12 WILMETTE LIFE, F RIDAY, Al:GCST 15, 1924 RIDGWAY'S HThe Store for Children" OCJAL Youngsters Become Circus Performers Tomorrow I A~ acts of a good citizen for the betterment of his village and to A add to the happines of those less fortunate than himself, have handed together under the name of "Twenty-five Good Citizens of ·wilmette" for the purpose of giving an occasional entertainment to benefit !'ome charitable organization. On August 16 they are giving a circus, with costumes, si de shows, and stunts planned and managed b\· them selves. · The place will be the lot. adjoining the D. M. Mickey home, 1532 \\'a lnut avenue, and the ttme, Saturday afternoon at 3. AnY residents of the viltage who wish to encourage these kiddies ·in their philanthropic and civic interest will be welcome spectators. CROCP of little children in Wilmette zealous to perform the AUGUST SALES We wish each customer to be absolutety satisfied as to value received, so we have marked our merchandise accordingly. jl Dorothy Brown's Marriage is Announced R. and Mrs. Frank A. Brown announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Grace, to Francis Foster Patton, son of M l\1rs. John Patton of Chicago. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's parents, 945 Michigan av~nue, Saturday evening, ugust 9, at 8:30 o'clock, in the presence of relatives. Mr and ~[rs. Patton have gone to Atlantic City. ternoo summ1 3 o'clc tion l cade "land tures, a cha and f hand . Atx: wandt cam()E will r Boher Tlu in an give< and l tain~ The heaut l . lake Straw Hats LEGHORN MILAN Priced to $12.00 Bathing Wilmette Adds Another Girl to Bride List Suits M J. ~fsh~~ \\'i)ffi as~~~ scr \·c of R. and Mrs. Lewis N. Place of 515 Eighth street, announce rh~ engagement of their daughter , Miss Elisabeth E. P lace, to , Kenneth Foulke, son .o f 1\Ir. and Mrs. William D . Fottlke of .\urora. Jllinois. The \\'edding day has not yet been set. .. .M i! as so tiona Quality ALL WOOL Now $7.95 Priced to $8.75 Now $4.95 Priced to $6.75 \\ . t SPECIAL! are ollering some nwdels of our Custom ~\fade Dres ·es Va off Now $3.95 slightly shop-worn at a liberal rl'duction. BOYS' WASH SUITS I' \ ':tllll'S $2.50 to PALM BEACH SUITS 7 to 1() $3.75 $4.00 t () $5.50 $6.00 to $10.00 NOW $1.95 NOW $2.95 NOW $3.95 Priced to $13.50 Now $7.95 WASH TROUSERS Kahki- White-L inen-Crash $1.25 NOW 9Sc $1.75 NOW $1.15 $2.50 NOW $1.65 $3.50 NOW $1.95 PAJAMAS AND SLEEPERS Priced to $2.25 Announcement ha s been received Mrs. Albert N. Page of 901 A hthat th e g-ardens of a number of north land aYenue, and her two daught ~rs s hore homes will he opened to the ~larian and Sarah, haYe returned fron~ public Frirlay. August 22, in connec- a se\'en -wee k trip in Colorado and tion with the annual flower show of x~w ).Jexico. Kenneth Page, who ha' the .1'\orth Shore Garden club, of heen attending a preparatory school \\ hich ;\[r~. Bertram Cahn is president. on a ranch thirty mile s from Santa Fe "The ~how will he held at the Lake met them at Denver and motored witf; Shore Country club, Glencoe, from 2 them to Santa Fe. A great deal of until 8 o'clock. Exhibits of cut flow- !heir ti1_ne was spen.t in riding, follower~ and prize blosso ms arranged in tng mtles of tra1ls on horseback. ha skcb and !iCrvice as table dccora- They stopped at the ~fountain View tions will compete for a wards in the ranch in New Mexico where Edwin large li,·ing room at the clubhouse. Scheidenhelm is staying. and the last Guides \\'ill direct those who attend two weeks of their outing w{'fe passed the s how. , hrough some of the notable in the mountains out of Pueblo. gardens on the north shore suburbs --ofrom \Vinnetka to Lake Forest. Interesting news has · been coming . ~frs. Herman Black is correspond- from the Foster Bransons who arlllg sec retary of the North Shore Gar- rived in Europe recently for a year of den cluh ." travel. One of the places they visited -o~he latt_er part of July was uniquely Mr. and Mrs . Harry w·. Mn11s and l111te':estmg. and seldom frequented by their son, Elwood, 921 Oakwood avenue. t~unsts: T~ey spent a day and a have returned from a week's automo- [!tght lU Tm agel Villa{(e. 'frevona . hile tr ip through northern \Viscon sin f' ornwall. <JIIa~o wit lv ~ts thatched roof and l\fichigan. They spent the week- cottage:" _of s.to ne. !!' the v ici nit~ end with their daughter, Miss Harriet. w_ here .It IS h~lte\·ed K mg Arthur an u \\'ho is at Sherwood Forest Camp. h1s kn1ghts ltved. . Spring~tead, \V'isconsin for the sumAt pre ent the B.ransons are m ' London. mer. -oMr. and Mrs. John D. Small. 