Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1924, p. 4

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WILMETTE LI wrthout a pta"," CMTespo.ndcnu oou lle:urt. Polaa.o and Johmon. in commarrircatiom rec.cimf hrre. HAnd we- are certain that the ct>ming ~ of g rand ~a in Chi<'.a~o will f)l'o·e to be ~ best Jea3()fl Chicago ha~ ou had. '1'he arttSt~ per~r tflday i strong er ·han it e-ver ha, been. The reChicaco Opera Leader· Seek per f>ire a r ranged ior next iea300 is a· ceptionallt (ood. T here i3 no reaJ()fl Stan fM not having crowckd Mu~ at every perf (1rrn4tf.ce. "1'}1(-"e who have n·">t ytt ~ubs<:ribed, Complninlf a tnour of eifht F.uropean that io~ hrn.tgh their e:ur>n tickets, cr.un rte~ rn ~arch f)f ~ ta lent to add hould Mt pu off making their resenatr1 t~ alre<~dy Ia. trom company nf .-reat tions." :.rtl~t<: hi) will he heard with Chicago C·v·c (~a ~t ~V)fl, H erbert M. F Exhitit at )r,hn-rm. htm~ . " manager o; the cnm- IN SEARal OF OPERA TALENT More the picnic: pot'tt at RidA'~ and LaU Tbc P"CIGP' W'01"~d' t hroopoat t he day aJNI n en ing, dona ting their sen~ along with the propritton. aven~5. \Villiar d C. Thay er i s~din g bis vaca tioo in t he mou nta ins of North Carolina. H e will spend a week visiting the mou n tain commun rti~ made fa rnocu in recnt literature. VISITS MOUNTAINE£115 Saider~C zel Drug Phoo~ Wilmette ·························· 400-401 Wilmette aad Ceatral A··· ·························· · ricidaire ~ny T · ~rvlay ilerl fnr the Cniterl A Unique St .. tto ~ r.n the Cniterl States L·n ~tt<Hn' h ip f~viathan He i~ expected tt> "rolrler than Beyrer Electric Shop rli lfl~y or Frigidajre- l)p(ra in . f :umpe. .'\.f r. )r,hnM.>fl '~ ~arch nt'fterf iii numhf>r ()f Mw artl\t fM Chicagr,, accm-rfmg ~~~ t<thll' arlvicr~ rrcerved at the Au~"'Mrum _ ttwatrt-, where tht cr>mpany ;, m th~> mtd-~e:tirm ru'lh of effing Civrc ( }fX'r<t "ea rm tickrt . .Bf':fr,re gr.mg ;,l,rr,;,rl, Mf', n f·,Jac:cr,, tne mu ical rlistrict. cr,mllktnrler r·i thl' cr.mpan;. anrl )r;hn '·fl rnvf' ll'C.:.trrl th t~..r Amcnr;,n tal Lulias Brothers Oi.play mr ri'JJII)Tf('(l r,n 111 tht· u.mr·any. Thi' Genuine Civic lntereat lll<trury crmclurtrrl hy <tiUIJfrr,n~ rn ( ' h· Thr grneraf commit cr fM \ \'il mettt: f.tf<'· ami Nt'w Yr.rk. Try-rffJU wur hl'lrl firqt tlm.ughr.ur f hy wa~ ~JH·n a plca~an' urpn~t- on l t;,ly, which '· ~trll prr~Ciurrng mr.re that fl·<o 1n· r,n ;~,irm \\ ht·n greeter! in WllTth whtle artrqt~ th,,n iltly '·ther c··un tht· t·arly morn ~\ith the pectacle oi fry ;JJ>rmrrl M<tny r,f thr,qr hrard t.y thr enttrc fr,rrt· oi Lulia~ P.rother t\\.O th1· l(ranrl '>J>('ra m1·n Wf·rf· yr>Ung Am 1·r fr111t Cll'l·'·ritJm and the conft-cti~n ery "' 'llm:k 111 r}w luncheon and nrla lUw;; w~r, tlitvr tranqirrrrd thr fu·lrl 11i th1·1T mu-<tr ~tu<l1f'~ tr. th1· \tudio oi ~f 11 f()U.nta!ll },rJoth' at the JliCnic l(rO VC · ( lo~rnl{ ;t()rc~ 1m a com m un ity holi<111 <Inti k.rrmf· M r. J ,,tllhl·ll hit rrpt·rt tlay mrit n' tht· rc,;at·on oi busi n es~ in f ,f to tJ managtm f'llt t hat thr yr.unl{ thn·e c'tab l i~hmcnh in,ofa r a s Lul ias ~mlriC!tll' nnw 'twlymg <tl.rt,;Hf are Jl(·r Bmt hn, arc umccrned. Bu t the h.oJ·' th1· mr"t J)TflmJqlll.l( r;orulrdtlth ior g1·nia l Sam f. ulia" wa~ not cont ent to l{r::ar, hi>I!IJT~ 111 tlw mu~rr rlr;om:. m er."ly do~c th front door s. He Vn· arr lll'·rt· thr·rt·ll.l(hfy ct.nvmrrd r a l h~·rl hr tMc<·'· compri in K som e 12 th.uo ev1·r th;ot ('flll "i<" ('rvrr ()J)(·ra " f1r IJ )I NJp!c, a nd Jed t he f>rOCC" ion to ~" tr; St()ckhr, Jm, ~ of rr;.ch · ~w York Seytemhrr J t. \Vr h ~ftH1caf f>irectM Girw~ria P()laccr·. ,_r r )r,hmt.n h.a~ pr,~uted a earch fr,r art 1 ~t~ anrf new operatic mater..al t~rr.ng:h f t~ly. Au,tria. H1.mgary, Czecho ~l·w;;k1a, (A!rmany, France, .Bdgmm and England. Au<1 Jtlt,m, the rJf*ratic term fM tryr.ta ~. er~ ~ld fr,r ;npiring ingen m all ,,f tilt' F.urr.pean rnu~1c centeri, save the Scandmavran, whrch wotJJd al_v, have t~en inchKkd had r~ npera offic.ar 1 ~M-rfule allr>wt-d h1m sufficient time u, ,,. one ()i tM ~~;rf'at ice and i never melt," -· on exh1hit·on a ht- ""· G. Beyrer Electric ,hop, on C-:ntraf a\·enue. unrler the ~upervi ~ ron oi W . F. H~·de, the local 1ale~ engineer. The yi em oi reiri:(erati()n , a1 pro\oif'!ed hy Fri{{idaire. con'llqt~ oi a refrr g era.ting or cooling cr>il and an electncally ()pt:ra ed compre ~r. T he COli i~ placed in the ice-box and i automatically kept colrl t f the operarmg mechiilm<~m . Thi· coit i" equal, in a coolin" capacity, to a wo-hund r ed pound cake f1f ice. hut it i cold er t han ice <~nd ne\er melt ~f r. Hyd~ exr,fainetl. ' The fng1d;ure can he in,talled in t h e inrliHrlual lft · hox or can be \C· ( ured a1 a comple ,. unit in t h e frigid;urr cabinet. ft ii a prorluct of Genua! Motor~ company. Sto\·er com· pany i~ rn char({" r,f he Chicago -;ales OLD FLOORS BEAUTIFIED Coagoleum Linoleum We employ expert layers All patterns and sizes Window shades and accessories Illinois f1 begun to n: .ets. Even and applica into the n the orders Then, too, football tic structions. Many p4 number of is limited. are not li1 the best sc are receiv~ ing the o seats for j of thel baj be ordered ganization orders fo ceived. Illini ch ing in {, they may M ich igan ; iii I a Hangings made to order -r clul ~"'--'to ~ Ill) are ate parti In ord = == !!! B 3i!li See Our Beautiful Wall Papers before you decorate We carry Everything for interior decorating -and- stamped which tic closed w a 10 ce~ ticket rna ball tick1 Novembe Chicago Before = = = _ · iii ;;;; :i5 was alwc but now pletion ; than 63, would = 5 EXTERIOR PAINTING II Let us figure your INTERIOR DECORATING 1213 WILMETTE AVE. 5 ~rn~ 'S Paint Store = _ l :r _ ..., WORK and give suggestions ; But you will be The ball tick have ju; are for PHONE 2491 Buy Free School Bags! With each outfit of school supplies amounting to $3.00 or more, we will give absolutely free of any charge, a waterproof carrying case. This offer is only good until Saturday, September 13th, and positively none will be given after that date. We are making this offer solely to encourage everyone to secure their books before school opening, which will be an advantage to us as well as to them. Buy your books and supplies here now. 12 1/Jinutes b'Y Motor to Dh WAUKEGAN ROAD J3artelme~ ~ftlorthfltlO Inn td NORTHBROOK School Books and School With Us Today Try one of our special or regular dinners-you Buy School Books Now We now have complete stocks of all books and supplies that will be needed in the Wilmette schools during the coming school year. In order to avpid the congestion at the opening of the school term, we would suggest that you come in now and make your purchases of school needs. Supplies at Lists of What Each Grade NeedsWe have here accurate lists of just what each grade needs so there will be no guess-work in the selection of your books. Each list will also give the supplies that will be needed and the prices of each article. You are welcome to inspect these lists at any time. McAllister's 1 : ! I will find everything to your satisfaction. 1......... ~~:.~.:=:~~~=-~=-=-·······J WILMETTE. CAFE The McAllister- Worthen Co. 1146 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette

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