Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1924, p. 16

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16 WANT ADS R t WiLL HELP ~ YOU_ TO 1 4 ~ SA -BUSINESS SERVICJI FOR RE~T nou :ll~ 18 FOR !'.\LE .\.l"'I'O~IODILES 20 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Clusltled advertluments w-tll be charged only General N ottees--to residents ot the district from Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the te~epl!#~ d~~~~~TK<>_I who are re~rular subl!lcrlbers to either WILMETT , · TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 10 cents per line In one paper. 20 centa per line In all three Q 11-papera. :MINIMUM CHARGB &Oe. Average of five words to the line. No black tace type used. Rates tor Display type on application. FOR advertlsemP-nts will be acto WednPsclay 12 o'clock !or tbe WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursdav 12 o'~lock ~E~h e 8· WINNETKA TALK and Friday 1% o'clock tor thP GLENCOE · Telephones : WILMETTE 19%0-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. · Cla181fted · f Ot Jnsetttons-cepted D ta dltnt up Pleasure r " Fishing tripe Week-end trt,. Hunting tripe DEPENDABLE USED CARS CEXTRAL HOTEL-LIG~Jci ~i!fdSel~~ or room". for transient~< O. R SALE-RECEIVED IN TRADE f>29 ~lain St. T~l. WI 1. 10 SLT1-t!c F~n new Dodge Brothers and Wills While your car Is In repair or »~~· Sainte Claire Motor cars. 0~~~ · car, 13c per mile. WERSTED MOTOR CO. FOR RE:>:T-4-ROO~IS AND HATH. Closed car, 16c per mile. 562 Lincoln Ave. H " ' H. turnlshl'd. $60 per month. These cars are Insured for your p~ Winnetka, Ill. Tel . ";vilmette 296. Inquire of M'r. 18LTN44-ltc tectlon. Trego. SL·I-1 tc FOR REN'l'-~EWLY DECORATED and furnished room large, light, near Jakt-' and transportation. Tel. Win. 1~43. ':lLTN4 1-ltc RENT-ATTRACTIVE, !'\ICELY furni~h .. d room. $5 per week. 1618 Central Ave., Wilmette SLH-ltp $100.00 Will Buy This AUTOMOBILE In good working condition Phone Wilmette 3035 18LTN43-ltc RENT-A-CAR DRIVE IT YOURSELF PAY BY THE MILE IDEAL FOR Salesmen Doctors Collectors Realtors -.... WERSTED MOTOR CO. by REAL EITATE FOR SALE-MY 20-ACRE FARllf 1:-\ FOR SALE-nY OW:'\ER, ('01.':-\TRY hom,·: 6-toom brick Vf'neer hou sE>: Michigan; 73 mllee from Chicago; sun-J)l\l'lor; bath, built In tub tile on M. C. R. R.; about 3 miles to Sawyer Beach ; 7 miles to Lakeside. floor; wood-burning tlre-JJiace; bookBungalow; 5-rooms; glazed ano.l · < ' a~<e. oak trim; watPr heat: gas ; < ·lo·c·trlr li~ht; all com·eniences of screened sll'eplnj!; porch: portable Wilrnt'ltl·. Just completed. Lot camp cottagt-; tine clrlnklng water; 6:ix 192; 1;; ln·aring fruit tr<i'es, 60 4 acre timber; orchard; balance In Jat'J!t' currant bushes; 100 red raspoats; corn: grapes: horse and pony; beny. Locatecl on Helnwald, one 3 gu rnsey cowl!; GO chickens; collie block south of Lakf' AYe., Gross dog ; Ford car; farm Implements repreewnting an lnv(·stment of $6.Point, Ill. Owner on vrcmlses. Tt'l. 600; wlll exchange tor Wllmette Wil. /14:.-:'\r. 1LTN44-tfc propHt}'. For further Information address, Life 262. lLH-ltc FOR HUMESITER OF 1, 2, 4, and 5 acres In Northbrook: all'o lot s and FOH SALE-BY OWNER, COUNTRY homes at attract lve prlct'l' and hom··; G-room hrlck vene.