Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, Optimist section, p. 6

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6 OPTDIIST SECTION, WIL\IETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, .\UCUST 15, 1924 hut Bill Rossberger claims that some were so small one could hardly ~ce them. The rest of the member at the pre ·ent writing have not 'had their vacations, so are unahle to tell of their experience. Carl Sterner, Dr. chur and E<irl Orner intend to make a raid on O:arlcy :Macintyre's market some Friday morning and Carl says he 1·.on·t lea1·c until he gets a real big one. \Ve all hope they are lucky. We need a few more OPTIMISTS For places in our fighting lists, The kind of hopeful men who make Real sacrifice for freedom's sake; The OPTIMIST. with purpose strong. Who stands to battle every wrong, Takes off his coat, and buckles in We need a few more OPTIMISTS, The better joys of earth to win. ' The kind that double up their fist The OPTIMIST who worries lest And se t their jaws, determined-like, The vile should overthrow the best. A blow at infamy to strike. \Ve need a few more OPTIMISTS, Not 5miling mer1, who drift along The brave of heart that long resist And compromise with every wrong; The force of Hate and Greed and Lust Not grinning OPTIMISTS who cry, But OPTIMISTS who'll fight to give And keeps in God and m!ln his trust, The truth an honest chance to live. Believing, as he makes hrs fight OPTIMISTS ARE ACilVE PEOPLE Local Club Aaaumea Keen Interest in Wilmette'· Civic Problema POET CLAIMS WORLD IS SHY ON OPTIMISTS That everything will end all rightYet through the dreary days and nights (Jnfalteringly se~ves an.d fights, And helps to gam the JOys which he Believes are some day sure to be. V\' e need a few more OPTIMISTS Of iro·n hearts and sturdy wrists; ~ot OPTIMISTS who smugly smile And preach that in a little while The clouds will fade before the sun But cheerful men who'll bear a gun: And hopeful men, of courage ;;tout, Who'll see disaster round about And yet will keep their faith, and fight And gain the victory for right. ' O BOOST WIDER STREETS Get Behind Many Improvement Projects The Optimi . . t Cluh oi \\'ilmcttc, which holds it" lun chmn~ cverv Tuesday at the Lake Shore Terrace·. Sheridan road and Chc-tnut an~nut·, has heen in exi t nee ahout nine mt,nth~ and during that period ha> cnjoyNI a wholesome and uninterrupted development . It wa ~ launclwd thrnugh til<' initiati\C of a m emher of the Chicagn Cluh ni Optimists aud compri'e' in 1t.. mt·mhl'r,hq· a large group oi wdl krtll\111 \\'ilnwllc busin('\S and proit·"inn~ l men . In proccrlurc oi prt,gram and work the Optm1ist clul· is not unlih· ntht·r luncheon cluJ,., ~Vhich ol·t:1111 in cities and towns throughopt tht' l'nit<'rl State~ but its primary object, its kadcrs ex· plain, is to \(-11(1 a hand t11 the delin quent hoy. lb creed, a-, set inrth on the title page oi this -.ection, nrtuallv embraces the sllpulatlmh ni tht· c': .. lden Rule, with '-Pl'CJal 'tn·-,, IIJIIIII rht·t·riulness in daily hu>im·-.~ lilt< rcom·,, .. Though young 111 n.pnit·nce. the l..cal cluh has alr<·adv m:ult- 1t s influence ielt in the community throu~h its lllll'(jlll\.'1· cal endorsement of the prop,,..cd street widening J·wit·ct now wtdcr con.,idcra tion hy village authoritit·, ; 1h po>iti11n against the contcmphttt·tl do,ing of Tenth street north ni Cht·,tnut avenue and its actin· approval ni numunth civic advancement Jlrojects. The cluh 1s lwr alded to vi>itor-. r'n tht· north >hore !.1 two large and <tttractin· llt·lcnnu.: sign·-. erected at the north and "'lith t·:o..t remi tic~ of Sherid:111 road in tht· nllage. Offirrrs of the cluh include : E. .