Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, p. 19

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1924 es, ts, lo t ~ WANT ADS UJ7LL HELP YOU TO SAVE Jl HELP WANTED-FEMALE 22 l.OST AND FOUND VILLAGE NOTICE BY BOARD or LOCAL ··· PRO\' EMENT TO PROPERTY OWNER!I OF HEARIN'G o, COMPLETION ERTIFIC TE. Notice Ia hereby given to all p~rsona lnteJ·psted that the Board of Local lmtnovemente of the VIllage of Wilmette, County of Cook, State of Illinois, having let the contract for the Improvement or the roadway of Cen,.. tral Avt>nue from the East line to the West line of Schu ttler's Addition to " 'llmPtte. and the Intersection of Central Avenue with 17th Stre t, by gradIng". paving, curbing and otherwise Improving said roadway an~ the same having been completed ancl ac:ce11led by said Board on th e 8th daT of July, 1924, A. D. and the said Boarcl of Local Improvements having 1\led ln the County Court of Cook County ot lllinois on the 14th day of Aucust. 1924, A. D. a c rtlftcat showln& t h at thl' said Improvements conform eubatantlally to th r (lulrementa of th· CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General N otices-Claeslfted &dvertlaeme.nta wUl be charged Rates--10 Deadline only to resldente of the district from Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or ~!Lt!r~r r~~i:~co~rN~~a to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA cents per lin., In one vaper. Zj) cents per line ln all three papers. ~INIMUH CHARGE Gee. Average of ftve words to the line. No black face type used. Rates for Display type on application. LADIH:S WORK AT HOME. PLEAS- BLACK AND WHITE TERRIER PUP. ant, easy sewing on your machine. 5 wt>eks old. disappeared from 1027 Central Avenue. Infurmatlotn will Whole or llart time. Highest possibe welcomed. Reward. Phone Wll. ble prices J!aid. For full Informa9 5-J. 22L46-ltc tion address L. Jones, Box 2, Olney, 111. 11L46·ltc LOST-BOY'S SHELL RIM GLASdl~S; EXPERIENCED WAITRESS; BEST ~wmewhere In Kenilworth or Wilwages. Tel. 'VInnetka 5lL mette. Reward. Tel. Wll. 1639. 22L46-ltc 11LTN41i ·ltC J2 20 n· d ts LOST-IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK, about 2:30 o'clock, Wednt>sday, August 6th, man's umbrella with white for nsertions-Claaslfted advertlsemt~nta will be acband d handle. Finder please return W AN'l'ED- COLORED COUPLE AS to bank. 22L46-ltp cook and butler; must have first the WILMETTE LIFE or llll thr~=p~:~e~:: ~h~::~;·1:Yo·~~o~~~~~~ f~~ class ref. i · No1·th Ave. Tel. WinWINNETKA TALK and Friday 1Z o'clock for thf' GLENCOE NEWS GARDENING netka 1090. 12LTN46-ltc 24 Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000·3001. . -H-[U, -H-Ci:L_A_S_S_G_A_R_D_E_N'E _ R_ : _1_3_Y_E_A_H-tS OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE GOOD exllerlence, Including 3 yea1·s as money I· · rt OJ' whole time. Tel . head grounds- keetler on golf course: Evanstou 6575. 