Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, p. 13

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,s WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY. AUGUST 15. 1924 13 ~s Arden Shore Invites You to Its Midsummer Frolic A b the "t'OW to have ens of ent to giving 1 naged ~nd home. these ,leo me i their lon of ted at furday . Mr cerh~ · ke of ce, to I ~ ') in several . ned by visit. J. . Mr. and Mrs. }. W. Trunkel, 700 :Yr. and Mrs. Walter Miller of 710 Mrs. W. I. Beam and her two children of 819 Prairie avenue left Thurs- l.aurel avenue, will entertain Mr. a nd P ark avenue motored to Lake Delevan day for Ocean View, Virginia, where Mrs. Alfred Livingston over the week- last week-end. they will stay until the first of Sepend. ~ ~~=-=-=-=================; -otember. M iss Pauline Pettibone returned last --oMr. and Mrs. A. T. Pyfer, ~24 Fif- Sunday from a month's vacation in teenth street, have as their week-end Pasadena, Los Angeles, and other LL friends of Arden Shore are :Mrs. M. L. Redfield, of 1131 Forest points in ..California. avenue, her daughter, Natalie, and her guests, Mr. Pyfer's mother, Mrs. Rife. --ourged to betake themselves to that son, Charles, left Thursday for New and his sister, Mrs. Bozey, and her M rs. T homas C. Moulding, of 1004 011 daughter, Dorothy. of Dixon, Illinois. attractive spot Wednesday af- York to meet Mr. Redfield who is reGreenwood avenue. and her daughter, --<>ternoon, August 30, to behold the Mid- turning from a three months' stay in Mrs. I. D. Iverson, 737 Park avenue, Mrs. Wooden, have returned from summer Frolic that will be given at Europe, on the Olympic, landing Auentertained twelve little friends for their trip to Colorado and Ala ska. 3 o'clock on the green and in the recrea- gust 20. -oher daughter, Marjorie, on Monday tion hall where the Arden Shore Ar-oMrs. F. B. MacKinnon, 1125 Ashland afternoon. in celebration of her ninth eadc will open up to the spectators a "land of wonders" made of living picMrs. John Charles Burchard of 1110 birthday. a venue, is spending part of the sumturcs, exhibits of antiques and relics, Chestnut avenue, Wilmette, and her mer at Breezy Point Lodge, Pequot, --<>a chamber of horrors, a snake charmer son, Donald, who left about the first Mrs . John Hartmann and her Minne sota. While your boy and girl a re and freak s, rare animals and a famous of June to travel through Europe, daughter, Miss Dorothy, 1305 Sheridan --oon vacation you have a wonderband. will return the latter part of Septem- road, are leaving today to motor to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Morin and ful opportunity to have their ber in time for Donald to return to Petoskey, Michigan, where they will their daughter, Vivyenne, are spendAbout twenty strolling players wi ll Beloit college. eyes examined and if necesing three weeks at the Belvedere club. stay for two weeks. wander about .the grounds, where other -osary have them fi tted w ith Charlevoix, Michigan. --oglasses. campers in costumes of different nations . Mr. and Mrs. Michael J . O'Rei lly of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engelhardt --<>will represent villagers of Italy, Mexico, Lake avenue announce the engagement and their daughter, Estelle, 915 OakA few minutes aw}ly from Ground was broken on Monday in of their daughter, Eileen Agnes, to Her- wood avenue, have just returned from Highland Park for the new home of Bohemia. Russia and Ireland. their play will take care of th is The Kindergarten kiddies will appear bert w. Braun, son of Mr. and Mrs. a fortnight's stay at Cabot Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. H. Foreman, (Virginia important matter and t he it~ animal dances, and older .g irls will Bernard Braun of Wilmette. The wed- Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsi_ time they return to schoo th ey Lilienfield). n. giVe a number. of dan~es,. Umque races ding will take place the latter part of will have become accustomed to --o--oan.d stunt s wtll provtde further enter- 'December. the use and ad van tage of their M.rs. L. Nathanson of Chicago is Dr. Maud McKerchar came home