\ . Dannemark, prtsident: ( lrian Cal ill . fi;~t vice pn· ... irlent : I.tt ]{o.,hcrg. ~cconrl VJCC prt·sident; Carl Rcnncrkar third v!ce prc~idcnt; Carl E. Sterner, 'fourth VICe prt'Sidcut; Dr. lJ. \V. l~app, st·cretary ; llowarrl Hoard, strp;eant-at-arm'. THINGS WOR TH KNOWING Fint, tht' ,·;due t·i t1mc. Second, the '-IICCes~ oi pcr\CHT· a nee. Third, the pk<t-urc ut working. . Fourth , the rl1gnity ni ~impliclly. Fifth, the worth of character. Sixth, the power of a smile. Seventh, the C<luse oi example. Eighth, the ohligation of duty Ninth, the wisdom of economv. Tenth, the "aluc of patience. · Eleventh, the tmpn,n:meut oi talent. T\\c!fth, the joy oi originiatins.t. Thirteenth, KCt ) our hr<lln out of a rut. For Sen·ice and Quality Place Your rder For Wilmette Music Shop ORlAN A. GALITZ Optimist 1179 Wilmette Ave. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIAL with the Evanston Building Material Co. J>honc ni,·crsit ,. ~~O.i Phone 3006 1320 Si1np on Street l,:,·anston, ]11. Tui will I day <1 for. The scheduled II 18 hole ~ In the aft~ and puttin~ This wee tion of th enthusiastil 18 hole me Mrs . Heier class A wi Miss Vir score on t nine hole ried off by had low I score on t Tuesday Shore, wh1 scheduled noon. This w by the t N Phonographs and Records ·".s". Chaa. F. Brandt Optimist · j I I "Wider Streets-Keep lOth St Open " man. pre of Hunti1 trip for out just plan coli the dat set of was in t Library Mr. ~ a dire tiona! ..,t , A~);OUNCIKG Clore, Budinger & Smith succeeding I ~r \., ...e \\'ALLACE B. CLORE, and JR. & CO. Optimist Henry Littlestone 332 Linden Avenue Wilmette B'CDil\GER & CO. sa eside an's c1 thing. he hear Glen co plal)nin that he trip to Perry at the REAL ESTATE And Fish Story Time Right Now Among Optimist Fellows Wider Streets-Keep 1Oth Street Open INSURANCE 1177 Wilmette Avenue (Opposite Village Hall) Every bod:-. at t ht· pre,cn t timr 1 talking, thinking- and dreaming of fl>h. Most convcr>ations and mcrtings gtart :'n<.l end on this ~uhject. To whom 111 our club goes the prize? At the time of the con,·cntion in Mil~au~ec , during June, Schwall wrnt fishn~g mstcad oi attending the conventiOn and d1ug-ht a few fish and h .... from meml11:rs who were at the JOHNS-MANVILLE THE RICHARDSON CO. convention. At that Schwall thinks th~ ~est fishing is at our own Lake Aabeatoa Shingles Asphalt Shingles M1ch1gan; went with Hy Littlcstone and Hy asked him if he prayed to the fish becau,e he caught them while Hy did not. Talking about a place to get fishPTDilST C~arley. Olewme and ] ack Schaefer J loward Board, thmk smce the last rains the Skokie Country c.lub is as good as any. Lind:\I gr. trom cla1ms to have found a fisherman 's paradise at a little lake near 0 hkosh. Ray Klemm ~avs he can catch them without line, ro.d and bait !'ear Morton Grovr. he ay by leanmg the bo~t on one ide and scaring the fish wtth a club they jump into t~e boat and all you ha\e to do is p1~k them up. R v. ).fag-ill think Mmne ota take the cake, while Hen Meyer says Gro Point can't he beat. Vance Fo. ter claims that he g-et twelve to twenty pound ·rs up m C~nada, (that seem a good place). Bdl Ro sberger would rather cauh turtles as he love turtle soup. At the present we have no report from R? y and Danny but we think they will be able to tell orne good torie when they return. Some of you folks no doubt have noticed that Orian Galitz has been ~ate the last few mornings. Accordm to orne of the member the De plaines river at \Vheelin4, where he Jives, rose so rapidly durma- the last rain t ha t all he had to d o was open his bedroom window and catch all he want~. Hec~im they were ~at~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · Wilmette, Illinois Telephone Wilmette 1750 CITY MARKET CO. 627 Main Street Phone 1870 Wholesale RE-ROOF FOR THE LAST TIME MEATS ·Optimist Retail C. T. MciNTYRE coe p didates dorscrs membe drive Booth, mit tee, the met F.. Sto plic ub s' · there : (Jiemer in the The ure in who VI ] . Hilt Franci Keator son, N. Augu other four a ful ch t he co ~ h ere 38 Yeara' Experience PURNELL ROOFING Co. 1177 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette 2569 taken the cl porte< the c h ave near!) N Wide Streets Keep Tenth Street "Wider Streets- Keep Tenth Street Open" Open

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