SKETCHES LAND VALUE GROWTH Cave Man'· Story Ia Story of Pretent Day Values . R &-I- · l)eclaie en.... ,..-.::; Recorda Show Spurt in _ Beco . Stabilized mm& Local Builclina Granta The building of new homes in Wilmette is by no means slacking down, although some real estate agents report a comparative decrease in the sales of property over previous years. This week building permits were issued for four new !tomes and thrFe garages. G. Del Vecchio heads the list with a one-story brick dwelling at 1538 Spencer avenue for $12,000; the Bateman Construction company, two-story dwelling of brick veneer, at 1SJ9 Forest avenue $10,000; John and Jeanie Maitland, frame and stucco two 7 story dwelling and i~rage, at 234 Seven teenth street, ~.500; William Saunderson, two-story frame and stucco dwelling, at 6ZJ Greenleaf avenue, $8,000; Laura J. Hill, b'rick veneer garage, at 204 Seventeenth street, ~; Clement C. Ley, frame garage, at 1601 Elmwood avenue, $500. .Rent prices for houses and apartments in 74% of the principal cities of the United States have reached a state of equilibrium, according to a survey pf the national resideqtial rent situation that has just been made by the National Association of Real Estate Boards. A downward trend is reported by 16 per cent of the cities. An upward climb is reported by only 10 per cent The investigation, based on repo~s from constituent real estate boards 1n 102 cities, is, so far as known, the first attempt ever made to survey residential rents of all types of property throughout the country. Reports, in practically every case, were made after a careful analysis of the local situation by a special committee of the local real estate board. Added significance is given to the survey findings by comparison with the situation reported by the same sources in a survey of the general real estate market condition made by the association November 1, 1923. At that time 40 per cent of the cities listed reported an upward tendency for rent, 50 per cent reported about stabilized, and 10 per cent reported a downward trend. · -=;;;;;;::;;=====::;:::=;:;;:;::;;====::::::;:;;::;;::;::=:::::~ OPEN NILES CENTER TllACT ,.northwest corner of and Keeler avenue Gelder and Sneary opened last Sun- Evanston Golf club' day for subdivision, 22 acres at the· Center district. ' t Do you kn.ow that buying a home on time will saw you money? The interest that you pay can be charged agaiut your income for Income Tax purposes. We have recer:ttly built twelve attractive homes in Winnetka, just west of Locust Street, on Ash and Cherry Streets. Seven of these are sold, and five are now ready for Sept. or Oct. first delivery. They contain six rooms, 1 bath, hot water heat, white enamel wood work, concrete foundations, insulated with two ply Cabots quilting, landscaped and fenced, complete in every respect, s.ome as low as $15,500 on easy terms. Streets paved and all Specials paid. Open daily 2 to 6 P.M. The w_hole story of civilization, from the days when troglodyte man went out from his cave and struggled through primeval waste in his hunt for mastodon meat, is a story of man's relation to the land, according to an article entitled "What is the Ma~er ~th Real Estate?" in a current issue of Printers Ink. That age-long story begins in the days when there was no land ownership, because land was only hunting ground. It 8Qe5 on to the days when land was all in the hands of great nobles, and serfs · of Start R··urfacm· · were bound to the soil they tilled. It comes at last, through the rise of Streeta in Kenilworth democracy to our own day, when the seResurfacing and grading of several curity and satisfactions of home owner- streets Kenilworth was started this ship has become potentially universal, week. in The streets have been in reaand it all brings out the fact that pres- sonably good condition for many years ent day ownership of a piece of land but heavy traffic has necessitated rehas roots as old as the human race and pair for the first time in three years, that the accumulation in value of 'land according to Village Manager F. L. which prest'nt day communities ar~ Streed. marking from d~de to decade, is, in Electric locomotives are equipped with fact, an accu_ m ulahon from age to age. Electric railways of the United States generators which, while semng as Real estate mvestment has the weight brakes on downgrades, restore to power employ more than 300,000 workers, of the world's whole history behind it. with an annual payroll exceeding $300,- lines 11 per cent of the electrical energy In bringing to public attention the 000,000. they use on the level or upgrades. meaning of land ownership as it is shown !n the light of world history, the organIzed real estate men of the nation have an opportunity for educational advertising of a kind not open to any other branch of commerce, the article points ~ut. It. outlines the historical perspective wh1ch the National Association of e a~e now offe.ri!l~ for sale, vacant property in our Real Estate Boards has to draw on and which its constituent local boards 'have Enghsh VIllage SubdiVISIOn at Valley and Milton Avenues to draw on in telling the story of real Glencoe. Large lots, beautifulJy wooded, paved streets' estate in their own communities. and ready to build on now. ' The great possibilities which lie in a national campaign to set forth the funWe will build an English home for you on any lot damentals of real estate as an investyou select, finance and sell on easy terms. ment, and of the service which can be rendered in such investment by real estate concerns, familiar with the elements of value involved, have already been brought before the association by its advertising committee. "It is a long, long story the story of 112 W. Adams St. Randolph ·2720 land," the article states, '"The longest and most vital story which may be preChicago, Ill. Wilmette 341 sented for the consideration of our multiplying millions." 