Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1924, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22 1924 sirable keepsake, as the~ have left the north shore for Califorma. The book was published by Ralph Fletcher Seymour, Chicago. -Jac Tulman Jeannette Grace Watson ha record- Senator Cummina Pays ed in book form under .the title, "Our Visit to North Shore Go." "the .story of the world as Senator Albert B. Cummins,. of North Shore to Have l..arle Sentry we have known it in France during Iowa who is president of the Umte.i Crowd at Convention the years of war; heard it from the lowly and the great; heard it from State's Senate, visited his brot~er, Benpeople of many lands; heard it in a jamin F. Cummins, ?f 286 R1d.ge ave· Iitt le house near to the heart of it alL" nue Winnetka, wh1le attendmg the With practically all the delegates Mrs. Watson is the wife of Dr. offi~ial notification this week (J{ elected by their respective posts there Samuel ~ewell Watson, who was rec- Charles G. Dawes, candidate for Viceis every indication that a record crowd tor of the St. Elisabeth's Episcopal President of the United States. Senator Cummins motored to Winwill represent Cook county and the church of Glencoe for a number of north shore at the sixth annual con- years. who celebrated the fortieth an- netka from his home in Iowa early vention of the American Legion, De - niversary of his ordination to the min - last week. He attended a private dinpartment of Illinois, September I, 2 istry on June 15 last, and who was for ner with Mr. Dawes, Sunday, at which and 3. at Champaign -L'rbana. several years rector of the American a personal conference was held beComing as it does for the first time church in Paris. While with the Am- tween the Iowa senator and the Reon Labor Day the hig contingents will erican church in Paris Dr. Watson publican vice presidential nominee. leave Chicago, Saturday, Augu st 30, was made chairman of the executive On Tuesday noon Senator Cummins in order to take advantage of a couple board of the ambulance committee dined with the Republican national of extra days, making it a five -day which gave relief to the sick and committee. He attended the notifigathering in place of three. The ad- wounded. While in this position, Mrs. cation ceremonies with his brother and ditional feature of the reunions of the Watson jotted down notes and receiv- family. He left for his home Thurs3Jrd, 86th and Rainbow divi sion s only ed letter from European royalty and day. add to the attractive features of this prominent Americans which she here year's gathering. As much copper as would be used in compiles. These make interesting Labor Day will witness the opening reading if one is hent on viewing the the mint in coining 15,350,000,000 penof the convention, a huge parade, box- early conditions of the world's war nies is transformed annually into fining bout~. auto races, ma ssed song from a different angle. ished telephone apparatus and equipment festival, in which twenty-five soldier Here and there in the hook is found by a single manufacturing company. bands and ).1i~s Kathryn Browne, of narration of the hardships and cruelthe Chicago Civic Grand Opera CO'!}- ties attendant upon war conditions, The first aerial lighthouse, the forepany, will participate. The con\·e ntion but it is not of the blood curdling runner o£ hundreds now dotting aerial committee is expecting 25,000 visitors type that was so common in most of mail routes and landing fields, was that on this day. the books concerned with the war. at College Point, Long Jstand, which The election of the new state com- Mrs. Watson softens her tragic events mander will be one of the big events with feminine touches. Here she re- was equipped with a 14-inch navy of the convention: Several candidates lates the sordidness of the home of searchlight. are in the field with Howard P. Savroyalty. then -~he follows it with Fi~t age, present senior vice commander of the a description of the gown so-and-so 1 the state department and member of wore. The effect produced by this the Chicago Elevated post , gaining in method holds the reader to the book favor throughout the tate. ~Jr . Sav- longer than the average war book