Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1924, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1924 The Optimist club float occasioned Blue prints,<OOCe possible .to make Mr. and Mrs. Ira Calif Darling and William McClin'tiOck, 341 Melrose favorable commen t at every hand and when the sun shone, now are made avenue, returned Tuesday after hav- family, 256 Kenilworth avenue, arri·td presented one of the outst~nding fea- substitution o~ bright electric light for ing spent the week visiting Mr. and home Friday after spending six weeks tsunlig ht. · Miss Betty tures of the street procession. Mrs. Badger of Highland Park at at Trout Lake, Wis. their s ummer home at Big Lake, Wis- Darling and Miss Virginia Woodland, who have been attending Walter Shatconsin. tuck's house party, arrived home Wed-<>-Mi ss Mildred Lund, who has been nesday. ANY affairs have been given for the house guest of Mrs. Julie M . -oMi ss Elizabeth Stolp during Shepherd, 341 Melrose avenue, for Miss Emilie Foresman, 515 Essex the final week before her mar- three weeks, left Monday for Canada, riage to Otis Heath which takes place from where she will go to California. road left Saturday for Chambersburg, Wilaaette, IU. liD WW.atte Awe. Pen~sylvania, to visit Mrs. Huber tomorrow evening at the Kenilworth -<>-Blocher, formerly Miss Ruth Wood· Tetll St. aad Central A··· Hours: Union church ~t 8:30 o'clock. Mrs. Caroline Ellswdrth returned Services: Daily (except W ednesda y and La st Saturday Miss Dorothy Ben - Saturday to the Kenilworth lnq after ward. Mrs. Blocher is giving- a houseparty this week. nett entertained tbe bride and her at- havin g spent the summer at WequeS unday a t 11 A. M. Saturday) 9 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. -otendant s for lun·cheon at the Drake ton sing a nd Harbor Spr ings, Mich Wednesd ay T .e stimonial Meeting W ednesday: 9 A. M . to 1 :45P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bull, 612 WarSaturda y: 9 A. M . to 9 P. M . h otel. taking h er guests to ee "Tarn - igan . a t 8 P· M · The Bib le a n d Wont· by K&PJ" wick road, motored from Tomahawk ish" in th e afternoon . Miss Elizabeth -oSunday School, 9 :45 A. M . Baker Eddy and all other authorHann ah and Mi ss fk'len Cresap en M iss P a th· Fores man. 515 F.ssex where they have spent this past month, Subject of the Lesson Sermon lzed Christian Science Literature tertain ed Miss Stolp and her maias roa d, left Frid ay to spend a fortnight Mrs. Charles Mock, who has been visAu.ust 31 , "Cbmt Jesus" 'clt":.ed~e r ead, borrowed or pura t lunch eon a nd bridJe at Indian Hill with 'Miss Caroline Jan e E verett at iting Mrs. E nglar, returned with them, clu h on Monday. The Miues· Beatrice \-Va uka zoo. :\fichigan. Thursday. The Public ie cordially in-rited to attead tlae Cllurcla Serwicee &1141 a nd Florence P ea se ent ertained at tea -o--oTieit tiM R..di·· Rooaa. for th e bride-e lect on Tuesday. Miss :M iss J eanett e Cherry, 422 Abbott sMr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap, Miss E lizabeth Hannah gave a dinn er-dance fo rd road, is s pe ndin g th e w eek with Helen , and Mark, Jr., 239 Essex road, at th e Chicago Yacht club for the :\1 is s Dorothy K imball of \Vaukesha, motored to Lane Geneva Friday to spend 011:10 011:10 hrida l party \Vednesday evening. Mi ss 'N isco n in. 011:101 the week-end at the Lake Geneva Counorn elia Keith wa s ho t ess at lunch-otry club. eon and bridge in honor of Mi ss S tolp F rancis A ll en. oi .M elrose avenue. -o-on Th u rsday, a nd this evening Dr. and left ye t crday to s pend a w ee k visit Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Ketcham and Mrs. S tolp are having the wedding ing ~[ r. an d ~[r s. \\' alt er F . Shats upper a t th eir home on Warwick tuc k at La nd o' La kes, \\'iscon sin. their family, 611 Abbottsford road, arThat will please you. A variety to suit every taste. road. rived home Wednesday after spending --o-o:\f r. and :.\f rs. L. A. Torrcm. of Ne w the summer at The Heights, Ludington, A Service you'll appreciate . · ?If;. a no ~f rs. Harry V isserin g, 257 York Ci ty, are the gues ts of Mr. and M ichigan. K emlworth a venu e, leave tomorrow :\frs. ]. S. Clin e, .304 Cumn or r oad, -o-for !\ew York t o mee t th eir son , Nor- for two wee ks. Mrs. H erman Kasten, 220 Poplar · man , wh o will a rri ve Monday on th e street, Winnetka, is expected home Sun-0s tea msh ip South ern Cross. !