tamment. plasses. --ofrom Pelican Lake, Wisc'Gnsin, Friday. spending a few weeks with her daughThe spacious grounds, shady and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bisen of 423 to be under the care of a specialist , ter. Mrs. William Klein, 400 Central U Y tors of Svcctss/wl Proctie~ beautiful, extending to the edge of the Green leaf avenue have been spending as she is suffering from middle ear street. lake bluff, will appear in a gala dress the last three weeks in New York. They infection. -ofa shioned of lanterns and flags, flags returned to Wilmette on Sunday, and Mi s Luci le Cutler, 407 Central ave· -oof our own, and other nations. Mr. and Mrs. H . A. Hubbard of Rock nue. entertained at luncheon and bridge next . week wi ll have as their houseMrs. William Clow of Lake Forest, guest. Miss Delores Hoffman of Long Island, Illinois, and l\Ir. and Mrs. C. on \Vedne~day for her guest, Miss Optometrist assisted by a committee of north shore Island. R. Willicr of O ssel, \Visconsin. are ~fargaret Weaclock. F.,_, Mtr. Ottic.l Dttl. C. D. p,M« j , fM women, will be the hostess who will visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Gemmil of --<>-o-.-~c n·e the visitors with refreshments. William Hillinger of 1520 Spencer 1\fiss Helen Schaer of Portland, Ore- 829 Greenleaf avenue. --oavenue has returned from a two weeks' gon. Mrs. Louis Clark of Los Angeles, --<>Fer A~t . .lataaeat ne·· WIL . , . Mi~ s Jeanette McKellar, who is the and Mrs. P. Loftis of Chicago were the Arthur Stangel and hi s daullhter. vacation at Saugautuck, Michigan. er Be~~l·eaee WU..tte lt'M -oa ssociate field secretary for the Na- guests at a luncheon and bridge given Viola, returned to their home in Mani nnwr" dall7 fr·· 8aM A. M. te M iss Swan has arrived from her tional Society of Camp Fire Girls, Tuesday by Mrs. F. C. H olste, 822 towoc, \Visconsin. aft er spending a week lhM P . M. Ill,.,. · .,. .............. was the house guest last week of Mrs. Prairie avenue. at the home of Mr. and Mr . John F. home in St. Louis to visit her brother, 1 James W. Swan, 932 Lake avenue. John Boddie. 627 Forest avenue. Miss Krema, 1630 \Vashington avenue. --oMc Kellar ga,·e a course of lectures at --oMr. and Mrs. J . C. Koenen and their Northwes tern university. M iss Alice Patterson of Marshalltown. three children, accompanied by Mrs. --oKoenen's sister, Miss Wehrheim, re- Iowa, and Donald H ecox. of the same ~fr . and ~Ir s. E . A. Dann emark and turned last week from a trip to D e- town, are guest s o f l\Ir. and ~fr s. L. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Frankton of troit , Washington and New York. E. Matson, 616 Fifteenth street, for a Boston ar c taking a motor trip through few days. -othe \ Vhite mountain s, the Maine Miss Mary Browning left Tuesday --owood s, and up into Canada. They for her home in Battle Creek, Mich Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Clarke of 520 wi ll be away about three weeks. igan , after spending the pas t week Washington street have just returned -oa s the guest of Mrs. Morton L. Pater- from Everett's Resort, Eagle Rin:- r. 1\fr. an'<! Mrs. F. W. Rich,r-y of son of 925 Chestnut avenue. Wi sconsin, where they spent three Dowagiac. Michigan, are visiting M rs. --oweeks. ] . \ V. ~Iayfield of 141 Prairie avenue. Mr. and Mrs. F . D. Buckamm and --<>On Monday afternoon Mrs. Mayfie ld th e ir daughter, Eleanor, returned to Mr s. Max Livingston of 21S \\'ood gave a bunco party for Mrs. Richey their home, 925 Elmwood avenue, binc avenu e entertained 18 gue sts at and Mr s. Bartholomew of Minneapolis. Sunda y, after a two weeks' outing luncheon in honor of her s ister - in -law. -oat Druce's Lake. Mrs. S. Livingston oi r. Louis, who is Ur s. Albert Page's cousin and his -()her house guest. wife, Mr. and Mrs. George Mahoney. Jean Mueller, 11)()2 Spencer avenue, --oand their son, George, Jr., are arriv- gave a pre-nuptial party for his friend. An attractive luncheon wa s g iv en ing from Indianapolis the end of the George Zeutschel, who is to be married on Thursday at the r\orthmoor cluh week for a visit at the Page home on August 27 to Miss Marie Kremen of for mothers and daughter ~. by ~lr ~ . A shland aYenue. Evanston. Thirty guests were present. Samuel Goodman in honor of her --omother , Mrs. l. Ettlinger o[ Chicago. -oM.rs. A. V. Hagen and her twin --oMr. and Mrs. Char\ea A . Koepke of daug;tlter:~ of ~ l ack Jtiver Falls, V\~;<; 414 v.