOI\1 RRICK ---.....-------------hou·se. G. F. Gonsalves, 146 Elm St. L50-1te · FOR SALE-AT A VERY LOW PRICE. I Telephone Winnetka 62. 2LTN50-lto One of the most attractive brick resldenees In Glencoe. Living and S WANTED-TO RENT-HOUSES dmlng room walls are canvassed ~~-::::":=:-:~:=:-:~::-::~::--::::-::-::-:::::::::::::----:: and beautlfu,ll)' beamed . Brick tire WANTED TO RENT-FURNISHED 7 place sun parlot· three spacious or 8 room house, for alx months or 11 HELP WANTED-FEMALE 16 FOR SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS bedr~oms, hot ~atet· heat, two longer, l.leglnnlng September 15 or - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bath room!'<. large screened l>Orch, October 1. Tel. Winnetka 878. WANTED-A YOUNG GIRL TO HELP FOR SALE - WHITE IRON BED brick garage, large wooded lot. Is 3LTN50-ltc with housework In small family, with springs and mattress In good one of the finest of Its size In viigood home: could have part time for condition: refrigerator, freshly lined, capael ty 1 00 lbs.; Standard aew·l ng !age. Clark, northwest corner of 4 FOR RENT-APARTMENTS stud}·; references required. Apply machin<': Morris chair with leather Gt·een Bay Road and Mary St. Phone ~-----------------1 533 Roslyn Road, Kenilworth. Tel. cushions; folding desk table, walnut; Glencoe 355. 1LT50-ltc FOR RENT-625-tlTH STREET; 4Kenilworth 70. 11L50-ltc laundn· tablt>: serving table, English 0 J~:;tt:'r da~r~l~~;al~":_':~J~o~t~a..r:; rnt>a~: WANTED-GIRL FOR OFFICE POSI- oak ; pictures; other small articles. R . Tel. Wilmette 2399. tlon; must be able to take shortTel. \VII . 1732. 16L50-ltc 4LTN49-3tc hand. APt>l)· at \VInnetka Coal and (ONE HOUR FROM THE LOOP.) J:o'()R SALE-FOUR POSTER SJNOLE Luml)et· Co., 823 Svruce ~t., WlnBeautiful homes and Improved acre netka. llLTN-ltc bt>d complt>te, brass bed complete, tracts; also farms at bargain prices FOH RENT- 3-ROOM FURNISHED two tone walnut chlt'!'orobe. Blrk & -(live In beau·tlful Fox River Val~~:rtm;~t ~~~~a:~teb;~~~M~ot water WANTED-STEADY AND DINNER Gav buffet, walnut, books and oil ley District). Write or call tor my 4LT50-ltc waitress. Tel. Wll. 1826. Wilmette )lat'ntlngs. 1046 Ashland Ave. Tel. offerings. Wm. H. Abelmann, 26-%7 \VII. 2696 for evening appointments. ----------------Food Shop, 417 'AI Fourth Street, Home Bank Bldg., Elgin, Illinois. Wilmette . 11LTN50-1tc 16LT50-ltc RENT-APARTMENTS AND Oli'1LTN48-5tp FOR tlce rooms. G. F. Gonsalves. Tel. WANTED-HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO Winnetka 62. 4LTN43-tfc IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON assist wl th hous ·work In return for room. board and some pa~·. Mrs. Lo~~u!:~:~~r~~~E'R~~d, M~~~tnut 7 ____ F_O_R_R_E_N_T_-G __A_R_A_G_E_s_ __ Guy Reed. Wll. 781-W. 11LTN50-ltc Ave., Ashland Ave., 7th Ave., lOth FOR RENT- GARAGE, 830 PARK St., Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. 1; L. 2, B. I; Ave. Tel. Wll. 2590. 