121.46-Hc RE.\.L ESTATE REAL ESTATE will transplant trE-es and shrubbery, grR.de and cut lawns or (lo othe1· FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-S-ROOM _13 __s_I_'J_'U_A_T_r_o_~ __ w_A_N_T_~_·_o__ M_A_L_E __ gardening work. Bt>st l't'SUlts ashom(> on East Elmwood Avenue, WANTED POSITION DY RELIABLE sured. Tel. Glencoe 345. \VIlnwtt e: $18.000. Want bungalow, 24LTN46-ltp man as chaut'l'eur. Nine years exflat or clear vacant. Ownt·r 1701MODERN 8-ROO:\£ S'l'UCCO HOME IN 139 North Clark Stret"t, <'hlcago. ~rn~nce: Ut>St ret. Te~.3L~1a4~~i~~ ::_ri _____ H~O-U~S~E_H __ O~L-D~:-8~E-R":'V~I~C~E-~~~ the hea1·t of 'Wilm ette: largt> heated Telet>hone Dearborn 1386. lL46-ltc sun pal'ior; 4 good bt>drooms; sleepEXPERT HOUSE CLEANING; WINIng porch; til;, bath; also maid's dow washing; f1oo1· waxing; furnlroom and bath on third flOOI'; water 2 FOR RENT-HOUSES turf' polishing: odd painting and calh<·at; also lnstantant>ous heater· SITUATION 'VA NTED - FEMALE; cimining jobs. Tel. \VInn . 1035. house In exceptional conditio~ F(JH HENT-A FURNISHED HOME n\oth.-1·'s ht>lper. Young girl wants 25LT45-tfc th1·oughout; 2-car ga1·age with for month!! of RE'llt(>mber nnd Octotwrmanent position to assist with dl'ivlo': landscaped lot ; convenient h£'r. Rpasonahle t(>J'ms. 717 Gre(>nhousewo1·k and c<tre of chlldl'l·n. Tel. ~6 PIANO TUNING to both steam and e levated stations woo<l Av .... Glt>ncoe. Tt>l. 817. Winn. 472. 14LTN46-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l'dce $24,000. Tenns, reasonable. · 2 L T N 4 6 - 1 t c l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXPfo;RT PIANO TU:'\1:'\G: REPAIR· HELP ·wANTED-MALE AND FEMALE I 1 §IPJ~~n~n (Q)~~®lfiirm~ ~- oTh\MToJJii"i\1LT'l'i\MI~t1'1\Tl'i~ lJ.\/'JJ. m In IWilllLJ.LJ.d:liU.\WJJJ..L {Q)_ fi'J li"i\o ~ ~\W 1'!!'3==~=============!!f S[~~~~~~~N wa~t"Ng~~~:;.2 h~·~~~':~~~; " ' AN'I'l·:D TO RENT-HOUSF:S KOOd r ·ft!l't'IH'eS and Oouglas 2429. II e. ld es er y Tt'l. Wil. 68-444 WA:-;"TED TO REN'l'-RMALL FUR1L46-1tc niAhetl or unfurnl~<hed housP In 01' nt'ar Kenilworth, from Octob,,r tst \\'IX.r-:ETKA OFFJo~RINGS to Ma~· 1st. Tt>l. W'ilmettt> 2237. Nl~W 7-ROO:It BHlCK: srN AND 3I..TN4fi-ltc ><l<'eplng porches; tile ' baths; hot water h eat; garage atta('herl: bt>au- 'VANTJ<;D-HY T\VO T'J<;RRONR EM~~.~~ l{s.laJ·ge woodt>li lot; $27,000; E-Z ~~~~~·~~· 1Afl~{~e;s 1~~~:. ~~¥.S(>kl'eping A hrand n~:w 6-room p1·esse!l brick 3LTN46-lt1' \V'iunetka home with tile bath, hot wat .. r heat: toilet an11 lavatory 1st 4 FOR RENT-,\P.<\1\TJIENTS floor: fitw lot, all for $17,500. $4.000 East Hubbard \V oorls lot. HB!'