Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1924, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1924 small, and while there they lJ!USt be fed and clothed and to do so wtll n~c essitate the cooperation a~d enl!stment of the various agenctes extsting for that purpose in the ordi~~rv civilian life of the villages and c1ttes where the mobilization takes place. No Armies in £yidence NORD TALIS OF FISH WILME11'E TO HOLD AND AUTUMN mLES BIG DEFENSE MEETING Emil Nord, member of the well known (Continued from page I ) tailoring firm of Schultz and Nord, 1152 Central avenue, returned to his I>U~ines thi w<..ek after a month spent would include all the . local reserve "There will be no great armies in search of game fish in the regions officers of the army and 11avy, it was standin g under arms at any particular of Ephraim, Wis., and is directing his stated . Commenting on Defense Day, its place on this day. For instat~ce. attention to the proper cataloging of a Colonel Smith ~ill have it upon huJ?huge stock of woolens that, in the ap- significan ce and importance to the self to recruit the SlOth Infantry regiproaching weeks, will be converted into community and the nation at large, ment to full strength. Colonel Smith suits and overcoats for the concern's Secretary Wessel, who is a leader in i!> a reserve officer and serving under Wilmette Post, No. 46, of the Ameriextensi,·e patronage. him is a necessary regimental comple "Had a fine time in the northwoods," can Legion, said this week: ment of majors, captains, lieutenants Sta te· Purpoae of D ay Mr. Nord reports. "Fishing was good "September 12, 1924, ha s been desig- and staff sergeants. These s ubordin and the weather not all bad. In fact, nated as National Mobilization Day ate officers will be instructed in turn I believe we had hetter weather up there and the American Legion believes it to report at certain towns in Colonel than was experienced at home." advi~ahle at thi time to ~et at rest Smith's district to recruit to strength "And what's new in fall styles?" he suc h contra!licfory rumors as have the companies constituting the SlOth These last mentioned ofwas asked . heen rife since the announcement of Infantry. ficers will by way of newspaper pub "\\'ell, here you see the patterns," the plan .~ and purposes of the day. indicating nwneruus stacks of newly un " It is quite agreed that in the face licity advise the community that, on packed woolens. "Hruwns and heavy of a national or international crisis such and s uch a date , it is their deScotch crashes are the demand, with the resortiog to arms has been and sire that all able-bodied men in the plenty of coloring in all goods. Models will he for some time to come the only village of Hales Corners enlist in the will favor the English, loo e-fitting with mea ns of eradicating the wrongs of local company of the SlOth Infantry, wide trousers. In ovcrcoatings the call the oppres or and ncfenrling the home theo retically only and for the day is for hox and Chesterfield models to against th e aggressor. It is generally only. After the company is recruited the utter exclusion of 'the U lster that conceded and it i~ al~o a known fact Captain Jones in charge of the comthat the qanding military estab li sh- pany will make the necessary arrangehas been so popular since the war." ment in this country is hy no means ments with the home-owners or the adequate in the face of national danger village garage owner for housing Com~odern Laundry Shoos and to demonstrate that thi nation pany B of the SlOth Infantry. He will has at all times its man power. also make arrangements with Petl! Monday Morning Blues its ready industrial power and monetary P ctropolus, the re staurant owner, to David Nelson, head of the Nelson power, and can put them in suc h shape fe ed the boys of Company B. Unless Brothers Laundry, commanded the un- as to make it a Aexihle instrument of the local company has been provided divided interest of the Wilmette Rotary defen se. this Kational Defense or with a reserve medical officer Captain club at its luncheon this week with a Mobilization Day ha s been se t aside Jones will make arrangements with graphic account of the method of con"The impre.,sion created to dat e con- the local doctors for enlisting their ducting a modern laundry business. cerning this mo\·e is that of an im- services in this connection with his After this has been all Mr. Nelson guided his fellow Rotar- mense militari stic organization being company. ians on a "tour through a modern laun - called into action