7L48-tfp A GOOD HOME MAY BE HAD BY with riparian rights, L. 4, B. 6; L. university or high school student tor 3 and 4, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and 12, B. 10; FOR RENT--8PACE IN HEATED GAfew hours services. Tel. WI!. 2649. L. 6, B. 13; L. 1 and I, B. 17. rage. 823 Central Ave. Tel. WJI. 11L50-ltc John P. Gage, VIneland, N. J . 1068. 7L50-ltc 1LTN29-tfo 1-----~-------------=~ WANTED- COMPETENT WHITE lli'~iit~~~tr---------------- GARAGE FOR RENT-1031 GREENgirl to assist with housework and ~ 'tR,S()() wood Avenue. Tel. Wll. 2036. eare tor one child In small family . FOR SALE-ANTIQUE SPOOL PAT'!"-' 7L49-tfc Tel. Glencoe 871. 11LTN50-1tc tern full sized bed box springs and 219-13TH ST. FINE CHANCE TO LO· mattreRR, absolutely new. Phone eate In "'llmette for amaH sum. " FOR RENT-ROOMS WANTED-COOK AND SECOND MAID Winnetka 462 . 16LTN27-ltc to help with children. No colored. Month!~· payments $50 and Interest. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Good neighborhood of well kept FOR RENT- NICELY FURNISHED Tel. Wlnn. 986. 11LTN50-ltc I<'OR SA LE- KRAKAUER PIANO; ALhomes among trees. Owner moved J'Oom for one or two gentlemen or so Eclipse gas stove. Tel. Wlnn. 958. to New York, left key with Miss married couple, employed; alao !· WANTED-GIRL FOR GEN.. 3 IN· ~68 Eldet· Lane. 16LTN50-ltc King, 1126 Central Ave., 2nd floor. car garage. 1815 Walnut A\·e., Wllrami!~·; references required. Tel. 1LTN50-ltc mettt'. Phone Wilmette 2928. Wll. 3010. 11LTN50-ltc HAVN SOLD MY HOME; WILL SELL 8LT:>O-ltp furniture and furnishings of alx WANT A HOUSE ON THE EAST WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL OFrooms. Tel. \VII. 1 04. 16LTN50-ltc side ot \Vtlmette and will pay up to l"OR RENT-2 LARGE, LIGHT FUR.tlce work. Wersted Motor Company. $25,000. Must hav at least 5 sleepnlshed rooms ; 8lngle or in·sulte ; prl· Tel. Wlnn. 165. 11LTN50-ltc FOR SALE-DINING ROOM TABLE, Ing rms., garage and prefer 2 baths. ~:i~sp~~~~ito~~ar T~i: \~·In::· 1 ~43.and WANTED-EXPERIENCED NURSERY ~~~h:i[~a aN~6. serving tlJ'"i>J-~50~~~ Want to get as near to lake as possible. Will J>ay all cash If necessary. 8LTN50-1tc governellll. Tel. Wlnn. 618iLTN50-ltc Please give full description Includ- _F_O_R __ R_E_N_T ____ L_A__ R_O_E:---F-R_O_N--'T:----R-::0~0::-:M 17' WANTIIlD-HOU8EROLD GOOD8 Ing size of lot. Address 30f Wilmette Life. 1L49-2tc for couple or 2 men. 1130 Oakwood WANTF.D- EXPERIF.NCED COOK & WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND Avt·., Wilmette. Tel. Wll. 3014 or waitress; best wages. Tel. Wlnn. 58. furniture and other houaehoJ~ ·ooda. FOR SALE-:i-ROO~{ ENGLISH HSE.; 'University 7607. 8LT50-1tp 11LTN50-ltc Hlgheat price pald for aame. Croat ready tor occupancy October lat; HEf p WANTED-Furniture Store. 