\T - OCT. lRT-4- HOOJ\1. Huihling JH'rmit ~uarantced on this FOil annrtnwnt; stNl.m h ('at: janitor !!!<.'r~.(lx tG :; foot lot, in c hoi ce neighborvic<'. J. C. Phillips. agpnt. 1Hi9 hood. 'Vilm ette Ave. Tel. 2399. JH~IXSE~ & CLARK. INC. 4LTN46-tfc lif·tl Ct'llter \Vinn e tka. 254 ----------------(Forn1e1·1~· W. R. H. Ave.) REN'T-ii-ROOM FLAT WITH 1LTN46-ltc FOR garngC' on Lake AYt>nUP; half mile Wt'St of Rirlgt> AvE'nllf'. Tel. '\Vii. 889- Y2 or call ll t 80 Locust ~t.. 'Vinn. 4r..TN4fi-2tc OpJi. "L" Tt>t'minal reliable. Tl'l. HL4ti-1TJJ 2 1 1----------------- I POSITION BY travel. the da)' . 6 J>. M. l~ Sli;WINU AND Hl\l()('KING: N~AT and reasonable. ,-.hildt·t>n's <lrt>SSI'B a spt>cialtr. Tel. \\'innetka 502-J. 14LTN46-ltc KXPI~RlENCEn 1 ~~~~~\~!~· tr~~~~~~~. c~~~~~ 1 .. 8 n:~~~af:i~i Nl.RSt·:. Tel. "'iun. 9S7. HLT. ·46-ltc lo;XPJ>;RII~NCED ))l{EHS:.lAKL:'\n H\" Call Edgewater 302:1, afl· ' l. ::s 14L'l'Nlfl-:q, amount estima ted bY them to be requll·ed to pay the nc:cru\ng Interest on bonds or vouche1·s, Issued to antlol))8 te collt'etiou of the assessment for suld Improvement. A hearing will be had on said certificate. as to the truth of tht> facts stat e<l therein at the Cook Cou·nt,· Cou1·t house. In the City of ('hlcago on tht' Hh day of September, 1!124, A. D. a.t 10 o'clock A. M. or aa ~!'~s;te~.ld ~~tn~ln~~~dti~9~J:w. L. \\' . soon theratte1· as th .. business of the 26LTNH-ttc court will pt>1·mit. All persons dealTIn~ may file OPlectlons In said court twfol't' said day, and may appear on :17 PAINTING AND DI'X'OR .\.'I' f'\lf: the ht>arlng and makt> th eir d fense. Dat .. d at Wilmette, Illinois, this lr.tll \ V ilmette Auto day of August, 1924, A. D. EDWARD Z[l'F ALBERT N. PAGE 71S TWELFTH STREET FREDERI ~K TILT Automobllt> painting, nl~v turl'Al'L A. HOFF~IAN. nltur .. I'Pflnlshlng. IWA H D 0 F LOCAL IM PROVEME'NTS Rt·;u of Village Tht>ate1· OF THE YJLLAGE F 27L46-ltc WILMETTE, ILLLNOIS. L4&-ltc ~~lg~~~l ~~~n~n~~/o~ 0~~e ~:r·et!f.ct~~! Shop Paint ------------------! W01'1h 'l'U'I'ORI:\'G \ ' ILL .UoE OF " 'JI,:'IIt1TTE SITUATION \VA~'l'EIJ-.UALE AND FEMALE w:1:;:.~~~~~·H1~M~w~~e~~. T¥'!':?~:;;~ NOTl('l<~ 1021 . 2~l~TN46-1tc SlTUATION WANTED - COLORED ::o couple will do genera l wo1·k about home; chauiTeur. H. Johnson, 312 Bss<·x Hoad. 15LTN46-ltc HI BUSINESS SERVICE l"R~~~~~~t·s0 ;·o H~~~;:~TY ON COliPLETIO. CERTIFICA'rE. RY 110-\RD OF LOCAL JM- FOR 8JUE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS ]. H . Schaefer E.]. Keil JJ oll·t§~Iffi~®~®If£(C@o REAL ESTATE 1 FOR RKNT-APARTMENTS A':-\0 OFtic (> rooms. G. F. Gonsalvt>R. Tt'l. Winnetka 62 . 4LTN43-tfc 7 FOR RENT-GARAGES S-PIECE EARLY ENGLIRH DINING room set; extension table; 6 chall·s, leat h er seRtNI: buiTet: $GO: brown mahogany floor lamp with silk shade, $10; oil paintings. H6 'Vashington Avt>., Glt>ncoe. Tel. 74. 