Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1924, p. 8

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8 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1924 VILLAGE 011' KENILWORTH pipes with cast Iron water pipe fitHous~. In the City of Chicago, In eald ~nt system of sanitary se'fer:t t~~~~'ft~ tingS: hydrants with auxiliary IN THE COVNTY COURT 011' COOK county, on or before the 22nd day o! the sanitary sewer manho e H Ids- water tire COUNTY. ILLI OIS gate valves. caet Iron shutoff September, A. D. 1924, and plea~. t t> rsectlon ot Temple Cour\;g~th 0 ~ook boxea. and crushed stone dn. ~ ns around s.-Jal A-··e·t No. 18 answt>r or demur to the petition e r 11 worth Avenue In Ken! 'f the hydrant drips, water gate valves, petition, or object to the report of County, Illinois, the ordln~m:e ~~ th e brick masonry water gate valve ,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..; the commissioners aforesaid, the same same being on tile In th e the SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE and th& matters and things there in vlllnge clerk of said village ard th vaults and appurtenances In Ridge Avenue, Joseph Sears Road, Brier charged and stated will be taken as said vlllage having appll~d Il~lnolse Notice Is hereby given to all pera judgm e nt entered In Co untr Court of Cook Coun y, of said Street, MacLean Avenue, Cu~mlngs On Sunda~· morning at the regular confessed and with the 8ald r~>port and ~or an assess ment g~ thetoco~~e bene- Avenu-e, Rog e r Avenue and V1rglnla sons Interested that the VIllage o( worship hour, the pulpit o! the Wil- accordance Avenu-e, ann connected with th~ present Kenilworth, Cook County, Illinois, the prayer of said petition . Improvement accor lng h t mette BaptiRt c hurch will be occupier! The following is a description of tits and a special ass essment dt /re ~~ system of water mains In K '_nllworth having ordered an Improvement conby the R ev. Ralph : M orphett o f WinAve nue at the north and south center slstlng of draining, grading, curbing netka. · the Jots, blocks, tracts, pieces or par- havlrg~oee~e:U~~e f;dth~t~~na~ h~a:l~g line of section twenty-eight (2 ), and paving In Sterling Road, Ea.rlseels of land sought to be taken or cour · c · ' th 8th da Road and damaged tor the proposed Improve- th ereon will be held on e Y townshlp forty-two (42) north. range ton Road, Joseph Sears The Hlhle !!Chool co nn·ne8 during ment aforesaid: The north forty (CO) of September, A. D. 1924 1 or as soon thirteen (13) east of the third prlncl- Southdean Road In the VIllage of KenAugust b~· d e partme nts at 10 o'clock teet o! Jot one (1) , In block thirty- thereaf~ e r as the business of the said pal meridian, all within the VIllage llworth, Cook County, Illinois, the orof Kenilworth, County o! Cook and dlnance tor the same being on file in tor study. No record of Individual six (36) Kenilworth Cook County, court will permit. attendance Is being kept. Illinois 'according to' th e plat of said All pe rsons desiring may tile ob- State ot Illinois. the ordinance for the the office of the village clerk of said s~bdlvl~lon recorded In the office ot jeNions in said court before said day, same being on tile In the office ot the village, and the said village having The Wilm~>tt e Baptist church Is lo- the Recorder of Cook County, Illinois, andk m~~ ap~e~~n~~ t~: 1 lea~~~fna~~~ Vil~age clerk of said village, and the applied to the County Court o( Cook e1r e · f ld said village having applied to the Cou·nty, Illinois, tor an assessment ot cated at Wilm e tte and Forest ave- on the 29th day of October, 1918, In rna e aa County Court of Cook County, Illinois. the cost of said Improvement accordnues and welcomes all to Its s e rvices. Book 166 of Plats at page 20 as t>rovld es tor the col 1ect 1on o The pastor. Rev. Francis C. Stifter, Document No 6 413 is2 In the vu'lage a ssessment In five (5) annual insta~ tor an assessment of the cost of said tng to the benefits and a special asmay be reached at his etudy during of K e nilworth, 'cook county, Illinois. menta with Interest thereon at t ~ Improvement according to the beneftts, lsessment therefor having been made Dated at the City of Chicago, County rate of six per centum (6 % ) pe and a special assessment therefor hav- and returned to 8ai4 court, Docket the mornings or by appointment. The church office In charge ot 1\flss Badger of Cook anr' State of Illlnole, this 22nd annum. Kenilworth, Illinois, Auguet lng been made and returned to said No. 18, the tlnal hearing theron will 22, A. D. 1924. court, Docket No. 16, th.e final hear- be held on the 8th day of September, le open dally except Saturday from day of AU !;'Ust, A. D. 1924. ROBERT M. SWEITZER, FRANK R. YOUNG, lng thereon will be held on the 8th A. D . 