Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, p. 9

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1924 9 he T wo Golf Clubs Plan far Guests Tuesday, Aug. 14 Women Golfers Play for Open Day at Evanston New Subdividers Open Championship at Skokie Golf Club August 28 Large Dempater Tract I O ~n, n, ht, O N Tuesday, Sunset Ridge club will have its first golf guest day and a large field is hoped for. The morning match which is scheduled to start at 9 o'clock will be 18 hole medal play with handicap. In the afternoon at 2 an approaching and putting contest is planned. This week the sloppy, slow condition of the course did not prevent enthusiastic players from entering the 18 hole medal play handicap contest. Mrs. Helen Martin was the victor in class A with the low net score, with Miss Virginia Ingram having low score on the odd holes. The class B nine hole events were entirely carried off by Mrs. S. Edwin Earle, who had low net as well as the lowest score on the odd holes. Tuesday is also guest day at North Shore, when special events have been scheduled for both morning and afternoon. This week the match was decided by the two players holding the low ~rores on the three best long holes and the three best short ones. Mrs . A. D. Collins was winner of the forr. and Mrs. C. N. Jonas of the tier. The first qualifying round of the August trophy was also played. Nf:Y a sket~hy. account can be gttveSnk ka~ th 1 sb hmedof the golf a o 1e c 1u , ma e somewhat indefinite by the condition of the cc;>ur8e. The week, when possible, was given over to t~e club championship mplaatycehdes,offtwoM fnhdghts of dwhhich w~re o ay, a :t t e enhre tournament will have been played off this week. Mrs. Edgar Stevens holder of last season'.s title, won her fir;t match played early m the week. At the time of going to press Mrs H G Ph'll" and Miss Helen Pope ~er~ st.ill i~ ;~~ running. Women's events will take place as usual on Monday, although an exact schedule was not availahle. Gelder and Sneary have now entered the North Shore subdivision field in the · Dempster street, Evanston, section. aft~r several years of successful operat1on m Oak Park and adjacent subdivisions. They opened 22 acres, Sunday, August 10, at the northwest corner of Dempster street and Keeler avenue, opposite the Evanston Golf club, the property being Mrs. John V. Rathbone and her d . $300 ()()() S'd 1 edaughter, Helen, 523 Abbottsford va 1 ue at approxtmate1 Y ' · .road, returned Tuesday from Iowa. walks will be laid at once, it is stated. ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIftlllllllllllllllllllllll~ T HE Open Day tournament for the Women's Western Golf a ocia. t10n that had been scheduled for Monday at the Evanston Golf club, has been postponed until Thursday, August 28, it has been announced hy the chair. man of the women ·s goll comm1ttee of that club, Mrs. Emmet Boyles. ' ~-- WHEN YOU WANT EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON YOUR PAINTING AND DECORATING CALL Indian Hill Plana a Flag Tournament I ~-=:_! E B ETWEEN the weather and the drawing attraction of the Western championship being played off at Onwentsia or at Shore acres, as the rain disposed, the Wednesday match at = Indian Hill did not take place last week. This week the players were to have _ their choice of the best nine holes out of 18, and on Wednesday, August 20, a Flag tournament has been determined upon by the golf committee for the day's ~ program. II __ THE NO~:E::RE~~~~::AOODS ! _ Phones Winnetka 1186 or 1762 IC PERIE·NCE has given us vision. By this mean it isn't necessatiy for bereaved to enter into all the details. Just indicate how you want things done. w.mt~ ·~~=.:, EYanatoa We lJ. . ·ntaa· I Jlllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ and you are sure to get QC.