16L'£N46-ltp Ridge & Lake Avenue Wilmette, III. Phone \Vilmette 364 irt f'· F~~ .Ji!~;u;-;:A~~fE~i?~~Y.,~~~f._~~ J.~OR SALg-FURNI~HING!:; t>Vt>nings. 7IAS-ltc FOR. RENT-GARAGE: NEAR GOOD ~ecora~01·; :u~tll:\uretl-> car.\!~~s ll.\~1~d ~~~S'"'Pa~k o 1722. nc OF 10I'Oom housP r<"Ct>ntly done by Interior n. 16LT·:,Wi-1 t~ We speclall,.. .... tracts and ' hn.rd all(>y. 6 P. M. are prepared to write all classes of insurance. Tel. Wilmette [;15, afte1· 7L46-ltp NOTARY PUBLIC 1L46-ltc FOR RENT--GARAGE, CONVENrF.NTIy locat(>d at Lake Ave. and Fifteenth St. Phone Wll. 2427. 7L4!i-3tr R $150 SET A 'H'TRIAN GOLD AND whit e china, $35; Icebox, $3; leathH sea tee, $H; s~wlng machine, $2; single be<l, $&. 466 Adams Ave., Glencoe. 16LTN46-ltc 17 WANTED-HOtJSEHOLD GOODS J.&<.eiffillllW\f(Q)Ifltlhl Iffi~JI'fl~llJ1ll \\ Jl '\1 I!!\ 110 1!!'1 Tl'i\~ CSl:>~CSl:>LJ.LJ.U. TTr FOR RENT-ROOMS FOR RENT-LARGE FRONT ROOMS b autlfully furnisht>d: East slrle location, nf'ftr transportation. cafeteria anrl lwac:h. Tel. \Yil. 1940. L(~~~~4~~~~~~n.3 $rt~~~S TO IN~IAN I------------~-L_T_N_4_6_-_1_tc WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND furniturE' and othe1· hou·St> hold goods. Highest p1·ice paid for same. C1·ost Furniture Rtore. 1004 -6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. 17LTN2 4-tfc IEoEo§ltrutlltt~IR<e~llttyCC©c PhonP Vi'inne tka 1800 10 Cat·elton Annex 1J..TN46-ltc FOR RE ·T - CHARMINr; FRONT IH FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES room with privatt> bath and large - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - clol'! t. hot watt>r hE>at: to husint>ss DEPENDABLE USED CAllS o1· profe~>sional man: muRiel an, ar- FOR SALE-RECEIVED IN TRADE tlst or Rchool teachE-r, $itO. 490 on new Dodge Brothers and Wills Haz!'l Ave. Glencoe 80!!. RLTN46-ltc Sainte Claire Motor cars. T.ARGF., WELL F RNISHEU FRONT room; east sldP home ; nPar transpmtation. Suitable hu!!in ss man; refE-rences. Wll. !!44-J. 8L46-ltp \ YERSTF.D l\lO'r R CO. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka, Ill. 1 LTN46-ltc W £Irliit<e~ lf©lf ~ CCllii®r.mtt ~"\fiNISHED w W o eGo §lt~te®y £ CC©o lRlceEID.lllt©If~ Phone "'il, 30 HOUSE; 4 BEDROOMS; OJ' 3 baths; 6 or 12 months l Pase. FRONT ROOM, RUITABI,E FOR TWO, In attractive hot water homt'. rrott·stll.nt adult family: light housekN·PIng JH'Ivil egPs. Tt>l. Winnt>tka 567. L'l'N46-ltc Used Cars --All Makes OPEN AIR SALES ;::or. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. Evanston 140 Wlllya-Knlght and Overland Dealers 18LTN42-tfc WILL P.OARD COUPLE OR MAN IN nict> home: best of board and moderll.te )>rlct>. Tel. \VIlm ettc 736-J. 336 Lind(>n Ave. SLTN46-l tp lLT.t\46-ltc CENTRAL HOTEL-I IGHT OUTRIDE FOR SALE-BY OWNER, COUNTRY ~·~wm~<: t 01 . tra~ll~it'l:u/ a 111j n·:.i<lents~ home; 6-room brick veneer house; 629 Main .