\orma n day f rom Cleveland, Ohio, after an ex:\f r. anr\ 1f r,. George R. Benson has been tou r in g South Am eri ca and :\fr. a nd :\I rs. Clyde P . Ross and tended visit with her daughter, Mrs. 0 Jhi s summ er. H e landed on th e wes t - thti r c h il dren are s pend ing a fe w days Huntington Dyar. 1131-33 Central Avenue· Wilmette 1981 e rn coas t. cros.,cd th e And es moun - a t th e Gr a nd Beac h hotel, :\fichigan . -otain s, and journ cyN1 to th e ea s tern oao oaor==== M iss Genevieve Hutchison of Ep-ocoa., t, to sa il fo r ho me from Bu enos H eights, Ludington, Michigan, :\li ~!> Ain ~ l ec B enn ett. 185 S herid a n · worth Aires. roa d. has re turn ed afte r s pendin g a spent thi s week with Helen Harlan of - o1\Tc k at \\' a ukazoo. ~[ichigan. where 430 Sheridan road. Th e Ga rden clnh m e t with Mrs. , -o-E . F. Sn yda ck cr . 1.340 Ches tnut a 1·e- he l'i -;ited :\fi -;s :\Iiria m See ley. -oM iss Ruth Harlan, 430 Sheridan road, nu e, Frid ay aft crn ct ·n. .Th ere wa s :\[ r~. Percy B. E ckh a rt. 206 Cumberis away this week vi siting forme~ Rocka compe tition h e ld for th e h e:. t arrangem ent of Row ers and the great- la nrl roa d. r eturn ed Saturday from dale college friends, the Misses Helen Rl oomi n !{ton. Illinoi s. a fter a w ee k's and Lucy King of Rochelle, Illinoi s. es t number . Mr s. Gra nt Ridgway w on i ~ it w ith h l: r pa rent s, :\[r. and Mr s. -oth e award for the greatest number 1· Capon . Mr. and Mrs. R. 0 . Berger, 306 Kenof bloom s, and Mr s. Samuel Flood a ilworth avenue, and their family returntook th e honor f.or the he !> t arran g eTh e :\f is~ t·~ Winifred 'lnd Alice ed Friday from their summer home ·at ment. The pnzes were heautiful S~had e o f Akron, Ohio. arc Lhe gu~s ts Twin I.akes, Wisconsin. Spanis h va ses. ot ~fr. a nd :\Irs. John Carpenter, 422 -o-o-Th e Val Smiths of Ahhott s ford road . \Vood ~ tock road. M iss Muriel Badger of Detroit ar-owith th e Sam Gaylord s of Cumberrives Sunday to visit Mi ss Cornelia ).[ r ~ . \\'. Lee Crowe of Owoss o. Keith, 310 Warwick road, for a week. land avenue. and two of Mrs. Gavlord's cou sin s ha ve left for a motor :\fic higan , is 1·isitin g Mr . and Mrs. trip to ~anada . D:iving up through !Jurt A . Crow e. 2J4 Leice st er road , Goodwin Bowling Alleys W1 scon s111 , they will tour north of tor two o r three week s. - OGe.or~ian Bay, and ~vill return throug h Dani e l Snyda ck er, 1340 C hes tnut Will Open on Labor Day 'Ibe new +inch Nokol converts any water heater M1ch1gan. The tnp will tak e three a1·e nu e. has r eturn ed fro m Camp Al weeks. Monday, September 1, being Labor having a storage tank into an automatic hot water gona , O shkosh , Wiscon sin, where he Day, will mark the formal opening of -osy.te111. It can be instaJ.led in either a coal-fired spent the summer . the Good.win Bowling_ patton i9 the Mr. and 1\'frs. Harry \Vei se . 141 -oheater or a gas hcrater of tile ~·tl· ...,.... ~ fuel ba sement of the Brown building. K enilworth a venue, r eturned Sunday }.fr. and :\[rs. Charles Burnham and The alleys, which are of regulation cost is between 50 and 7 5% less than gas. Whether fur from their we stern trip which in family , 536 Roslyn road. have left for dimensions, have been p~t in first cluded a vi sit to Bear Lodge , E ste s heating a S.room bungalow, a lOO..room apartment \\' yarning, where they will pass a few class condition and the en tire interior Park and Colorado Springs. ·while or for providing yourself with the moat economical of the establishment renovated duron Pike's Peak . they were surprised weeks at Eaton's ranch. -oing t he summer season. Roy Goodhot water service known, investigate Nokol now. to me et Mrs. ] ohn Roberts of 328 Miss Bethany Jane Crowe, 234 Lei- w in , the proprietor, states he is preWarwic k road. cester road, arrived home Saturday pared to accommodate t he bowling -o-In~· itations h_ ave been received byJ after spending the summer at a girls' hosts of the community. The annual Business Men's league 215 North Michigan Ave. · Chicago Ke111lworth restdents, to the marriage caml? at Chambers' Island, Michigan. -obowling tournament will get under way of Syl via Sara Haven, daughter of Telephone CentTal783Z Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Ch~rry, about September 15. P lans a re also Mr. and Mrs Arthur B. Haven, 229 Roger Williams avenue, Highland 422 Abbottsford road, entert~med going forward for the organization of Park, formerly of this village, to Neil tw~lve guests at afternoon bndge, a ladies' bowling league. · The Goodwin bowling parlors are H. Martin, on Saturday, September 6. Fnday. -oto operate under the management of -()-M. D. Hart, of Abbottsford road, re-, Mr. and Mrs. N. Hammitt. Mr. HamHamilton Howe of Kenilworth avuesday from a two weeks mitt will supervise the bowling proper enue will arrive September 1 from tun~ed T_ while M rs. H a m mitt will conduct a T..