Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Sep 1924, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1924 OCIAL Marriage Will Take Wilmette Girl Away WluJtn·r tM Clreamnanu· IMPLICITY will mark ~he wedding of Miss _Helen Shurtleff and Charles Dean Klahr which is being solemmzed tomorrow evening at 8 ·30 o'clock at the home. of the bride's father, Wilford C. Shurtleff, . 815 Lake avenue, the Rev. G\lbert S.tansell officiating. At the close of the ceremony a wedding supper wll! be served. The bride-elect will be attended by her two s1sters, Mrs. John Campbell and Mrs. Munroe Cole, and William D. D: Motter of New York City wilt serve as Mr. Klahr's b.est rna~. M~ss Emma Klahr and Mr. and Mrs. Burke Wilford of Ph1ladelph1a, Mtss Evelyn Klahr of Clarion, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Shurtleff of ~eneva, Illi~is, and .Miss Eunice Brokaw and Miss Floy Carroll of R1chmond, Indtana, w1ll be the guests coming from out-of-town to attend the ~eremony. Mr. Klahr and his bride will live in Clarion, Pennsylvama. S S O~I l It S net cultural of drar have be ium of chattin~ S Phone Wilmette 654 1124 Central Ave. Wilmett11 P I N A L adjustments point the way to normal functioning of the physical machinery and normalcy means health. Spinal adjustments allow the nerves to supply the vital force to every part of the body. terming ances the WOI the ir W> a play' Emil) Daffodi Thursd; the La enacted in "Ear Club Introduces Dint&er and Dance for Juniors innovation in the social annals of the Ouilmette Country A club is the dinner and dance for juniors taking place this evening. Members of !he to make .a soci~l com!"itte~ a~e plann~ng N special feature of thts occaston whtch wtlJ m some mstances be m the- nature of a "farewell" for some of the young p~ple leaving for ea~tern schools. · Mr. and Mrs. 0 . G. Corns are entertaining at dinner for their son, Marshall, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Neir are giving a dinner party for Francis. On Tuesday evening the club is having a dinner for the meni~ hers of all its committees. Captain and Mrs. Charles A. Ellis have returned to their home on Oak Circle after a ten-day motor trip through Ohio. Mrs. Ettis' mother, who had been her guest in Wilmette for several weeks, drove with them to her home in Canton. After visiting relatives and friends in Canton and Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis stopped at Cedar Point, enroute home. Mrs. Roy A. Hopkins, Eldora Hopkins, Mrs. S. P . Watkins, Mrs. Cleo Watkins and her son, Howard Lee1 and Pauline Hous of 1322 Greenwooo avenue, returned Thursday evening, August 28, from a motor trip of about 2,000 miles through Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan. They were gone about a month. Mrs. Hopkins anno.unces the opening of her piano class September 8. -o-Mr. and Mrs B. F. Clark, 316 Central avenue, are expecting to have Mr. and Mrs. R. E. M. Cowie as their guests over Sunday. They are en route from Pasadena in their private car, "The Seminole," for their home in Pelham Heights, New York. Mr. Cowie is the president of the American Railroad Express. -()- Mrs. B a chara derstan tensely out. F i analyst tense ~ deep plexes. gossip, Sunday char ges Criti~ -oThe regular Monday gatherings of the north shore alumnae and friends of the National Kindergarten and Elementary coliege, which have been discontinued for the past two weeks, will be resumed on Monday next, September 8. Mrs. Florence S. Capron of 1414 Hinman avenue, Evanston, will be the hostess for the afternoon. -o- r Balco11y of the men's clllb· room higJ' above the trees o·zorrluokillg the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Burton of 711 Washington avenue have just returned from Pottawattomie Lodge. Minocqua, Wisconsin, where they spent the month of August. Mrs. ar Sawyer, wllo i· lin. Burton's m her, is leaviltlf shortly for Ephraim, Wisconsin, where she will be for two or three weeks. Mrs. George Dorman of 622 Central avenue entertained on Wednesday in celebration of her little daughter Jane's third birthday. The guests were: Jottey, a1ftT"' Cete~ Maloney. Mary Clark Weber, Jean and Billy O'Brien, \'irllinia Wilson, and Laura Jane Lac!