-r house; terms; see '\cVyatt and oons. 'Vausun-parlor; bath. built In tube tile kt'gan Road ancl Shermt-r Avenue. ftoor; woo<l-burnlng fire-place; book· Tel. Northbrook 104. 1L'l'.X4·1-ltc case. oak trim; watE'r heat; gas; SALE ~101JERN 4-::100:11 electri<' light; all convt>nlences of FOH bungalow on wooded lot ; newly dec'Vilmettt'. Just completed. Lot orated Inside and out. Convenl··nt 65xl92 ; 15 l·<· arin~t fruit trtol'l', GO to e lel·tric and steam roads. $;;,ooo large currant buRhes; 100 red raspfor quick ~<ale. $2,000 cash rf'·tuired. b('rr~·. LocntNI on flt·inwald near Olencot' 429. lLTN-ltc Lak·· Ave .. <.:ross I'olnt, Ill. Owner on IJremlst·s. Td. \\·11. 45-;IJ. lLT44-ltc FOH SALE-~-noo:.t STl'CCO HOVSE: beautiful lot. 815 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette. If Interested, Tel. FrankSPECl'LATORS~ lin 0!!80 anrl ask for :llr. Schoeneelc. CHOICE VA ANT TN .'\OHTHE.-\ST 1LTN44-3tc \VlnnE>tkn anrl Indian Hlll. near Country Day School. From $l,r.on to $4,0011 under mark<-t valut-s. Safest I:.: and best lnvestmt'ut~ that will nt!t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hantlsome J)rotlts. FIIH HENT-i-ROO~[ FLAT OVER HEI!I: 'E:-\ & 'LAHK, DIC. HlOl't·, nt'wly ch·corated, stove heat. 556 C\·nter Win. ~54 $:.o )wr month. !formerly \\'. R. H. An.) For· lltont-6-room house 1'h lLT:-;41-ltc l,loekt: f1·om ('. & N. ,V, depot, h. a. IN Good selection of used Alwa}·s rebuilt !\loon cars. cars. Tel. Winn. 165 U-DRIVE 29LTNU·llt FOR RENT. ----------------:-=:-:::-:::::= \\.ANTED-YOU!'\G MAN MESSI!:NGER ADD. TO WILMETTE ON lwat ,:-;!~. ~~-'w~. mJ~~~IEH OAL 10 YEARS TD!E OR MORE r.oi ~fain Rt. Phone Wil. 22[, Location-Sheridan Road, Chestnut 1LTN44-ltc Ave., Ashland Ave., ith Ave., lOth St., Lots 2, 7 and I 0, B. 1; L. 2, B. 2; }'OR R E~T~S-ROO~r FIRICK; H. W J:c with rivar·ian right.!', L. 4, D. 5; L. H.; Wlnnt'tka; October 1st Poss. 3 and 4, B. 9; L. 9, 10 and Ur B. 10; l'hont: Kenllw.onh 2016. Address GARDE:'\ER; YOUNG 1\IAN, EXPERIFOR SALE L. 5, B. 13; L. 1 and 3, ll. 17. Lift', 2;;!1. 2LTN42-4tp eneed, dt!slres position with private Pedigree Chow Puppies. Red 1 John P. Gage, Yineland, FOH RE:'\T-1 OR TWO YEARS, 8car. room brick house newly decorated R. R: BRO,VN, REST EAST SI£H-; LOCA TWX ~-lUI. thl'Oughout. Complete in every re- 'VANTED-ANY KI!'\D OF WORK; 1210 Sheridan Rd. stucco homE>; h!·autlful woodt>cl lot, spect. Ca11 be seen at 604 Vernon steady job; must have same lmm ediTel. Wilm ette 1605 iiix!!llll; hug,· llvi"K room: tlreplat·e; Ave. TeL Glencoe 743. 2LTN44-ltc ately. Address Life, 261. 19LTN44-ltc four Jar!(<; airy chambers a.n·l two baths 2m\ noor ; room and bath 3rd 3 WAST.':D TO RE':'iT-HOl.T SES '~~~~~~~~~~~~1~3~L~T~N~44~-~l~tp\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 FOR SALE-L. C. SMITH TYPEWRfT'ftoor; do···oralluns in Jll rfN·t condier In a-1 condition; also Mission Oak tion. ll ,V. H. garagt·: <'011\'eni nt lJE:-;lltAHLE WELL EQLIPI'ED COT- 14 Sl'l'l' .\.'1'10~ WANTED-FEMALE upright writing desk. Both very to school~< anti traii~<P<·J·tatlon. A real ta~e; Castle Park, ~lich.; screenecl CHILDHE~ CAHEO FUR ~10RNINGS reasonable. Tel. Wil. 67. 