VOL. XIII, NO. 48 J!e VIllage EIGHTEEN PAGES nt 'e Jd ~f ~ lllnols, on 1924, said office of VIllage, Septemk A.M., or iu siness of ,~11 persons ls In said nake their lovldes for I may ap8 lg th ereon ,ent th t> r ... cturnerl to fst of said ording t-1 ~Y. lied to the Illinois. IAIE REPORT ON COST . ANNOUNCE·PLAN BUILDING CODE VWGE SEF1S -$l,500 OPEN WAR RECEIVES .0. K. T~~~~~ ~~ ON MOSQUitOES ~~~~i OF D&tNSE IrA Revitecl Document Accorded Unanimout Approval at ·,. Board Seaaioa l~ ":~~ire~~ "' 'KING. No DRASTIC CHANGES e r centum Augus t Forty Amendmea·· M.-tJJ of MiDor Character _, '-OW President rovements tte, Cook aid special L47-2tc frrE. ESSMEI'f"T NOTICE. EN to all village of nois, havprovement The new bu1'ld1'ng ordinance was finally approved by the village trustees at their meeting last Tuesday night. Its reading and revision had occupied the atof the board at two regular and ~_....,._..._, special sessions and wetJ nigh Clerk Earl E. Orner into collapse during his recitations of the provisions of the document. The bulky volume was amended in be' ed b f orty pIaces L-f ~ ore mg accept , ut in a vast majority of instances the changes made were of a minor nature. Flab Article 0. K'41. Article thirteen of the ordinance was as closely scrutinized by the town's lawmakers as article ten of the league of nations, when that document was being treated by Doctors Lodge, Borah, Reed and the others in the United States senate. But with this difference in the re· suit-article thirteen passed through the unscathed and vaJ was Th' at length ordeal · · · gtven appro f h unaniDIOUS d' d 1s · · b he 1S section o t e or mance ea Wit t construetion of flat buildinas in Wilmette and is considered a piece of clever legal compostion. The ordinance was drawn by Vil)qe Attorney Frederick B. Crossley · Wed The supervisory personnel fo~ t~e Wilmette launched a nd camp1ugn, th · f National Defense Day ceremonaes aa nesday morning, to e e re·gn o \\'ilmette on September 12, was. comthe mosquito. Ammunition in the way pleted this week under d1recuon of of funds to carry on the warfare was General Chairman ldaj_. Ceorae. R. provided by the Village trustees, TuesHarbaugh and his executave comnuttee day night, when they a p p r ; $150 and all details for the day's program arfor the hostilities. Health issionranged, including a formal street ~~ er E. E. Moore witJ c0l1VIIlftd the town's cession with Reserve officera1 all crvte forces and promises never to let up until organizations churches, atl scnoota ancl t~e. pest shall be eradicated in this children's gr~ups in the line of marc~, VICIDity. and a brief observance on the mu·ud Activities began on Wedoetday, when \cipal playgrounds at 17th street an the health official and three members of Spencer avenue. . . . th 'llaae his staff made an assault on the Village Defense Day actiVIty mf lie VI catch basins, said to be the favorite will be observe~ about as ob?ws, acrendezvous of mosquito families bent on cording . to MaJor Harbaug · colonizing. Before nightfaJJ that day Flags will be displayed before homes every basin in the town had been renoand business places at 7 o'c~ock !n t~e Annual Carnival Attracts a vated and saturated with a rcpetJent morning, the cere~ny bemg s~&n guaranteed as sure death to the wriggler . ized by the soundm· ~f the 6re Record Gatberin1 tribes. station siren and the whtstle at the Pl. .tla For c......,.tio. Nelson Brothers Laundry company. While Dr. Moore was optimistic as to A.Mald7 at 7 P · M. _ suc~"""s of h·'s attac·on tLenemy, There will be formation of oraanThe largest crow d t hat h as gat h ered .... mt: ......., .. '"" ,...... to i:r:ations at Village green at 7 o ctoc;k at the Wilmette b at h' mg b eac h t h'IS he sal'd no great rell'ef would .. ........... summer was attracted to the annual the community until residents of the Will s~ Euct Reprocluc- in the evening whence the groups Wlll water carnival Wednesday afternoon. village lent their co-operation to the ·Oil of ,.__ --a, Here proceed to the municipal p)aygrC?unds. ti Th . . t d th y 1 ·tta·e officials. "We can eliminate the ~ All military men will be m umform. e ple-eattng contes an e .,. b __... 1a b If weather is inclement the school women's nail driving event brought mosquito in the ra:umg p ces .on pu building adjoining the pla>:srounds the large audience to their feet, yeJJ- lie property," he declared, ac:lcbng that and wiJJ stand as a tribute to his pro- ing and laughing and urging on t!teir "it is up to the householders and storeHow would you like to step into will be utilized for the meetma. fessional attainments. favorites. Over 300 boys were anxeous keepers to remove the bfteding spots a raclio broadcasting studio? Upon arrival at the playgrounds thd ':fhe ~imous approval . giyen to to enter the pie-eating contest when from their premises." How would you like to meet a lot units witt form in a hollow square an Next to the sewer catch basins, the of those Raclio stan face to face? article th1rtecn has another · segmficance. they saw the large pieces of bluecolors will be pr~ented, .color ~~ar:!