of age has received the endorsement of such a nature. the posts of the seventh district which The style employed by Mrs. Watson includes \Vinnetka, \Vilmette and the is just a little different than that of Peter ]. Huerter posts. Other can- the average book. The insertion of didates are ol. John V. Clinnin of letters she received and wrote, from Glencoe and member of the North and to well-known people in Europe 2-Pass. Utility Coupe Shore post of Chicago; Harry A. ~ew and America, attracts attention. Her by of Chicago; Claude Faubre, Chicau e of the diary form relieves go, and Gen. George Bell, Jr., former frequ~t the perusal of the more explanatory commander of the 3Jrd division. chapters. A number of orders and commands issued by the Kaiser in German and French are reprinted with English translations. These help make the volume cosmopolitan. All in all, "Our Sentry Go" is the As a special honor to the school chil- sort of hook one likes to posses ~ if he interested in a brief and intert ~t ing is dren of Cook county, the management has set aside Thursday, August 28. as account of the work of Americans durthe day upon which the Junior Cook ing the early days of the war in bringCounty fair will be featured. On that ing relief to 'the wounded, sick and day all the school children in the coun- hungry. One comes in contact with WELLS-WESCOT CO., INC. ty will be admitted free of charge. Ed- men and women whose names filled ward J. Tobin, superintendent of schools, the press during and after the waT 1113 Cltka·· A,.. assisted by all the country life directors for their activities in bringing aid to will supcr'vise the contest and exhibit~ the needy-it is a compressed recorct or synopsis of the work they accomp-1 of the schools. A track meet at 1 :30 o'clock in which lished. If one is acquainted with Dr. E·...toa Peoria all the boys and girls under 14 years and Mrs. Watson, this book is a de- STATE LEGION !sooKREviEwsj MEETING NEAR "OUR SENTRY GO" smTON IS FAVORFJ) IN CIIAIIPIONSHIP Sill Edgewater b~ach _will be th.e sc~ne of national swtmmmg champiOnShips Sunday, with Robert D. Skelton, of Wilmette, hational and international winner of the 2CX>-meter breast stroke: and one of the star performers in the swimming events at the Olympic games in France this year, a contender in the 440-yard breast stroke at this meet. In addition to the breast stroke event which Skelton won in the meet held in Minneapolis in March, tgza, two· other national A. A. U. cha· pionships will be decided. Oliver Horn, indoor title holder, will swim in the 220-yard outdoor back stroke. Both of these men are swimming un· der the Illinois Athletic club co The 880-yard relay is the other national event. A number of star swimmers from different sections of the country have entered the meet with the hope of taking the laurels away from Skelton. With his record at the Olympic games, competitors look forth to a desirable title should they be able to cop the breast stroke swim from Skelton. Natio~JJ tu BLACK DIRT FERTILIZER To Beautify Your Lawns SERU Vocati LIME CRUSHED STONE To Dreu Up Y~ur Driveways Edinger & Sons Eatabl.iaiMMI 1M7 EVANSTON WILME1TE Noyes and Colfu: 1311 Lake AftiNe EYanstoa 5135 Wilmette MI-la WINNETKA 7ZZ Elm Street Wmnetka MS The A will be' ber 1, it The im partment Real Esj tion of s directors preparat in the P tn be gil he concl '.l:"_ _.,.rse. 1he u" Aid 'or Doctors 1 AnH Their three-fol in real form~ Pay as you use it Liberal TERMS Fits Your Present Heating Plant '640 CHILDREN HAVE OWN DAY AT COUNTY FAIR '0 --- -- Prices as low as $275 Includes installation The lowest priced completely automatic oil-burner national! vocatio either b. and col the coIl also in lea college rei:: .&<I Voca out lin estate ready of som Nation boards. also o and its The Now Oil Heat for Small.HonieS At a new low price. T enns aU can affcwd to pay. Thii simple, clean way of house h~atina luu been p;;ed in thou· eand1 of homes. No dirty coal pile, no aahee. No early riaina to stoke the furnace. Get the facti now. Send the coupon. are will consist the 50 relay and ~ 100 eligible, yard dashes, walks, of hurdles, races, and ball throwing contests ~ Twelve classes of exhibits, including ~ boy's radio, class-room graded high ~ s~hool. exhibits, ac~ievements domes-~ ttc sc1ence, gardemng, poultryinand live ,:,; ~"""""""""""""""'._. stock an~ va~ious o~her su~jects offered ~ ~~ize~~bl!h;lee~'tri:liO::t't! ~d~ti~~ ~ 27, I or before Augu t and the exhibits ~ must be placed on entry day, the 27. ~ auto races. Exhibits of live stock, farm I produce and fancy work will be shown. ~ !h~ ~~:~d~~~~. ci~~~~~e~~~s r~~nf.