Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1924, p. 2

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2 WILMETTE L In addition to the e, during la st Lent were shown for six consec uti\"e weeks pictures from the Bible ~tories taken from the beginning to the t ime of Solomon. These picture ,,·ere procured from ltaly through a :\ t>\\" York ·(,ntinu.:d from page I) agency and are the fine t Bi'·ltnl p:ctures procurable. La~t Holy \\",·t·k Mr. and ~fr. Edward Zip£, ~15; Mr. was shown "The Pa· ion and Dt· t:h ant! >.lr~. le'>t.:r G. Wood, ~15; Mr. of Christ." and :\Irs. H . H. \Vilson, $15; ).fr. and P roYiaioh· for Safety :\Irs. F. B. :\iacKinnon. $15; Mr . The greatest care has been taken to Knry ~~ eagher, $10; Mr. and ).lrs . S. H. B L" rringer, $10; Mr. and Mrs. provide for th e ~afety of the children. H(·nry Fowler, $15; Mrs. ). F. White, The two machine , although fireproof, $15; ).fr. and ).frs. M . B. Skinner, $15; in thern~eln~s, are in a fireproof l>ooth. Mr . and Mrs. ). Edward Maass, $15; Both the large curtain and the moYing Mr. and ).frs. P. V. Bright, $30; Mr. picture creen. are oi tireprooi maand Mrs. ]. B. Marshall, $10; Mr. and terial. Lighter! exit si11,n hHe been .Mrs. S. B. Roberts, $15; Mr3. A. E. placed at each exit and the .c~urc h ha_s Harber, $5; Mr. and Mrs. E . \V. pro,·ided a very large adcln10nal ex1t Pridmore, $15; Mr. and Mrs . R. E. three door <; wide for u, ... in any emergKenyon. $15; Mrs.] . R. Cochran, $15; ency which might ari"' · A committee oi " ·lJTit'l' accu,to med :O.f r. and ~Irs. Royal D. Smith, $25; Rob ert a and Jack Hope, $15; Woman's to handling childn·n ·n a ma-- i; alClub of Wilmette, $15; St. Augustine's way, in attenqan ce at tht· aiternoon < hurch Sunday School, $15; Logan ~howings. and of m en " pre,ent at the A police officer School Parent- Teachers' Ass'n, $15; e\ cninQ' showing,. Central School Parent-Teachers' Ass'n , lint·< up the waitinq- crO\\'d' and sees '15; Mr . Ella Thoms. Sarasota, Fla .. that there i no o\·ercrowding. $15; Mr. and Mrs . Thomas Duncan . Plana for Cominl' Sea·on Milwaukee, Wis., $12; Woman's Club Through thL kiadne~s of Edward of Wilmette (Philanthropy Depart- Z1pi. pre ident of the village, who has ment), $30; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Co- offered to defray the expense. it is burn, $15. planned to put in a thorough system Pictul'ea for Children of electric fan ,·e ntilation which will Among t~e pictures shown, specially change the air of the pari h house every few minutes . dear to childhood, have been : Among the picture with which it is Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella, intended to open the 'eason are "NanHuckleberry Finn, Dick Whittington, Han eland Gretel, Jack and the Bean- ook of the Xorth," the famous picture !lta lk , Jack, the Giant Killer, Little of Eskimo life. "Grandma's Boy" with Red Riding Hood, Mother Goose, The Harold Lloyd as the ,tar, "The Call tory, Princes ~,' !\ecklace, Rip Van \\'inkle, of the \Vild," a Jack London John son's Jungle Adventures. The and others. A large selection of comedic· specWizard of Oz, The Royal Pauper, 20.0()0 Lt·a gues ltHit:r the Sea, The ially cho,en for the children will be throughout the eason. , IJo\nl Princt an1l the Pauper, Black Beauty, E a rly Contributon l 'nclt.- Tom\ Cahm. Snow \\"hite, Among those who ha,·e already heOliH·r 'f,\ i,t, and many others. rome responsible for weekly showings From thl' proft·~., ,onal producl'r~ the next fall are : following have been shown as specEdward Zipf. president of the Vilially .,uitahle for children: lage of Wilmette: Lloyd Hollister. Daddy Lon~leg~. with .