·t. T(>l. Wll. 10~0. >~Un-paJ·IoJ·; bath, built-In tub· tile RLTl-trc floor; wood-burning ftr e-place; book- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cases, oak trim; water heat· gas· FOH HEN'T - TWO C'ONNECTlNr. elech·lc light; all conveniences rooms: bath and slt't>lling porl'h. T.-1. Wilm ette. Just completed. Lot Kenilworth 1S65. 637 Abhottsford 65x192; 15 bearing fruit trees, 60 Road. llLTN4tl-ltC' large currant hushes; 100 red raspberry. Located on Reinwald, one FOR RENT-GARAGE: AJ,RO A FT'Rblock south of Lake Ave., Gross nlsh<·<l room: n~>ar transpo1·tation Point, Ill. Owner on premises. Tel. arHl caf(·tprla. Tl"l. 'VIlm ettP 1 !l77. Wil. 3194. $13,000 terms. 1LTN44-tfc RT/r:"-:16-ltf' Notict· is hel't>by given to all person& lntel'<'lltl·d that the Board of Local lmI'OVt'mt>nts or tht> Village of \Vll~~ette, County o! Coo k, State of Illinois, having l et the conu·act for the lmtH'ovenll!nt of the alley South of Oakwood. and running from 9th to lOth Street, ln the VIllage of Wllmette._ Salesmen Pleasure rides by grading, paving, cU:rvlng and Doctors Fishing trips otherwise Improving said alley and Collectors Week-end trips the same having b en completed and Realtors Hunting tripe accepted by said Roa 1·d on the 8th day ,,r of Julv, 1924, A. D. and the said Board While your car Is In repair or pi\Jlnt of Local Improvements having ftled In 0 ~~ ~ ea.r, tae l>et' mlle. H\~nol~u~~ g~~u~ ~i ~~~k ~0~~~u:~ Closed car, 16c per mlle. D tift t h wing that Th ese cars are Insured for your pro- ~~;"· s:t·d lm~r~~~~me~~se cso::form subtectlon. stantlally to th e requirements of th· o1 ·iglnal ordinance tor the construction ot the same, the cost thereof, lh_, 'ft!l. Wlnn. 165 29LTN46-ltc amount t>stl mated by them to be requlre<l to pay the accruing lnterest on bonds o1· vouchers, Issued to antlciJll\te collt>ctlon of th ass(>ssment for said Improvement. A hearing wlll be had on said certificate, as to the truth of the facts stated tht>rel n at the Cook 'ountv Court house, In the City of Chicn~o on th Hh d:Ly of September. TOTTR DY At'TO DRIYEN 1!124, A. D. a;t 10 o'clock A. M. or a. RY PHTVATE OW~ER Will soon tllPraftel' as the buslneaa of the takf' small pat·ty (tlll'ee or less) <'OUI't will pt>l'mit. All persons desiron an~· trip desln·d, .overnight Ing may file objections In said court if necessnry. Car and driver b<!'fore said day, anil may appear on th orou·gh l y rt>llabl(>. Reasonable the h eari ng and make their defense. rat .. s. Addl't>ss 'VIlm ettf' Life Dated at \VIlm tte, Illinois, this 15th 2 3. 29LTN46-ltc day of AUftUSt, 1924, A. D. EDW'ARD ZIPF ALRERT N. PAGE l·tfRLIC NOTICE FREDERICK TILT To whom It may concern: PAUL A. HOFFMAN. Noti<'e Is hereby glvt>n to the own· BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS t'I'S of fu1·nlture !