Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1924, p. 7

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST h 1924 I . · ~liar IS .shrink. of tbt !9!1 Women ·T ea Off for FJaa tToumame . nt F·ture ,.,.,.. S t bu_ T----~I'ZTArtern Gol,~ .I atle a UDae ~e \ICMia,. , yy&;.~ A'./ TUESDAY morning at Sunset Monda~ ugust 4 . Ridae will be taken up with a ' -- . bridg~. 00. The~ otal v!llue o1 for that Jtat Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Adams. of Evanston have announce~ the btrth of a daughter, Jacquehne, at the Evanston hospital, July 16. Mrs. Adams was Miss Roberta Skinner, Flag tournament which will be daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Mortimer followed by the regular luncheon and Skinner of Central avenue. the repon o1 ulturc, fiPres the 1920 vall1 of $18,Z37,. e wants for him with an to sell a sale. · would chances greater ~operty .......... N event eagerly anticipated each This week two matches were played Miss Edith Cooper returned to her year in Woman's golf circles, against par. The class A event, 18 holes home, 824 Lake avenue, last week, and one which always holds played in the morning, was tied by Mrs. after spending two months in Enginterest of fashionable society as Roy Huszagh and Mrs. Bye, with Mrs. land. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Cooper is the Western Women's Golf Huszagh scoring the fewest putts. Mrs. and their daughter, Miss Grace, are cha.mptonship which will be playe<l off Thomas McNally won the class B match, at their summer cottage, Pine Lake, the week beginning Monuy, with Mrs. J. Williams Macy having the Wisconsin, fo,- several weeks. 4 at Onwentsia club, Lake least nwnber of putts on the 9 holes -o-aThe entry list ·always includes played in the a.fternoon. Dr. and Mrs. B.~- Conley, and their The Muses Crockett are entertainfrom all sections of the west children have gone on a three weeks' ing the members of their bridge dub well as our own players some of ,...___ t motor trip through Canada. They are at their home on Oakwood avenue whom have gained nation-wide distinc- Garden Study '-"'11M 0 ·accompanying · Mr. aed Mrs. William Saturday evening. tion in the golfing world. Meet in Hicbland Park G. Struggles and their two children, --oAlthough at this time a complete , of Winnetka, former residents of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wenban, 900 HE next meeting of the morning Wilmette. list of contestants is not available, two Lake avenue, have returned from a players of prominence of whom the study class in gardening of the · -otrip to Davenport, Moline, and Joliet. .north shore is proud will enter, name- , North Shore Garden club, under Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gallie of -oly Mrs. Frederick C. Letts who hel4 the direction of Professor Dorne.r of the Elmwood avenue left Thursday to : Todd Henderson of Boston was the the western championship for three University of Illinois, will be held Tud- motor to Canada where they will at- week-end guest of H. K. Curlls, 45 years and Miss Edith Cummings wom- day, August 12, at 10:30 o'clock in the 'tend a reunion of their boyhood and ·Crescent place. --oan's golf champion of America. morning at the residence of Mrs. Charles '·girlhood friends, all formerly residents Mr. and Mrs. Lyman E. Goss, Jr., Miss Cummings broke the woman's Reubens, Moraine road, Highland Park. Df Oakville, Ontario. of 520 Seventh street, are leavtng record at the White Bear club, St. Professor Domer's subject will be, "The --o'Paul, in an exhibition match which Selectioo of' Plants for the Garden and Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Drake of Lake Saturday for a week's vacation. she. played on Saturday, July 26. Her the Planting of the Garden." avenue, and their two sons, Lyman, score was 79, ten strokes less than the Jr., and Keith, are spending the weekprevious record. Men's par for the 18 end with Robert Drake, who is an holes is 