WILMETTE equalizes fire or death losses, so that the few do not go bankrupt ~ke while the mpny go un scathed. Eetabllllled ltU Most of the $5(X),000,000 annual with whieh 11 comblaed TilE WILIIIITI'& LOOAL lfEWI fire losses of the United States Ewtabll·hed 18t8 are preventable. They need neve1· I1111ED J"RIDAT OF EACH WEEK occur. If normal business and b7 LLOYD BOLLIITEil. 1110. home life could have the propor1122 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. tion of that sum that is paid out 'l'el. . . .ae . . . . . . . . . . . Wu.ette 1.- for preventable fires every year ltJJIICRIPI'ION ~ A YEAR the United States would soon All communication mult be accom- hardly know itself in its. new era panied by the name and addreee of the of decorum and prospenty. writer. Artlelea for publication ahould reach the editor ,by Wedneeclay noon to Being a firebug nation is hardtn1ure appearance In current leeue. ly decent. The majority .of fires Reeoluttone of condolence, cardl of thanks, obituary, poetry, notlcea of en- are preventable. It's time for our tertainments or other atralra where country to save property that ~s an admittance charge will be made or utterly, foolishly wast<!d, that ts a collection taken, will be charged at recular advertising rates. so wrongfully said to be "covEntered at the poet otnce at Wll· ered by insurance." FRIDAY, AUGUST 29 1924 WILMETTE LIFE fl'onnerly The Shore Newl) YtrSt Aid for Doctors FERTILIZER To Beautify. Your Lawna 2-Pass. Utility Coupe '640 CRUSHED STONE To Dreu Up Your DriYewaya Edinger & Sons EataW-..1117 WELLS-WESCOT CO.. INC. 1113 Chic:a·o A:~·· PhoDe 1151-1157 11 1879. mette, Jlllnol·, a· mall matter of the aecond clan, under the act of Karch - Th e Manu f acltfrcr. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1924 SONGS OF LIBERTY · .. Separate the Grades. P. B. K. write s from Lucerne, EYaaatOD Enforce the Traffic I.aws. describing the quiet and dignified Build the Through Traffic Road. observances there of the anniver- E9uutoa Peoria Widen the Busitless Thorottghfares sary of Switzerland's independence. SAFETY OR SORROW It· was Independence Day- not Wilmette's police are quietly but Fourth of July, but the First of persistently proceroing with the August- notable for the absence anti-speeding-traffic-violations cam- of noi se-making and a pyrotechpaign ordered several weeks ago by nic display of enthusiasm, disVillage President Zip£. tinguished for its quiet orderIt is encouraging to note in this Jiness and marked by a simple connection that the dri\·e against ceremony .of songs and an exviolators is being coupled with a pression of exultation that arises · campaign of education, for, with from the soul. virtuaiJy every arrest the offender is subjected to a stiff lecture on The young men sang their songs of freedom. Girls disthe subject of proper conduct on tributed the tokens symbolical of the highways. the occasion. In a community such as Wil"Independence Day in Switzermette, it shou.ld not be necessary to repeatedly remind the motorist land," is P. B. K's · .observance, and for that matter, the pedestrian, "added to my appreciation of of the dangers that lurk in speed- freedom." ing and jay-walking activity. It What matter the day, the joy should not be ~ecessary to continu- of freedom strikes a responsive ally . warn agamst the danger . of cord in the hearts of men everyWELL! passmg aroun.d lowered crossm,g where. Liberty, per se, may be a before leaving on an extended gates, or beatmg · the gateman s relative term but is must have Th11 ga~ anJ oiling Ration sig~al: People ar~ cognizant of the a wealth of ~eaning in the unauto trip, come in and let us ;, jtdl' amJS tht Jlrttt, a,J penl JUSt as certamly as they real- obtrusive little Alpine republic lubricate your ar, tune up your ."