Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, .-\.CGGST 15, 1924 TIN or refu-,ecl to wc·ar the un1torm: (3\ Aliens di ~cha rg-ed irom ,.nch force,; on aecount of a lienage: :\::\D EXCEPT FOR THE PERIOD OF SL"CH SET<\' ICE AS 1I l Commi· ione d officer aho1·c tht· gradl· of captain in the :\rmy or :.Iar ine Corp,, lieutenant in the .\"a1·y, flr~ t lieutt·nant or fir>t licut<'nant of engi 11 ecr:. in the Coa:.t Guard, or pasH·d a~:.i-tant :.nrgeon in the Puhlic Health Sen iee. or ha\'ing Is the pay and alloll"ancc,, if not the rank . of atn· officer :.upcrior in rank to any of ,{,ch grade;,: (21 Pt·rm·lnent or pro1·isional commi,~ioncd or \\"arrant office r s e1·c·n though holding ttmpor· ar) commis,ions of higher grade: (3> Ci1·ilian ofticers or emp loyees. contract ,urgcon. cadets. mid s hipmen. memhcr f<cst' riT or Student Army Training Corp,;, J>hilipJ)ine Scout, Guard or Con~tahulary, National Guard of 1-l a\\'aii, insu lar force of. 'aq·, Samo an natin: guard an d hand of the ~a\'y, or Ind ian Scout: (4 1 Commis. ioned or warrant officer perform ing home sen·An injunction again-.t the u-e of h:t·t·ll illtt·rt·, t on the part of the ire not with troop and receiving till' term "r('altor" hy a real e-tatc broker not a member of any con~tit a1 l'rage l·ar O\\ltl'r in thl' national eommulation of quarter , or of s ubsis IIIOI"'l.'nll'llt to pre sl·n-e and rt'\pl·ct the tencc . (5) ~femher of the Public tH·rH hoard oi 1 hl· !\at ion a) A~,ociation of H<·al 1·:- tatc Hoard., ha ~ ju-t been ,,HIIttry ,i dt· Ita, encouraged l'lraril's Health Scnice when not detailed for ,.,,,n·d in the di~trict coun oi \\'ebc r ;\I . Ha) n, p1T'>ident of the Chicago duty with the Army or Xa1·y; (6\ co unty, [.'tall. :\lot or dub. to 'ugi.("e;;t the need for / Any indi,·idual granted a farm or in. l' llit: prid" to he di~played hy du st rial furlough: (71 .\11y indi1·idual 'l'he decree was issued July 2 on a gn·ater motori~t ,, detailed on road work or construct ion complaint of the Ogden, Utah, Real Otha cl u b~ aHiliatcd with tire and r('pair work who;;e pay was e qu a lEsta~e Board and the National as ,oc iation against Reuben A. Saunders. It t\mnica n Automohi lc as,ociat ion, he ized _t<;> _co nf.orm to con~pe t; s~ t ion paid follows less than three weeks after the sa~" · hal c already noticed that wh ile to ctYi h ans; (8) Any tndt ndua l who ,~..,uin~ of a <.irni lar decree In· the many tllOtnri , t' are lea rtting to kvq> wa~ di,charged or ot h erwise released ··ircn_it conn of the city oi ~oriolk. picnic ~pots dt·an the1' st·c m ro i~·t·l from the draft. \_ng_mta, on the joint complaint of the no rl',trirtion 11 hl'n ~lril'ing in the r ::\ortolk Ht·al Jo:.,tatc Board anrl lltl' lity. "It Ita' ht' l'll notirl'd that motoris t s .\"atioual a"o ri ation. The \ ' in: inia dl' ' l<'t' d··dan·, that thl' thl' oi the ttTill tn,s mi .,n· llallt'"lh imms ui litter into "1 l'altor" it.~ a rt:al t·,tat · <it- ;,ll'r not thl' '1 rt't' h a, they rick alo11~. ' \I r. ~ ;, llll'lli!Jer oi a r!'al l"l:tt<' l)l)ard IH·- I Lt,lt" '".1 '· "Th j, ,ort of thing is a' l 'n!""t.:illg to till· .\'ational .h-or.1atton" t:llnt'l"<'":" .1 ;,, it i, Ulhiglrl ly. " of su~h a char;Jc!er a' to mi,Jt.ad ilkt· the Jll'<k,trian thl' nH>tori ' t ran and dcc~lll' thl' puhhc, and so depri1e ··a,il~ cany tlltll'alltt·d artirll', 11·itlt tl~t·m ot tht· protl'l"tion ;,dTordl'd bv 1_11111 until Itt· lind, a ,uitaldc place artual. n~eml·er ,hip in such a board." tor tltl' lll , "Ont· oi tht· ll lCht Ulltll'l"l'"an· nui":\ ' t.mdar C<be ftlec l hy the Ogden H;·al Jo..,tate Board agailhl E. \\". an- :mn·, i, the car with a ll·aking -rrankE1 ··ry ti n a· 'uclt a car rru,,t·, tl.ul~ at tht· -ana· tinH' a> the ~aun l':t'-l'. dl· r, ra,,·, hut in anolhtT d11 "1on oi tilt· pa~t·tnl·nt to l'llttr a dri1tway oil tiH' court. i, 'l't ior tnal in ~l· J>tt·ttti>n. 1.' dt·po-it,·d and traekt·d around hy 111<" and ,iJt·t·-. :'urlr t'ortditioth arl' Plan Vi&"oroua Campaign oftt·n near -.ontl' of the c it 1·\ most Tht· appli tiOth ior inju!lcti()tr- an· attrartill" building, and poini, oi in part _ oi a 1 i~oroth rampa1~11 lteing t,·n·., t." ';tii"IL'I~ 011 1·.1 the :\'ational ,\., sociatton 11 tth the hl'lp of ih loca l mcrnhl·r hoarck It ;, the purpo.,l' of thi~ camJ!<.tlgll >O to prott·ct the l t"rm "realtor." hy c_ourt action if Hect·~,ary, that the Jlllillrc may he a"lll"l'd that the man For · ale- :\Iodern 7- room w ho adn~r tise :, himsel[ a s a "realtor" A n y m ember oi the military or nava! ha' met th e membership standard s 0 [ iorn·o; of tlll' l ' nitt·d States who served home, good lot in convenient the local mt:mhn real e!>tate hoard . i-; at any tilllt' aftl'r April 5. 1917, and locati.o n, g-arag-e: unu sual!\' pll'dgt·d. to_ ol"t'l"\"e the cod(' of et hi,, ht·iorl' :\01 t·nther 12. 191R. is ent itled or the 1\atJOnal A~sociation in thl· con- to .\dju ,ted Compen,ation: EXCEPT lo\\' price at $9,000. · duct of hi, ftu,im·-.-., and for 1 iolation (It Tho"' "·paratt1l irom ' u ch force~ of that c_ode i-. 'uhject to di,ciplitH: under otht·r than hon orab le ro ndi or expul,1on It_\· the local l10ard . tiolr...; (2> Cun.,rientiou s objector s who The Ogdt'tl ltoard 's ra-.e again,t pL·rionncd no military duty what(·ver . anndn, 11 a, argued from hricb prcP,ar~·d hy the W't_H·ral coumd of the :\.tttonal A,,octattou setting forth the THE ROOF WITHOUT A REGRET fa~·t that the tern) "rea lt or" i:, a \\'ord rotttl'l~ l~y a member of the Xational /\~i..,(~l' tatton and gi1 l'll to it for ih exclu-,ne usc, that the a\sociation has a ~\'l·IJ estahh,JH·d trade ri):rht in the l l ' l of tht· term, and that tht: mi~u~e 01 the ll'rm i-; a fraud and deception upon_ 'udt members of the general )'lll·lrc ;h t·mploy the \erl'iee, of <t ·~n a !tor," helil'\ ing- him to he a hona l1dt· t~W1~1hcr of a l'OitstitUl'llt ltoarcl of tht· .1'\at tonal As~ocia ti on and as such plu!J.(ed to abide hy the code of ethics You will neve r have to worry of the Nationa l As ociation iu the conabout leaks, tlres or repairs It duct of his bu,incss. yo ur home Is rooted with Hawth orne Concre t e Til e, the econ Demurrer Thrown Out omical, Jlermanent and fireproof The dcft:ndant filt:d a demurrer to roof-"the roof without a rethe comp la int on the g-rouud that tht· gret." Ask tor quotation. trade ~ame "rea ltor" has not been Roofing l·opywn.ghted. After taking tlth llllCo. der advtsement the court 01 errukd the 2136 R 4 th Ave., Cicero, Ill. d.t·IJI~trrcr.. Tltt· ddendant having Tt·l. Lnwndnle 4510; Cicero 72 ~lied mtcntion to stand on the de- = COURT GUARDS TERM 'REALTOR' Enjoins Real Estate Dealer Who Not Affiliated With National Body CASE HEARD IN UTAH murrer. the court e ntered a <krrl'e pcr p.:tually enjoining and re~trainin~ thl' tlefl'ndant. his clerks. agl'nh and l'nlplon·,, from 1h e lhl' of the term "realtor" up on hi' otlin· dc,or. 11 ind<;>w,, ~tationt'ry an<l adl'erti , ingmalll'r. and in an1· wa1· (II" m annL· r. in connect ion w it lt th~ rt·al l'SI a tC' lt~hiiH'": or ineu ny other w:ty or lllanlfl·r. l'XCl'J>I hy prop('r applicati 11 to a Ia ll"i ully kl·Ctl'd llll'llllll·r -f,.,arrl in good standing <h a COihtitttt·nt lllt'll1 ill'r-hoard of the .\"ational .\ "ocia tion oi 1\t·al 1 ·: -tatl' Boarck .\ ckrrct' oi injun c tion a ;... aino;t ust· of the tt·rlll "rl'altor" ll'ichout author1/fltion oi tlt t· a"oci;Jtion 11a' i.,.,u!'d lt.1 thl' di, t rict court in llolllll' Jlin roun ty, .