~ As has been stated it deals with the berry pic, but there ,..,. 30 saoat \)r~ for · oi 'V,.y ,.e\\, ~ou'l\ bave you'1'e wiah ·nd color guar · ~v·na.clo I th · e.._.._ . -~·ld· ;n the ....., .a s and the tarae arou, · ~wtc)el~ the <)odor · )s eoa~ tulfille.l in ¢e wey near future for stacldn!J colon on eat!aer ·· e 0 ~ . · T~ electeon Bra~ ~6ittftt pointed ·Y'urt1sters watcheCI troachs on dwellings and business build- ltJ-int George, builder and real estate speaker s platform,, ~~·formed menv ar that Issue when -and-out op- contestants munch the savory food. in«·· These become indented and bent man who was formerly prominent in band salute and ctvah~ns un.co e ts of "apartment" buildings won Charles Brouckhauser proved to be so as to hold water in little pools; mil- the 'theatrical field, is out with the Next will.follow the ·.ntr~ uc~ton t the polls and swept Messrs. Baker, the best pie-eater with John Conley lions of the pests emerge from these gladsome tidings that he has secured the chaplaen, who wttl mvo. e a D ~ayer and W'aedlin into the board of a close second. places. Wet spots about the house contracts with some twelve or more Divine blessing. Then there wtll b~h V11Jage trustees. That article thrirteen Durinc the afternoon, children, should be made dry and ~ ,. 1 a treat- leading Chicago radio artists to ap- brief statement of. theocfurl!Dse 0 / the met the sanction of these men indicates young people and parents flocked to ment of kerosene oil, and e , tin can pear on the north shore-in Wilmette meeting and the !ntr uctton °lk e that. the new ordinance cannot be re- the beach, most of them in bathing and other container arowad the · should and Winnetka-on "silent niahts" to speaker. There wal~ !otloi t": tato Some of the children formed be kept free of water. The doctor also give an exact reproduction of a Defense rest day an ·"'reba 10 actionary. suits. be The ordinance was printed by a Chi- groups, before the races started, and said that bird baths should be emptied genuine radio concert. communtty. Concluchng, tdef: h cago concern to whom it will be re- played ~aU, ran th__ree-legged races and every day or two and replenished with Says Mr. George: the dosing prayer, f~llo~e Y t e retur!led to. make the provisions, after to one s1de. could be seen several youn!' fresh water, thus heading ofl all oppor"I have under contract for 'silent treat to colors and dtsm1ss~t. wh·ch copies of it wiU be distributed women gomg through Walter Camps tunity for the "wrigler" to form in the ni&hts' such outstanding radio artists A statement accompanymg ~hU daily dozen. water. among the local taxpayers as Jerry SuJJivan . of the Calumet fense Day wogra.m reads as o ows · · Prizes were awarded to those placBaking Powder-Ra1nbo Gardens staEataila Sh81at Sa~..uice -------ing first and second. The events and Too Late to Get ..A.Iulta" tion; Harry Geiss, pianist at the same "On this ·day and at, th1~ hour. every DJ:UIIl U the winners were: Nothing can be done with the present station· the Harmony Girls of the man, woman and chtld m W!tmette -.&1181l.R Boy's 20 yard free style race (12 crop of mosquitoes," Dr. Moore says. Drake hotel station; Frederick Agart can afford to ~epart from hts and years and under) won by Francis "They are here and must Jive out their of the Edgewater Beach hotel sta- their usua~ hab1ts .and be at the ~s Kennedy, Bob Bartley, second. natural life, which is estimated at ten tion · the Three Melodians of the sembly pomt on tame. The occasiOD Girls' 20 yard free style (12 years days. But if Wilmette folk follow our Calu'met-Rainbo Gardens station; is important enough ~or al.l whole and under) won by Dorothy Tucker, instructions we can prevent a new horde Bobby Kugel of the Elgin station; places of business ~re m Ch1~ago, to Superintendent of Police Albert L. Helen Sj>eesberger, second. from breeding. Roaemary Hughes of the Edgewater take an earlier tram ~or theer home Denman Tuesday of this week was Boys' 50 yard swim (12 and 13 years) The advent of the mosquitoes in the Beach hotel stations and other popular than usual, for housew1ve~ to hahve an granted a four months' leave of absence won by Bob Urben, John Madden, village was not noticeable this year until entertainers. earlier dinner, for the busaness ousa from duty by the board of trustees. second. Friday of last week, when they appeared "These artists," Mr. George explains, of Wilmette to close one-half ho~ Chief Denman leaves at once to accomGirls' 50 yard swim (under 16 years) in swarms. According to Dr. Moore, "wiJJ give an exact reproduction of a earlier, for eact ahd eref!t .0~~ pany Gen. Charles C. Dawes, vice presi- won by Marjorie Evers, Betty Cay, the arrival of these biiJions of pests was radio concert, preseoting their pro- Wilmett~ to mt: e t e I be!S m IV · dential candidate, on his campaign tour second. due to the rainy season that preceded gram from a stage that wiJJ be care- ual sacnfice whec:h m~y necessary Boys' 50 yard swim (14, 15 a·n d 16 their coming. through the country. His duty will be fulJy patterned after a typicat broad- in order !hat ~dmette mayh d:w~r to attend to the personal security of the years) won by Judd Thompson, Jack The health department plans to make casting studio. In addition to their strate as 1t has an the past t a t · candidate. Ramsey, second. a survey of the village alleys, removina regular concert, they witl be prepar~d (Continued on page 6) Girts' 50 yard swim (16 years and tin cans and other containers, filling to give request numbers for the rad1o Superintendent Denman has found it necessary to send his family to San over) won by Anna Kennedy, Betty water holes and applying oil treatment enthusiasts. el Stuuw. ..I!-- R to every nook where mosquitoes would The entertainments in Wilmette and Van p t eaume Diego, Cal., because of Mrs. Denman's Ryerson, secon~. 100-yard sw1m (for boys over 16 breed. Owners of vacant property will Winnetka will serve a dual purpose, on September I health. He will join his family after . November 4 and expects to return to years) won by Judd Thompson, Jack ·be urged to cut down and remove all namely, that of acquainting the radio The Van Pelt studios will beiria iU weeds on their lots and to spread oil fans with the people who produce the his duties as head of the police depart- Ramsey, sec:o~d. Canoe ttltmg contest-won by e ery pool thereon concerts night after night from the fourth year of instruction in dramaSep-tfa, .-ent about January I. Junior Gay and John Barrett. over v · various Chicaao stations, and afford- expression, etiquet~e and culture, __. Duririg Superintendent Denman's ab50-yard back stroke (for girls over ing them an insight into the procedure tember 6, at Pilgnm hall, Wt n.ctte ..-u ce the police department will be in 16) won by Anna Kennedy, Iris Bruns, oi a typical radio concert. It will Lake avenues. · charge of Lieut. Henry Brautigam and second. particularly interest the fans who, · Durin1 the put years there have beeP Sergt. Joseph Borre, it was stated at Fat women's race won by Helen through the many months since radio three or four ~ys produced by tM hathe Village hall. Cay. (This Issue) broadcasting has been in vogue, have venile and juruor classes at the s~ Women's nail driving contest won Superintendent Denman came to take contrived mental 'visions of the studios each year. This year the plans ~re to An ambitious young man charge of the local police department in by Mrs. Wolfe, Mrs. Gooch, second. about to attend hltrb school from which word and song h':ve been .take a greater interest in the stagtng ~£ would like to secure work to Wilmette merchants, the park board, November, J923, at the urgent request wafted through the air and mto the plays, be(&use of the taleat of the chitdefray the coat of board and of local officials. Police records indicate and friends interested in the contests living rooms of the homes. dren enrolled end the greakr amouut of room rent during the achool that he has given the village a thorough- donated the prizes. Those contributDates for these concerts have not facilities provided. :vear. Ou~rht to be a likely chap ly efficient service and, by virtue of a ing "fftre Klinge and White, John and the sort of helper aome been definitely determined but it can -------family Is eeeklnc. reorganization of the department, has Kerevan, Wilmette Crocerr, Wagner be stated that the concerts witJ be and Fayette candy compames, Rosenoqotten Statement," been instrumental in materially lowering given some time in September. AnThere certainly are a lloat ot tbe amount of crime and miscellaneous berg's Kiddie Nook, Rennacker Drug nouncement of the exact dates will be bargains In used furniture and Subject of Sermon Sunclar company, Snider-Cazel Drug company, other houMhold valuables. law infractions. forthcoming soon, says Mr. George. "A forgotten statement of ]...,... Ia Unique Style Shop, R. H. Schell, And here'· a convaleaclng announced as the subject of the Dannemark, Public Service, Papajohn, LIBRARY IS POPULAR woman In search of a "cheertu.