-1 ud u..d u SCUM~an! by v----.·Lal: ,..._ Annapolis on a month's leave of ab- fishmg tnp through Canada. . -o. lunch counter and soda fountain in sence. Mr. Howe went to England Noll.ol Hnlfcc fmtaiW fn the home ran·u In price from $28S eo $1800, M1ss M~y Lovedale, 42 Kemlworth connection with the business. France, Holland, Gibralter, and th~ CICCIOf'Cifq co the cCJjHJdty, ~and l*f'IHJH of the autalladoa Az<?res on the midshipmen's practise avenue, w1ll return home Sunday from her trip to California and Vancouver. crUise. Optimist Float Awarded -o-ON BUYING EXPEDITION Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Merrill and Prize; Records in Error Mrs. Edna Springer, ready-to-wear the Mi sses Kathryn and Elizabeth Records of the award winners in the Merrill have sold their home on Es- buyer for the McAllister-Worthen sex road, and are now living in an company, and Mrs. Jane Story, rnilli- Wilmette Day parade fai led , because apartment at 608 Sheridan road, Ev- ner for the same concern, are in the of an unintentional error, to include east purchasing autumn goods for the mention of the award of fourth prize anston. well known \Vilmette avenue dry- in the Hoat contest to the Optimist -oI Club of Wilmette. M_r. and Mrs. ~- L. Millington and goods firm . Nortlawe.t Comer Xeelu Ave. (Teufert Road) and Dempatu St. fam1ly , ac compamed by their nephew. Charl ~s L. Kat!fman of Blue Island, The Money-Making Machine Building the McCormick BoW. have JU St returned from a two weeks' vard and the New North Shore Elevated. motor trip through Ontario. --oProperty Valuea Will Steadily Increase by Such Activitiel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gerould and dal!ghter, Patty, of Philadelphia, will arnve tomorrow to spend a few weeks with Mrs. Gerould's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, 431 Essex road. ; ·es we can. lake il all apart -o!J~ fact we k11ow each car by lzeart. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Schmus, 327 Cumnor ro ad, and their family. spent severil days of this week at Naperville, where they visited Mrs Schmus' mother, Mr . \Vunder. · Elizabeth Stolp I Much Feted Before Her Wedding Day M ·Fint Church of Christ, Scientist, Christian Science Reading Room Another Menu Welch's Cafeteria ·I g A fat present written Bed' se which From less to now c1 good I cellent its OWl It tal "Early you le really your h ing of hours As I much. a mot dren, of the "highl:l And now anewNokol tbat provides the most ecoaomlcal automatic bot water service knowa more ad d iti detect memb iniect The to las as a n Lewi has b h ersel intrus t hey mann have comi Lewis certa J No ence girl . full OIL HEATING COMPANY At OkOI · ·-~-- GRAND OPENING OF OUR NORTH SIDE Dempster Park Subdivision --o-- Mr. and Mrs. Belknap Hawkes who have b een vi siting their parents' Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hawkes ' left yesterday for their home in Clevel and, Ohio. -oMr. and Mrs. Burt A. Crowe arrived home Saturday morning froni a six-week trip to the Canadian Rockies, Los Angeles and Yellowstone Park. -oMrs. E. D. Slater, who has been ·isiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. ll. Allen, 412 Melrose avenue left yesterday for h er home in Lexi~aton, Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stirton of Sheridan road, arrived home Monday from t heir tri&P to Estes P a rk and Yellow- D ON'T be like the little boy who took the watch apart to see what made the wheels go 'round. Don't tinker around your car and so disturb the mechanism th~t you don't gi\'e a tinker's tamo'shanter what becomes of it. Drive it around here. If it is too sick to navigate just phone us and we'll throw out the life line. -o- .tone. WILMmE MACHINE AND AUTO WORKS at lZZS Central AYeDue, Wilmette ...... Wilmette liS I = =:: J'0U1' opPGC'h~Dk7 to malre moaq, bJ lav·tlna uu1 lettlac Come Out aD4 S.. u.. Salesmen on l»ropert)" All D Not Come Oat, WRITE US for Further IDformatioa. IQ'. U JCMI Caa bottsford road, e ntcrtaiD&d at ~uncia eon on Thursday of last week. Wn. William Freuclenrejcb, 314 Ab- -o- G4 Pint National Buak BuiJclina GELDER &I SNEARy Cblcap

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