41 I Cpon their return trip from Ken~faple avenue, spent last week-end at tucky. ~lr . and .Mrs. E. E. Thomas and Culver, where their son, Stoddard, is their son stopped in "Wilmette to visit pass ing the summer at the Culver \\'ood at the Edgar L. Goelz home, 1733 craft school. Highland avenue, for several days. Mrs. F. R. Kerr and her son. ceil. of Columbus, Ohio, who made their home in \Vilmette at one time arrivrd thi~ week to spend a day 'with ).[rs. R. H. Rice, 1007 Thirteenth street. :\[r. and Mrs. Rice and their ~on. Harofcl, returned la'ltt Sundhy from an ea tern motor trip. They toured as far as Quebec and returned through Vermont, the Alleghenies and dirondac s, to Pittsburgh. They were away nearly three weeks. -oM_r. and ~Irs. E. E. Haight and their famtly have returned from an automobile trip to northern Minnesota. ~hey motored through Milwaukee, l~ond du Lac and Duluth to Burntside l~kc , at the edge of Superior National Forest, where they spent two weeks. T~ey retu.r ned by way of Hibbing, 1Imneapolts, St. Paul, Winona, Kilbourn and Madison. ).fr . and ~Ir s . Goelz motored with them to ~Iilwaukee where they spent a week as their gue~ts. They returned to \Vilmette la s t week . Mr. anrl ).[rs. Arthur Goelz of Milwaukee visited the Edgar Goelz , last weekend. wa s ' John I McKl Nortl ).[r ~Ir. Bosto the gave and .u I . ' ) wife, and ing wee Ash! dau CO'llS / wee Mrs . Higl i\f fami lea vi tom Dulu Eagl Ha~t Fr end Bald Mari nigh I Now 95c BLU·E -oMrs. William Dorman of Salisbury. Maryland, who has been visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs . George Dorman, 622 Central avenue, for . orne time, has returned to her home. Mrs. \Villiam Dorman had not been in this part of the country for several years and she was much entertained by her Wilmette friends during her visit. An of a and S0 X \ 'alue · to ua pr. Flannel Trousers (Long) NOW SPORT UnderCOATS wear Fonnedy $16.50 Seal pax J· . M' a\'Cil ' -o- Three Pairs ... :I $1 Formerly $11 .50 Boys ' and Girls ' Formerly $1.00 Now $6.95 Now $7.95 Now 69c Special Oxfords Boys' ·ran and Black Sizes 6 to 9-Formcrly $9.50 20% OFF on all shoes (Except Cor et Shoes) Xow i · the time to purcha e school Now $5.95 shoes for your childre~. CARROL RIDGWAY I N CORPORATED 1160 Wilmeue Ave., Wilmette Wilmette 311 619 Davis Street, Evanston University 3511 ' M iss Pauline Lewis of California. who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. ~aymond Wheelock. 718 Ninth st:eet, sa tls Saturday for Europe. She wtll spend ~he winter in Paris. Mrs. S .. T. Lew1s, formerly a resident of -oWtlmette, is visiting at the home of ~fr . and Mrs, Jo!>eph E. Shantz her daughter, Mr s. Raymond vVheelannounce the marriage of their ock. daughter. Dorothy Jane, to Arthur -o' Bra':n. of Osnabrock, North Dakota. Mr. and ~[rs. Arthur Neal Warre on Fnday, July 18. The Brauns will of 310 Central avenue, entertained o~ sta:r with Mr. and Mrs. Shantz at the!r home on Eleventh s treet , until Tuesday, August 12, at the R oger s Park hotel for Mrs. Louis Nathan of ~prmg. Bryn ~Iawr, Pennsy]yania, who is the -o_Mr .. and Mr5. Gord()n Wil~on of t:!J7 house-guest of Mrs. Eugene Goller. ~\ ashtn~ton a\enuc are leaving Saturdav :.rrs. E. Hagelauer and Mrs. F. Bleatman \\ere the out-of-town guests. lor a tnp to the western coast. -o. At Lo~ Angle-., they will take a rar L. R. Hiatt of Independence, Kanand mo~?r up to Portland. Tom and Je:ry_ \\ llson are leaving for \Vatervliet . as, spent Sunday with the L. E. Mat).ftchtgan. Th family will be reunited sons at their home at 616 Fifteenth street. :\[r. Hiatt , who is taking a about the middle of September. post. graduate course at Chicago uni-o,·erslty, was a former Y. M. C. A. secMbs Brs ie Brownlee has chosen w!th the Czecho-Slovakian armv S.aturday. September 15. for her mar- ~etary m Russ1a. n~_ge to _ Henry J . Buesch of Mousten, --<>\\ !~con<;tn . T~e wedding will he a Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth has 9t11et homt· affatr that will take place re.turned from a two months' motor "' th~ afte:noon. After a two weeks' tr:p thro~tgh the east and has resumed w~ddmg. tnp . Mr. Buesch and his bride hts sernces at the Church of Holv Will rt.!SHie 111 Evanston. Comforter. Kenilworth. The Rev. E. -o9· ~frs. ~fary De Long, of 1626 Wil- 111 Hunter, of 801 Fifteenth street, was charge of the church during his mette avenue, left Wednesday to absence. ~end a . month with her son and hi -owtfe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles De Long ~r rs. Alfred Ruby entertained 16 !ormerly of Wilmette. While visit: children on Friday of last week at mg her son they will tour the northher h?me on Chestnut avenue, on the ern lake of \Visconsin. occas10n of Betty Jean's third birth-o~ Mrs. ]. Solomm entertained a group day. of mothers and daughters at th Miss ¥liz~~~h lliack, 1228 Gregory Northmoo~ club Saturday for b 'd e and mah JOngg. n ge avenue, ts vtslttng friends at Wauwau· tosa, Wisconsin, for a week. sons, gues Mrs. box the n gan, ..1