~ mon to be preached by Rev. ~orge P. He'll Never Walk A,ain; John Millen, Brinkman's, Wilmette young or middle-aged woman There were 31 new library patrons lofqiU at the First Presbyterian church But ~ C! ___ 'Sil- 1. Ice company. Lulias Brothers and the to serve In tbe capacity of comreaistered during the month of July at Sunday morning, August 31. ,.. ... _....... Gift Shop. panion. No e&perlence necesthe Wilmette Free Public: Library, ac"It is the most important statemeat aary. Althouch he is in heel because of the cording to the monthly report: The Jesus ever made to mankind, yet. se~ amputation of a Jq, Beary lleinshau- Local ..... in a.lcqo A technical collece offer· unbook circulation totaled 3,877, including do we bear it," states Rev. lbgtll. lt aen, 351 Oak Circle, looks to the future usual opportunities to youna 2.641 adult books and 1,236 juvenile. means 1Duch to the world of today. lf lntereated In becoming exConnnerce Golf Tourney men optimistically. He is feeling much betThis is an increase of 220 over the applied it would solve many of our pert In the conatructlon fteld. ter now and insists on communicating Judson F. Stone, 1234 Ashland avePromise position· tor araduates. month of June. sooaJ problems. It i not a ro~ with his frieods in person, so a telephone nue, former president of the Chicago or a "thou abalt not," but · stat And what a lot ot bomes, extension has been adjusted to his bed. Association of Commerce, was among Come and hear about it next Sundar. INSPECTS THE MELLOMS apartment· and room· are ofldr. Yeinshausen lost one leg about the members of that organization who fered for rent In tbe Classified \fagistrate D. M. Mickey will leave two yeara ago as a result of army ser- participated in tbe 15th annual golf columna. Some attractive "For RETURMS FROM EUROPE Friday for Ball Bluff, JUinois, where he Yice. On July 25, the remaining leg was tournamt'nt of the association at Sale" announcement., too, conM. L. Redfield, 1131 Forest a will spend the week~ and ~bor. Day. cernlntr both Improved and vaHe has been in bed since OJ.rmpian Fields Monday of this week. cant property. Worth looking He will spend the hohday penod lR the arrived at New York last week Oil surgeoas made the ~eeond operation, The tournament was followed by a over! fieldsBluff on .the far101 in the vicin- Wbite Star lin r OtriiPk from ity of Ban aDd his condition durina the past week banquet at the OlJmpian Fields club , _ _ _.__ _ _........,_ _ _ __.. meDon bamptonandCher . )lu been reported as satisfactory. house. Willmette park board is owing it a sum in the neighborhood of $1,500 for water supplied at the village parks, but it adds that the park board won't "pay up." Defsding themselves, members- of the park body say the water was used for village purposes, so why should they pay for it? But the village trustees won't accept that logic. They retort that Wilmette pays the City of Evanston for every drop of water it gets and that if any part of that supply goes to the parks, the parks must pay for it-et least as much as it costs the village. The biJJ of $1,500 is aJJeged to be due for the quarter ending in October, 1923. When the matter came up at the trustees' · ht, a count of noses meeting, T uesday ntg showed that every man on the board was for the coJlection of that debt. After some deliberation it was decided to have President Edward Zipf act as the village's envoy in the matter, and he promised to lose no time in bringing the "delinquent" park board to terms. Health Ofticial Leada Drive to FJiiniaate Breeclin1 Placea in V.U..e .t..CK OF FIGHT BOARD Bf t .t.., · te $151 to Start a Approplla Villaae·Wide Battle Of .Legion, Wilmette Post 46. bf public ~u~ · scription for the Communtty PatrtotiC Celebration Fund, $642.08 was spent on Street Pra c111ion Patri· the three celebrations held this sprina otic Mua Meetint to Be and summer, as shown in the report of August 5 made by H. J. Flentye, 1r., Oubtancln1 EYeDta treasurer. The Memorial Day celebration was the biggest item, but on that account FL" .t..,GS ".t..'T ·H o...r-a $135 was a deficit from the 1923 Mem,1 Loft '1ft~ orial Day. The total disbursement was w p· $319.04. $38. summer entailed a total ~ of The Boy Scout's meet.iq held t1ais MANY WITNESS BEACH EVENTS Professional entertamment and janitor service were the only items of expenditure at this affair. . The Fourth of July celebration, which was one of the most largely alttended community events held along the north shore for several sea~ necessitated a t~l expenditure of ~.04. The incidents of expense included printing, advertising, professional entertainment, prizes, flags, moving the piano, club rental and dance orchestra for the dance held in the evening, and miscellaneOus expenditures. At the present time the Community Patriotic Celebration Fund trustees have $256.92 on hand to meet the expenses of future events. The trustees for the fund are Ralph c. Wessel, L. }. Orr and C. C. Rennacker. RADIO FANS To SEE FAVORITES i: td i the '!..-m th: De: POUC£ CHJEF ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE i:r a .... In the Want Ada- "A F =-=--· --------