Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, p. 10

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. WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, ACGUST 15, 1924 JBJRllJD)JE§o!E!LlEC'f ~IE§lUlM!IE ~«J)JLJE§ (Q)N OClENll!LW(Q)~'flH! CA!Ll&NJD)AJR : Invitations are Out for Marriage of Elizabeth Stolp R . and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp have io;.,ut'd invitations for the rnarriagr of their daughter, Elizalll'th . to Oti~ Lloyd Heath on Saturday, August .lO. Dr. Will iam A. Colkdl-!< otii <iating at the Kenilworth l'nion c hurch at 8:30 o'clock The n·r ··pt ton will follow im t,.;ediat e ly aftrr tht· « < ·n ·nwnr at the Stolp residence .1.\<, \\' an\ ick road. ~fi" 1-..lllu·rinc :-;tolp will attend her s i-.l!·r ;, ' maid of honor, and the hridesn·.tid, " ill l·e the ~I i'>s<·~ Elizabeth llannali . ( oml'lia Keith. Beatrice and Flnn·nn· Pease. Dorothy Bennett and \Jr·,. Har<J!d :\1 cKenz ie. !{ohert Van Schaak will act as best m;111, and u,herinK will he llarold McKl'n7il'. l.oui, Van Schaak and four ,.,.,11 ,··..'« ' frit·nds of :\lr. Heath. from thl' < ·a't. Mrs. J. S. Cline will he at ti t<· organ . Re\'. Leland Hobart Danforth came home on Thursday of Ia ·t week from the cast. but left immediatelv for Lake Ripley. \\'i scon in, where - the choir boys were in camp. He will conduct the sen-ices in the Church of the Holy Comforter Sunday. Edward Parmelee of Utica. New York, will arrive · unday to spend a week with his parents, ~Ir. and Mrs . E. D. Parmelee, who arc staying at the Orrington hotel. CAN Alike -o- First Church of Christian Science Christ, Scientist, Reading Room Wilmette, Ill. 1113 Wilmette A.,.. Tenth St. and Central ATe. Hours : Services: Daily (except Wednesday and Sunday at II A. M. Sat urday ) 9 A. M. to 5:30 P . M . Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Wednesday: 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M . at g P. ~1. Saturday: 9 A . M. to 9 P . M. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M . Subject of the Lesson Se rmon lzed C.h rlatlan Science Literature Au·u·t clt~ed~e read, borrowed or pur, "Soul" 17 The Public ia cordially inYited to attend the Chureb Senieea and M II 1\Irs. }o}ln Lind, 315 Richmond road. and ~Irs. Caldn Case. 536 Warwick road. are spending a few weeks at M iss Eleanor Eckhart. 206 Cum her- Ludington, Michigan. land a 1·enue. entertained at dinner -oSaturday en~ning at the F.xmoor cluh M iss Helen Taylor. 310 Cumnor road. in honor of her guest and fiance. entertained at a jam s hower in honor \\'alter Turle. who left :\[ondar for of Miss Elizabeth Stolp, Thursday his home in Duluth. afternoon. --o-- BaT:e~ ~~bJ; :::3 ~o~:erb>;_u~~~~ -o- ~ William .S. Kie s of New York City. fornu·rly of K'l'nih\orth . is the guest o_f \fr anrl Mrs. :\[ark Cresap. 239 l ···t" r 0 a ·l. Mrs. Cresap enll'rtained hn··r·r : ,.,,uai ntance ~ of Mr. Kies for d;'""'r !"