Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1924, p. 15

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1924 NEWS (Q)JF llNTEJRESJr llN ·IR1EAII.. ESTAJrlE AN~ BUJllWllNG IFlll&JUOO 150. Louisville, $373,197 and Denver, $318,- Jersey, Real Estate Board speaks up and reminds folks that it was the first ln 3 Eastern cities the gain was JO board "in the United States, Sweden per cent of the half year and 17 per and anywhere else to order a realtor cent over June last year. In 1907 pin embodying the seai of the National central cities, the loss from the first Association." The .Camdenites beean half of last year was 3 per cent and to flaunt their pin 'way back in Januthe gain over June, 1923, was 23 per ary. They are using permanent "realcent. In 76 Pacific western cities, the tor" window seals too, with the avowed loss from the first half of last year purpose to "hammer away at the job was 4 per cent and the loss from June of making the .public think 'realtor' last year was 28 per cent. In 52 south- whenever they think of realty." ern cities, the gain over the first six The Chicago Real Estate Board has months last year was 4 per cent and ordered realtor emblem pins, as have the gain over June, 1923, was 14 per the Miafi, Florida, and Atlantic City, cent. New Jersey, real estate boards. Greater New York showed a gain for the ha!f year of about 31 per cent Auoc:iation'a President The gam m ·Ntw York over June, 1923, was 2~ per cent while Chicago gained Plana Weatem Joumey 93 pes cent. New York's gain over H. R. Ennis, of Kansas City, presiJune, 1922, was 42 per cent. All of the dent of the National Association of bora'!ghs ~£ New Yor~ showed sub- Real Estate Boards, who within the stanhal gam~ for the s1x months and 1 t sev months has traveled more Queens was the only one of the five as . . . en . b es m .vtstts to mem er boroughs which showed a loss from than 20,000 mt 1 last June real estate boards, w1ll make a tour of · 1 d 1 · b · d' 1 real estate boards in the northwest. Th e genera ten en Y m ml mg a- Mr. Ennis wilt leave the association's bor was upward, although th.e month headquarters, Chicago, August 22. His brought forth some scat~ered mstances itinerary will include visits to the real ?f reduced wage~ !O sktlled craftsmen estate Loards of Salt Lake City. Utah; m the s~ller _cattes. J_une ~aw fur- Boise, Idaho; Pendleton, Oregon; !her recessiOns m ~atenal praces. As Walla Walla, Yakima, Tacoma. and m May, the declmes were confined Spokane, Washington; Portland and almost wholly to lumber an.d structu- Longvtew, Oregon, and Seattle, Washrat .s!eel. Douglas fir _ pnce~ were ington. At Yakima Mr. Ennis will stab1hzed at lev.els estab.Jashed m May address the annual convention of the but. southern pme contmued to drop Northwest Real Estate association, to ?nhl the l~st fe"Y days of Ju~e. Start- be held August 28-30. m'f ma!ertals wttnessed _a sltght soft- From Seattle Mr. EnRis will go into e!ltpg tn New ~ork Ctty .. In other Canada to visit real estate boards there cthes they remamed practically un- belonging to the National asse;>ciation, changed. in Victoria, Vancouver and Wmnepeg. On the return trip he will visit the 'Real t B Ar tor uttona e Minneapolis and St. Paul boards, The Style Nowadays reaching there September 15. In these days when small gold realtor buttons similar to those worn at It looks like America's little sweetthe Washington convention of the heart is going to become a Parisienne. National Association of Real Estate That was the impression that Mil:ry Board s are appeanng · or a bout t O ap- Pickford and husband, Doug, left h w1th . pear on the coat lapels of members Chicago people who s~w t e pa!r of a number of the association's con- when they changed trams on the1r stituent boards, the Camden, New way to the Pacific coast. H BIG CITIES AID BUILDING ·TOTAL Slowinc Down in Smaller Centers, Report In spite of the slowing down of building activities in many cities in the United States, the amount of building continues to advance in several large cities to such an extent tllat it brings the coutry's total up