Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1924, p. 6

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Hoffman, J. M. Steffens, G. Kibben, mist club;..,Col. Artbttr J··lAAIIli ..L.: , E. E. Orner, community group; Mrs. fantry U. S.. A.; Capt. }use B. R. E Pattison Kline, Mrs. Charles A. U. S. Navy; Maj. Fred .A.. R.Je. ~ Bart~n. Mrs. John J. Mills, Woman's c. D. Heller, National c ..rd; · Jy tire us are the result of bad hab1ts U£11 organizations; Capt. Gilbert Stansell, Ernest E. E·ers. U. · N. R. · <AI. or thoughtlessness. chaplain, ministers; Capt. Arthur J:Iow- C. Boyden, Lt. Col. A. L. "If you work in an office and have the ard, public schools; Frank A. Wtls?n, Maj. R. M. McKerchar, Capt. Editor, WILMlTTit Ltn: (Continued from page 1) Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Ftre Ellis, Lt. Harvey Hopp, Maj. T. Jt. For the past two years or more, large- habit of keeping your finished and un- . Girls. Lloyd Hollister, Chamber of Bullivantf.. Lt Col. C. A. Fitch, · ly through the efforts of the Eye-Sight finished papers heaped in confusion before you, you are almost certainly addmette is 100 percent for America. Com~erce. Dan G. Stiles, D. E. Allen, George Turner, Capt. M. S. Hum. Conservation Council of America, leading to the fatigue burden you take home Remember, this Defense Test day was Jr., Rotary ·club; Orian Galitz, Optiphreys, Capt. L. W. Millar. ing newspapers and magazines all over the country have published long articles at night. You are wasting real energy planned and provided for by Congress, ~==:::::::::::::=========~~~~~=======:; regarding the prevalence of Eye-strain, when you take your mind off your work by the men we elected to represent us, r to find a certain paper and in concentrat- therefore it is our own plan and we SAFEGUARD YOUR FURS Its relation to health, effects on industry, ing again after you have found it." are in duty bound to support it. in oar I'OOIDY through mistakes, loss of time, accidents, "It is suggested that the fire siren FUR STORAGE ya.uL...S etc., loss to taxpayers because children and the whistle at Nelson's laundry ft ,a failed to pass and had to take two years North Shore Club Opens he blown at 7 o'clock in the morning We will Renovate, Repair and Store your Furs for for a grade, and more recently the large Formally on August 30 for one minute, as a signal to all the Summer in our Big Vaults and Insu re them against percentage of eyestrain present in those T f The formal opening of the North residents of the viltage to hang out responsible for automobile accidents. the flag. Loss by Fire, Moth and he t. Shore Golf club, on Glenview road, ~ill In the September issue of the AmerPrompt Atten t ion DefenM Day Penoaael Reasonable Rates ican Magazine appears an article headed take place Saturday, August .30. w1th Excellent Care The complete Defense personnel for "That Tired Feeling" by Frank B. Gil- a dinner-dance in the evemng, and breth, for years an efficiency engineer, qu..~lifying rounds in several tourna - \Vilmette is announced as follows: during the day. Executive committee-George R. installing management systems in large ments, Members of the cluh entering the Harbaugh, major, ]. A. G. 0. R. C., factories or industries and one of the tournaments will initiate the new golf chairman; Ralph C. Wessel, lieutenfirst to specialize in this work. course on Saturday. Those qualifyFURRIER Because this article is so concise and ing in the early rounds will play f?r ant , secretary; Lt. R. C. Wessel, L. J. Orr, C. C. Rennacker, community celewritten by a real authority we feel that the Eetablielaed ia E-....etoa 1 · championship on Labor Day m bration fund; Lt. Col. S. H. Vowell, EVANSTON the accompanying extract from it would two ball mixed foursomes and an 18 Ill CHICAGO AVE. Capt. J. ]. Peters, G. A. R.; Capt. ]. benefit your readers and win their ap- hole match play. Near Main Street E. Shantz, society of o10 hommes et preciation if you would print this in CALL EVAMSTON 37ZZ 8 chevaux; Edward Zip£, A. B. Scifull. ON VACATION hold, A. N. Page, J. F. Stone, ]. B. Yours lrttly, Miss Sue Osmotherly, librarian at the 0. H. BERSCH, 0. D. Wilmette Free Public library, is on her vacation. Miss Winifred Wright, as"If you are 'all tired out' at the end istant librarian, is in charge of the of the day, or even before the day is library during Miss Osmotherly's "lbover, do you know wll;y! Most of us think it is our work that has exhausted sence. us; but in nine cases out of ten this is . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . probably not true. "I have made a careful study of hundreds of cases of fatigue. They are typical of many thousands. Other experts have made similar studies. And Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Eddington of we have found that very often this fa- 1228 Elmwood avenue have returned tigue is caused not by the work itself from Paw Paw, Michigan, where t hey but by the conditions under which the spent the week-end. work is done. -o'This applies to people in offices, in Betty Monro is .v1s1tmg Mrs. stores, and in factories. It applies also Thompson at Three Lakes, Wisconsin. to home workers and to young fo lks at She will return to her home at 1119 school. · Practically none of them should Elmwood aven ue about September 1. be as fatigued as most of them are a£-oter a period of work. Mrs. Ralph Porter and family of "Sevet'al years ago the manager of _ 710 Linden avenue are spending a few a jewelry firm told me that \\hen hr weeks at their summer home near worked in his office he suffered from Traverse City, Mic higan. -aheadaches that came on in the middle oi · the morning and from fatigue that inMrs. S. M. Singleton of 1104 Forest creased as the day advanced. On Sun- avenue is leaving shortly to