<!. · lrl·ry Lo~ l.lal~ey._ Andrew; J.la. --o-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts, 1014 Lake avenue, have gone to their summer home at Hazelhurst, Wisconsin, where they will spend the month of September. They have as their guests. Mrs. A. P. Peirce of Evanston, and James Dulin of Springfield, Missouri. Proud of Their Homes · zn the . Orrington GVESTS art now movina into the beautiful new unfurnished kitchenette apartments of The Orrinaton. Here with rvery conveniencr of tbr comfortable, easy livia1 of Evanston's finest apartment hotel. rttainin1 tbe plusure of tbrir own furnisbin1s. aursts beam with pride as tbry show friends tbtir attractive new Orrin1ton homes. Eitbt more familin may still enjoy thr plusurr of a woaclrrful four-room suite with two cb1mbers, two baths, livia1 room, brrakbst room aad kitcbrnette, tbrrr tbrrr-room and four two·room apartments--aU beautifally d«oratrd in paarlrd ivory. carpeted 1ncf draped reildy to move into. Tbr kitcbrnmrs arr tquipprd complrtr with cookin1 utensils. disbrs and silvrr. Tbr whirr rnamrlrd and aickrlrd rlrctric ran1rs hnr bakr ovens and broilers. Tbr moderate rrntals indudr linens, maid ~"ict. icr. hut and lipt. It is " most happy and rconomical way to lin. If yoa vuat as toni1ht or tomorrow yoa, too, can be proud of a brand nrw homr in Evanston's finest apartment hotrl. &verat furnle e accommo4atlona of one, two, tbree and four roome wltb and without kitchenette· are aleo available. MaK.e your reeervatlon now. --o-- Children's Playroom . . Garaae in Direct Connection . . Maids' Rooms Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brewer and their four children, Marjorie, Marie, Jack and Junior, are now making their home in Philadelphia. Mrs. Brewer and the children have been spending the summer there, with her ~other. ~ Marie Brewer is recovering from an emergency operation for appendicitis. Among those who have been guests --o-recently at the George Vanderbilt hotel, Asheville, North Carolina, are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eaton Bigelow Mrs. H. B. Pearson, Horace B. Pear- of Lake avenue returned last week son, Jr., David C. Pearson, Gordon F. from a short outing at Saugatuck, Pearson and Miss Catherine Freedan Michigan. and brought with them as of Wilmette. their house-guests, Mrs. Florence -oClark and her two sons, Sherwood and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Palenske, 2216 Jack, of Chicago. Tenth street, announce the birth of a --o-son, July 31, at the Grant hospital, M iss Eleanor Gage of Clearwater, Chicago. The Palenske family is Florida, has been spending several spending the summer at their summer days of this week at the home of her home at Crystal Lake. grandmother, Mrs. Helen Gage, 1134 --()Elmwood avenue. She is on her way News has been received that Mr. to resume her work at Cornell uniand Mrs. Albert Rockwell of Cali- versity. fornia are the parents of a two weeks' -oold baby boy. Mrs. Rockwell was Mr. and Mrs: J. A. Budinger of formerly Miss Helen Knapp of Wil- Springfield we'e the · week-end guests mette. of Mr and Mrs. J. P. Budinger of --()1231 Walnut avenue. Miss Charlotte Mrs. William Duff of 530 Washing- Birong of Waterloo, Iowa, was their ton avenue entertained at luncheon guest last week. last Wednesday for Mrs. Emil Ber--o-back of San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. An important meeting of the North Berback are staying at the Edgewater Shore Vassar club will be held TuesBeach hotel. day, September 9, at 2:30 o'clO<:k, at -othe home of Mrs. Keith Preston, 729 ?dr and Mrs C. Henricksen of 222 Emerson street, Evanston. street, Evanston, formerly of Officers will be elected at that time. Wilm· .. tlr.. announce the birth of a -oson, Friday, August 29, at St. Francis Mr. and Mrs. S. 0. Olin and their hospital. The baby has been named two daughters, Gertrude and Irene, of Harold. 518 Washington avenue left Thursday -ofor an extended trip in the east, durMr. and. Mrs. D. Wood Smith and ing which time they will visit in New their dau""ter, Marjorie, have returned York and various other points. from thear vacation spent at Cedar -o-Lodge, Wisconsin. The Smiths als· Mr. and Mrs. ]. G. Wray of 618 motored for awhile through Wisconsin Washington avenue are expected to and Minnesota. · return to Wilmette on Saturday from --()Lake Kegonsa. Miss Alice Wray left The Misses Laura and Clara Poy- this week for a short visit in Mitster of Galion, Ohio, are spending a waukee. few days with their aunt, Mrs. Frank -oB. King of 825 Greenleaf avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Darst of 71:1 Mrs. King entertained her bridge Central avenue have returned from club on Tuesday. a three months' outing at their sum--o-~er home at Lake Marie, WisconMr. and Mrs. Sidney Huguenin, of stn. 506 Lake avenue, are receiving con~ &Tatulations upon the birth of a daughMrs. B. F. Co.nee, 1616 Forest aveter. Sara Jean, August 30 at the nue, has as her guests this week, her Evanston hospital. ' sister and her family, Yr. and Mrs. -()-C. C. Mantis of Reading, PennsylHenry Cole of Grand Rapids is the nnia, and their son, Homer. guest of Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Borden -()of 1539 Walnut avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. MuHord I --o-f 835 Elmwood avenue have returned Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Crawford of o. from Europe and have taken their 710 Central avenue have returned from daqhter. Bettie, to Lake ~n::va until a short stay in Wisconsin. the openina of school. Mr. their Mead Helen nue. Mr. their left T to M sin.

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