1004-C Emenon St., fireplace; tile and built-In-bath: CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE 12 hard wood trim; oak floor; sun rm.; rooms; Cor transient!! and residents. MAL·: AND FEMALE Evanston. Ill. Phone 18 ~·'7LTNI4-tfc beautiful shrubbery; lot 67xl79; hot 629 Main St. Tel. Wll. 1080.8LT1-tfc WANTED-A REAL ESTATf' SAT,.ES- !!!!18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.,.!!!!0!!!!R!!!!!!!!!!!!S!!!!A!!!!L!!!!E-!!!!!!!!!!!!A!!!!1J!!!!T!!!!!!!!O!!!!II!!!!O!!!!B~IL!!!!E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! water heat; 2 blocks from St. P. man or aall'swoman: previous ex.. depot; fare llc to loop; easy terms; per\ence unnecesl!ary : must have a tor quick sales, $9.250. F. W. Ruaao, TO RENT- 2 LARGE ROOMS; WEST car. Goo<l Ol>Portunlty Cor right Deerfield, Ill. 1LTN50-ltc aide 'Vilmette; near transporta tlon: party. garage It desired. Address I ..lte, 303. Used All HEI~~EN & KROLL, Inc. OWNER LEAVING TOWN 8LTN50-ltc Winnetka 2a4 OPEN AlR SAL~S Ml'ST SELL 6-ROOM FRAME RESI· 566 Center (form . W. R. R. Ave) flence In S. E. Winnetka, splendidly FOR RENT-LARGE ROOM WITH ~or. Sherman Ave. and Grove Bt. 12LTN50-l tc built, grade and high schools, garboard; a lao table room for four. 731 Wll' .. a-Knight anrl Overland age, garden, large oaks. Priced at lOth St. 8LT:S49-2tp Df'alera 1:1 SITUATION WANTED-MALE $15,000. Evanston 14ft IN PRIVATE FOR RENT-ROOM: Phone Winnetka 1226 ULT!f41- tfo EXPERIENCED CHAUFI<~EUR WITH family, with bath. Tel. Glen. 805. 1LTN50-ltc 8LTN50-ltc r~>ff'rencea wlshf'!! t>lnploym nt and 111 ~·========:::::=::=~;::::=:::=:::;;. 0 5 ::~~';:fln~ ca~~ ~fth:.~ J~~.!'~eEtsa;~:~ FOR SAI.. E-RAl SCH-LANG ELECnaceS-t~!t- N:~:l\\:v':~~~:;: $f~:O~ FOR RENT-LARGE FRONT ROOMS more Place, Highland Park. trlc. lncludlmr Huertner ·enerator, small cash payment; balance like In eaat aide home; near all tranaporULTN50-ttp f500. Tel. Wll. lttl. ULTNI>O-ltc rent. Tel. Wll. 711-J. 1LTN5t-ltc tatlon. Tel. Wll. lttO. SLTNI'iO-ttc I I all Improvements mette 699. ln. Phone Wil1L50-ltp FOR RENT-HOUSES WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES tor paper, magazines. raga, etc. North Shore Paper & Metal Co. Tel. Unlveralty 5133. 20LTN50-Uc WINNJIITKA FURNITURE STOR. buya and aella ru8'a, atovea. auto-. planoa, anytbin&' uaeful. 1046 A811 St. IOLTN-tfe WANTED-A TWIN RABY BUGGY; must be In good condition. Tel. Wll. 1209. 20LTN50-ltc ' Elgin, Ill. 5-Room House, 3G HOUSEHOLD lllRVJCI!l EXPERT HOUSE CLEANING; WIN· dow washing; tloor waxing; furniture polishing; odd pnlntlng anll calcimining jobs. Tel. ~rlnn. 103a. 25LT4a-tCo PIA:NO T11NING EXPERT PIANO TUNING: REPAIR· lng; old planoa made new. L. W. · Foster. Tel. Wlnn. 509-J. lfiLTNH-tfc 18 Cars - Makes T11TOaJNG RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR INDIVID· ual 'cello lnstructlona by Chlca~ro ar· tlat teachlnK Winnetka pupil. On~ or two more advanced puplla or be&'ln· nera can be accommodated. For par· tlculara. telt.>phone '\'\"'nn. 17 · ! LTNSO-lto

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