·ashington avenue left Friday to Mr. and Mrs. J . \V. Trunk el and CO'IlSlll , left Tuesday after spending a the week-end at Saugautuck, Mr .and Mrs. J. Solomm motored to week with Mrs. Hagen's sister -in -law. spend Next week, they will visit the Pinewood camp for the week -end Mrs. \Vi ll iam R. Morri son of 1745 Michigan. to visit their sou s. ~fawm F. Trunk e l friends at Mi ll ington, Illinois. Highland avenue. and Edward S. Solomm. :.........o--oMr . and ::\Irs. John Ling and their Mi ss Irene Estes, of 1626 Wilmette famil y. 1116 Greenwood avenue are avenue, is !caving next week. with a SYz% Money leaving the latter part of the 'week P.arty . of f~te~ds to spend th.etr vacaHave funds to loan on chol~e to motor to St . Paul , M" r d tiOll 111 MIChigan. They Will return Improved North Shore Suburban 111neapo 1s, an Labor Day residence property at 5 1,.2% inDuluth be fore spending two week s at terest. See us on r enE>w a ts . Eagl e Ri,·er, Wisconsin. "'[ F ran k B--:<>-d _ _ 1· rs. n g es came t o w·1 1l11r WAUKEGAN f\OAD NORTHBROOK 0 E. G. Pauling & Co. Fred P a rker and John Dawson of mette Tuesday from Pekin, Illinois , S N. La Salle St. Main 0259 H as tin gs. Minnesota, were the week- for a few days' visit at the home of end gu est s of Mr. and Mrs. George her brother, Judge D. M . Mickey, 1523 Baldwin . 1117 Greenleaf a\·enue. Miss Vl' alnut avenue. -oMarian Baldwin is spending a fortJoseph C. Comfort has returned to night w ith friends at Lake Geneva. his home at 812 Prairie avenue, after --<>Announcement is made of th~ birth attending the Advertising Men's conof a daughter, Marilyn Barbara, to Mr. vention and visiting relatives in Engand Mrs. John Nugent of Evanston, land. --oun August 2, at the Evanston hospital. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Zonne, 1336 Mrs. ~ugcnt was formerly Miss Iris vVas hington avenue, and their chilMcCanney of Doyle court. dren have returned from a four weeks' ---oo.journ at Lake Winnetonka, MinM r. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson and two sons, P . B. Brown and Miss Scully, nesota . --oguests from out of town, and Mr. and M iss Jane Perkins of 1507 Highland Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline attended a avenue is visiting friends in Rockford. box party at Ravinia, on Wednesday, for She will be gone until September 1. the new opera, L'Amico Fritz. --oI MAKE . E REC T AND REPAIR Miss Virginia Coffey of 603 Central F L A G A N D RADIO STAFFS avenue is staying at Spring Lake, MichiSt eel aad wood. Abo wrecld&lf gan, for a week or so. During Tlae Summer Time b f Dr. 0. H. Bench 1177 WUmette Ave. Business Mmj Lunchton 75~ · Phant: 12'Jninutts by Motor~ JJartelmes a:t orthbrooh I · ~morthtielO Inn This Winter· Evanston at the Live tn (e--- --oM iss Kathryn Stotz of Easton Pennsylvania, is visiting at the home of Henry Cutler of 407 Central avenue. and palntlalf. S · .J. LEE 30 N. La Salle St., c·tcalfO P·oae Mala 0088 Ciar~nc-Q 1530 WILMETTE AVE.- WILMETTE. ILLINOlS w. HuDDarD A PEoNIES.& IRisES & We are specialist growers and issue a very comprehensive catalog which· you will find of interest and value. Evanston at the Library Plaza. Now is the time to reserve a cozy, cherry apartment where you can onjoy every home com fo rt without home ca res. The more conven ient tran sportation, the n ·stfulness, the quiet and freedom from serv ant and heating worries promise you a new ml·a sure of pleasure and happiness. There are single rooms and suites, both with and without kitchenette~ . beautifully furni,hed as attractively as a private home. Jn,·e tigate now and schedule your reservatil>n early. The rate are very rea onable. E NJOY a winter o f ease and comfort in ORRINGTON AVE ., AT CHURCH ST. Tdrf>ll onr U11i1.w sity 8000

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