\LITY and DURABILITY at lower cost because it is the CO-OPERA'fiVE SYSTEM. I ~I The Fame of a Proposed New Club House Spreads LENCOE had a most interested visitor. Tuesday, August 5, in the person of Mrs. John E. Norman. president of the Woman's club of Huntington, \V. Va., who made the trip for the sole purpose of finding out just how the Glencoe club's plan committee went about getting the data for such a wonderful set of plans as she had heard wa s in the posse ss ion of the \\"oman·~ Library club of Glencoe. Mr. Norman. who wa s elected a director of Rotary International at the recent convention held in Toronto. was in Chicago last week attending a hoard meeting and inquired for the wife of Chesley R. Perry of Glencoe, secretary of Rotary International. Mr. Perry informed him that since the Glencoe Woman's club had started a movement to build a new club house h~ J;>acl aeen her so ~ldom that 1~ d1dn t know m: :h ~ut her. M~ Norman replied 'fiat he was in about :r-.r\llljl· c same position, as his wife was ent of the Hunti ngton Woman's club which is about the same thing. He was so impressed by what he heard about the way in which the Glenc?e women had gone about the plannmg of their proposed building that he sent for Mrs. Norman and the trip to Glencoe was the result . Mrs. Perry gave a luncheon in her honor at the ~kokie club, the other guests bemg Mrs. Sherman M. Booth: presiden.t of the building comm1t tee; ~~ rs . Herhert C. Angster. of Lake Bluff, and Mrs. Jess1e B. Matthews. After luncheon the party adjourned to the home of ~rs. Fox on Longwood avenue. where p1ctures and plans of the new club house were exhibited and explained. and much valuable information was given to the visitor. Mrs. Norman who ha s ,·is ited cluhs all over th~ country in her quest for ideas, stated that she con~idered the Library club plans and specifications the most perfect she ha<l seen anywhere . A special issue of the Bulletin of the \\Toman's Lihrary club of GlenC?e posting the names of 137 candtdates for membership and the endorsers thereof. is being ent to every m«:mber of the club. Although the dnve ended August 1, Mrs. Sherman Booth, chairman of the finance committee, and the acting chairman of the membership committee, Mrs. Ralph .f:. ~toe~zel, will be glad to receive phcat10ns at any time before the ub season opens on October 9. If · there are enough to justify it, a supplementary sheet that can be pasted m the year book will be i sued later. T~e finance _committee takes pleasure m announcmg a few of the captains who were most successful. ~lrs. Leo ]. Hillman ecured 13 member , Mrs. Francis S. G:-aham 10, Mrs. Harry F. Keator 6, and Mrs. Theron M. Woolson, Mrs. Geo. H. Engelhart, and Miss Augusta Titus, 5 each. Sixty-seven other members secured from one to four applications each. After a careful checking of the lists from which the committee worked it is found that there are still 93 names of women taken by the members to invite into the club which have not yet been reported upon. This means that before the o~ening mec~ing the club may have mcreased tts membership to nearly 600. G TJ house at the left located at 727 Foxdale Ave., \Vinnetka. Six rooms, attached heated garage, porch off dining room, sleeping porch on second floor. Three bedrooms served with two bath rooms. Hot water heat. All walls insulated with Balsam Wool. Size of lot SOxlSO. i~ liS ) T HJS house at the right is located at 719 Foxdale Av.e., " ' innetka. Seven rooms, attach ed heated garage, porch off dining room on first fl.o or and sleeping porch on second floor. Two bath room~ serve four bedrooms. Hot water heat. All walls insulated with Balsam \Vool. Size of lot 50xl40. If you have friends coming to the North Shore to live Note th ese features: ~~~ llav · them look at these new, attractive English houses with typical English gables. They will appeal to anyone who wants a home that is a pleasure both to own and to look at. Both of these English houses are just as delightful in arrangement .on the inside as they are pleasing in appearance on the outside. ~ote their special features in the description and invite your friends to inspect them while they are heing finished. one of the best neighborhoods i1~ Wimutka.. Eost of the tracks Just the ri,f}hl dislallccfour blocks - from statio" mid stores Four blocks lake from the NEW PHONE STATISTICS The Tokio telephone bureau has is~ued de_tailed statistics that are Yery mterestmg. When a woman is talking to a woman, it is claimed, 26.4 per ' ent of the talk is idle and unnecesry; when a woman calls a man, the w_ aste is 13.8 per cent; when a man calls a woman, it is only 9.7 per cent; when two men talk, 10.6 per cent. For more information call the owner at 734 Lincoln Avenue, \Vinnetka. Phone Win. 1184.

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