(>ft with R. Halun OF THE VILLAGE OF ro1· rt·J1airs at 607 Main St., Wilmette. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS. unlt>ss th<' c harges for storage are paid L48-Uc on or blo'fore thE> 30th day of August, 1 !124 said rurnlturt> will bt> sol d n.t auction nt said place, Au~ust 30, 1924, n.t ' ' ILL-\.GE OF "' ILllt~T'I'E In o'dock In the !o1·enoon. Persons (')aiming the propt>rty rna~· ho.vl' the -'10'1'1( ' 1-~ JIY BOARD OF LOCAL 1Msame hy paying th e n(>cessai'Y charges t·HO\' l<;:UF:NTS TO Pl\OPER'I'Y due and t>xpense to date. 0\\'NEU OF HEARING A. KASPAR. ON f'OMPLETIO -Adv. L46-2tc CER'J'IFlCATE. RENT-A-CAR DRIVE IT YOURSELF PAY BY THE MILE IDEAL FOR 4 0 WERS'DED MOTOR CO. AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR DISPOSAL ;:================::; ot IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE Location-Sheridan Road, Chestnut Ave., Ashland Ave., 7th Ave., lOth St., Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. 1; L. 2, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. 4, B. 5; L. 3 and 4, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and 12, B. 10; L. 5, B. 13; L. 1 and 3, B. 17. John P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. 1LTN29-tfc FOR SALE-CO:IfFORT AHLE HOM:J:: un FOH HENT-3 R0011R ON nLF.N ~T..46-ltc \'if'W Roa1l. Tf'l. 73!1- \V. ----------------FOil RENT-HOOll ~UTTARLE FOR marriPd C'Ouple In a privatp ramllv. Adrlress Lif(>, 2RO. RL41l-ltf' FOR Hl'.:NT-1-ROOM'; 1615 SPENCER Avellllf'. f;LTN46- 1 tfl 9 __ w __"_N_T_F-~D--'I-'O--Jt-R_.N_T_-_J_l_o_o_M_s_ _ huge lot ; view of lak e; has 4 ROOM AND BOARD 'WITH C'ATHOI.IC h<'drooms: 2 <'ll<.'lORNl porches; 30famiJ,·, wantNl hy young In<!~· Pmfoot llvmg room, with flrPplace; tlne nloyt>d. Rt>asonable. ArlrlJ·PR'< l..i(.P, ~~~~:~~n_t, '~(-~~~~·~f~~~~\~s aandddr~~1 ~1: ~= 279. OLTN4fl-1tn (-1', r. 0. box 75, 'Vinnetka. HELP W-'.~TED-FF.l\IALE 1LTNI6-1tp 11 0 1 HOTTTHEAST 'VINNETKA BARGAIN; OWNER :\lOVING TO FLORIDA. $H,OOO. Tel. \VInnetka 1226. 1LTN46-ltc --------------------------1 -LADTE8-MAKE MONEY AT HOME highest possible prices paid; no large Investment required. For full par- ~;;eo;omho~tu~~~ie~le~~~~f ~~;c~;Ox~~~~ E~!~ ~~~:~~!.N~h~:V!~c;.n~~e yt?~~ \ ' ILLA<a<-: OF ·w .JI.MRTTF: FOR SALE- DETBOT1' ELECTHH' <'ar; new paint: new slltl covcrR: two ~O'J'JC ' F. RV no .~no OF J.OC .\.L 1!11new tlr~»l; hnttt>l'ies Oil<' yE>nr old. PllOVE'UENT~ '1'0 J»JtOPF:RTY Tel. G!(>H!'O<' 473. 1SLTN46-lt!' 0\VNF.Riil OF nt~AIUNG 0:\' COIUPLE'riO:\ (' Eit'I'U~H:' ,\.TF.. lfl FOR SAI.. F..