to a higher figure than last year, both for the first six months of 1924 and for the month of June. These figures are announced by S. W. Straus & company, who make monthly and yearly building servers for real estate men and the building industry generally. Evanston was one ot the .:ities which reported a decrease in the first six months' building activities of 1924 as compared with 1923. This falling off amounted to $1,398,653, and in June the total building activities in Evanston were only about half those of last year. Last month the city issued permits to the value of $682,645: ·,n June, 1923, the total was $1,210,585. The only months in 1924 to show an increase here over the corresponding periods of 1923 were February and May. The remaining four showed decreases. Typical of Smaller Cities When All Others Have Failed Come To Us When a property owner wishes to sell his real estate, he wants quick action as a rule. The best way to eet results ia for him ro list his property with a reputable and ener&etic: realtor with aa exclusive contract. · . We. knowin& that we are protected in our efforts to aeU property, will devote every ~ssible enerl)' for making a aale. We will spend money advert1sing the property which we woald not do if other brokers had the property for sale. The chaac:u . for a satisfactory and prompt aale are obviously mach ~teat· under an exclusive contract. This system &ives quick results without costin& the propert7 owner one cent more than the reeular aalea commission. Why Not Try It? Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. w ....... .......... u· ................................·..·...·........·.·· North Shore Homes NEW ENGLISH COTrAGE Seven rooms-four bedr.ooms, two baths, garage attached, 66x140, $21,000. Terms. Attractive Stucco Colonial Honre consisting of 6 rooms, san parlor and sleeping porch ; grounds beautifully landscaped; 120x200; snap; $30,000. The experience of Evanston was typical of a majority of smaller cities throughout the country, and it was only the activity of the larger centers that carried the 1924 half-year total on past the 1923 mark. The decrease this year as compared with last is not regarded by real estate men generally as a n unhealthy business sign, but is taken to indicate hat the saturation point in many kinds of boom building reached and back that most com-li=======~=:;=;:;;;~:;~=====;:::========t has been are munities getting to normal. The large cities which showed notable gains and turned the balance in favor of an increase-which amounted to 8 per cent-this year were: New York, with $133,451,325 increase over last year; Detroit, with $22,193,000; We are now offering for sale, vacant property in our Rochester, $8,981,192; Boston, $4,984,687 ; Newark, $3,083,491; Cleveland, English Village Subdivision at Valley and Milton Avenues, $3,569,440; Milwaukee . $3,060,383; BufGlencoe. Large lots, beautifully wo.oded, paved streets, falo, $3,187,000; Seattle, $3,153,505 and and ready to build on now. San .Fr~cisco, $2,r;.477 . .June qu,. r Ceift VACANT 50x257, 1 block from lake, $5,500. 118x135, east location, $100 per foot. SERVICE TO THE BUYER-TO THE SELLER : I Walter P. Smith & Co. 1 ! : I I 33Z PARK AVE. Phone Gleocoe 410 GLENCOE, ILL ·---------------------------··········-··--········-~ Do you know that buying a home on time will save you money? The interest that you pay can be charged against your income for Income Tax purposes. We have recently built t\velve attractive homes in Winnetka, just west of Locust Street on Ash and Cherry Streets. Seven of these are sold, and five are now ready for Sept. or Oct. first delivery. They contain six rooms, 1 bath, hot water heat, white enamel wood work, concrete foundations, insulated with two ply Cabots quilting, landscaped and fenced, complete in every respect, s.ome as low as $15,500 on easy terms. Streets paved and all Specials paid. Open daily 2 to 6 P.M. 1 Records for th whole country ~howed a general gain of 10 per cent In the June building activities over those of last year. The total amount of increase for the month was $299,682,315. Says