Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Aug 1924, p. 14

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 · 1924 WILMETTE LIFE (Formerl~ai!':u!:~4e ~~~re Newa) THE WJLJIE'I'TIC LOCAL NEW S Eatabllahed 1U8 JII1JKD JI'RJDAY OJI' EACH WEEK with which la combined by LLOYD HOLLISTER. INC. UU Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. 'l'tle·lloae ........ .. . WU.ette 1NO 1 1JBICRIPTION ~~::~. 'Dfr:l~1e~·~~ ~~~.f::u:~· :~o~~~ All communication muet be accom- reach the editor by Wedneaday noon to Insure appearance l,n current Issue. Reaolutlons of condolence, carda of thanks, obituary, poetry, notices ot entertainments or other atralra where an admittance charge will be made or a collectloa taken, will be charged at regular advertising rates. Entered at the poet omce at Wilmette, Illinois, as J'rl&ll matter of the ·econd class, und er the act of March a. 1879. FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1924 Separate the Grades. Enforce the Traffic Laws. Build the Through Traffic Road. WILMETIE DAY Wilmette Day is near at hand. Twelve days of feverish preparation remain before the committees of the Chamber of Commerce and then -the one, big annual community recreation f<:stivity. It will be a day for young and old, an occasion for a general get-acquainted se sion-the logical time for a good, old-fashioned family reunion. It will remind one of the Sunday school picnic back on the farm. Come out on " ' ilmette Day but don't get )'our knives and forks mixed! "SAFETY OR SORROW" Citizens of the villag-e-those who drive car~. as well a~ those counted in the great army of pedestrians, will he in hearty accord, it is believed, with President Zipf's order to the police department requesting strict attention to the regulation affecting traffic. The in tT\\ct\on!'. aTe viTtua\\y identical with tho se given Chicago and ~uhurban police generallv, specifying speed limits proportionate with ~he degre_e of datwcr in the Yanous locahties. h They carry with them, in addition to speed regulations, the demand that other traffic violations brance. That is the cost of liberty and independence for every people in the world. It is fitting that we should take thought of the price that has been paid for the institutions that we accept altogether as a matter of co~rse. America has never been gtven to gestures. If we had it might, perhaps, have been easier for u s. We have waited and hoped always that there need be no cause for bloodshed, always with the same re ult a far he a vier toll than w.ould' have been required had we been more ready, less optimi tic and tolerant. Being ready for war does ';lot make war, any more than t~kmg out life insurance or maktng a will brings on immediate death. It is only provision for a calamity that will be accepted only when every mean s of escape has been tried. and failed. But the very being reaQy is a discouragement to others to develop such conditions as would make the preparations useful. -Evanston Xews-Index. THE NEW PLAYGROUND The report of the municipal playgrounds' board indicates careful attention to a project that promises to he of enduring benefit to the community. Judicious expenditure of funds, wisely planned innovations and strict though not penurious economy are written O\'er the report and Messrs. r.lover. Hoffman and Schuler merit the appreciation of their fellow citizen~ . And now that the playgrounds are virtually completed. a definitely outlined program of activity should follow. As in Evanston and Chicago playg-rounds, there should he supervised recreation programs for all ages. ~cottt leaders and recreation directors in the schools should be enlisted to work out a scheme and carry through a specified curriculum of playground activities. THESE SHOULD NOT DRIVE Secretary of State Louis L. Emmenon, ;n a bu\\et\n on aa{e driving- of automobiles, points out that while intoxicated persons and children under fifteen years of age, (unless accompa~ied by the owner of the car or a ltcensed chauffeur), are prohibited by the Jaw from operating an automabile in Illinois, common sense suggests a number of other classifi- Slowinl Cel In spite building ad the United building coj eral large tl.lat it bri~ a higher n for the first the month I announced pany, who building s< and the b Evansto~ ON'T you hear t hat vacation call of Wisconsin and Norther~ M ichigan? It's the sull makes days and ca 11 o f t h e wt'ld w oods · Answer it-- now-while .summer . . nights delightful. Easy to reach 7 Yes! All,steel hmtted trams leave ~requendy trlf over a ·ne, offert'ng you a quick , cool, and comfortable over t h e N ore h Sh ore L1 . stone-ballasted roadbed, with famous North Shore courtesy attendmg you al th e way. 'D ~o 'l{each Wisconsin <Vacation Points· Direct connections in Milwaukee with the T. M. E. R. & L. R. R. for Oconomo~oc, Nashota Lakes, Nehmabin Lakes, Silver Lake, ~elafi~ld, ~aukesha Beach, Nagawtclca Lake and Pewaukee Lake. Also direct connec.ttons wtth Mtlwaukee Northern R.R. for Port Washmgton, Sheboygan, Elkhart Lake, Cedar Lake Crystal Lake and intermediate points. Sched, ules 'of both roads connect with North Shore Line trains. Step from your North Shore train in Jl LINE Milwaukee into a T. M. E. R. & L. or Milwaukee Northern train at the North Shore Terminal. which rep~ six month as compa off amount the total 1:i ton were last year. sued per ·it June, 1 The only increase periods o May. Th creases. The e typical o T~ througho~ UORTH SHORE Take a Low.. Cost Tour CVia Motor Coach The North Shore Lire Is operatin1 a series of de I i g h tf ul Inexpensive moro r co1ch tour.