Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Sep 1924, p. 7

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WI FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1924 CH NOTICES Central or Sweet,n ed from studying sunday morning, at the reguship hour, 11 o'clock, the celeof the Lord's 8Uf'per will be and the Hand of Fellowahlp be given to our new member·. paatot·, Rev. Francia C. Stifter, have aa his theme "The Right r <>g ular Sunday School program ~in again on next Sunday morn:45. There are classes for all those for the adults convene o('k. .Attendance records will as usual. of Betty, re:ek. e First of the Mlc!-Week meetof the fall will be a Covenant to be held In Children's hall W <>dnesday evening. It meeting which every member of urch Is expected to attend . PrayIll be offered for the work of the r just beginning and plans Day will be announced. the r motored lY· siting her 0 e Wilmette Baptist Choral society commence regular weekly reon Thu·rsday evening at 7:45. e September meeting or the Womaoclety will be held on Frlda.y, 12. Further announcE>ment e time and place will be given are the announcements of the tments of the Wilmette Baptist urcb, Forest and Wilmette avenues, 1· the week beginning today, September 5. The simple announcements, howevE-r, do not convey the abounding w e lcomt- that awaits all who ftnd their way to this place of worship or to any of the m ... etlngs or the week. This church exists for the community In which God has placed it. The pastor, Rev. Francis C. Stifter, Is h ere not only to servE' the church, but also the people of this village so far as his time and strength will permit. He may be reached nt his study during the mornings ot· b~· appointment. The church office is op('ll dally except Saturday from 9-5 and from 9-12 on Satu·rdays. The chut·ch telephone Ill Wilmette 2235. L tite The .Aeeoclated Gullde will be~rln The subject of the sermon next Sun- their fall actlvltlee with an afternoon not the best policy, and, therefore, day morning Ia "Getting the Right and tea at St · .Auguetlne'a club house, 11216 it doesn't make much difference what the Wrong VIew of LICe." Wilmette avenue, on Thureday, Sep- a . mao beliens. May be something tember 18. Mre. F. D. Day and Mrs. wrong with them as well as with the On time Henry Ward Beecher, look- W. Ten Broeck will be In charge of Ing at a fine horae, said to the owner the teL "'Ihat Ia a fine looking horae. Is h~ as good as he looks?" "Yes" said the The Daughters of the King will reman, "he will work any place I put sume their weekly meetings on Thurshim." "I wish be were a member of day, September 25. The cUitomary my church." said Mr. Beecher. Celebration of the Holy Communion at 10:30 A. M. will precede the meeting, Church service, 11 o'clock. after which the regular seaalon wlll Sunday school, 9:30 o'clock. be held In the church. Greenleaf avenue and Ninth stt·eet. WUmette, 1111 Wil·ett· A.,.. . The Woman's society will hold an Teatla St. ancl Central AYe. Hours: all-day meetln~r at the church Tuesday, September 9. Sewing at 10 o'clock. Services: Daily (except Wednesday aad The luncheon at noon will be served Lake and Wilmette .Avenues Sunday at 11 A. M. Saturday) 9 A. M. to S :30 P. 11. by Spoke No. 1. The program will folRev. George Gilbert Stansell, Pastor Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Wednesday: 9 A. ll. to 7:4SP. M. low Immediately after lunch. The deSunday, 9:30 o'clock. Church School Saturday: 9 A.M. to 9 P. M. votions will be In charge of Mrs. c. v. In all Ita departments. You and your at 8 P · u m. . Tbe Bible and Worxa br Kar7 Baker, and the topic. "An Alaskan children are Invited to attend and to Sunday School, 9 :45 A. M. Baker Eddy &Dd all other autboi'Travelogue," will be presented by Mrs. join our splendid organization. Subjec:t of the Lesson Sermon taed Chrl1tlan Solence Llt·a~ Elmer Berol. It Ia hoped that all the 11 o'clock. Morning service and women may be able to attend this first sermon by the pastor. Septem..,_ 7, "Maa" ~~.:· read. borrow.C 01' .-rmeeting following the vacation time. The Parish Rally will take place Tlae Public ia co.nlialb inYit . . to atteiMI tlae Cluarcla Serricee ... Sunday, September H. All organizations will begin on their . winter' I ,Yiait 1M R...tl·· Rooa. w~rk. Epworth League, Intermediate Dr. Lloyd has returned from his va- League and J1.1nlor League will start cation trip and will be In the pulpit their course of etudy for th8 year. next Sunday morning. In line with the 11 suggestion of Prelldent Coolidge he 1 hae ·elected as the ~heme of hll morn- tb:~~~:s~:~u.::p~':~,e;g : ; t'b! G~~ Scoute for the year 1924-11!5. Many lqa sermon "Mobilization." lntereetlng thlnp are planned for the year and memberehlp 411 open to any 8 to i!