Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1924, p. 7

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{)pea N.... ;aa~~-. Sclaaeler Ho1t1 w..t o1 N.tJa Enn.ton Malee Merry at William D. Murdock and company, announce tDe opening of Harrison Annual Reunion boulevard, North Evanston subdivision The Schaefer kinship, numbering a few hundred residents of the north shore and Chicago, gathered in the Forest Preserve at Glenview Sunday for the second annual family reunion. Among those who participated in the day's activities were Mrs. Eva Schaefer of Evanston, and Mrs. John Feltmann of Chicago, daughters in the original Sc haefer family which settled in the former Gross Point more than 60 years ago. In the course of the day the single men of the clan defeated their married brethren in a game entitloo baseball. the final count b~ing in the vicinity of 22 to 7. A p1cked team later played the Gross Point Colts, defeating the enemy, 13 to 4. The children enjoyed races and contests. Basket luncheon, followed by the singing of folk songs and tbe exchange of reminisences, terminated the festivities. English Lutlwran Greenleaf and Seventh William Gulae. putor ServlcM for .&.uguat 10:The Old Teatament Leaaon for the Elchth Swuky after Trinity wlll form the baala of an Important mesaace for the aummer and vacation aeaaon. Read Jeremiah U: U-10 for the Lord'a j11dc· ment -.r&lnat talae shepherd· and 1-dera of Hla people. The entire chapter Ia very sugcestlve of the kind of measage which Jehovah will put Into the mouth and heart of Hla true aervanta. Worship at eleven. Bible school at 9:46. The attendance ·Ia holding up aplenclldly. New members and vlaltora are welcome. Mrs. Hartman's class captured the banner for the best attendance record durlnl' July. . In case the Inclement weather should prevent us holdlnl' our plcnlc this week aa planned, announcement of some future date will be made next Sunday. Reverend Gilbert Stansell, putor The Sunday School aeaalona at 10 ~ of the cialist to a 1 'Take 1> the e or r eyes days." 1 are cross, menand just west of Westmoreland Golf cours~ oti the Harrison - street Glenview car line, less than Qne mite' west of Evanston city limits, aod two blocks from the proposed North Shore Electric line. The boundaries, Central street and Cicero avenue, are laid out 100 feet wide and HarrisDn street, La Crosse, and Lamon avenues, 66 feet wide to conform with the recent ruling of the Cook County Board of Commissioners for wider streets throughout Cook county. . The lots are SO feet wide with a building line and building restrictions. There are sewers on three sides of the tract, with ~r and electric light available. S. P. Brannan who negotiated the purchase will have charge of the sales organization. Low prices of $20 per foot upward will be established. . ;·:~~~ ~~~t~~da!t m:rn~':,f0ct~de!:: Wednesday evening, ar. provlcltnc a great Inspiration and help to thou whQ. attend. Morning worahlp at 11 o'clock Bunday morning. In the absence of the pastor last Sunday morning, Dr. W411la F. Rowe occupied the pulpit, and next Sunday morning Dr. W. E. Shields will preach. · A. very cordial welcome Ia extended to the many strangers who have been attendlnc the Sunday mornlnc services, and It Ia our earnest hope that It they are making Wilmette their home, they wUl make themselves known to the pastor and afllllate with the activities of the pariah. Diacuu Economic Problem · At Baha'i Temple Lecture "Abdu'l-Baha's solution of the Economic Problem" will be the subject of at the Baha'i temple, Sheridan road and Linden avenue, Wilmette, Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The lecture is one of a series of special summer services at the temple, it is announced. e a your ~ give a rest Lots of Ljptninl' But No Dama,e, We're Told panied by a heavy rainfall on Tuesday night was seemingly more severe than that which visited the village the early part of June, it occasioned less damage than the earlier downpour. according to Village Manager Schultz. "Tuesday's lightning was keen and snapped like a whip," Mr. Schultz said the {~lowing morning, "but l haven't hearo of any damage done· by it. But we klre having too' much rain and l'm afraid the ·f armers ·in th1s vicinity wilt have little to harvest this season. The land is satcrated with water and as far · as I have been around, the crops . are practically eliminated." · a lecture St. John's Lutheran WJJmette and Park avenues, Wtlmette Herman W. Mey*)r, M. A. pastor 408 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 claaa. mon; mon . &:30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible 8ERVICE81 9:45 A. M. First servlce and ser- 11 :00 A. M. Second service and serMEETING81 ID SIAL IIEOilDS The Girl Scouh are meeting each Wednesday for some. work and much play. The second and last group of (111 , '=+·) Congregational Church l!flrla, under the leadership of their M a I na-N. 1...... ' .,..._.,. captain. Mlaa Peaee, will leave for Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd, mlnlater ,..... ......... ..,.. . o-w.-) The Congregational church Ia open two weeki ln camp next Thuraclay. e 1ery day for the free use of realdenta " a ' a-N.T· ...._ ' CW..... Don't stay away from the cl\\lrch and visitors. It Ia the deelre of the "'-- ~ Ne. la...a. omcera of the church that It may services because It Ia summertime. The minister In the largest degree possible church Ia real cool, the service la abort. H.prlaa......., .... u..