112 W. Adams Street Chicago, Ill. Wilmette 341 $~ B. W. bard lote-l cret~ Bua pro GoUI $5.0 De \Y Oahhore LOT Hlll indifference of brings early out manthe to facts land as The an object of value that while land cannot be appreciably increased, population is constantly increasing, and land values, like all other values rest upon economic demand, the write; continues. . What Determine· Valuea But land is not valuable solely because of its scarcity, but more especially because the uses to which it is put are of greater benefit. The cave man had hardly the same incentive to secure a cave as the present citizen has to secure the services and sanitary benefits which modern communities provide to home owners. Yet long before tl-M: home was much more than a primitive shelter, land had acquired such a value as to bring a long era of control by the rich and noble a time when the serf risked his neck:' if he so much as shared a rabbit on the property of his lord. . Land. played its part in calling nations !nto bemg. It was . t~r?ugh the magnetic mftuence of the adJmmng lands that villages grew into towns. Nations developed on the . basis of need for protecting li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~ Wh· e n All Others Have Failed Come To Us When a property owner wishes to sell his real estate, be wants quick action as a rule. The best way to get results is for him ro list his property with a reputable and energetic realtor with an exclusive contract. We, knowing that we are protected in our efforts to sell proper~y, will devote enry J?C!SSible energy for making a sale. We w11l spend money advert1s1ng the property which we would rtot do if other brokers had the property for sale. The chances for a satisfactory and prompt sale are obviously much peater onder an exclusive contract. This system gives quick results without costing the property owner one cent more than the regular sales commission. Why Not Try It? Riparian Rights -North Shore Homesites This i.s to offer a number of unusually fine restricted hholmhes1tes to those ":ho wish to locate in an exceptionally g grade commumty on the North Shore. ~hm~lears ago I acquired a strip of rolling land east of t' en an R~ad,, betwe~n Waukegan and Kenosha. frontT~· 4 k \Michigan, picturesque and beautifully wooded !s !S nown as Oaksbore Beach and includes th~ Ch~ndo1s Golf Course, Oaksbore Subdivision and other res1 ence property. · The rare ratural beauty of Oakshore Beach h d 1 impressed ~e- with its d~sirability, and with aid of ja~~ st~f pleharchttecta an~ engtneers, a _!]lost unique and b!:u.1 u .orne communtt! has been... ~efopeu'. The sttes are IOld W!th b~a ved roads electric ~It ~ '"'·~ · II[. 10 'R!' paid for. La~ge homes1tel' ~_!le! ft"ontaq o .oe lake or directly overlooking it can n~w be secur!d. On neighboring property I have established the Chmois Golf Course. In addit!on to the natural beauty of Oakshore Beach f?ur disttn~t ~dvantages are offered-riparian rights, larg~ 11tea, prox1maty ,to ~ real golf coursr, rigid protec~ exclus1vc rcstnct10ns. ' The price~ are lower t~an any comparable property be· tween Chtcago and M1lwaukce. But sites are not solei on the payment plan. Without obligating yourself and without being bothered ~y, you may secure a copy of a large and fully these phve b?o~let, with local views, that )Viii come from e press WJthm two ?r three days. Simply mail the coupon below and I w1II send you your copy promptly. Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. domains. and improving the property within their It is a glorious part of the story of 1and ownership that it is tied all along to the story of human freedom. The right to land ownership has gone hand in hand with the development of every principle of republican government, with liberty, opportunity to advance, loyalty to country, right to achieve prominence in any walk of life. Lialt.l Wit.. Freeclom "During the centuries when the land remained in the hands of the nobles the people had no freedom," the article points out. "Real estate men can make dramatic use of the fact that ownership of land pve the right to vote, was the aign of a free man, long bcfor.: our country instituted its liberal methods of The growth of individual freedom ba~ come directly through the growth of freedom to purchase and cnJ.ltrol lancl. "They can also br~ vut the {.act thnt city or comnu. r uty lift ha! ;,Jwa,·s Jed in all formr of social advancement, ~ ·"- · :.k ..aan who wishes to feel him,_,, a true part of the progress of his locality IDUSt be a property owner. By lheer ritbt of land posteSsion, home oweers DOW form a republic wherever tiler <:oopepte. The owner of a cottap .its with the owner of a mansion, where they meet oo COIDIIIOD ground as JDeD who haft demonstrated their faith in their C0UDtry by inwatinc iD the very soil of ~ieh it it lli:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::iI MELODY .WOODS Wlaa.tlaa ZUI F-tala Sca-n. £yautoa Preut7 Buildial', Winnetka · Enutoa 21111 ' ONE, TWO AND THREE ACRE SITES A beautiful tract of fort7 ac.... of real ·!~ ·-' " ood ell _ _. .... · · ~ .· . Pll w ·· w I ocateel· · ~ 81 Bf - . ::, tbe larl'eat -d moat beautiful Mtatee on th.. ~orth Shore, which we ..aYe diYidetl into twenty· fht Yery c..oice ..oaaeaitea of oae, two aad three ac.... e&c... --aahl~ cloae to North ShoN Electric aiUI ate&JB road traaapow1alioa. Caoice heavily wooded acre aitea 1Sh381 feet aa low u $750.18 each. The tenna are yery euy ...1 attracti'Ye. Phone for plat and full partica1era. ......!.~-~!!...Q.Y., T HIU & WHEELER INC., 731 Elm Street Ph. Winnetka 142 Telepboae C.tral 2294 LESLIE A. NEEDHAM Owner Burnham Building ----------------············ AND MAIL 8UILDS - - HOllE The Village of Kenilworth issued a permit tbil week to Mrs. W. B. Davies to baiN a residence at 1-41 Robsart 160 North La Salle Street Name ....····..····.· CHICAGO place, for $25,000. 11···-·····················..111 Address ························· .......................................