\1ary Pick - puhli>her of 'W ilmette Life; 11r. and ford; The Heart of :\laryland, The ~~ rs . I. K. Stover; :\I r. and Mrs. E. A. 1-:icl, with Charlie Chaplin; The Kinety Kaumeyer; ~!r. and :\Irs. Royal P. and ~IIH'; The Sailor ~iade Man, with ~mith; ~!r. and }.Irs. \V. A. Pridmore; lla rold l.loy<l; Tarzan and the Ape ; ~~ r . and ~I r:;. Robert · tocldard; Mrs. Tlw Bacht·lor Dadd\ ; The Three ·. B. Roberts: :\(r. and :\lr~. Lester Mu.,kett·cr'; Trouble, with ] ackie \\"ood; ~~ r. H. L. Clarke; 1f r. and -oo).!an. Tht· Si~-:n of the Ro.,e; The ~fr,. Henry Fowler; Dr. and Mrs. MHI - 1\Jg ht Burglar; Humoresque; Hubert Carleton: t. Augustine's SunCounty !'air, w ith \\\·,!!'y Barry; The day School and \'arious community l·a nta,ma. The Ghn-.t in the Garret· club' and a'isociation . The· J'r .nrl Chap; anrl othl'rs. ' It is po,sihle that the e\·e ning showReli.-iou· Filma Al·o ing.;; may not he held next year as /\n ~on).! the religion s picture~ ha\'(~ thi., i, attended largely hy those older IH'('Il' than tlw boys and girls for whom the ( rt:ation; Afta the Fall: ·\hraham·, picture, are specially pro,·idcd. This T,·"'f tat ion; Boyh.ood oi :O.fo ... cs, The \\ill make it possible to center the (all of :amud, The Cho~cn Prince effort especial\y on the boys and girls (A serial life of David>. Daniel in the who throng the performances in the l.wn', IJt·n, Jo-.l·ph and Hi, Brcthrl'n, afternoons. \\"ilmette is proud to have such a r\tl;tm and Evt, Story of Elijah, Story of .Huth, In the Ikginning <Life of uuique cntcrpri-.e in its micht and the Our Lor<l>, Dawn of Chri ... tianity, boys and girls greatly appreciate the From tlw ~fangcr to the Cro~s. The unu~ual effort made ior their enterGood Samaritan. The Passion Play, tainment. lu their name thanks are The Prinre <>f Peace, The Prodigal ~iven to all who have made this most Son, Anan1as and Sapphira, and others. comrm:ndable enterprise possible. PREDiti BIG YEAR AT KIDDIES' MOVIES Think of NEXT Year! Right now is the tixne to join our \ acation Club. If you start novv you will be able to get together enough for a REAL vacation next sun1mer, and without n1issing the money. Start todav, and then keep it up. You can de~ide yourself how much you'll need, and how much yo~ will have to save each pay day in order to accumulate that much by next vacation tix11e. 'fhe main thing ts to START, and to start NOW! I ·· voui· Ill I Home B·na·· Ill I I A unifonn and clean, smokeless fuel lor home heating plants. Made in Chicago from carefully selected coals. CHIC A G · o SolvqCoke No Smoke No Soot · Few Ashes 20% eheaper than hard eoal ORDER YOUR DEALER TO -because eyebrows prevent perspiration fr.om running into the eyes and also shield the eyes from dust. How grateful the coolness of Rubbiq Alcohol on hot, flushed skin! And how quickly it stops all perspiration odor! Here is the rub-down that tones you up after w.o rk or strenuous exercise. Use it to refresh y')u. Use it to put new life into tired, aching muscles. Try it after your bath these hot days. Notice the fragrant rose odor, and see how refreshing and will feel. Full Pints .......... 75c Half Pints ......... 4tc: . One of 200 Puretest preparations _for health and hygiene. Every ttem the best that skill and care can produce. Fill your bin now A t Present Low rrtce FOR SALEh · I HOFFMAN BROS. Phone Wilmette 131 Renneckar ·Drug Co. T elephonea 28-29

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