-:'UISCEJ,LANEOUS BA RC:A INS IN l'SEO \VASHINr; :\fANotlt · Is hereby given to all ))e1·sons chlne'c Euen's-Thor'R-l\foln nnrl fntert?ste<l that the noa1·d ot Local ImP'alornln('. From ur..oo to $6!i.OO. fli'OV!'ment!'l of thP Village of WllN< IHTH SHORE F.LF.CTlHC SliOP m(>ttf'. County of Cook, Rtnte of 1111544 Cen tt·r St. nois, having- ll·t the contrac-t for the l'hOIIt> \VInnt'tl<a 41 im))I'Ovt·mpnt of tht> roadway of 1BLTN4fi-ltc St>v<·ntt·enth Rtret·t (17th) from the south line of 'Vilmt·tte Avenue to the FOi{ RALI<;-BRST Nl·~W HUNDRED !-:outh line ~>xt<·ndecl \Vest of lot twcnfoot hose and rt>t·l; fu1·nfturE>; base- tv-four (24), King's Villa Rub<llvlslon, buJ'nl'l'; <'Oal h~>at~>r; Eureka vacuum " 'llmt'tlt·, Illinois, by excnvatlng, pa.vcleane1·. Tel. Wll 1565. ing with reinforced conCJ'et~>, installing 19LTN46-ltc nmnhol 'S, catchbaslns and guttt>rs and olht>rwls~> Improving an.l<l roadway and t··on SALE-0:-;"E S'rOVE; ICEBOX: lhe same having bt>en comJ>lcted and baby C'arriagl·: other household accepted by said no:u·<l on the 8th day goocls In ~ood conclltfon . Tt>l. Glen. of July, 1924, A. D. and the said Board !137 o1· ~·all nt 72:1 murr Ht. of Local TmJli'OVemt>nts having ftlE>d In 19LTN46-ltc th~> County Cou1·t of C'ook County of FOR SAI.E-ONfoJ RACOON COAT lN Illinois on the Hth .tay of August, I'XC'Pi l nt condition. PricE> $2. 'l'el. 1924, A. D. a certificate showing that the said lmprovt>menta conform subWI!. 12G9. 73~ Michigan Avenu~>. stnntlally to the r qull'eml'nts of thE> 19LTN46-tte original Ol'<llnnnce for the eonstructlon of the sanw, the cost thereof, the FOH RALl'~-A PAIR Of' REAtrTTFt·r. amount estlmate!l hy th(>m to be rt>('hint'S!' floor jUJ'S, $[;0. Tt·l. \VIn - <tulred to pay the accruing Interest on 607 19 4 · nf'tka LTN G-l tc bouds or vouc:ht>rs, l~sut>d to antlclFOR HAT.~~-f!·OO MAHG. FI.. AYEH pate collPctlon of the assessment !or ~~~alltlon. FOR SALE OR RENT-5 AND I RM. ~~~~r;ra~~:~a~E::rrTP~rk~'}~~= FOH SALE-mm:~ nTCYCI,F.: WINhoust>s: new; big lots : close to trans. ana. 11LTH-4tc dow awnings. T.-1. 'Vil. ~4;rx· 1_;_t 11 lake, golf course: $10,000 to Ul,OOO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4 _6 _-_ AIRo lot!! !or sale $30 a ft. Ownet WANTED- lrOTHER'!'; HET..PER, TO POH RALF:--GlltL'!'l RCOUT HL"IT, County Line Rd. 2 blka. west of assl11t with two chllclr n; h£'st size 12. <'Oill))it't·· !or $5.00, like 1 ww. Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. wagea. Tt>l. 'Vinn <· tka 51l. T~,>l. Wil. 2fi!l0. 1gLTN3Rtftl 898-Y-3. 1LTN4Z-tfo 11LTN4fi-ttr OR SALE-JUST CUT TO $10,000 ON -W-'-A:N_T_E-,D-- -EX--P-E-R-TE_N_C_E_D ___ G_I_R_T.. 1 20 WANTED-:WISCELLANEOUS terms for quick sale, 6 rooms and for ~Pnl'ral housework: rPfPr(>nces. 'VINNETKA Fl'HNITURE RTORE sleeping porch; good location. 292 ShPrldan Road . Tel. Winn etka buys an<l slo'lls rugs, stoves. auto'!, 262. 