OPTIMIST SECTION, WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY; AUGUST 15, 1924 OPTIMISM HAS RAPID GROWTH If If If If THE CL · UB SECRETARY With Apologies to tire Bl11e Pntcil Br DR. D. J. RAH, Secretary, Wil...tte Optimiat Club the secretary writes a letter, it is too long. he sends a postal, it's too short. he sends out a notice, he's a spendthrift. he don't send a notice, he is lazy. If he attends a committee meeting, he is butting in. If he stays away, he is a shirker. If the attendance is slim, he should have called up the members. If he does call them up, he is a pest. If he duns the members for dues, he is insulting. If he fails to collect dues, he is slipping. tf the meeting is a big success, the Officers ·are praised. If it is not a success, the secretary is blamed. If lte asks for advice, he is incompetent, and if he does not, he is bull-headed. If he writes his minutes complete, they are too long, and if he condenses _them, they are incomplete: . . · If be talks on ~he subJ~ct, he !S t~ym~ to run things, and if he remains qutet, he has lost mterest m the mstJtutJon. Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust, If the others won't do it The secretary must. ----I am the Joyman-1 am the OPTIMIST-I am the Conductor on tlae OPTIMIST Special. We run up the s-ay Side of the Valley of Life. We will atop anywhere for anrone. If rou are tired and broken and diacourarecl, d-'t J_iYe up. Juat look up the track for the OPTIMIST Special, and when you aee ut cominc, raiae your band and we will atop. I will help you on and find you a aeat where you may tit down, lay back rour ·heacl and reat. After you are refreahed a bit, look out ·cain at a brichter and better lookinc world; pick out a fine, temptinc atation hy the wareide and trr it ·r·in. If etill rou fail and fall behind in thia mad race of life, don't be down-hearted a~d quit. Juet watch for ua on the ne:llt round trip. Our .checlule ie recular and our equipment ie dependable. Faith ie tlae track, Hope ia the heacUicht and l.oYe ia the en1ineer. You mar ride with ua on the OPTIMIST Special and pay 7our fare with a amite. Or, if you want to c:hance aero" town to the old road of creed and crah, you can tranefer with a frown or an ualy word or an unkind deed. But if you do you will ha·e to take with you all your petty jealouey, bate, euapicion aelf\abne , OPTIMISM, hecauae we need room in for baar·ce car for and a full carao .. of Hope all andthe Helpfulneu the huncry heart· of men. We alway· alow clown at Deapair J-ction; run alower atill throuch the Valley of Sorrow, and atop, wbiatle and wait at Suicide Cliff. All ahoard 1 Brother or eieter with a brok- heart, ride with ua. You can buy a round.trip ticket with a amite and we will atart when you are r ...ty. 1 am the Jorm·-1 am an OPTIMIST-I am the Conductor on the OPTIMIST Special. I to.... my job and I am the ricbett ~ in ... woriL I bew tllat ·'T _.·, .......t ia tMt that' ~ of ....a s..a OPTIMISM wWcla U1~ . . W. W..W wltWa ........._ teaca... W. tlae Dm.. Tndla tJ.at 6. ~ of Henea · 6. aac....t aa~ of 1aia owa co..a.-a.... For . . ,._. ·· ~ . . liMn ie -·1lat t..t T ......... it elaa1l - - . . . . witla . . _.il ·r Marc:biar aoal co.., to tlae pto at U.. ... J tJ. ........ alipa onr tho c ....t of Gotl"· areal t_.--w. P·····- -·fraid Firat Club Organized at Buffalo in 1911; Hundreds Since That. Time YOU MIGHT economize 1n the purchase of a shirt butR. F. Optimiat COVERS THE NATION Board of Directors HancDea Ita Finances Early in 1911 E. L. }.{onser, a young insurance man, a newcomer in Buffalo, N. Y., gathered around him a group of enthusiastic men and on April t, 19ll, · d th 0 · · Cl b f f orma II y orgamze . e pt1m1st u .o Buffalo. Consecut!ve records runmng back to 1912 are m the hands of the present secretary, Dr. Louis Gottleib. The exact date of the formation of the Optimist club of Washington, D. C., is not available, but G. E. S. Wmiams, secretary, wires that he has been a membcr eight years and secretary for five. It rained in Indianapolis on April 15, 1916. Several business men stood gazing O!.lt of the window in~o the dripping, Joppy, murky street. One of those present exclaimed-"There is just one more organization needed for business men, and that is an Optimist club." Treat Your Stomach To The Best You couldn't possibly get better cakes than ours The Dutch Oven 1129 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 2998 "Wider Streeta--Keep Tenth Street Open" "Agreed," shouted the others and the idea at once became a reality. On May 7, 1916, fifteen business men met for luncheon at the Claywood hotel and formed the Optimist Club of Indianapolis. Business men of Louisville, Ky., caught the spirit and the Optimist Club of Louisville was formed. As Optimist ideals became known, other cities organized clubs. It is a remarkable coincidence that these clubs, knowing