The Bible school convenes by de· What were the ftve reasons for the partments Cor 'study at 10 o'clock ,..., divine displeasure? The pastor's mes- stead of 9:45. No record of lndlYidaat Each of the past fe:w years has seen its fraternal activities in this country. sage will not only answer this questhe Ku Klux Klan take great ztridcs in Yet one cannot compare these two or- tion but It will also help you to live attendance Is being kept this rnontb. memhership. There must be some good ganizations wholly alike excepting each a more rlt>votPd Christian life. The The Wilmette Baptist church Is loThe same worship begins promptly at eleven. ~easons and intent in its principles, or is a fraternal secret order. cated at the Intersection of Wilmette might be said of the Knights of Pythias, and Forest avenues. Vtsltors and 1t would not succeed so consistentl y. If Blblt' school at 9 : 45. Let us make strangers are always welcomed at all the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Editor, \VJLM£TTE Lttl! : not, it will go out of existence mor::: our usu-al good record next Sunflay Malta, all of which are Protestant Fra- also. \V e t-x tend a h ea1·ty welcome to ot our services. The church oftlce 1s Your current editorial of July 4th un- ,·apid than it has arisen or have shnwn ternal Organizations. Any organization closed this week but will be opened visitors nnd friend~ to e njoy the ses- again on August 18. The church teleder heading of "WHAT IS COMil\G," some decline by now. W 1th this thought with numerical strength in membership sions or the school along with the phone is w ·llmett tl U3fi. to the writer's opinion des~"rves iurther in mind the organization deserves re- ~uch as the Klan can usurp its power by ....gu1a1· membt:rs. C· lmment toward explanation that its spectful consideration. If th e Ku Klu x mal-influence and corrupt actions, and It Is with great pleasure that we meaning shall be properly construed. 1 Klan is growing toward a "possi ble mencreate a national menace ; this is to be announce the prompt payment of anNext Sunday, the ninth Sunday atam convinced of this ~lief since h<~v- ace" \Vhy are so many men (American conceded. The same could be said of all other thousanll dollars toward the and Morning Prayer and sermon at 11 ing heard severa l diversified comments Citizens) entering its ranks and further- fraternal organizations whether Protes- mortgage Indebtedn ess on new or the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock, by citizens who have reacl thi-; article. ing the activities governed by its princi- tant, Hebrew or Catholic. There are building. In behalf o! the council and ter Trinity, there will be a celebration committee w e thank all mem- o'clock at St. Augustine's. Doubtless to say the Press influences pies? Is it not better to reform and citizens of high repute among the ranks finance bers and !rl ends who helped us so many readers and tends to ml)u)d an un - convert than to convict and destroy ? of the Klan and surely those men would generousl}' through th ei r regular or ~erstandnig_ of impo;tant i sues pertain- Any public s pirited movement based upon not tolerate any such possibility by per- special cout rlbutions. 111~ to n~t1onal affatrs. To sQmc, just righteous principles and guided by such petuating its growth or continuance with A pl easant time was enojyed by all such subJects as contained in your rdi- will unalterably succeed regardless of their membership. \Vhy should the Klan who attended the picnic last Tu-esday. t or~a l furnishes "~ood fo r thought," en- malinfluence brought to bear upon it, or become any more fearful than the othahlmg many to JUdge for thems<'lves . unrighteous and corrupt criticism, or ers? Shou ld Klan Officials violate its :\It·. A. D. Gash will deliver the adMr. and Mrs. Walter Hanna, 1044 H uwever. all readers do not ~ek the condemnation. principles for selfish gain, their im- dres~ at th e worship hou1·, . August 24. Forest avenue, returned Sunday from synonymic details or basis of an Editor's From current periodicals and . news- pcachment from office could be executFirst Presbyterian Church a fortnight's outing at Tomahawk, viewpoint but on the other hand form papers we find, the MACON TELE- ed at once by the right thinking men of a hasty conclusion often with misinter- GRAPH. in commenting upon the recent its membershiip. All who wrt1·e in c hurch last Sun- \Viscon sin. -o-prctatio~ . T~a!, in this instance. is