11LTN46-1tc nlanoe, anything u-seful. }(\4:; A:·h Wnllmm<efctt~ IR<e~llfcy(C(Q)o WANTED- GOOD COOK. WJHT'toJ; St. 20LTN-tr·· rt>ferences requir <1. Tel. <1lt>n. n4. WANTED TO nr·y A GO-CART. TEL. 1LTN46 513 Hh St. Tel. Wll. 1304. Ut,.T.:-i4··-llc Glencoe 3 e. 20LTN46-ttc !llano : bt'ltC'h. nncl rolls. Rxct>llt>nt ~~idl ~~~~~~Je~.~~l~cn.~. h~:~~n~h:li:.ul~~ ::~.~OI~:~n;al~lle d~~!e~~~n~n!~: ~~gencrou:! $ 1 ~;;. T'hon~ L~k146e~tt· of the !acts statt>d then· In at the Cook tlw htolll'ing nnd mnk thdr d f·mse. · · - tc C'ou·nty Court house, In th~ City of lli\tt'd at 'Vilm tt(·. llllnol · this Uth Nolle!-' Is ht'reby given to all persons lnt 1' stNl that th Board of Local ImprovE>ments of the VIllage of Wilm tte, County of 'ook, State of Illinols. having let the contract for the Improvement of the central eight en (11>} ft>et of the Alley In .Block H Dingee's Addition to \VIlmette, being tht> fii'St alley North of Central Avenue, extending from the w st Jln ot 7th street to the EaAt line ot Sth stJ·.·et, In the Village of WllmettP by !Hlvlng with concrete and otherwise lmvrovlng said alley and the sam having been completed and accepted hy sald Board on th th day of July, 1924, A. D. and the said Bo rd of Local Impt·ovemunts having ftled In the ounty Court of Cook County ot llllnois on the 14th tlay or Augu t, 1924, A. D. a certificate showing that the said Improvements conform Buhstantlally to the requlr menta of the original or·dlnanc for the construction of the same, th cost thereof, the amount estimated by thenl to be requll·ed to }lilY the accruing Inter at on bonds or vouchers, 1 su d to antll'ipate coil ctlon ot the ass sament f r said lmnrovement. .A hearln~r will loe had on said c rtftlcate, as to tbe trutll of the facts stated thereoln at the Cook Count~· ~ourt hullS!'. In the City of Chicago on the 4th das of SeJltt>mber, ltl2-l, . D. at 10 o'<'lo!.'k · l. or aa soon tht>rnftAr as tho> bu I ness Of the court will I> rmlt. All pt>raons uesir- 9 19 kt~u~tD l£{~i,~ D. ALBERT N. PAGE <·ourt will pt>rmlt. All pu·sons ueslrl-'REDERICK TILT InK may fllt' objections In said court I' l!L A. J-lllfo'f'MAN. hl'fOI't· said day, ancl ma'· n.ppt'l\1' on llOAHD OP LO '.\1.. LlPHOVB tE!-fTS thP !waring llltd mnk<· tht·il· tl~f~n e. OF THI-; VILLAGE OF Dated at WllnH·tt··· Illinois, thle l;';th WIL:\U;TTJ::, ILLIN IS. 4 day 0 ~;t~g~l~~ ~~r~FA. D. L l-1to ALBERT N. PAGE FREDERI K TILT WE SAY DITTO, TOO PA I. A. H FFMAN. "I like to ·ee a man proud of the BOARODF OF~l~-~CA~n2~GR~)V~jENTS place in which he liHs. I lik:e to .e \VIL.£H:TTE, ILLINOIS. Ia man lin: in it '>O that hi place L46-1to Ptouu of him."-.\br ham Lincoln. ~<oon theratter as the buslnN·s of the !lay ~~hdr.a'i~ D~ ~··l~tl~.~~~ko~~~~~~t>~~t.e;e 0 .

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