19L44-ltp l>u y, $21\,flf'"· ~I<'Uillr· ancl On. 34~ sleeping and front porches. T el. and eYe nings by reflned young wornLinden AVt'. 'VII. 22!1. lLH-ltc Hanirwn 2443. 3LT:'\H-ltc an who understands klddies. 36c an FOR SALE-GIRL'S SCOUT SUIT, hour. Tel. \\'llme tte 866-Z\1. size 12, complete for $5.00, like new. Insurance WANTED TO RENT-i OR 8-ROO:II Investm ent !'CUrltles 14L44-ltp Tel. Wil. 2590. 19LTN31l-tfp furniKh.,c] houst·; tw o bath~ J) rE'ferrl'cl. For on<· year from vet. 1st. Ad- W'A.'\TED - HY COLORED LADY; I"OR SALE-TWO E~fBROIDERY 1\L\dress Li!t·, 267. 3LTN41-ltc J:~undry and cleaning work by the chlnes; unus ed, iniltructlon charts day. t:ood North Side refer·en<'c~. anu hOOj.>!!. Life, 26:;. 19L'l'N44--ltc WA.."T.ED TU REi\:T-6-RUO:\I 'LNCa ll ~Irs. Barnett. Calumet 5234. Realtor furnished house for one )'l'ar. Atl14LT44-1tp l"OR SALE - LADY'S CORDl'ROY dreee Life, 266. 3LTl'iH-ltc 909 Ridge A "e. Tel. Wll. 3e4 sport or riding suit. Black chltron 1LT~43-ltc Sl'lTATIO~ WANTED-FIRST CLASS arternoon dress. Child's wh'lte Iron laundr ess wants :Monday and Thurscrib, large size; all cheap. Tel. FOR SALE OR RE~T-5 AND 6 RM. " ___ F_o_ · a_t_R_E_':'\_T_-_A_P_AJ_t_·r_ .u_.,_;_~_·r_s_ · -day st .. acly. Tel. Lincoln 3403 after 275lL 19LTNt4-ltp houllel; new; !gr. lots; close to trans., FUR RE:'\T-3ROOl\l FLAT; SECONO 6 r. :\!. HLTH-ltp lake, golf co urse; $10,000 to $21,000. floor ; H. w. H .: bath enclosed porch ; FOR SALE-RIDING HORSE; VERY Also lotq for ule $30 a ft. Owner. 3 blol'ks to trains; $65.00 per month. COLURED LADY \V ANTS 'VORK BY reasonable. Tel. Glencoe 217. County Line Rd. 2 'blks. west of HOO \Vallhingtou Ave. Phone 'Vilday. Call Evan"lton 75(1 . 19LTNH-ltc Green Bay Rd. Tel. Highland Pk. mette 2033. 4L'l'N44-1tc 14LTN44-ltc 898-Y-3. 1LTN42-tfcl----------------FOR qALE-lh kw. Radio sending BEAllTIFl'L LAKF. ~IJCHIGAN VIEW F~l~e R~~~~;-AI'lRJ.M~~~~l:e~~ ~!i. 16 FOR S.\ LF~HOliSEHOLD GOOUS ~~~·~~~k;. v~~r ~O~Pd7.has19L4~c-~~ lots. Hhmrian rights; $100 per foot. WinndkR 62. 4LTN43-tfc 65 miles north or ChiC'a~o. Very cxFOR RALF:-1 Ft'LL SIZE MAHG. FOR SALE-TENNIS NET AND POSTS; cluslve. Hlutr about 30 feet above JlOStE'l' hNI, good con clltion , $45; 1 never used, $5. Winnetka 803. wntl·r. Exet·ptlonal Beach. C. " '· mahg, tt>a cart, $10; 1 black oak hall 19LTN44-ltc SelgnlouR & Ron, Suite 1615-77 West tr·<'e with pt·rf .. c t minor, $Hi; 1 blacl< 'Vashlngton St., Chicago. lLH-ltp 1 22 1 ~~r;~r~~ b ~rc~!"n ie~ t~~~ c :~;:a~h~ 1:.~ _2_ .. __ '"" _A_~_·_r_E_n__ .H_I_s_c_ · E_L_L_A_N_E_o_u_s_ _ WINNETKA'S FIEST Rl'Y $2i·; 1 small black oak sldt'board, $10; FURNITURE STORE small black oak china cabinet mir- WINNETKA G-~c~~:~~~~ p;rch~:;Tl~~;50x~~~~~~;lge~ GARAGE FOR RENT; 1031 \}REEN- 1 buys and sells rugs, stovea, autos, ror 'back, $12; 1 walnut commode, trees; berry bushes; ehrubs; he<lge; wood Ave. Tel. Wilmette 20:l6. pianos, anything useful. 1045 Ash marble top, $10; 1 light oak rocker, 7L44-ltc 3 blocks to Winn etka sta tlun. Price St. 20LTN1-tfc like new. $7. Several chairs and reduced to $13,500 to sell at one<'. ~~cka~cst. a~f !