little or nothing about each other adopted constitutions and pledged themselves to Big Objectives so similar, that later, when they carne together they were one in purpose and high enthusiasm. One can ask no further proof positive of the fundamental need for and spontaneous acceptance of the principles and practical pro- · gram of Optimism. In March, 1919, a meeting of these vari~us organizations was held at Indianapolis the outcome of which was ~e formation of the International Optnntst ~lutJ. ~ ~was chans~ ·}o Optimist Internattonal m 1923. The first convention met at Louisville, ky., in June, 1919, with a roster of eleven clubs. Since that time clubs have been completed without maintaining an extension department until 1923 in practically every large city in the country. The association is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the delegates at the Annual convention and consists of a president, four vice-presidents, treasurer, and eleven directors. All financial matter~ are under the control this board. -Optimist Headquarters Bulletin. our~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHOLESALE RETAIL KARL PAPE PAINTING AND DECORATING 1632 Central Avenue Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2934 Specializing in Artistic Interior Decorating, Paperhanging Wood finishing Exterior Painting Wilmette Glass & Paint Works Main Office and Store 1133 Central Avenue WILMETTE WILLIAM and ROBERT ROSSBERGER MemiMr-Optimists C.aeral Glaaiaa C.atracton Jobbers in Plate aad Wia41ow Gla.. Mirron Manufacturers of Plate Glue D..k uwl Dre·Mr Top· A.rtalaaa, Plaia aad o.-.a--tal Fiala Aq-ri.-. MiiTOr and Picture OPTIMIST RULE FOR THE SALARY BOOST Go to work and forget the clock. To be paid more, do more than you are paid for. Look to your job, but also look beyond it. Command attention because of the attention you give your job. ' Read everything you can buy, beg or borrow to your business. Give relative your employer the benefit of yvur brains even if you think your are Samples of hand. the Firms best on Wallpaper ll~~~~ijij~~ii~~iiiiiiii~~~~~iiii~~iiiiiiii~ii= Ribbocl and Wire Chipped GJ... laaa Flonntin, Mu. an.t Colored being paid only for the work of your hands. Get ready for your promotion before you see the remotest possibility of be_ iog promoted. F<tll in love with your work and if you can't find it in your heart to do so, get another JOb. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND TltiMMING Y.ou know as well as we do that to sell your car and buy a new one, merely because the paint looks rather shabby, is as foolish as throwing away your pet "brassie" because the varnish is spotted or cracked. We have a completely equipped shop, designed to produce work of the finest quality. Our men are experts at their various trades. The paints and ~ther materials used are all selected for fineness of quality, and durability. With equipment, workmen, and materials selected with the finished job in mind, we can say positively that any piece of work that leaves our shop is up to the highest standard. A telephone call may save you the price of a new car, and give us an opportunity to prove that we know our busi· ness. m... sw-w.w. Auto Wu..lalaieW -d Bolly ClaN ~..en.... Oath of the Athenian Used at Sprinc6eld (U ed by the young men of Athens) We will never bring disgrace to this our city by any act of dishonesty or cowardice, nor ever desert our suffering comrades in the ranks. We will fight for the ideals and sacred things .of the city, both alone and with many. We will revere and obey the city's laws and do our best to incite a like respect and reverence in those above us who are prone tb annul or set them at naught; we will strive unceasingly to quicken the public's sense of duty. Thus in aU these ways we will transmit this city not only not Jess, but greater, better and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us. (As used by the Springfield, Ill., club.) FRIEND, MEET A BROTHER Paiau, 00. and Varnia. .1 Artiat Material· Bruabet, Suppliea W allpaJHII' Frame· aad Fl'llllliDI Artiatic Garden TNlliHa Window aad Porch Scroeaa Doora, Fra...., Saalo Medicine Cabineb m··· s.....lin, Poliabina Griadin1 sn..rina Gla.. Sirn· Paiatia1 Write for Estimates FACTORY AND WAREHOUSE SCHILLER ST., WILMETfE Phone Wilmette 2508 "Wider Streeta-Keep Tenth Street Open" ROBERT W. MciNTYRE AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND TRIMMING UCaiOiiDe Alley," r..r Wilmette State Baak Phone Wilmette 114 Wilmette "Wader Street.-Keep Taath Street 0.." See a member you don't know, Just walk up and say "Hello I" "Hello !" and "How d'you do?" And "How's the world using you?" \Valk right up and wade right in, l Greet him with a cheerful grin, ""'-..Don't hang back and wait awhile, YOU should be the first to smile. Give your band and give your heart, That's the way to make a start.