- now. Bi~. new, comfortable, de luxl' coocl-oes- out· ings of unm.cched scenic beauty rhrou11h alorious lake and resort regions of North em lllonoos and Wisconsin, including rhe famous Dells. To reach Northern Mich igan vacation poin ts, convenient connections are made in Milwaukee with Pere Marquette steamers for Ludington, Manistee, Hamlin Lake, Portage Lake and Onekema. Motor Coach Service to Nearby Resorts The North Shore Line maint ains excellent motor coach serv· ice to nearby Lake Resorts, in dose connection with its trains. Lake Geneva Twin Lakes and Powers Lake are easily reached by North Sh~re motor coaches connecting with North Shore trains at Kenosha. AntiochhChannel Lake, Piatakee Bay and Fox River resorta are reac ed by McHenry servtce of t11ire Ncn-tlh ~.. · coaches, connecting with North Shore_ trai~s at ukegan. For schedules, fares or other information, mqutre at North Shore ticket office. 3-dav nip-4SS miles, includina holelt, meals and boat tript, $37. S-4ay trip-738 milea, indudinc botc:lt and meala, $6S. tript, $89. only the that carr' past the 1 year as garded 1l as an un taken to point in has been munities The Ia able gai favor of to 8 pe York, last ye Rochest 687; N $3.569, San falo, $3, .,· . , m,.-·'1· -"-· U.el...th\. horelt, mealt and boat 1-dav trip- 180 miles to Lake Geneva and rerum, In· cludln& boat trip, $ 7.50. lllunrated folder with full partie· Yr Sr., Chtcaao. Telephone Stare 5723 or Central 8280. ¥:!:fi~·M~~ ..·K~: aii. ~-~~~J:~; ·Iars at any North Shore Line Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Paaaenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 including, parking. lighting, etc .. cations of persons who should --~~~25 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!._be summarily prosecuted. not attempt to drive a car: All thi i in accordance with 1. Persons whose height does the general campaign that has not permit their reaching the been con picuously brought to controlling pedals easily. the attention of the driving and 2. Persons who have not sufwalking public in the myriad ficient strength to operate con"Safety or ~arrow" poster!.. trol levers easily and positively. These regulations are arbi3. Epileptics or others subject trary, but they must needs be so to fits or fainting spells. if the objective of preventing ac4. Per ons who do not know cidents and fatalities i to be or understand the traffic laws, realized. ordinary rules of the road and "Say it with your brakes and other safety provisions. not with flowers," is another slo5. Persons with dangerously gan conceived by a Wilmette defective hearing or eyesight. man and passed along a being 6. Cripples or persons minus particularly appropriate in the arms or limbs whose defects incurrent safety campaign. terfere with their safe control of an automobile. D EFENSE DAY One ha to go a good deal out LET US SPOUT! of his way to ee in the obser\'It may be only a poor guess, ance of Defense Day bv the but it seems that we're on the United States a veiled mo-biliza- verge of a national political camtion. It is the type of person paign that will eclipse in excitewho is afraid of his shadow who ment even that memorable conW ELL! can find anything fearful in such test of 1896. Those who are old before leaving on an extended Thn gm and oiling flation a day. enough to remember the political auto trip, come in and let us il jufl amm thr flrttt, apd Defense Day is the anniver ary upheaval of that year will recall Jl.llntln- 011r managrmtnr lubricate your car, rune up your of the Battle of the ~!arne and that wherever two or more men the birthday of La Fayette, either were gathered together-whether motor and make a general inevent worthy of a few moments on a street corner, in a railroad spection to see if the machine of the American's time once each train or a hotel lobby-a hot polis in proper shape for a pleasant year for contemplation of the itical debate was in progress. outing. significance of the occasion upon During the controversy of 1896 American history. La Fayette many thousands of "patriots"were There: is nothing so disapp010t· gave himself, hi influence and relieved of all the political bile his strength to the United States that had been accumulating in ing as troubJe on the road and when it was engaeged in a life and their systems for many years and to avoid the possibility-sec: us death struggle for liberty and na- the pent-up energy they thus before going. tional life. The men who fought threw off kept them quiet through .PHONES WINNETKA 617·1834 at the Battle of the Marne gave all the succeeding years until the them elve , their strength and, war to "make the world safe for many of them, their live , in a democracy" got on their nerves life and death struggle for liberty again. If the approaching camand national life, not in America paign will have a like result, it 1010 NORTH AVENUE WINNETKA, IlliNOIS but in the whole world not al· should be thrice welcome. P olready under the influence of the itical spouting or exhausts of this German Kai er. Each was a noble nature cannot 1 but add to the sacrifice and de erving of remem- gaiety of nations. SERVICE Recor showed in the those o of incr 682,315. Says "The ment i overbal smaller "The plans the hal gain of "In 19 per year a Rep with a smile "It i 25 citi ope rat of the cities month "Th F h 1< 1( HUBBARD WOODS GARAGE

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