with all the ac- completed he will report back to dry plant." coutrements and complements of mod - Colonel Smith that hi s company has mobilized and is ready and the same "The day is at hand," he sa id in his ern warfare and destruction. Thi i; type of reports will be coming in to concluding remarh, "when the house- ahsolutely erroneous for the reason Colonel Smith from all the various wife no longer need worry about the that, fundamentally, the idea of the companies constituting his regiment . Monday morning washing. Modern fa - test i!' to demonstrate the ability and When this has been completed, the cilities in the laundry plants have lifted willingness of e\'cry la s t man and colonel reports his regiment complete the burden from the home and ha vc woman of a(;{e in the nation to lend to Corps Area headquarters and so solved the washerwoman problem. Tile a hand in the eve nt o f a call to de- on until the complete report from up-to-date laundry can do the family fense and in adrlition thereto also prove every state in the Union finally come; washing satisf actury and at an extreme- that indu ~trv and commerce can be ad- in to Genera I Staff headquarters a · ly moderate cost. That department of justed to ·t he particular pha se of Wa shington . the laundry industry has developed al- assio,tance which they are individually · Plan ia T heoretical most over night and i, now counted as best uited to carry. Teat Value of Trainin· one of the important branches of the "The whole plan is theoretical only. It must be remembered that there The only actuality in\·oh·ed is that of bu~iness. is in existence today a Rese n ·c Of- the person desiring- to enlist. also the The speaker emphasized in the course ficers organization, togethe r with a of his talk that the laundry is in the number of enlisted men, which con- reserv e officers and staff non-commis business of selling service, which, he stitutt·s the ske leton arrangement of sioned officers reporting in person or 5tresscd as ranking with the most im- a great numb er of army divisions. As IJy phone so that their names may be registered. There will be no military portant IJf "commodities." these divisions now stand they are di sp lay, no pomp or ceremony. headed hv officers and non-commis- Simply, in a quiet way, the man power. sioned staffs with no men to co mmand . industrial and commercial power of S wanberga Return from These rt.'serve officers and ~keleton the nation wilt be mobilized, thereb)· Tour of the Northwest units arc in training at least twn demonstrating that the patrioti~ temweeks out o£ each year and are tit After a month's vacation trip through 'a nd able and abo cou,·ersa nt with per o{ tbe nat1Qon \s II h tba~ to a\\ the Pacific northwest and the Canadian modern military procedure and tech - intt>nts and purposes a large standing army is not essential and that upon Hockies, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley G. Swan- nique . short notice sufficient strength can be berg and their children, David, Luella "ln-;ofar as the army i.; concerned any national Gwen, have rrtttnll'cl to their home at ~lobilization Da) i~ for the purpose mobilized to meet emergency. The question to ask 110 Fifth ~trt·<·t. of recruiting these s keleton regiments yourself in thi s case would be along While aw;~y the Swanhergs visited up to full !-lre ngth, that is to say, fillSpokane, \Vash., Portland, Astoria and ing out the skeleton anrl making the the following line: 'Would I send my Seaside, Orr., Mt. Ranier, National army divisions a reality and not a child to a sc hool where the vital factor of fire drill was not even thought of? Park, Seattle, Wash., Victoria and Van- theory . ln this connection industry Would I in making an ocean trip subcouver, B. C., and also enjoyed the beau- and commerce will he called into plav ject myself to undue danger by takties of Lake Louise and Banff in the throughout the len g th and hreadth ot ing passage on a boat where the heart of the region known a the "Switz- the nation . These men will mobilize matter of life-boat drill and equiperland of America." and report at different town s, hig and ment was not even thought of?'" M E INSHAUSEN CRIT ICALLY ILL The block in which the Henry Meinshausen residence . .. t_ 351 Oa.k circle is located was barrtcaded thts week because of the critical illness of Mr. Meinshausen, who is one of .t he best known citizens of the west stde. \ ' ILLAGE OF WILMETTE. wILMETTE LN SPECIAL ASSESSMENT No. 159 THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY. ILLINOIS. ASSESSMENT