Otis Heaths Are Enjoying a Motor Trip in the East NE of the prettiest weddings of the season was that of Miss Elizabeth Stolp, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp, to Otis Heath which took place Saturday evening at the Kenilworth Union church at 8:30 o'clock. Dr. William A. Colledge officiated at the ceremony and Mrs. ]. S. Cline played the organ. The church was decorated with large baskets of pink roses, lavend<:r ' 'eronica and pink and lavender gladtoli. Ferns, palm and oak leaves decorated the aisles, and four candelabra added their soft illumination. The Misses Beatrice and Florence Pease attired in pale pink georgette Miss M. L. Preston of Davenport, The North Shore Golf club enterMiss Eva Perry of Milwaukee, who has been the guest of Mrs. R. C. Os- Iowa, is the guest this week of Mrs. tained 350 guests at its opening_ dinner and dance given on Saturday mght. good , 423 Essex road, returned to h_er L. M. Allen, 412 Melrose avenue. home, Sunday. During her stay Mtss Perry and Mrs. · Osgood were guests at Mrs. Gage's summer home at Cres-, cent Island, Crain of Lakes, Waupaca, Wisconsin. --o- O Mrs. Gertrude Nelus entertained Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Woodland, 336 Leicester road, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Lockett, Jr., 66 Essex road, and Sidney Fairlee, 165 Kenilworth avenue, for the week-end at her home at Lake Geneva. 'Now· Is The Time Have your front or rear porch enclosed and keep the Publ --o-- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ketcham and their daughter, Joan, 40 Devonshire lane, left Friday for Land o' Lakes, Wisconsin, where they have a summer home on Maimie Lake. They expect to be away until the first of October. Mrs. J. A. Culbertson, 220 Melrose avenue, will entertain today at luncheon in honor of Mrs. Allen's guest, }.{iss Preston. To look over your Storm Windows, they may need repairing-painting-reglazing, or you may need new ones. cold and snow out. -<>- -oM iss Eleanor &khart, 206 Cumberl:.nd avenue, is spending the week visiting her fiance, Walter Turle, and his family, in Duluth. Wilmette Glass and Paint Works Phone 2508 1133 Central Ave. Glasa and Paint for all Purposes Auto Glasa A Specialty the c< close spend~ other and 1 ,_ Miss Mary Louise Owen, 205 Essex road, had as week-end guests, Miss Jane Taylor and Miss Nancy Pagin of LaGrange. I Photo b}' Lewis Smith Mr·- Otia H-th over crepe, carrying large bouqueh of yellow roses, blue larkspur and sweet peas, led the bridal procession. The other bridesmaids, Miss Cornelia Keith and Mrs. Harold McKenzie wore lavender georgette orer pink ·crepe, and the others, Miss Elizabeth Hannah and Miss Dorothy Bennett ......,oce ~\~ y~n-. .·. --- -------------------------------------------------------------------II . I prese ratio servi~ The Company Invites Custotners' Questions No. 13 in a series of statements about the Company's business. given and and a la catio "U · @ an a fro pare typh in b bett spent folks nostt robu inve prov " The Pink Ticket Plan in the Company stores or offices have access E MPLOYES te infonnation sources, the meter reader, but service- ~ Miss Kathryn Stolp, the maid of honor, was dressed in a blue georgette dress trimmed with ostrich feathers. Little Gilbert Mackintosh, in a suit of white satin, was the ring bearer. The bride was lovely in a gown of white moire trimmed with Duchess lace, and the train of the same material as her dress, had a band of lace in the center that extended the length of the train. Her headdress, fashioned of the same lace with a narrow band of pearls and small rosettes at each side, was attached to the veil of tulle. Robert Van Schaak of Winnetka -was best man, and the ushers were Louis Van Schaak, Ruben Koch of Chicago, Jack Boyes of Cincinnati. Harold McKenzie and Howard Knight of Evanston and \Vestly Blum of Evanston. Flowers and Japanese lanterns adorned the house and gardens of the home of Dr. and Mrs. Stolp, 336 Warwick road, where the reception was held at the close of the service. They motored to Detroit where they topped over Sunday, and shipped their car to Buffalo. They will motor from there to Lake Mohank where they will spend a week, then to the Delaware Water Gap and on to New York. -aThe Garden market which the Kenilworth Garden club will hold, September JO, on the lawn of the Charles \Vare home, 325 Abbottsford road. at 2 o'clock, will have bulb , perennials. seedlings, etc., for sale. In case of rain, it will be postponed until the fo11owing day. Tea and cakes will be served and the committee is hoping for a great number of visitors, as all who are interested in gardens are invited to <"orne and take advantage of the opportunity to procure plants from local club gardens. There will also be named varieties of iris from a Misouri nursery on sale. man, salesman or other employe whose work is outside, is not prepared always to answer questions or to take care of requests unrelated to his immediate duties. .,. equi busi The So to make certain that you or any other customer will receive such authoritative information as may be desired about the Company's organization, operation or business, the Pink Ticket Plan was adopted. Employes of the Company carry Pink Tickets with them at all times, in and out of regular working hours. This Pink Ticket is an especially designed question form printed on pink paper. If an employe of the Company calls at your home or store, or if you meet him on the street or elsewhere around town and you ask a question which he does not feel prepared to answer oflhand. or if you make a request which he personally cannot take care of, the Pink Ticket comes into operation. The employe writes your question or request on a Pink Ticket and despatches it direct to the proper department manager. This department manager takes an immediate personal interest in answering your question or acting upon your request. This Pink Ticket Plan relieves you from the possible necessity of writing a letter or using the telephone. It insures prompt action and it was designed for rour convenience. Any employe of the Company, in or out of regular working hours, will gladly receive requests for information, comments or service suggestions. ~ pr cord 1923 PUBLIC SERViCE COMPANY l Seruinw 6,000 aquare mila-202 citi· and toun.-a~itla Cc:u or Electriciq JNO. S. REESMAN, Dlatnct M-a.tll Clawcla Stnet Phone Uni.,.raity 3111 OF NORTHERN ILLINOiS Mn. William hlhmann of Bar· rington, Ulinois, will entertain 60 guests on her farm Saturday afternoon. While the men of the party are playinc colf at the Barrington Golf club. the women will play bridge. ln the eveninc they will all have supper on the beautiful lawn and garden of the Reiehmann place. -oMn.llobert Stern , who has been on a ranch in Wyoming thi summer with her ~uahter, Miss Virginia, has been atoppml( at the. Edgewater Beach hotel before returnmg to her home in Bo1ton. -o1. A Bennett and .fi s Ain lee Ben!'ett, 1_85. Sheridan road, are on a fi hmg tnp !n northt'rn Wi consin. They i:ek~.'aymg at Bent' re OTt, Maimie EVANSTON Phone Wilmette zast TAe ennou-ment tlutt the Public Service Companr of Northern Illinoi· the CMilee A. Codln Jledti for 19:13, i· · trlbate to the territory in which tlaia ComJMnr oper·te· ·· well ·· to the ·ervio. it rendere. h·· been ·werded Tllie ·wiU'd wee mede to tlaie Company In oompetition 'flrith the eleclrio light end power com· peniee of the United St.tee"lor dietinluiabed OGGtributi- to tlae de· Yelopment of' electric lilht and /)Ower for tbe convenience of the public - d the benelft or the induetry."