~:fl ~~~nJrngg ~~! ~t:rc~~od~~e slrl over 10 years of ase. hav e been some vacant pews during the summer bu·t there should be none next Sunday morning. The minister will appreciate your handshake and Greenleaf Avenu-e and Seventh Street ~rreetlng. William Guise, Pastor Services for September 7: The Cosy Corner Circle, Mrs. AnderWorship with sermon at 11. "Heavson, chairman, will hold Its first aUday meeting at the church on Thurs- enly Treasures" will be the first of a day, September 11. Luncheon will be series of messages based on "Great served by the officers of the circle. Texts In Matthew's Gospel." The text Every member should plan to be pres- for next Sunday will be "Lay Up for ent and assist In making the plans for Yourselves Trea ~ ures In Heaven ." The the New Year. Master summons His dlsclplea to set aside these treasures which shall enThe activities of the church give dut·e. He Ill also anxious that they promise of beginning early this year. "lay hold on eternal life." Saturday, September 12, Is the annual Rlble school at 9:45. Graded lesGe t -To-Gether day with picnic for all members of the church, Church school sons. Let us try to make September a and parish on th e beach at the foot banner month. of \Vashlngton avenue. Picnic plans The Mtssionat·y !lociety will meet In at·e In charge of Alfred Watt and a competent committee and Include the church Thursday, September 11. games In the afte rnoon and a big \Ve anticipate a good attendance. family picnic on the beach about 6 o'clock . Every member of the parish - old and young- Is Invited to come "Right and Wrong Views," and bring friends. Firat Church of Christ, Scientist, m. Mfthodist Church Congregational Church English Lutheran You Had Better PHONE · Wilmette 1304 Real Estate if you want to sell First Presbyterian Church 'om f' pet·aons seem to think the world Is all wrong; that life's Inequalities do not harmonize with the law of right and wrong; that honesty Is not the best policy, and, therefore, it doesn' t make much difference what a man believes. Maybe something wrong with them as well as with the other fellow. Maybe they have th e hlinds down. Maybe th e y are near-sighted. Maybe they haven't the right view of life. Sunday. September 14 , Is Rally Day in all devartments of the church life. "Getting the Right and the Wrong Mark It down now tor attendance and View of Life" is announced as the attention. subj ect of Rev . George P. Magill's ANDDon't forget that Mr. Lloyd will be sermon at the First Presbyterian looking for you next Sunday morning. church Sunday morning, September Theme for Sunday Sennou 7. St. Augustine's Parish Next Sunday, the first Sunday or the month, the services at St. Au-gustine's will consis t of a Celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 A. M. and Holy Communion and sermon at 11 A. M. Relative to this subject the announcement continues: "Some persons seem to think the world is all wrong; that life's inequalities do not harmonize with the law of right and wrong; that honesty is A. J. WOODCOCK 35 Yean' Experience want to hear about a man Dr. Car leton, Mrs. Carleton and Phylthat "E'ven·thlng waa dead lla have returned from Poat Lake. ho .» solve~~" dtru- ~~;-u.rbere they apent the month or The Van Pelt.Studios Dramatics-lt--xpression-Etiquette-Culture Special classes for ·children. Fall term opens Saturday, September 6, 1924. Fourth year. s PILGRIM " HALL, WILMETI'E Wilmette and Lake Aveaues Call Wilmette 1Z04 for information. GRAND ·oPENING OF OUR NORTH SIDE Dempster Park Subdivision Money-Making Machine Building the McCormick Boua. vard and the New North Shore Elevated. V aluea Will Steadily lncreaM by Such Actlvltla Comer Keeler Ave. (Teufert Road) aDd Dempater 1L Our No-Odor Method Is So Satisfying - UR modern and sanitary processes of Dry Ch~aning g'na;~~tees the conversion of your last season's garments into spic and span look_ing clothes. The care we give to each piece brought her·e for attention insures you against damage in the cleaning process. Household effects, such a draperie , rugs and curtains, tnay also be cleaned here without fear of injury to the tnost delicate fabrics. Prices are n1oderate enough to give you real savings. 1!1 w~ be your chotce. opportunity to 'make moaey, by Jnvettlna and 1ettin& Schultz & Nord I THE NOR771 SHORE'S LEAD/+ TAILORS ' 1152 Central Ave. - ..... Out and See u .. 8~ mea on Property AU D17. If you Call Come Out, WRITE S f,Qf hrtber lDfOrmadoa. GELDER fd SNEARY Phone 320

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