~;nt a~~ entnes. ~ Thi fair is for the people of Cook county, and the highest clas of amuse- ~ ments, such as Bachman's Million Dol- ~ i!~s. f=~d ~~~Is~~ Cho~:C!u~~~ c~1~lym~t: ~ JEWETT SIX ASK US WHY DL_ JN ALL THE WQRLD NQ CAR LIKE THJS I I a ~ ~ ~ l'1i ~ I ~ l'1i ~ ~ I I Many Nations Observe Father andmovement, Son Week The Father and Son which had ·its origin in America where it has become a recognized institution is spreading over the whole world. 'This was indicated in a speech recentlv at Geneva, Switzerland, by Waite;' \V. Head of Omaha, chairman of the National Father and Son committee of the United States, before the World's committee of the Y. M. C. A. "More than twenty nations," he said, "observe Father and Son Week. In the United Stat alone upwards of three millions of fathers and .ons joined in events during the past year." The Father and Son movement originated at a Y. M. C. A. banquet of ~athers and sons at Providence, R. I .. m 190!. Mr. Head reminded his hearer . He sa1d further : "Only as the fundamental principles of world brotherhood are recognized nnd accepted by the people of the world. can we ever hope for world peace. The men w~o are to direct the de tiny of the llatJOOS of the world during the · ....,iiiJtt ~tion are now the young lad., *bo are in our homes today. What ~Nater Mvilea'e has a man than to give Of lliauelf u a companion, teacher, adWior, and u · inspiration to his on, tomorrow stepe into respomibilitie the liani&eanc:e of which we cannot conoeiw. "Ewery maa, wbedier or not he bears die JIIJiiaal rdatioa of father to on, lf4JII · .... -.coaaicleration to hi · he tand · will ,. PJOve to · £4fjiitlcia to the \o1 life of toill~ the lpirit of world l'1i M ~ .-aoae 4903 EVANSTON 1027 Datis St. · I I ~"""""""'""""""""'. 2 TRACY HOLMES MOTOR CO. 2 now offered small homeowners. Now, if you have a 6 or 8 room house, a bungalow, a 2-apartment house, you too ym heat your home with oil. The prices are low enough for all. The terms such that you can al- thermostat once and forget most pay out of what oil your heating problems. It saves each month. feeds itself automatically. Why should your wife How you save on coal shovel coal next winter? Or shiver when the furnace You probably pay a furnace man dies? Why go down at dawn $15 a month to tend your fires now. $3 a month to remove the to start the fire? Or worry And ashes- That's $18 a month. If you over coal shorlages-strikes? do this work yourself, surely your END the coupon below S to get facts about this new way of oil heating The clean new way W'hatenr tu Clrcumnancu This offers the new oil way to cleaner, more efficient heating. Coal is dirty, wasteful. The smoke and BOOt spoil rugs and walls. Oil is smokeless, not wasteful. With coal, the fire needs constant nursing. With oil, you simply set the time is worth as much as the fur· nace man's. For a small down payment and as low as $25 a month, we will install this new oil burner in your present furnace. The price includes the in· atallation-everything. Send the coupon today for new free book on oil·burning. Find out how this solves 1our heating problem. Do not delay. Get the facts now. IJK!l~}]ifJ]{Jrgrg(/ Automatic Oil Burning Systems CWUulow Boiler&. Eoalnecriq Co., Cbicqo, Ma...q~ any busir Tl $55 Ari WINSLOW BOILER & ENGINEERING CO· 817 Chicago Ave. EYanaton, IU. Telephone EYUUtaa IZ3S Tl lllf for Phone Wilmette 654 r~----~---------------l WIN~LOW BOILER & ENGINEERING CO. ; I 817 Chic:aao Ave. Eqqtaa, IU. LCbeckODeJ I P1~ae eeod -~ book on oil heatirl&' · · · · · · · 0 1 1 l I Wtthout obligation. send your engineer to examine my preeent beating plant · , · · · · · · 1124 Central A"Ye. Wilmetb~ .... · 0 I I ~--~~~ . L - - - - - - - _:··=-::-::-:.-:...-:..--::-:::·~ - - -- j

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