vi~it Mi.ss days, and at other times when away 1Eva Hal l, a former t.eache~ tt;t Wtlfrom his office, he did not have this ex- mette, at Sycamore H1ll, Illm01s. perience. -o"A brief study of conditions in his 1 The porch party of the Presbyterian office disclosed the cause of his trouble: church, Spoke number 4, was held on His desk and chair were so placed that . Tuesda~ . af~ernoon a~ the home of when he was dictating he looked out ~frs. G1lllsp1e, 1039 Lmden avenue. -o. the window into the light. When en- . gaged in other duties, he faced a dark Mr. and Mrs. F. E. F1ke of 1241 gray wall. His eyes were constantlv ad- Fore~t aven~e . have returned f ro~ ju ting themselves to these txtremes of ~t~r!mg, Illi!!OIS, where they were light and dark. It was a simple matter .' !i!ttlng relattves=--a.totarrtahnge his office so th_at he e caped 1-.Ir. and Mrs. J. P. Roth of 1123 SHOES AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE bo h e unnecessary fatigue and the Forest avenue have returned from headaches. Europe where they have been for seven Prompt Attention to Repairing . "Remember that the eye i something weeks. l1ke a camera. The camera has a dia- -;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;:;:;:;::=_ phragm which regulates the amount of I' light required to record a scene upon DR. C. E. GEISSE the negative. The pupil of the eve takes the place of this diaphragm; i.t opetts Osteopathic Phyaieian Y2 and ~c:ntracts continually under varying Village Theatre Blq. cond1t1ons, so that the retina gets just Phone Wil. 2052 enough light to enable vou to see best. "Moreover, the camera has a bellows. ':~=~~~~~==~~~~= By moving this bellows out and in you place the len~ in focus, depending upon whether objects to be photographed are far off or near. The eye, of course, has no bellows; but it has a lens. This lens remains in the same position in front of the eye, but it changes its shape, its convexity, so that you get the right iocus. If, _while you are reading something at a d1stance of twelve or eighteen inches, you have to fix: your eyes at frequent Leave your order Friday to insure careful selection and intervals on copy, or a chart, two feet prompt delivery on Saturday. or a yard away, this change in the shape of the lens is just as frequent. An hour or two of it may drain you of so much energy that you will be conscious 0£ fatigue the rest of the day. SATURDAY SPECIALS "Let me put it to you as an enginc<'r might: The opening and contracting of Trade at Cosmu Bros. and Get a Square Deal. Store Closed the pupil and the change in the shape of the lens causes more fatigue per foot All Day Monday, Labor Day-Bur Saturday .eound of work done than any other bodIly exertion; while the amount of mu cular energy expended in thus adjusting the eye is very slight, the resulting fatigue is enormous. The abuse of the New Potatoea, bushel . . ...................... 97c eye by badly arranged lights and work Jl.robably causes us more unnecessary faBeeta and Carrots, 3 bunchea ................ IOc tigue than · any other one thing. Looking Cooking Apples, 6 lba. ...... . ............... 25c far off occasionally after confining yourself to close work, is another matter. Fancy white com, doL ...... , ............... lie That re61s the eye. F aney Golden Bantam, doz. ....... . ... . ...... 3lc , "You probably have no conception of the pri<le you pay in fatigue · for letting Cucumbers, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 5c and up t he bricht reflection from highly polT0111atoea, special, lb· · . , . .... , ..... , . . . . .... . tOe ish~ sur faces reach your eyes. The glare from the nickel on a typewriting Fancy Celery, banch ....... . .... . ....... . ... ISc machine or from an ink bottle leaves a Green and Wa. Beau, 2 qta. .. . ......... .. . .25c r ecord ia /otigr4C'. You may not know what is annoying you ; and you may so Green Carden Peu, Z U... ... . .............. . .25c concentrate on your work as to become unconscious of the annoyance ; but the result it there just the same. :=;roop- AYMOda. Peara, Strawt.eniea, Blackberries, Blaebeniea, Red Cape, Faacy "If you are getting enouch light for ett ears, Geeraia Pe.cbee, See···· Grapes, Tokay Grape., Honey Dew Cuaha, JOUr work, be sure there is no light -.1 C...teloupe at low prices. ' lbining iDto your eYW- When reading, have your papers or books placed so that Coamu and Freab Fruit and no reReckd light shines from the page. EVANSTON If your «<essc has a briJliant finish, covVegetable. are SynonJIDOua ~r it w· c reen, blue, or white blotting 1811 Da.U St. Phoae ZZA paper. ;e have even found that it aids prochacU. in a factory to give the nickel and ott. bright part of maehinerJ a dull black 6nish. "Any Jdnd of distractiont, whether you Oppo.ite the Villqe Theatre-WILMETI"E are COI1Idoaa of it t1r nat, fncreues the fatigue of your 411.1'· WOrk. It cuts " down your output and probably inter- ·--""'""'----~--..--- .. Iferes with the quality of your work- ANNOIJNCE CLIU1 DI.&U Of ·'(PUBLIC FORUM .... and your enjoyment in working. Many of the distracting things that needle~sDlftii:US£ DAY WILMETTE LIP FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1924 1 ' HARRY A. ROPINSKI ___, ship. u.s. PI "JUST BEFORE SCHOOL" SALE which Means, A Splendid Opportunity to Save Substantially on CITE~ Children's Shoes Every Shoe in the Store is Marked at a Real Reduction 10% to 50% off REGULAR PRICES Come to our Store for Shoe Economy Septe. m ber 2nd to 6th Inclusive OTTO L. KEMPEl 418 Ridge Avenue Block North of Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 1629 I · Cos mas Chats Cot~ STANTLY IMPROVE-D BUT NoYe-ARLV MODELS DenseMDTDR CARS BROTHE-Rs Saturday Specials C. M. McDONALD 0.... COSMAS BROTHERS

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