~~~~g~luS~8 s~~n~~~ck~E2 _t _ _ _ _ _ _F_JN_A_N_«..:_'I_A_L_ _ _ _ __ Phone Winn etka 1226. lLTNH-ltc I·"'----F_o_n __ n_a,:_'N·T_-_n_o_o_M_s _ _ __ Winnetka 145. 16LTNU-ltc FOR SALE- FURNISHED BUNGA- FINEST OPENING ON THE NORTH MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTlow on large lot. omplcte turnlshShore tor Doctor's and Dentist's of- FOR SALE-ANTIQUE SECRY WITH gages In amounts from $2,600 to $7,tnga; electric appliances, antl<tues, flees In b es t North Shore suburb. 500. R. M. Johnston & Co., 340 bookcase newly reftnlshed, $75; roseetc., $8, 750; '!I caeh. 1332 ForPI!t New modern building. Rents very Linden Ave., telephones Wll. 68 and wood couch, $35; empire mahg. bookAve., Wilm ette. lLTNH-ltp reasonable. Apply V. Uller, 1050 444. 21L44-ltp case, $40; solid walnut din. table, Ardmore Ave., Chicago. $25: 5 wal. din. chairs, $'5 ea.; wal. WANTED-WILMETTE HOME FOR SLTNH-ltc settee In perfect condition, $65; Sev- 23 CO NTR ACTORS AN D .JOBBE R S highly devE-loped fruit farm, val·te eral other antiques reduced for quick $30,000. Wilmette Realty at 613-4th FOR RENT- FURNISHED ROOM. sale. Wtnn. H5. 16LTNH-ltc St. Tel 1304. lLH-ltc Tel. Winnetka 502-J. hLTN44-ltc BARGAINS IN NEW AND USED SEWlng mac}llnes; Drop heads. $9.00 and up; Portable Electric Singers, White's, etc. !rom $24.50 up. Patterson Bros. 16-818 Church St., Evanston. Bet. "L" and Postomce. Builder of Better Homes 16LTN35-ttc 01 GAGE'~ MOON DEALERS Tel. Ev. 10194 1029 Davis St. Evanston for EYanston financial Institution; 18LTNH-1 tc rapid aclvancement assured; permanE>nt. Give full details of your~elt and phone number. Address J,tfe, 268. 10LTN44-ltc REO TOURING-A RARE BARGAIN; mechanically perfect, good tires; and HELP \\' ,\~TED-FE:JIALE good paint. Driven 13,000 miles. Must sell at once. $550. Tel. Winnetka 25. 18LTH-ltc -LADIES-.\fAKE ~TONEY AT HO~IE EASY, PLEASANT SEWING ON YOUR own machine whole or spar·e tlmu; highest possible prices paid; no large investment required. For full parOPEN AIR SALES ticulat·s write-KENNETH HACKCor. Sherman Ave. and Grove St. LEY Drawer-30, Earl Park, IndiEvanston 140 ana.' 11LT44-4tc Wlllys-Knlght and Overland Dealers 18LTN42-ttc -WANTEDLOCAL REPRESE:'\TATIVE 19 FOR SALE-lliSl'EL LANEOUS Larl(t' :'\ew Yor·k manufacturer selling direct to consumer FOR SALE-3 AND 5 GAITED REGwishes to secure two women as lstered Kentucky bred saddle horses. loca l representatives. 0J>portunFor Information write Howard lty to make $35 to $i0 per week Dickey, c/o Martindale Farm, Paoli, b~· a ft·w hours pleasant wot·k In Indiana. 19LTN44-2tp your own community. Addr<'ss Reliance Rayon Zllfg. Co., care of FOR SALE-TWO HANDSOME 5Life, 263. 11LTN44-1tp tube neutrodyne radio sets; one equipped with finest loud speaker; solid mahogany case. Reasonable. Ll!e, 264. 19LTN44-ltc 10 Slocum Motor Sales thw~UsTED CARS PAt ----1 MOTOR co. Tel. Winnetka 165 29LTN3t·tre NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERI AWARD OF CONTRACT tr -J-1---------------- Used Cars- All Makes ~i..ii.