1!424, or as soon thereafter as 11-6 and from 9 - 12 on Saturdays. Th e Clerk of the County Court ot of September, A. D. 1924, or as the business of the said court will church telephon e Is Wilm e tte 223 5. Person appointed by the presi- day soon thereafter as the business of the permit. ·· Cook County, Illinois. dent of the board of local ImELMER E. JACKSON, said court will permit. All persons desiring may tile obprovements ot the VIllage of Attorn ey for the VIllage of All persons desiring may ftle ob- jectlons In said court before said d~y, Kenilworth, Cook County, IlliK e nilworth. L47-4tc nois, (and such appointment ap- Jectlons In said court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and ordinance Greenleaf and Seventh proved and confirmed by the and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ot said WIIIJam Guise, pastor County Court of Cook County, make their defense. Said ordinance provides tor the collection VILLAGE 011' KENILWORTH Services tor Augullt %4: provides for the collection ot said assessment In ten (10) annual i-ns~ll Illinois), to make said assessI~ THE COVNTY COURT OF COOK assessment In tlve (5) annual Install- mente with Interest thereon at . tl\e Worship with sermon at 11 o'clock. m ent. COV~TY. ILLINOIS ments with Interest thereon at the rate of six per centum (6%) per Atty A. D. Gash wlll deliver the mesELMER E. JACKSON, . 8p~clal Aaaeeame·t No. 17 u.ge o! the day. His subject will be rate or six per .centum (6%) per annum. Kenilworth, Illinois, August Village Attorney. annum. . Kenilworth, Illinois, August 22, A. D. 1924. "The Christian's Delight." We trust L~7-2tc SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE 22, A . D . 1924. there will be a good attendance on the FRANK R. YOUNG, FRANK R . YOUNG, part of members and frlepds. Notice Is h e reby given to all per- ' ' ' ILLAGE OF KENILWORTH Person appointed by the presi0 sons lnterest~>d that the VIllage of IN THE C01JNTY C01JRT 011' COOK dent of the board of local Im~:~~ ~f aftfeoi~~~~d b~t tro~~r1:!: County, Illinois, C01JNTY. ILLINOIS Bible School at 9:45 o'c lock. 1\lr. Kenilworth, Cook provements of the VIllage of provementa of the Vlllage of Special A·-··e·t No. te Lineberger, the aeafatant superintend- having ordered the construction ot a Kenilworth, Cook County, Illi Kenilworth, Cook County, Illiconnected system of vltrlfted tile pipe ent, will lead the service. nois, (and auch appointment apnois, (and such appolntmeDt apAanltary sewer8 with brick mB.Ilonry SPE~'J..\L ASSESSMENT NOTICE proved and confirmed by the proved and confirmed by the PB.Iltor Guise and family are spend- manholes, and with n ecessary appurCounty Court ot Cook County, County Court ot Cook dOUnty, Notice Is hereby given to all pertng their vacation at Toledo and Mans- tenances and connections to be conIllinois), to make said assessIllinois), to make said assessment. ftt>ld, Ohio. They will return soon strueted In Brier Street, Kenilworth sons Interested that the Village of ment. Avenu-e, VIrginia Aven ue, Roger Ave- Kenilworth, Cook County, Illlne>ls, after Labor Day. ELMER E. JACKSON, ELMER E. JACKSON, nue, Cummings Avenue, and MacLean having ordered the construction ot a Village Attorney. Avenue and connected with the pres- connected system of cast Iron water v.mage Attor~;:zu L47-2tc VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTV. ILLINOIS Ge·eral No. ~2,.19'1 I CHURCH NOTICES Baptist Church I ' ·· English Lutheran NOTICE, Notice of Proceedings for tht> widenIng or Kenilworth Ave nue by condemning therefor the north fortv (40) feet of lot one (1 ), In block thirty-six (36), Kenilworth , ook County Illinois, according to the plat of said subdivision recorded In th ~> oflke of the Record e r ot Cook County, Illinois on the 29th day or OctobH 1918 In Book 155 or Plata, at page' 20 ' as Document No. 6,413.162, and the drainIng, grading curbing and paving of eald Kenilworth Avt>· ·ue v·hen so widened from and connecting with \Vest Railroad Avenue west to and connectIng with Rldgt· Avenu e. som<'tlmes known as Rldg~> Road, 11s a combined Improvement In tht> VIllage of K e nilworth, Cook County, Illinois. IN THE COVNTY 0{1RT OF COOK COl'NTY, ILl,JNOJS Oent·ral No. 52,397 State or Illinois,} County of Cook. 81!1. Vlllag<' of K e nilworth VI!. Maintaining Service Standards No. 7 in a series of statements about the Company's business. @ ir' sl v g p Chicago Tltll' and Trust Compan)·, Tru-stee, et al In the matter ot the l)t'titlon of the Village o! Kenilworth fo1· the ascertainment of the juet compensation to be mad e for private property to be taken or damaged for the wid e ning of Kenilworth Avt>nue by comn(·mning therefor th e. north forty ( 40) teet ot lot one (l), In bloek thirty-six (36), Kenilworth , Cook County, JlllnoiR, according to the plat of salcl subillvlslon recorded In the office