my Democratic Convention point s out: " It ·lar mor11ing know that Dr. Magill Is Therefore let the Press as well as n ·a<,oiJ 111 pomtmg out the necessity for was inevitable that the Ku Klux Klan everybody else play fair and give every away on his vacation . H~» Is on a t enMr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Siggers tlar tll'hing trip In north .. r·n Minneso~urther comment in justice to the sub- should be the main is~ue at the Conven - man just consideration for his views have returned to their home at 1533 J<·cts }OU have referred to. ti·m "-and the Baltimore StJ N stated : until evidence proves his wrong-doing. to. Highland avenue, after a trip to DeYou _ have link~d together two para- " the whole atmosphere was charged with We should never lose sight of the 'good He will return Friday morning to troit, \Vashington and New York. -o-mfJtlnt t sues of tmportance and a daih, feeling, and rushing tides threatened to points' of an organization or of individu- officia te at th e wedding or Miss Phyl:Swaim and Mr. Gene Stanley OlmMrs. S. Brownlee and her two ll ·pil', to rvery citizen of the United swrep away the political buoys by which als in their endeavors. When forming lis sttd whi c h will take place at the State ~. Yes, in fact, to the world at convcntinn> arc usually steered." The adverse opinions or hurling criticism and ch urch Haturclay evening. daughters of 1624 Spencer avenue are leaving Sunday for a fortnight's stay large, for the eyes nf the international Bo,ton HERALD stat ed: "The Repuh- condemnation toward others, let us well puhlic are watching us w ith utmost in- lican Party successfully resisted the ef- remember what JESUS said: ~u~;i"a/'~~~:.'r~in-;.111 occupy the puiJ>It at Lake Zurich. -otere~t and careful scrutiny for our cour- forb oi thn~e who wi~hcrl to commit the "LET THOSE WHO ARE AMONG Churl'l1 St' r·v lce 11 o'clock. a~e and leadership, since the outcome party to speci fic agitation of this issue." YOU Mrs. John Gage of 1134 Elmwood WITHOUT SIN, CAST THE sun<lny school 9 : 30 o'clock. "111 rff~t similar issues within their The Richmond TIMES-DISPATCH avenue is at the Henrotin hospital 'w11 nat ronal bnund~. Should rither of ~tah:d: "In adopting a plank dealing FIRST STONE AT HER- ( viz: Magrecovering from an operation underBaptist Church thf'C' <.uhjrct~. namely, PHOHJUTTION va~u~ly with religious freedom, and dalene)." gone la s t week. 1111 Hu1Htay, August 17, at the morna nrl the Ku Klux Klan Organization fail Ontlttmg specific reference to the Klan. . The concluding paragraph of your ar- ing S<"l'\"ic-e at 11 o'clork, Rev. B. P. llcl_e would be an excellent epitaph to be for a good and righteous cause, then we the Con\'entinn delibe rately si de-s tepped Hope will prNtch on th e th em e "The Read the Want-Ad· a'. a country of courageous citizenship or straddbl the qur,tion ." And. vet the wntten upon ~he thinking minds of all G1·eatnt>ss of Knowing." wrll have lost a degree of international Anwrican T H li:H . " ~E. of D~rl.uqUL', tod;!y· ~specrally so, in this era of pn·,tige. There i~ no doubt as t· 1 "" rr Iowa. a Catholic organ, stated: "Even-- r~~prd-movmg and multitudinous events. g~lf ,fl intent in that written Y<:rsion- hut th rng corbidcn·d. such action as tak~n 1I ~II w~mld but take an "intelligent s nr<· Y·~u have cov~red a large stope of plarL· at h"th th~: Hcpuhlican and Dt·m - readmg ot the future" impetuous actions < : ,<·nt ., trom. past l!rstm y to the pre-;cnt, orratic l'nrne11timb rna\' he bcttt·r tha11 woulcl he reduced to a minimum . \ Ve '"~' r·>lllparr'ion wrth tholl!d ;t , I lwlieve "pen repudratiun of th.e Klan." Then "could forcas t" then, with more certain· .\Ia _ , lit·ld\ \\' EEK I. Y, oi I lou, ton, Tex- ty and "not point to possi bilities" with 1 " " ,Jt .. ~Jld ht· more <·xplicit on t!rc im11"' rant ,,.,ue of the Ku Khrll Klan mat- .. ,. ,fatt·~ : '!'he n·al source oi the fight any impetuosity. CHARLES A . ELLIS, " r. on the. Kl;~ll 111 _ thr s country was brought . \\'<· arc told million s 'lf mcn ha\e mo~t wrcrh ly 111 the Democratic Con- 347 Oak Circle Jctllll'd 1h ranks, e'>timated from what vcntion and it is plainly evident that the Wilmette, Ill. l r:tll lt·arn . to <·xceecl ten million an ti - Klan contingency of the DemocranHmh ·r> 'fhio;, th~n i' a pul)lic mm·e- tic Party will show up in the Coolidge They've Had Some Rain llil'llt ol voluntary enli,tment and not " column in 1'\ov~mb~r." in Wisconsin, We