-129-t!c ~aeT ~\'r:ll.c~S9-~!te 1~if~i~-c~~~ ~~~t ~~a~~~n ~oer£e ~~ep;,~~~:~~~: Public notice Is hereby given, th&f. In pursuance to the statute 1n n~ case made and provided, an award e1 the contract will be made to 11. FOLEY COMPANY, not Ieee than (lt) days from the Second (2nd) day o1 August, A . D ., 1924, for the Improvement of Third Street, lying North of the· North line of Maple Street, exceJI, the Intersection of Linden Greenlea! Avenue, Central Avenue, Sheridan Road, which are alru.rlr paved, together with that part ot Laurel Avenue, lying between tilt 'Vest right-of-way line of the Sanitary DistrIct of Chicago, where it cro~ee~ Laurel Avenue, and the East rlcbt. of-way line of the Chicago Nortk Shore & Milwaukee Railroad, where it crosses Laurel Avenue, togetbu with that part o! Washington Avemae lying between the Southwesterly !IDe of Michigan Avenue and a line thirteea and one-hal! <13'h) feet West or the center line o! Fourth Street, except the Intersection ot Sheridan Road, which is already l>aved, by gradlnc, curbing, paving with reinforced COD· crete pavement, and otherwise lmpro'f· ing said streets between said polntl, all In the VIllage o! Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, as provided !or by ordin · ce, unless the owners of a major. lty of the frontage o! the lots or Iandt abutting upon said proposed Improvement, or their agents, shall enter 1nte a written contract within ten days after the first poetlng and pub)} cation hereof to do said work an4 make said Improvement at ten (10) per centum less than the price at which the same has been awarded, which Is as follows: 1,100 cu. yds. park excavation @ $1.60 per yard $ 1,760.01 3,500 cu. yd~~: o! excavation - $1.70 ~· ard . , . . 5,950.04 ..J..U Hn al t C!~d\'6 and gu£rer reli'!JIIIIIid til .25 p er ft. . . ..... . .. · .. · · · · 1,875.00 7 500 lineal fl·et of lnteg'ral curb .,_, .55 per ft. 4,12.~.00 10,500 sq. ~ anls of reinforced concretl· pavement seven (7) lnch<·S thick, 1, 2, 3 mix, 3~ lb. wire mesh t·ei nforc emt:'nt, ':4 ineh expansion joints o· ~~~~Y 11 @ 40 · · · ·f·e· ·.t. 1 each T~tal· .$60,~~~:~: Dated at 'VIlm et te, Illinois, thll Seventeenth day of July, A. D ., 1924. EOWARD ZIP'F, PAUL A. HOFFMAN, ALBERT N. PAGE, FREDERICK TILT, ' l\tembers of the Boa.rd of Local Improvements. LH-ltc manholes, adjusted $10.00 each . . .. .... . .1 0 catch basin ·Inlets adjusted @ $20.00 each .. 2 new brick catch basins, 4 feet diameter, 6 'h feet deep. Trapped and connected to sewe1· - $100.00 -~. ~~:~~. ~~: 36,750.01 110,00 200.00 ·::::::::::::: PUBLIC NOTICE To whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given that Arthur H . Munson and Allred H. Weeks who have been doing business under the name of Wilmette Baggage and Ex· press have dissolved partnership, Jul:J 18, 1924. Arthur H. Munson will assume no debts which Alfred H. Weeks may have Incurred or will 1ncur for tilt Wllmete Baggage and Express. ARTHUR H. MUNSON Wllmete, Ill. July 18, 1924. LU-ltp Garages Built to Order 1BS<e®.11Itftn~1lllll IL~te lFlfco:>lrilft A~rr<e 1rIr!l.