the Straus report: "The sweep of the building movement in the large cities has more than overbalanced the recessions in the smaller communities. "The twenty-five cities which led in plans 61ed and permits issued during the half-year ended July 1, showed a gain of 11 per cent over 1923. "In June these same cities gained 19 per cent over the same month last year and 18 per cent over June 1922. Repre·eat 17 Per Cent of Total "It is of interest to note that these 25 cities reported prospective building operations amounting to 67 per cent of the total amount reported by 328 cities and towns for the first six months of the year. "The cities showing the greatest gains in June as compared with June 1923 were: Chicago, $16,604,700; New York, $13,008,001. Detroit, $4,459,793; Philadelphia, $2,738,005 ; Cleveland, $1,932,075; Milwaukee, $977,778; Buffalo, $839,000; Newark, N.J., $792,193; We will build an English home for you on any lot you select, finance and sell on easy terms. 1112 W. Adams St. Chicago, Ill. Randolph 2720 Wilmette 341 Pay as you use it! LiberaL T enns Fits Your Present Heating Plant Prices as low as lt~cliiiiR NOW! $275 itUtiJllalil>H The lowest priced completeb· automatic oil-burner A new plan that puts oil heat in the reach of every purse No more dirty coal, no ashes. Now every home owner can have this efficient oil heating system for a few pennies a day. Send the coupon for the facta. 112 W. Adams Street Chicago, Ill. Randolph Wilmette 2720 341 N For Sale-Modern 7-room home, good lot in convenient location, garage; unusually low price at $9,000. OW comes oil ;,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;;;iiii""";;;;;;p;===;;;;o;: Now with this new heat for the small oil·burner your house home owner - for may be kept .1t an even fixed degree of homes of 6 or 8 rooms, 2-apartment houses, heat all through the bungalows. Afamous winter. You simply oil-burner at a price set the thermostat in and terms wi·hi:t the the living room, once, and forget your heat· means of every purse. The joy of automa t:c, ing problems. clean, steady heat from oil. Now yours by a new plan. Get the facts- mail coupon By this new plan you can install You now pay a furnace man $15 a this sy,;temin }Ottrhomefor but a few month and the ash-man $3 a month. pennies a day. It almo"t pays for it- That's $18. self out of what tt actually saves Now for a small down payment over old-fashioned coal heating. and as low as 25 a month this Free yourself from new oil-burner will be slavery to coal. Lon 't let .ts Your installed. Only seven dol· Fl your wtfe shiver when Iars a month more than the fire dir.-;. Or shovel Present Furnace you are actually saving coal to ko..!ep it going. lnsta!l thb new Oilon coal operation. burner NOW. Pnces Why climb out at dawn include inaaollation. This is the lowestto start the furnace for Modnau Prfcu, Conpriced completely autothe day? These troubles w:nienr, Llkrcal Tc,..,.. matic oil-burner. vanish with oil heat. Mail the coupon todav-aet the factt WINSLOW BOILER 4: I I I r···············································~···· I I I We Are Makiq for The Prudential Insurance Company of America FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS At Slh~ interest with privilege of payment in part or in full at any time without notice and without charge for such prepayment privilege. And at privilege. 6% in monthly payments with like Folder showing method of monthly I payment loan in detail sent on request. ENGINEERING CO. 117 Chlc. .o A·a., EnutoDt Ill Tel. Evaa. . _ 8..-...t- WINSLOW IOILU l ENGINIUING CO. 811 Cllleaso Ave,. Evaute-. Ill. (Check one) Please eend tree book on on heatinl Without obliption, send your encineer to examine my pretent beat ina plant . · . · · · O O George H. Taylo~ Real Estate Mortcaae Co. 31Z South Clark Street, OUc:qo Automatic Oil Bumi"i System5 ··-----·····..-·-..···..:::.::~::-____ CWiulow BolerM':!i::O.= Co., Olicqo L-·-··- -_:=== T.Jap··· W...... lZ41 ~--···················--·········-·················· - ·· --········-·····- - - - - - - '

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