Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1924, p. 13

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WILMETTE Mr. and Mrs. Roy Marquardt and Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Schmidt and family of 8Zl Elmwood avenue leave their daughtu, Edith, 218 Wooclbine August 7, for a three weeks' visit with avenue have gone for a S weeks' trip the W. P. Sengs at Portage Lake, Wis. through the east. After attending the Their daughter, Minnie Mae, returned about three weeks ago from the Illinois Bankers' convention in Baltimore, they State Normal school at Bloomington will visit Washington, New York, Atwhere she has been teaching the past lantic City and Maine. OuritUt their absence, Mr. and Mrs. John W. BallDr. and Mrs. · C. B. Blake of 1009 year and during summer school. ,man of Chicago are occupying their N horizon entirely devoid of large Chestnut street have returned from Lake --ohome. social events looms up before the Geneva, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and M'rs. C. E. Drayer and their writer of this column for the next P. R Marshall. daughters, Joan and Ruth, of 1034 Elm-oweeks. Society still seems to be wood avenue have gone on an automobile with · the intense heat we have Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thayer and their trip to Cleveland and Washington, D. C. ing, and many of us would daughter, Marion, of 522 Central ave--oshtver again. "It's too hot to nue, returned last week from their AlasMrs. Jens A. Paasche of 310 Greenthink of news" was the response kan trip. leaf avenue is spending two or three and again to this news seeker. -oweeks at Fox Lake, with Mr. and Mrs. seem to be spending their time Mrs. Robert W. Tansill and family Thomas Banning of 600 Third street. and golfing. Many of Wil- of 602 Lake avenue are leaving Saturday --<>nhabitants are away or are for northern Michigan where they will Mrs. M. E. Crotty of Boston is to go, judging from the items spend the month of August. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Roche from week to week. Those -oof ~1 Central avenue. Mrs. Crotty remain at home seem to be spending M.r. and Mrs. George Bird of 1010 is Mr. Roche's sister. time golfing, gardening, on the ten· Chestnut street will sail on Saturday on --arts, and if they entertain at all, the "Olympic" for Europe, to be gone Harry Lee of Ocean Springs, Misone or two tables of bridge or two months. sissippi, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. We are promised three -oE. B. Shapker, 823 Central avenue. not a long time hence, but Miss Mrs. S. E. Dahlin of San Francisco -o, Miss Tilt and Miss Pope, has been the house-guest for the past Miss Jane Germer of Greenleaf aveengagements were announced re- two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Frank R nue, is spending the summer at Cranare not yet ready to divulge their Adams, 925 Greenwood avenue. don, Wisconsin. Yields to Heat Wave Plans Na Big Functions The Hoyt Kin1s, 711 Fore·t ayeaae_ left Thursday for Pennsylva·ia, ftet'e they will stay until September. Mist Abbie King returned Tuesday froaa her trip to Alaska and Yellowstone Park. . Illinois, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tucker. 1214 Lake avenue. --oRev. and Mrs. J. G. Tucker of Olney. the Warren nde, who~ of Chicago, nade their l:'gust 15, at cheduled for hursd e usual endar offers informal dinner August 14. rry McDermott aJi 620 Washington an. Monday for a I'll stopping at ToleOl 11 take a boat tr, who have been frequenting the its gay parasols and appurthat attract young and old alike, undoubtedly seen various sailing skimming jauntily over the water afternoons, especially in the races scheduled by the Sheridan Xacht club. Tomorrow a three figure eight race, requiring more I on the part of the navigators than previous events, will take place. "The of Missing Men," the intriguing for the boat that houses the Buc· club has been offering an appealto its members who have enon its deck many hours of gay On Wednesday evening lity. of its members danced and dined resco tol orchestra strains that echoed over the water to the enjoyrmnt of nearby. Mrs. A. Lonnquist of 418 Central Mrs. John Farrior of Coronado Beach, California, is visiting at the home of avenue was expected home on W ednesMr. and Mrs. John Boyleton, 1302 Chest- day from a two weeks' visit in Detroit. --onut street, for a month or six weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Bertling, 1120 Chestnut -oMrs. Charles W. Gleason of Moline, str~et, are touring in Europe. . --oIllinois, is visiting her son and daughMr. and Mrs. George F. Ruby, 921 ter, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gleason, 910 Sheridan road, are in Europe visiting Chestnut street. their daughter, who is at school in Paris. --oK. D. King of 914 Greenwood avenue --<>The Monday luncheon and bridge at has gone with his brother from Cleveland for a three weeks' canoe trip in the Country club was well attended this week. Canada. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Brinill of 812 Mrs. Hammond of Denver, Colorado, is visiting her daughter Mrs. S. E. Greenwood avenue expect to return from Canada, August IS. Levy of 700 Greenwood avenue through -othe month of August. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wood of 707 --oMrs. Emil Butz and Miss Dorothy, Washington street spent last week-end 702 Washington avenue, left Tuesday at Crystal Lake, Illinois. --ofor a fornight's outing in northern Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Casey of 347 Wisconsin. Central avenue have gone to Mackinac -oFrank B. King returned to his home, for the summer. 825 Greenleaf avenue, on Thursday -oMrs. F. B. Ahara, 735 Eighth street, after a two weeks' business trip to New York. left last Saturday to spend two weeks --oin Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Braun and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Renneckar, have reI MAKE, ERECT AND REPAIR turned to Wilmette after a month's FLAG AND RADIO STAFJI'8 outing at Lac du Flambeau. Steel aad Al80 wreeld·ll --o--o- -o- -o- --o- -o- and Mrs. LawrC!X! tby's sister, Mils and Mrs. Dan Luby ter, Eileen, and her Joyce, of Jancsd the remainder of Dermott home. Mr. and Mrs. John Andrew Ronan 901 Washington street have returned a week's motur trip to the Dells the country neighboring Lake Gen- --<>C. A. Carpenter of 601 Washington venue, left Sunday on a bus.iness to Washington, New York and lphia. --oMr. and Mrs. W. S. Moore and {amof 531 Washington avenue are spendthe week-end at Pistakee Bay, llli'ana of 520 Lakt avenue wfil pass the of August at Pelican Lake, Wis- A4'~ ~ .... ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wachs and their family, 934 Elmwood avenue, are La and ~:ri'i~i:cJ;s~n~eeks' S · .J, LEE SO N. La Salle 8t.. Clate··· 9utincx in nol'th- .................. ..- ············ w.... FOI:IO 01:10 01:10 01:11 W. Fisher, / m Colorado on IC' Mrs. Fisher's falfr of Lansing, Mich· their residence on e, accompanied by F. I. B. ART SHOP --o- a e and her daugb· , have left Estes . They will not until time for 'Miss school about the Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bower, 1041 Ashavenue, left Friday for Manitowish, they will pass the month of Aug- Formerly Gairing Fine Arts During the months of July and August we are offering a discount of 20% on picture and mirror framing. -oF. Case and her daughter, of Boston, are guests for a at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Choate of 1125 Sheridan road. n Evanston, Ill. 1640 Orrington Ave. Phone Evanston 770 ~oao oao oao~ n Lake Shore HomesitesOn my property in Oakshore Beach, just south of Oakshore Subdivision, Mr. Alfred Tyson, well known golf expert, has just installed nine boles of an . e,i ghteen hole golf course. This course will be available to those who pur· chase homesites in Oakshore Subdivision. This ~roperty, ·a br:oad tract of rolling land at Winthrop HarbOr, east of Sheridan Road, be· tween Kenosh~ and Waukegan, in Illinois, has unobstructed lake frontage:; it is picturesque and beautifully wooded. Unusually spacious .homesites, rigidly restrict.ed, some with riparian rights and all overloo~mg the lake, with broad paved roads, landscapmg, electric light and water in and paid for-can be purchased at prices lower than any comparable property between Chicago and Milwaukee. Titles are guaranteed by the Chicago Title and Trust Company, but no sites will be sold on the monthly payment plan. A fufly descriptive booklet I am having printed, with local views, will shortly come from the press, and you may receive a copy without obli· gations, by simply mailing me the coupon belo~. Teleplao.. O..ttal2294 ; ~---------~------------· trip Mrs. 0. H. ughter, Margaret, n days' visit with [ S. Stevens of 71J ore going to their -oMrs. Kerry Meegher has returned her home on Central avenue, after months spent in Oregon and \n Canadian Rockies. --o- E· R. Crawford, SZ1 t St. Joseph's h?~· L.uella Burt of Wheaton was a est at the Fitch home on Elmwood nue, from Thursday until Tuesday. rt rom an operatiOO Saturday morn· Lindblad and 538 Greenleaf avt· sconsin. 1,""E. Ll C. Halt and ther venue, are .plat!' out a fortnight for ~ey will pass tw"' ~ fortnight's motor They are All·New ~All~Steel After Sun, Wind and Dust- Murine In summer the EYES frequently become blood · ahot from the irritatint effecta of wind and duar. Murine relievea this unattractive condition almost immediately, as well as eyc-ttrain cauaed by the alare of the aun. If used niaht and morning, Murine encourage· a clear, briaht, healthy condition of the EYES. Contalna no belladonna or other harmful qredienta. ub entertained at lner for Mr. and meron on Satur· Morton L. Pater· ut avenue. ' rrrin Bennet aad ~llmette boys' wflo ~ · I MINNEAPOLIS Bright and new, spic and span -every improvement known in PuUmans. Added comfortl · .-:-many innovations. 1:31 .. a. L·. C:WC.,. Ar. 1:35 a. -. . . . ,. .. " ....... "S:SSa.a. 7:tla. .. Ar. St. r..a L·. a:a,. .. 1M a. · " M' I h " 1:11,_ a. ObMnatioa aiM.m.. Mr, ooapertmeat drewi.,.roo· ..cl ...ao..d Modo· aa..piq Mn, ....et·olub·lou· ..,. aad frw r.ou..iaC obair ou. BneU..t ............... wit,la . . ........, ......_, aw8itl you lia .._ toST.PAUL ~~ee:kt~ ~iC: p. rris Rosen , 1~ e spending two Their trip wal and the Y~..lfo-tr· os Angeles is .,._ r- TEAR OUT AND MAIL Mr. and Mrs. Q. ~tral avenue. llf, ~m Toronto, whert ~z~.:.!T-col:.-t::: 8 Other Train· M& ...... LESLIE A. NEEDHAM Burnham Bui~ 160 North La s.lle Street · CIUCA.OO ~ome w~k~. 1ft VRINf, f.01 yout E.YES .J~Acr .... .._ ~ cliaiaC ~ ....'" .,... . . tni· atute. lt.r lidwffM··· alb u 0.... .... , ,. ~.~'~ ......... Ill. 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