NOTICE, SPECIAL KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all p~rson· Interested that the village· of Wilmette, Cook Count~·. Illinois, havIng ordered the Improvement of the roadway of Fifth Street. from the South lin e of Forest Avenue to the .Xorth line of Maple Street, Including a ll alley returns or Intersections to the outer line of Fifth Street and excep tin g the Intersections of \Vashington Avenue, Central Avenue and Llnclen Aven ue, which are already paved, b\· c leaning the old macadam pavement, excavating the outer eight (8) feet of the alley returns and placing a ten (10) inch macadam tou·ndatlon thet·eon; by spike rolling or scarifying, removing excess material, reshaping, rolling and preparing the macadam for a. foundation for paving and paving the same with asphaltic concrete two (2) Inches thick, and otherwise Improving the ...me, all in the Vlll&lre of Wilmette, Cook co unty, Illlnole, In accordance wltll . the ordinance recommended and estimate of the President of the Board of Local Improvements, submitted the Board. of Local Improvements. and passed and approved by the President and Board of Trusteea of the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illlnola, on the 20th day of May, A. D., 1924, said ordinance being on ftle ·In the offtce of the Village Clerk of the said VIllage, and said VIllage having applied to the Co unty Court of Cook County, Illlnola, tor an assessment of the cost of said proposed Improvement according to the benefits, and an assessment thet·efor having been made and returned to sald Cou·rt, the final hearing th_ e reon will be held on the 8th day ot September, A. D., 1924, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business ot the said Court will permit. All persona desiring may file objections In said Court before said date, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment In ten annual Installments with Interest thereon at the rate ot six per centum (6 % ) per annum. Dated, \VIlmette, Illinois, August 20, A. D ., 1924. HOYT KING. Person appointed bY the President of the Board of Local Improvements ot the VIllage of Willmette, Cook Cou·nty, Illinois, to make said special assessment. FREDERICK B. CROSSLEY, Village Attorney. L47-2tc by( MRe:s Goodwin's Bowling Alleys FALL OPEN.ING Labor Day- Sept. 1 All of the alleys have been refinished and put in excellent shape. Bowlers Note: Thre will be a meeting early in September to, make pl~ns for the Business Men s Bowlmg League for the season. trip abn dent H< York or The C land, 5, stay at terest, a to the 1 vent ion, numero1 ranged mittee The < by Vise opening Royal delegatl Abbey Lord B dress. for the hotel, t ning Lansdo On Mo an add co nfere dustry, th~ Sa) son of board The "Old rJ was sJe1 with On tained g Tlrac are lots of folks q"ite glad to ' f hat ~u we "IJ' ~ ~ rl:lltn eon Park. Astor Cast I The taken at "T t·rr.}' t'ft!l/. W Ehave the experience, the facilities and the skilled labor that make up the sure-fire se rvice to be found in a properly equipped repair hop. ~·au The satisfactory here. manner in which we have served others is proof-positi,·e Big Saturday Specials Just slant your eye at the prices shown below, then tell us where you can beat them, for quality Fruits and Veaetablea: A Square Deal For All, And The Beat The Market Affords Ia Our Motto. New Potatoes. per peck ............... Z9c (One peck to each customer) Peache , per basket .................. 2Sc Fancy Pears, per baske t ............... 2Sc Cookin~ Apples. () pounds ............. 2Sc Large Fancy :Melons, 2 for ............ 2Sc Strawberries, per bo;o... ................. 29c Sweet Corn, per dozen ................ 39c Yellow Ban tum Corn, dozen ........... 49c Special. Good Peas. pound ............ lSc Cucumber , each ............... Sc and up Beets and Carrots, bunch ............... Sc Large Basket Grape ................. 49c Large Basket Tomatoes ..... .· ......... 49c of the satisfaction that is awaiting Ri and Satu Mr. two Keni visit few WILMETTE MACHIN£ AND AUTO WORKS at 1225 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 185 M Ken land Mr. Mr. Har retu Ja You Had Better PHONE Wilm.ette 1304 if you want to sell We alao have a good supply of Watercress, Blueberries, Red Raspberries, and all other Fruita and Vegetablea at exceedingly low prices. ~Leave Your Order Friday This will insure ~areful selection and prompt delivery. Real Estate COSMAS BROTHERS Oppoaite the ViJiaae Tlaeatr.-WILME1TE A. J. WOODCOCK 35 Yeara' Experience

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