Hear r<~rnpul,ury '!latter of law enactment, ;~, The,e few Press quotations are examcompared :-vrth the Prohibition AIT'end- pie' oi how paramount the issue is today . Dr. Charles E . Geisse. Forest ment. It rs th·: :~viva) of an organiza- It has _ reached the searching mind s of avenue, returned Sunday from a ten1"'II, \\ IHhe act IVI lies have !Jcen written ~om e o r r~u: f )rcmost talesmen to give day ,·isit at Fondulac. \\"is .. whither lll,lon the pages nf American History, '~ a dc~;t swn upon honest judgment. he had gc;me to meet his family who " Here's a plcasa1~t cnap to go mon -horn UJtder somewhat drfferent cir- Form r _Secre tary of State, Mr. Colby are spe ndrng the summer in that citv. loriny with" says Sperd O'Day. c~nmtanccs than which occurred imme- dur:n1g Ius speech at that Convention ex"Have a g-ood time up north ~-do drately fo llowing the Civil War. ·Yet it clarmcd: "lf you are against the Klan muc~. fishing? he wa s a s ked, ~Io.uday ILEAGE and more of it. That's h<·ar' the s_ame mystic regalia 'and secret ior God'· sake say so I" Such occur~ hy tnend~ . what we all want. Here is a frat~rnalshrp home by American eiti - rences as these are causing citizens with . "Fis!;" he responded with alacservice station that will supply 7 t." 11 ' of pre:>ent generations. Jts cause tntcre~t . in national affairs, to ponder nty. Say, you couldn' t distinguish you with what you need from tire~ to '<.'l·rns lo he a mysH·ry to many citizens what ~t ~ ~ all. about. Delegate Erwin of the lakes from the so-called dry land batteries and we'll help you keep 1 11 th" . country, yet the Prc~s has pub - Georg!a, 111 h1s speech, in part said: "To up the~e, so heavy and persistent was running serenely. lr'l~cu 1ts secret oath!! and other regu- my mm~ the Ku Klux Klan issue is the th~ ramia\1. I never in all my life latrom of the order and still man d 0 most v1tal one which the Democratic w1tnes sed such a continuous downPhone Wil...-tte ZM ll 11 t comprehend its principles. Y ~arty_ has to determine. You can, by pour . The city streets and country _J _n your article you refer to Prohi- adoptmg t_ he report of the majority roads were torrents of water." b1t1on as follows; "Does it seem likely c~ade the tssue, which would, in effect, that th ~ Prohibition Amendment will be gave your. approval of the Organization. English Lutheran . o mourlied. that the use of light wines Follow .thas c?urse and you may prepare Gl'eE"n lt-af and Seventh and !Jeer w1ll. l?e legalized" and, in the f?r an rgnommous defeat at the polls in . . \\"illiam Guise, pastor ~>~ mt' hreath mler, "Will the Ku Klux r\ovember . _ M eet the issue squarely, as H~1·v1ces fo1· August 17: Klan hccomc a menace to the nation"- the PC~1ple ot the country expect you to ~ \\ ould you llkt' to know "How burch :'llembt-I'S Can Beat Please th<·n you state, . " \~e are not forecasting meet .tt and a glorious victory will be ( G,otl?" Th en l't'a!l 1 Corinthians 10:1hut merely pomtmg to a possibility." Y0 ' 13 and also ht"ar the message at the Paul, Only rea,on s uggests the indicative of The ~vrite.r concurs with Mr. Colby's <"hurch se1·vice next Sunda}·. thou~ht anu e~ery real American ought cxpre·s1on, 111 that every person should th t" Apostle, wrlles eonee1·ning the l'hii!IJ·t' ll o f Is1·ael: "But with man}· to t~ke cognizance of this important ~xert the courage of their convictions. of them God was not well pleased.;, CjUl">tw_n. ~~r topic, as to becoming such fhe game must be played squarely w 1 -th a posstb1 lrty. t h e car?s on ~he table, then both sides '¥ eeu ,.,n ,III"P' rr" WM" 'M 'MMM" '$\ RIMM! . ~ f the Press assume~ such responsi- of the IS l~e \~Ill ~ brought to light. If hllrty ~Jf bringing influence of opinio t ~he Orgamzatton IS wrong and un-Amer~ 1~mds of it.s rea~crs, the public, ~he~ lean !et us prove it; if beneficial aml . h) }?o They Everlastingly Write n~t d_rsastr~nls to the tenets of the Ce>nLpon. I he Sensational Sides Of Such stltulton ot. the United States, then let yu~~tt.ous And Only Bring To Light the us stop tht~ demagoguery and content . pomtmg out of possibilities"-which ourselves wtth peaceable relations :tnd 111 . a mea ure is so worded to express respectful references. Is there any wonevil effects that might occur? L(·t us get der why people are anxious for a just ~lo.wn. to fact . If you intend to discuss and honest answer on this subject? AfliS amport_ a nt uhject, WHY not find ter the Me~ Rouge (La.) sensational out l>omethrng good about the Ku Klux charges agarnst the Klan were blockKlan (or so .state that no good can be typed, by many newspapers throughout fhund re~ardmg the organization) and the country, the subject soon became ! en ~ontmue with proper explanation ~lormant.