!lttrday <'\'ening. \1 r s. Percy Erkh;~rt enter tained for him at Sund ay dinnt·r and Mrs. Charlrs G. Burnham ga\'e a Sunday night t ea in his honor. He an<l hi ~ family ha1·r been -,ptndll~~ the. pa~t year in Europe. \fr'>. Ktt··. ~f,,.., :\laq.:-ar<'t. aud \\'i lliarn. Jr .. wh · art' pa--ing the ~ummer in Pari , , \\ill uot n·turu until Srptrml)('r, 1dH:n :\li..;' \l argarl'l <'Xperts to attl'nd \ ·assar anrl \\'i lliam. Jr .. will IH· <1 studl'lll at lfotchki 's school. I. a kl'\ illl' , Connecticut. -0- :\frs. \\'i lliam Dent arri1·ed at the Mrs. Blish. mother of ·M rs. L. D. Kenilworth Inn, 315 Cumnor road. on Jones. 325 Richmond road, left SaturFriday. She expected to come sooner, day for Racine to visit for two or but ha s heen spending three weeks three weeks. with her daughter. i\[r~. A. F. Reich-on;ann of Rarrington. ~fr. and Mrs. Charles \Van~. 325 --o-Abhot tsford road, motored to Hart .. A. \\'. Hannah. 256 \\'ood otock a1·e- land. \\' isconsin, to Yisit Dr. · Nixon nue. and his mother. ~rr s. A. D. Han- and hi s wife. nah. OliH·r Barrett. 623 Abhottsford --o-road, and Loui~e and Da1·id Hannah ~1 iss ~fa rt ha Ste\'ens. 330 Ahbottsmotor('(] to :\Iadison Thur sday to ford road. spent Ia . t week at Dela\·a n . \{lClld the week-end. \Vi consin, \'isiting her aunt, ~Irs. De · -oClerque. In·in Hintzpl't e r. 212 Sheridan road . -oRohert O>good, 423 Essex road. and M iss Theresa Backus. 249 Cumnor Hard1· Fenton of Kenilworth annue road, left Saturday for Kansas City. lef t Thursday for a three week motor her old home , to \·isit numerous trip to Camden. 1\fa ine. friend s. -o.---o1\fi~s Jeanette Cherry . .t22 AhbottsM iss E li zabet h Ste\·ens. 330 Ahbottsforrl road, was hos te >s at Sunda v ford road, left Thursday for Buchanan, night tea for :\fis' Betty Gowan ,)f Michigan , where she will stay until Kan ~as City who was h er gm·st for Sunday. the \\'t'ek-end. -o- Yiait tbe Readina Room. For Your Drug Store Need· Call Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones Wilmette 400-401 Wilmette and Central Aves. "Uncl4 Canada, blood, i( Dr. Arc of Engli {ax, N. Northw4 Profess< broadca over th' WMAQ "Cana the n01 States. law, de~ the u~ MacMe Canada States. out for popular entity, It is a ~ stretchi Pacific. inces, q thrl·e Cl o·;,..:r 1\'o\'a >7. tl . -o- The :\fi"cs F.milv. Dor oth1· and Patty Forl·;man. SIS. E~srx roid. left Thur;day for the Broadrnorc hotel, Colorado Springs. and for Estes Park. to l1e away ahout two weeks. Summer Dresses Fluffy light summer frocks for the hot Augus t days . -o\[r,. E. F. Snydacker. 1340 Chestnut a1·enuc. ga1·c a mah jongg ,party Thursday afternoon for \frs . Culh e rl · ~o n's guest-;, ~fr>. Hicb and Mi ss Culhcrt~on. They're attractive and moderately priced. The End of a Perfect Day Aiter you han~ danced and lunched a t the Lake Shore Terrace you \\'itt feel that you h a1·e h ad a sp len d id time. .\n ann0111ll'l'llltnt of i11ttre~t wa~ mad·· l.y ~fr. an<l :\!r,. V.'arre n Prase .UO I.<· in -t··r road, of tht engagemc;1t of 01H rJi th.