of the Recorder of Cook County, lfllnols. on the 29th day or October, 1918, In Hook 155 of Plats. at page 20, as Document No 6,413,152. and the draining, grading: curbing and tlavlng of said Kenilworth Avenue when so widened from and connecting with West Railroad AVPnu west to and connecting with Ridge Avenue, sometimes known as Ridge Road, as a combined Improvement In the VIllage of Kenilworth, Cook Coun~~idii~~~~~v~~e~~~ purpose ot making TO WHOM IT CONCERN: The said court b~· order duly entered herein having directed that notice b<' given to the said d fendants and to all whom It may concern by publication ae by law rpqulred In the Wilmette Lite, a n e wspaper published In the :~~lafiat~f }"Wn~~:: County ot Cook NOTICE I HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that the Vlllagp of . Kenilworth heretofore tiled its petition In the County Court o! Cook County, Illinois, praying for the ascertainment ot the Juat compensation to be made tor prJvat Property to be taken or damaged tor the widening ot Kenilworth Avt>nue by condemning therefor the north forty (~0) feet of lot one (1), In block thirty-six (36), Kenllwo··th Cook Count3·, Illinois, accorillng to 'the plat ot aald subdlvlalon recorded In the otftce ot the R ecorder of ook County llllnoll!l, on the 29th day of October' 1118, In Book 165 of Plats, at pag~ !0, as Document No. 6,413,lfi2, and th~> drafflhJtf, gradlnl!!, curiJing lUH1 paving ot said Kenilworth Avenut> when 80 widened from and conn ctlng with W at Railroad Avenue west to and conn ctlnc ~lth Rldg Avenu , aometlmea known aa Rldtre F, ·ad aa ., combined Improvement In th ' Village of Kenilworth, Cook County Illinois for the J)UrpoHe o! making 'said lm~ provement, and or what property will be bt>nt>tltt-d thereby and the amount of such benefit, the el!tlmat d cost of such Improvement being the sum or lllxty-tlve thousand thrt>e hurHlrt>d dollars and no ct>nte ($6G,300.00); that commlselonera were duly &PllOlnt <1 by eald court to lnv stlgate and report th Juat compent~allon to be made tor prlvat propt"rt)· to be taken or damag d for said lmprovt>ment, and alt~o what real state will b<' benefited b}· euch Improvement, and the amount of euch ben ftta to t'llc.h parcel ot land bf'neftted ther by, and that said commie lonera duly made a apt>clal assessment to raise th coat of said lmprovt>ment, and duly tiled their report In tb omc ot the · ltork ot the said ~-~ron the 22nd day of August, A. D. HE Illinois Commerce Commission, in the interest of the public, classifies and grades utilities within its jurisdiction. This gyade. is the Commission's way of stating the degree of efficiency and completeness of service rendered 1 the public by the various public utility companies. T · Public Service Company has an average grade of 93.88 per cent. In addition to the regular grading by the Commission, the Company is continually grading itself. This is accomplished through a continuous inspection plan so that improvements can be effected where necessary and service standards maintained. Among the most important matters covered by this inspection are: Customer aatiafaction Handlina of complaint. Meter teatiaa Proviaioaa for emeraeacy Adequacy of capacity Contruc:tion of diatribution linea Maintenance of diatri· bution linea Furniabina new service Extenaion policy Accuracy of billa Billina Voltaae reaulation Groundina of aecondariea 0 MAY 0 This self-survey is going on all the time to the end that the electric and gas services rendered by this Company may be made continually more useful to customers. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NO.R THERN ILLINOIS Sen~U.. 6,000 tqaare mila-202 citia anti tow,.._witla Gcu or Electricity JNO. S. REESMAN. Dietrict Manaaer Ill Church Str·t Phone ETaoetoa 3ttl EVANSTON Phone Wilmette 21St THERE PON a aummona lsaued out of ll&ld court against the defendants above named, and ALL WHOM lT MAY CONCERN, returnable at th County Court Houae, In the City ot Cblcago, In aald count~·. on the %2nd day of eptemb r, A . D . 1924, aa Ia by law rt'qulred, which proceeding Is etlll JH:ndlng-. ··ow, unl ·ea you, the eald defpndante, d lgnat d u ALL WHOM lT MAY CONCERN, shall be and a.ppear befor th eald County Court or Cook County, llllnol , at th -County O'Urt The announcement tlw.t the PubHc Service Com· pany of Northern 11/inois has been awarded the Ch#Ulee .A. CoBin Medal for 19~3, ia a tribute to the territoTT in which this Company operates ae wellae to the aervicea it rendera. This award was made to thie Company in competition with the electric light and power companies of the United Stat.. "for ctieUnguiehed contribution to tbe devel· opment ol' electric light end power for the convenience of the public and the benefit of the induetry."

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