72. Mrs. Letts went around 'instructor at Culver. . --othe same course in 00. Commencing on Monday of this Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, who week, Onwentsia opened its course for ·--------------~ have been residing in Milwaukee, have trial to those entering the tournament. Mrs. Florence Capron and Mrs. moved to Wilmette and are living with Mrs. Letts is chairman of the On- Harry G. Phillips of Evanston will be Mrs. Campbell'·s father, Wilfred C. 75S OF ALL HEADACHES wentsia golf committee in charge of hostesses to the north shore alumnae Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue. the arrangements for the match, and friends of the National Kinder-oare caused by EYE STRAIN. with Mrs. Earle H. Reynolds and Mrs. garten and Eltementary college on Phillip Taylor is expected to arrive A large percent of nervousDonald B. Douglas as vice chairmen. Monday afternoon, August 4, in the from Waterloo, Iowa, the first of the ness is the direct result of sun parlor of the North Shore hotel, week to visit his mother, Mrs. D. L. Evanston. Taylor, 849 Michigan avenue. the same condition. · --o- ~ercy An~rews visited in Wilmet~e~ Mr. and lin. Harry PieW lllid tlleir whtle .spend!ng a few d.ays of thts· son Brysoo. 1203 Elalwood aw:nae, .,. week m Chtcago on busmess. The ' . · Andrews' are now making their home tumed -thts week froea a IDOtOI" in New York. Canada and tbrouch the east.· ~ Mr. and Mrs. John W. Higbee, 810 Lake avenue, are planning to leave next week for a lake trip · to Duluth. They will be away ten days. -oMr. and Mrs. Munroe Cole are again at their apartment, 719 Hinman avenue, Evanston, after motoring in northern Michigan for three weeks. _,.to Cool, Correct Footwear for .hot Jays Keep your feet cool. dry. and ita a healthy condition durina. tbete ~ days. Be u particular ua the. \rind of shoes you wear as you are tn the selection of other Summer appar~l. Freedom of foot action, freedom of etr· culation in a correctly bwilt shoe, audt u the Cantilever. helps to prevmt swelling and excessive perspiration of the feet. T . I Skokie Resumes Sunday Afternoon Musicales -o- -o- T any e Co. HE first Sunday afternoon musicale of this season took place at Skokie, on Sunday, July 27, at 5 o'clock, when Miss Helen Freund, the promising coloratura soprano, gave a ' delightful recital. Miss Freund will make her debut with the Chicago Civic Opera company next season when she will take the role of "Sophie" in "Werther," with Miss Mary Garden. She has already had many important parts with the Little Symphony and the Musicians' club. Harold Ayres, whose genius is of nation-wide recognition, also appeared. He made his first public appearance at the age of six and has studied under such mast!!rs as Sametin, Kneisel, <: ..... :s_ ·nd Au~ . During + e last v ~(· the young · , ict aye<! wtth Charles Marshall. Troy Sanders accompanied the soloists. On August 10, the day of the next musicale, George Simons, tenor, and Miss Helen Wing, pianist and composer, will be the artists. The club gives these delightful afternoon affairs every two weeks. Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt of Glencoe is in charge. The Tuesday bridge days at Skokie have been as popular as ever this season, and have afforded the · opportunity for hostesses to entertain small parties informally. This week Mrs. Edward Scheidenhelm and Mrs. George Butler each entertained a small number of guests. Mrs. Perry L. Smithers will be hostess to the members of her bridge 'club at luncheon next Wednesday at her home on Lake avenue. -o- -o- Mrs. George Parker, of St. Louis, formerly Miss Virginia Smurr of Witmette, is visiting her mother in Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and -oMrs. Frank Robbins of Oak Park, their son, Bob, and Mrs. Wilson's sister, Miss Jeanne Taggert, are formerly of Wilmette, is entertaining motoring in northern Wisconsin. her luncheon club, Wednesday, at the They left Wilmette ten days ago. Ouilmette Country club. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Williams of Miss Emma Schreiner, 1110 Greenleaf avenue, left Wednesday for a Louisville were guests last week-end fortnight's visit with the Flentyes at at the B. G. (]alloway home, 920 their cottage at Bay View, Michigan. Linden avenue. -<>-'- -o- Car sickness, indigestion, dizzy spells, styes and req or granulated ' eyelids are often the result of Eye Strain. Usually the person suffering from any of these conditions has a good vision. Onlv a THOROUGH EYE EXAMINATION will reveal the presence of the strain. 14 Years of Success/td Practice In ft exible Cantilevers you 6nd re.: laxation in the comfort and coolm·n of the shoe No \>res!lur~ or rt>!ltramt to any nart ol the toot. Jlt!ll .easy . 1\elightfu\ freedom. The t\e."(.tble arcl· of the tantUever '-.Shoe z;t:: acts with the foot action. ~ltpportin~to the foot withottt any rcstr:'·nt L·n· tile,·er ShN·~ will add enJoyment t:.~ your vacation. Dr. 0. H. Bersch Qptoaaemat , . , _ Jl,r. O,U.I Dt_,_ II'· . . . . . . · ......._ c. D. PIIICOtlt,lflt Why Not Put This Money IN YOUR OWN POCKET? IGHT here on the North Shore we are R saving people real money on painting and decorating by our co-operative system . And we will assure you that the work will be done neatly, quickly, and to your complete satisfaction by skilled mechanics with the best materials. Don't hesitate to call us! Estimates furnished gladly. Our letters of reference will prove our good service. 1177 Wdmette Ave. .__twu..tte ..._ WIL , .. . 1,.., A. · · te P.M · .II"A'e ..- . . . .aataeat. NORTll SHORE BOOTE'tY Two Stores ln Evanston 529 Davia St. at Chicaco Ave., in tht North Shore Hotel and at 919 Chicato Ave., near Main a.- Bean UIIJ' ,.._ a.- T Four North Shore Golfers Win Open Day Contests - ····---· HE largest number of women ever recorded in th~ annals of open day golf gathered at Indian Hill on Wednesday of last week. Four north shore golfers carried off the honors. Miss Dorothy Klotz of Indian Hill, scoring a low gross of 82, and Mrs. Lee Mt(fa of Butterfield a :low net of 83, were the individual winners. Mrs. Edgar Stevens of Skokie ·and Mrs. Mida had the low gross score for the best ball foursome, and Mrs. Fletcher Marsh and Mrs. Howard O'Brien of Indian Hill won the low net score for the same event, which took place in the afternoon. Miss Klotz won the contest for the box of balls given by Joe Moran, the club's professional. Mrs. Farlin H. Ball, .president of the Western Woman's Golf association, was at Indian Hill for the events and for the buffet luncheon. A uniform and clean, smokeless fuel for ho:ne heati1.g plants. Made in Chicago from carefully selected coels. Tlae NORTH SHORE CO-OPERAT1VE PAINTERS aacl DECORATORS 566 Center Street WiDnetka Pboaea 1181 and 1762 CHICAGO SolvaF Co& No Smoke No Soot Few Ashes 20% Ball Sweepatakea Event at Skokie on Aupst 4 O Monday the event scheduled for women golfers is a ball sweepstakes, with each contestant contributing one ball. In the afternoon the .player's skill will be tried in approaching and putting. There were 30 entries in Monday's match which was played against par. Mrs. Edgar Stevens won the first honor with 4 up on par, and Mrs. Burtt Clover won second. Mrs Godfrey Phillips won the afternoon's putting contest. Mrs. James R. Henry is in charge of the golf events for the coming month. N eheaper than hard coal OkOI::.R YOUR DEALER TO Fill your bin new At Present Lo'fll Price FOR. SALE. BY CoUina Wins July Trophy at North Shore N Tuesday the women members of North Shore club will play the qualifying round for the August . Mrs. A. D. Collins won the event, with Mrs. E. }. White, runner up. The contest thia week was for the score on the best 9 holes. Mrs. was the winner with a score of 50-18. 3Z. lhs. Frank Wanner was second, with 49-16, 33. HOFFMAN BROS. PboDe Wilmette Ul Phone Wilmette 654 1124 Central An. Wilmett11

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