- The Press failed to publish 111 .tea, of stopping at the half-way tn any hke manner. any news to mention pomt · Why stop so abruptly and leave the re~ult o f final investigation to thos~ ~~ ~he les~ serious thinking minds the charges. Candidly speaking all that we ened srde of the subject? have read or learned through the Pres;; fl foo often some editorial writers in- a~ut' the ~Jan organization have been ~mce the public or even impress them v1l_e ~ccusatt~ns. And still its memberWith news of · ensational effects, not al- shap as gr.owmg! What is the answer ·. together hased upon actual facts b t I k UJXm mere upposition of hears ~ .n see mg some solution to these pedcucc. l,ike" .'ise they fail to correcayt seuVtch- culra~ charges I have learned from auJ) thenttc sources that the Ku Klux Klan r~~ture lmpres ions from later ob only want Real Men; men of true faith: ~~~1 f~c.tsf The Public therefore re: whom ~he lust of office does not kill and the np ml 1 ~ orrned. Is it not timely that the spo1ls of office cannot buy . who have · . r_ ess m general took precaution and honor and serve not for se'lfish boot 1 .1<1~1.'<1 Its com'!'en!s upon more facts than b t I Y !litre su~posJ!IOn r 1 am a firm believer d u w to .are courageous and those who Ill knowmg all !he facts in any C.lse benot flmch at duty ; with dependable for con.dcmnatton is effected. Th'rs l·s ch aracter and .of sterling worth. They ave _fixed thetr requirements for mem1 an tmportant issue that all the facts bershrp_ fo_r t_ hosc only of Amera'can bl ' rth uc1 .h ' t 'as go- a!l d Cl m stlan Ideal, apparently de1 ould t be I brought to light. If l 0 ll g ~ a po ible menace, \l·hy not sarou~ of maintaining American memt:~:rt to c~rb It? Su picion is like fire ~rshrp~ not from prejudice but by dequtclc to kmdle, hard to l)uench atd soo~ tre. 1 hey ~lso hold a man mu t be free g. t beyond control. Arousinl{ su pi- of any allegtance, of any nature, to any to~ard . public movement», especi- cause~ gover;unent, people, ruler, or sect a Y a gr,ra~ttc organization ac; this one that ·.s foretgn to the United States of tt'nd to ancate wrath with unforseen <iis~ ~nca. And he must esteem theo a~~er to .the morale and society o£ ~:rood U!lttt;d States of America and its In~:Pt~s~tp. .Now,. to reproach your able S!tt.utJons. ~bove any other government, · 1 orta wrrters 1s not my intent but c·val, poht·cal or ecclesiastical in th '~P 1}.' to have your "possibility view- whole world. e pomt .. further explained that the aver(Practically aU thete specific requireace .cttlzen may properly understand your ments have been heretofore publa'shed PRINTERS JDOtrve and r~sons. Many but not all openl h th rrader app. rectate an. editor's nr.,·ltJOil' . y, w en e issue was before the and l r~ pubhc about two years ago). PUBLISHERS neutra 1ty. In th11 cue it is believecl If the Klan organization may become the. pur~ to furnish "Something of ~ "menace to the nation"-you ~ieht nattooal Importance to think about" JUSt as well have dir--" your r-~ "'rk· Plwnes Wilmette 19?b-1921 However, you have erred bec:acMe · d ..... a.~ ...... "' bri fllti and many do ..... towar fraternal orpnizatioos or kinhend ..,.. fully .........- dred ~rotherhoods. For example the pre your viewpoint, wbic:h as lt Alasoo·c Order was publicly denounced may cause a hasty mgclrmtyjtioa and accused of mal-intent in the most vile of the Ku Klux JCJan. manner, when originated and spreading WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1924 PUBLIC FORUM St. Augustine's Parish SPEC 1 SocialllappeaiDp Trag~ ------------------------ ====--------------------------- "Doro1 goodbye again." Thus 1 -old, to~ 12, as Marion, tempora Private stroll orl This o'clock. were dr -of Edw~ kept M 1}:-Hars, rescue. Little ing sto~ night. brother peril. ~ wings suggest make f capsize water, Marion the wa~ justing into th hers of 12is m:~~nj M them time a none o them w the ho road. rushed tercept and fu the pe~ a.~\)roa her he away. Whil pinnae who i Marion ed into e ·e '* PrintingYour stationerypersonal, ·or for business use, should be correct. Let us 3:ssist you in making your selection. a; h c)jm , Lloyd Hollister, ·Inc. .-!.! w ·tand·