\linttt·,ota, in 1917. ·i·~~..._.., _ a _ n · a -~ I I I \\·e are now offering' for sale, vacant property in our English \ .iiJa o-e S ubdivi s ion at Valley and Milton Avenues, Clencoe. Large lot , beautifully wo.o ded, paved streets, and ready to build on now. I ! I Gen Glen~ who TALl Ra~ the 1 De~ TeleJ the 1 WI N! Virginia fa~r~~~~;kes Simi- URGE MOTORISTS TO STRESS CIVIC PRIDE ji 12 \Y . Ada m s ;3t. Chicago, IlL Randolph 2720 Wilmette 341 ' ~--------------------------------------_. §w MODEll th e ~ sun ll ing 1 I When All Others Have Failed Come To Us . When. a property owner wishes to sell his real estate, he wants The best way to get results is for him co ltst .hts property wtth a reputable and energetic realtor with an exclustve contract. We, knowing that we are protected in out efforts to sell proper~y, will devote every possible energy for making a sale . We wtl~ spend money advertising the property which we VIOuld not do tf. other brokers had the property for sale. The chances for a satisfactory and prompt sale are obviously much greater under an excl usi ve contract. This system gives quick results without costing the property owner one cen t more than the regular sales commission. qut~k a~t10n as a ru_te. room h··at: hous th t'Oli tll'iVI' to bo l'rke -================;;; TnJAIU Tnntrm Nl~W 1 Ulll1 I Urll:tJ Hill t/Wheeler--- :< lt>l' (l watt' tifu l tet·m A \.Y111 11 001' wnte. $4, ~.(lx I /I I Why N~t Try It? Hu il Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. Fountain Square, Evanaton Prouty Buildin~r, Winnetka Evanaton Z&OO Winnetka Zl99 hoocl II .li nr.a c ..~ I .~---------------------------------------------------· J. Hints on Bonus North Shore Homes NEW ENGLISH COTTAGE JJJ Seven room s-four bedrooms, two baths, garage attached, 66x140, $21,000. Terms. Attractive Stucco CC?Ionial I-lome consis~1g ot'6 room~. sun parlor and sleepmg porch ; grounds beautifully landscaped ; 120x200; snap ; $30,000. VACANT 50x257, 1 block from lake, $5,500 . 118x135, east location, $100 per foot. SERVICE TO THE BUYER-TO THE SELLER Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 PARK AVE. Phone Glencoe 410 GLENCOE, ILL. ·~---------------------------------------------------~ l I I II ' r. · l n ·. HaworneTiie Ill ~~-~-;~~~-;·-, ~ (1\1 sun cas( e tec fiOO ) Wi~ know that btt) ing a home on time will save /11 a good 11cighborhood 65x' Jar bert bloc Poi \'O tl lllOlley? Four blocks lake. from the WI ~ IN G. The illtnt·~t that : cnt pay ran he charged again~t your inrotnt· for llll'l>lllC Tax purpose~. Loc AVE \\ ( ltan· recent!} built twch·e attracti\'C· homes in \\' innetka. ju'>t "e'>t of Locu..,t :trt.:'ct 0 11 Ash and Cherrv ~trccto;. Snrn of these arc sold, J.lld live ;trc now rcJ.u;, for Sept. or Ort. fir ... t dcli\'ery. Xo 1,1'/'1' of hnusr is .lJ rOZi.'illg i11 t:·f'ulu~<l.\' so rapid/.\· as th e Sranisft. I lru_t IS b,:caus,· th,·y arc out-nf-theorduwry 111 . aftpcarallr<', trim and smart: ami tht·ir up-h·cp is less <'IIIISt' of lite /'<'rlllaiiCIIt tile roof a1td /'laster rxt.-rior. 3 a L. I St., wit Joh FOR (Ill They contain six room..;, 1 hath, !tot \\"atcr heat, white enamel wood work, concrete foundation.;;, insulated with two ply Cahots quilting. land..;caped and fen ced , complete in every respect, ,orne as low ac; $15,500 on easy term . Streets pa\'ed anrl all Special" paid . Open daily 2 t~ 6 P.M. Every o ne ha ~ acquaintances who loe: tati t-r, hNI foo· \\"ant to know \Yhen a s mall, attractive ue- hou:;e is for sale. Tell them about HOFT ow $15 age r.-r< FOR hou lak AI!< Col 112 \V. Adam Str ct Randolph 2720 Wilmette 341 Grf 898 OR Chicago, Ill. w 513 sle, tcr ~

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