~b A. C. HILLERTZ Police Chief Back from Season at Training Camp A. L. Denman, superintendent of police, returned to Wilmette T uesday morning from Camp Custer, where he had been since July 12 with the military training unit. "The camp is conducted under a more efficient system than ever," he stated. "When the citizens' training .corps mell come to camp, they will find things much better than at any time previous. They will get better training than before as some of the regulars will be in the lines with them prepared to help along." Wiittlhl ~ii}P)&rrii~!l'il ~iiglhl~ (Q)1m ttlhle W<ew CG<cr>llcdl CC<cr>IID.~itp (6)5 ~Hill<e~ JF.lf~m Clhlii~~!<cr> ~ uitable for both -ummer and all year around homes. Clo · e to tran . portation, near Sheridan Road, Chicago & North \\'estern Railroad. and Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Road . Never again can the e choice tracts be purcha ed at uch moderate price . 1810-77 \\'. \\'a hington Street CHICAGO, ILL. Phone Dearborn 9529 ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --;-..,.,.._u cnoug t. lLTNU-ltp",/ "of FOR SALF~-1 SOLID MAHOGANY wardrobe. lx43 and 1 walnut ward- :m HOUSE HOLD SER'\' ICE -robe cheap. 50 Linden St .. Winnetka. 16LTNH-ltc WANTED- WASHINGS TO TAKE home; ftrlshed work and rough dry; FOR SALE- OAK DINING ROOM also wet wash. Will call for and defurniture: tablE' and leather seated liver. 418 Prairie Ave., Wll. Tel. 1351. chairs. Tel. Wll. 2889. 25LT41-Hc 16LTNH-ltc NORTH SHORE HOUSECLEANING FOR SALE-DINING R00:\1 TABLE Service cleans wall paper and paint and chairs; good as new. Tel . Wilwork; expert furniture polishing, mette, 775-J. 16LTNH-ltp floor waxing and housecleaning by reliable white houseman; prices reaFOR SALE-BED WITH SPRING; ALsonable. Edward T. Handy, 418 so Ice box. Tel. Wit. 1931. Linden Ave. Tel. Wll. 1847, 7-8 A. 16LTN44-ltc Ill. or 6-~ P. M. l!GLT43·3tc FOR SALF..-LAUNDRY ~tANGLE FOR NORTH SHORE HOUSE, LAWN AND Ironing shHts and clothes. ReasonGarden Service does expert house able. Tel. Wll . 67. 16LU-ltp cleaning, window washing and floor wa:xJng; also hedge and tree trimlT W A ~TED-HOUSEH OLD GOOD S ming by hour or contract. Wlnn. 1035. 25LTNH-tfc WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND PIANO TUNI NG fur~lture and other household goods. at prlt·P paid for same. Croat PIANO TUNING; REPAIR·e Store. 1004-6 Emerson '!t. 1 EXP~RT Ing, old planol!l made new L. n, Ill. Phone 1 9. Foster. Tel. Winn. 509-J. · · 17LT~24-tfc 26LTNH-tfc FOR SALE-GOOD AS NEW; 4(1 LR. double hair mattress; cost $40. Best quality Box spring cost $30. High grade doublE> brass b d; 3 pieces $35. Tel. Wlnn. 110. · 45 Spruce St. 16LH-ltc 3602 McLEAN A VENUE Belmont 6713 23LTN42-Hp I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;; Electric Power Booab Worker's Eamin1 Power Why America's pay envelope has swelled since the first of the last century is shown by the increased produe· tion. per man per day. Smce 1800 the increase is: Iron, from 500 lbs. to 5,000 lb~. Lumber, from 100 ft. to 750 ft. Nails, from 5 lbs. to 500 lbs. Shoes, from one-fourth of one pair to 10 pairs. Coal, from one-half ton to 10 tons. Paper, from 20 sq. ft. to 200 sq. Cheap electric power has given working man an earning capacity ne..ef before equaled. -= L.: w

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