-t.t l the music Ia cood, and a very cordial to the needs of the community, (l...l.t) , . , _ , . . . Olp ....... welcome awaits you. ................ Me. u-:PwtZ The Church school meeta flVt~ry Sunday morning at 10 o'clock and ta un(I.Jaet) , . , _ .w. Olp ~ der the care and direction of tralnetl Vrca.n Reconl Ne. 6450. IZ.a.d Baptist Church and competent Instructors. Rev. B. P. Hope of :a.t:edla. Pa., will (f.- ~dttJ;::J-, . The service of worship Ia helct at again occupy the pulpit of the Wll· JIMa1· <Tio-JIIIGft"'Ardo.) · · ........ 11 o'clock on Sunday mornlniJ und the mette Baptist church on Sunday, Augpreacher during August Ia the Rev. W. ust 10. He baa chosen aa hie theme, S..,.. IIW N.nr Met Y.. <rF. English, Jr. Mr. English will be "Envisioning the Unseen." "Litt~eJ..-.J-") ...... glad to answer any call for pn.storal Victor Recorcl No. 1026, l~iacl. service. His phone Is Wilmette 800-M. During Aul'ust, the Bible school convenes at 10 o'clock by departments for UGHT VOCAL SELECTIONS study. No record of Individual n.tten- Aa, OWn- At AI St. .Augustine's. Parish Lewia-...; dance Ia beh\g kept during tl\1~ month. Next Sunday, the et.rhth Sunday after 0.., ill MJ He.rt Trinity, the Hrvtcea at St. .A.11g11atlne'a Vic- R.ot.l No. 1'»71. l~i~ The Wtlmette Baptist church Is lochurch will constat of Holy CommunIon at 8 o'clock and Morning Prayer cated at Wilmette and Forest avenues, D\JE'B-TWO sonANOS and welcomes all to all of Ita sen·lcea. and Sermon at 11 o'clock. There wm be no Mid-week meetings (1) Millie E..,..._. (Z) 'n..linlef Last Wednesday, th*l Feast of the ·during the month of August( but there , ...... (3) Transfiguration of Christ, there walt' a will be a morning service each Sun.baa Hew.ni-I.Mn ........... Celebration of the Holy Communlo.ft In day al 11 o·ctock. The church olftca · wlll be cloaed from August f-18 . St. Augustine's at 8 o'clock. (1) W. N.,.& (Z) W, Miler (J)T...,..t ' - Henr4-l.awa I..iiiWall ....._w· .._..,.._,..... '*'· - w ........ F,....,_- en.le-. Victor Rec:orcl No. 19350, l().iad. Congregationalieb to Hear ·Rev. W. F.· Ensliah Rev. W. F . English o£ Massachusetts, will 6ccupy the pulpit of the First Congregational church Sunday morning, August 10. Mr. English is in charge of the services at the church during the month of August while the pastor, Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd is enjoying his vacation. The church school convt:nes as usual at 10 o'c1ock. Tuesday at 8 P . M. Business meeting of the oongregatlon. . Thursday at 3 the Makrethen club. Thursday at 8 P. M. The Builders Y. ;p, 8. and Walther League. .Next Sunday's services wU1 be conducted by the pastor, H. W. Meyer, who, with his family has returned from a trip to Arcadia, Michigan. Don't forget the - meeting · of the Builders Young People's society and Walther league. Big things are on the program tor the coming season and working plans are In the making. Be there to help! We Said it Last Week And \Ve are saying it again this week MFJ.ODIOUS lNSTRUMENTAL Cuc:Ue-Walb l..a. N...-, Or. t---Schsaisd. .... ....·· ~Or. Victor Rec:orcl No. 19)49, 10-U.... s=·· It's Time To Can · You will be able to get anything you need for canning and preserving at this store. Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, Jar Tighteners, J etly Bags, Pre erving Kettles, Strainers, Skimmers, Cullenders, Graters, Wooden Spoons, Extra Jar Covers and Rubbers. If you're too busy to come in, call us up. We'll be glad to deliver your order promptly. DANCE RECORDS Sso-OrieataiFnTrat PsulW......... Hia~ I Caa't Get lha 0..1 Wut-Fa TNt Psul WbiiMDsn sad Hia Ord.lra Vica.n R.cord No. 19)81. lo.-ll Juat Hot-la TNt W..,.s ,....,,._.,_ Lei N- P..._:..fes T...t Te4W.-SIIdHia~ Victor Recorcl No. 19377, I~!Dclo . r Announcement We wish to ·announce th~ open~ng of our Chiropractic offices Monday, August 11, 1924 l\Ietropolitan Building, 1120 Central ·Ave. Wilmette, Illinois H. M. Carpenter, D. C. H. C. Lewis, D. C. Edna B. Lewis, D. C. Palmer Graduates 05ce Hours 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Eyeninga 7 to 8 · Telepbor.e Wilmette 3234 June Nilht-Fa TNt Wsritl(a ,._,...._. Only Y sa-Fn Trot {f.- · ·ru s.,. sa.. u '") wl·h - 1 r·fraln I.......... Ne.alty Owdleallll Victor R.corcl No. 19.Ja0. lO·iada Johit··:Millen · · · · .,II It'· Hardware, Millen Pboaes Wd.ette 3060-3861 Ht~· NORm SHORE TALIING MACHINE COMPANY 554 Center St. , _ Vkfor lt«<r<i·; On.,. · w-.lr, E..r7 W..,_Fr~ It" 1219-21 WDette Ate. ,. .... Now Is the Time TO PHONE 1304 Regarding that Property you want to sell Coming soon-cool nights and chilly mornings. Be. ready -with Koppers Chicago Coke, the clean fuel of economy,for all heating plants and aU·seasons. Fill your bin now, while you can still profit by reduced summer prices. Right now is a good time to send for our Service Man. His suggestions can save you money on your seasons fuel bill. Far Sale By Ecliq· A Sou ................................ Phooe Wilmette 141 Kutteia Bros. ..................................... Phoee Wilmette 1 Mey· Coal A Material Co. ................ Phoae Wilmette 1733-UM A. J. WOODCOCK 35 Years Experience Call Lawndale 7025 for Fr« Sn..-ic~

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