·ir tw in <laught<·rs, Beatrt r<·. to Donald \\'. Bakl'r. ~o n of \lr . an~l \_1 r-. \\'. D. Baker of Batt It' Crcrk. \f trllli.!illl. \I r. Baker wa ... t h<· how-e g-ue-t " ' :\I r. and ~I r-.. l'c<hl' l;ht \\ l'<'k . 0 - -aFranci s Allen. 412 ).felrose avenue. -,pcndit~g . thio, . wrck motoring thrn~t~h :\ltc l11gan ll"tth Fred Rollman of l·.1 anston. Th ey arc topping en route to play golf. is Unique Style Shop 11Z6 CENTRAL AVE. Ph. Wil. %403 I -o1\fr-. J . :\. Cu lhrrtson. 220 Kenil worth an·nnt·, and " her g-nrsts. " M rs . lltcks and ~[i ss Cu lbertson of Pa!a· dena. <.pent last week -e nd motoring to OcotHJmowoc and :\fadison . .. ~ 11! :\Irs . F. 1\ . lbt hhOIJ l' of Pa-, ;u!t-na 'fll'lll thn··· days of this " ~I r V. Rath· !ton ... .~.n .1\hhotr...iord n;ad. Tht·,· Wt'rt ' on l lll'ir way I o J.ong l slarHI t;, -opa,, a 1110111h with \Jr. a11d :\fr, \1 i-s Eli7aht'th Hannah. 256 \Voorl ll .<rry T! J ull\a~. formerly ol \\'ilm~ttc: stock avenue, and her grandmother . On thr·1r \\ ay _homr th<'y will sto p off \\\r~;. A. D. Hannah, 4\7 A.hbottstord ag :111 t 111 l'o~'lltlworth for '>l'll'ral da1·· rr>ad. left \\'edncsr\ay for "Mackinac -0. 1-land. to be away for two weeks. \l r. and \frs. \\'. \\'. \\' het·lo rk. -o{~corgc P . Xichok 519 \\' arwick 132 Oxford road, th<· :\ti._.,,., Flnn·nce and lk!Jn ca \\' li<·l'lo<·k. and Halph roacl, .is it! the EYan,ton ho,pital. re\Vh<·<·lod:. arc J,·a\ ing todav for a COI lrtng tront a recent illness. trip tn c alitornia. ,roppillg 0:1t Banff -o~tcclman \\' illard, 330 Ahhottsforcl ancl l.~'lk!' L<_?ui'<' .. coming home hy road. 'c·a\es today for Canada to atway rd tltl· Cana<lran Rocki es. knd !\fr. Chilrl's ramp. -0-o\\'al ··r Shattuck i~ entt·rtaining thi<; Thl· F\ t'lling hridge cluh met "ith "\l'l'lh <Jl a ltou ... c party at hi' summer ho111 · <lt L11HI o' Lake,, \\'i,ron in. D;. and :\fr,. Rufm Stolp. 33h \ \'ar\It, Bl·tty Darling, ~fi,s ~lary Gil- wtck road. ~{onday e1·e11ing. 1<·11. ]'()l,.rt Danlt·y and "Cap" Starrett an· tlw g\1l'>t,, W4'!'k 1\ ' th \lr. aud \Jr .,. i. 1Cake Shore ·~ ~ aerra.~~ ~rJ Cut Flowers for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 t Canada birthda1 1 are cl is an called Act.' ~ and pr provin ernorreprese power the m n1ons." The bv tra ada, c~ "The 1 bet wee Great into th rapid 1 wttnes~ ' l post of tion fo border Great royal pri11ci the and 1712 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON -o'\lr .lllll \I r,. \\'ani . Starrett, 333 '" ' hn!CJ11fl road, arl' hl'mg conJ,!;ratu· }<~t< (I upon the birth of a daug-hter . ll nrr,d.JY . \ugu,t 7. at till' F1anston h 4~'1"t.d Thl'} ha\ e named tht· bahy DR. C. E. GEISSE Oateopathic Phyaician Villace Theatre Bldg. Phone Wil. ZOSZ ~.1111 \ , 1 til What kind of a grocer have you? D OE~ ht· try to -.ell you a suh~t itutt: fur our bread? Or cloes he a~k you to try \Vilson's nn·ad. a bread made right here 111 lm11 h) ll\\r o\\ n citizt·n~. and made hettn than any other? lie'-. a po«l!' hu-.inl:'-.::- man \\ hu r\"\"n't l·w". t his home indus- t rie-..!

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