·"""" "" fll41111gtmmt ize the inevitable approach of where people seem to be content motor and make a general innightfall. with a day's work well done; spection to S« if the machine Yet, violations are flagrant. Most where, in following their homely is in proper shape for a pleasant people seem inclined to take a pursuits, they can give to the outing. chance on the theory, perhaps, that world the famous Gruyere and "it'll always be the other fellow, those embroideries, laces and not me, who gets bumped. Don't wood-carvings of unparalleled There is nothing so disappo10t· worry, I'm watching my step." excellence. ing as troubJe on the road and Railroad companies, motor clubs, The Swiss know the meaning to avoid the possibility-see us safety commissions are constantly and recognize the benefits of before ·going. Bashing . the danger. signal. Per- lasting peace. They have a "pasWINNETKA 617·18~~ haps the1r welt constdered phrases sion for peace" and represent a ~sed ,on th~ old "Stop, Look, splendid example to the troubled Ltsten warnmg have ceased to nations of the earth. concern the traveling public. " ,, Does it require an accident, perA~gus.t 1. must .have a ;;ery 1010 NORTH AVENUE WINNETKA, ILLINOIS haps a fatality, to shock us into a defimt.e stgmficance m that hberconsciousness of the ever-lurking ty-lovmg land. ------danger? We hope not. " 'Tis better to be safe than THE MODERN SCHOOL sorry." Vacation days are rapidly drawing to a close and not a normal A FIREBUG NATION? youngster of school age on the News reports of the recent mil- north shore but is looking forward lion-dollar sawmill fire at Ho- with joyous anticipation to a requiam, Washington, say "covered turn to the class room. by insurance. Everybody breathes \V f 1 b easy, for there is no actual loss." e ee a solutely safe in makBut a million dollars' worth of ing that unqualified statement, for no normal child need fear nor property has been destroyed ; a b million dollars' worth of labor a hor the program of work that is and material is lost that had been carried through in the schools of available for making men more the north shore, both in the elecomfortable, in wages, profits, mentary and secondary grades. freights, in structures that the Here one finds put into operalumber would build. tion the latest and most approved Every stick of timber, every methods o~ study which combine in day's wage, every item of com- the educatton of the youth of the fort that a million dollars can north shore the customary three Coming soon-cool nights and chilly mornings. Be ready buy, is first paid for in insurance "R's," systematic recreation and a -with Koppers Chicago Coke, the clean fuel of economy, rates. Whether you have never development of the esthetic qualihad a fire of your own, or tie . · for all heating plants and all seasons. whether.y.ou h~ve been a regular Pupils who have attended the firebug m settm~ forest fires or chools in Wilmette, Kenilworth, Fill your bin now, while you can still profit by reduced carelessly. ~urnmg your own \Vinnetka or Glencoe will return summer prices. property m ctty or town or coun- to their studies with enthusiasm. try, the loss of. every scrap burn- New pupils will lose, almost before Right now is a good time to send for our Service Man. ed must be pa1d by sot;teone. they. enter the school premises, any Unl~ss restored by msurance, feelmg ..of anxiety or indifference. His suggestions can save you money on your seasons fuel every 1tem of property destroyed Th d £ h . by fire is g.one forever, and the .. e ~y~ 0 . t. ~ ster~ .doctrt_!l~ bill. nation is that much poorer. Es- of readm, wntm and :tthmattc timating a human life by the are of another generatiOn.. The wages it would earn, life comes ch.o~l of t~ay off<:t's a vanety of FOT Sale By terribly high. Any one of the actt\'tty t~t mtertwmes the fundalS,<XX> lives destroyed annually mentals wtth the. !>t~er broadening ~:'.sA Sou ................·............... Pboae Wilmette Itt by fire may be worth tens of phases. of the sctenttficatly modern II tteD~~ .......·..···...·······.·.·········.. ~Wilmette 1 hundreds of thousands of dollars. educatiOnal system. eyer & Material Co··.........·..··. Phoae Wilmette 17J3.17M So with property, estimated by The boys and girls will be happy its usefulness, even though its to get back to work and well orCJU_ Lll.,..,le 7025 for Ftw Serric~ physical value is c.overed by in- dered play within a few weeks. ·urance. "They are not hoping that the Ins!Jrance only spreads and school house will burn down." EVANSTON WILMETrE NOJ'· .... Cella t·t Lake A~ EftDat· 5135 Wilmette ltl-MZ WINNETKA 7Z2 Ella Street W.....tkaltS SERVICE with a smile HUBBARD WOODS GARAGE