Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1924, p. 10

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\\' rLMETTE L 1 10 OVERLAND COUPE DEUGHTS WOMEN New Car Possesses Many Unusual Features Unu . . uitl in tac~t among. feminine motori'h lla~ greeted . ~'-ltlly s- Over Jand's announcement of tl n~w twopassrugrr 0\ crland coupe. l\ot onl.Y Children of IIIinois, in the . crusade of i\ it a light car embodytng ~he matHmercy in behalf of the suffermg orphans fold advantage~ of th.e entt:e Overla nd line , hut it comhme wtth ~hese in Bible lands of the near east, are a drivinl( comfort and con\·entence measuring up in effectiveness as never .·lmo-.t incredib le in a car of these before in the history of .t~ c_ommondimcnsiotb. wealth. There is every md1catton that 1\owadap. with the male members the sale of "life-saving bonds,·: proc~ of the family requiring the us~ of from which will go toward fillmg a sh1p the' car during the day, there .ts a with foodstuffs .for the little sufferers definite 11ecd for a second car 111 a overseas, will be exte~sive an~ general, g-ood many homes, a car that can be according to information rece1ved from used for shopping and visiting by the many communities at general headquartwomen folks of the home. ers in Chicago. Ideal For Shoppinr "The plaim. ve cry of the little o~es The new coupe has proved it5elf to Chicago Motor Raps overseas has reached a most respon~tVe he ideally adapted for this purpose. C chord in Illinoi," said Wyllys ':"'· B~trd, Ventilating windshield, Dura window Fly-by-Night oncema chairman of the general comrmttee, and regulators. rear window curtains. ~re we have every reason to believe that by little touche · that appeal to femmme August 2, when the contest is scheduled taste "Automobi le clubs formerly . ~on.~ to close, the sale of the. mer~y bonds Co~pled with these features i ~he ease of parking, and the u!lusual r.td- fined their work to the larger Cl.ttes, will ha~ reached a most 1mposmg total. ing comfort due to the 136-mch sprmg says a bulletin issued by the Chtcago In some communities there is the keen~st l·asc. Its case of handling in con- Motor club. "Today, however, they sort of friendly rivalry among the chtlgested traAic areas because of the ex- arc going into ~ommuni~ies of all dren who are lined up among the bond ceptional ly large steering spindles and sizes. The motonst who IS asked to sellers, and headquarters is. ~usy sending hearings are decided fac~o,rs in this join an automobile cluh should apply out supplies of the secunttes. Everythe following test to tell whether 1t body should buy the mercy bonds, for new car intended for fcm1nme use . The new coupe is equipped with is gyp or genuine. each sale means that a precious life is doors that are over 31 inches wide, "How much accident prevention being helped in the near east, where the thus providing easy entrance. T~e work does the organization do? If suffering is intense beyond expression." body of exceptionally heavy m~tal, IS it does none, it is unlikely that it. is Headquarters is gratified at. the co,turdily reinforced. Unusual pa111s are a real automohile cluh. Who are tts operation being given the ch1ldren by taken with the painting operatiOns, directors? Are they reliable business adult organizations and individuals. Rofourteen coats being applied to gi1·e or professional men? tarians, Kiwanians, Lions, Elks and the car its lasting durable finish. other bodies have entered into the cruGyp Cluba Promise Much laterior Advantare· "The gyp club promises to d? many sade wholeheartedly and are lending The interior of the body is finished things , but actually does nothmg. It much aid to the youngsters in their beauin durable, long grain Spa~ish .leather is operated for the benefit of the tiful work of mercy. Banks, Y. M. C. upholstery. The seat cushwn IS over organizers, who move frorqratle com- A.s, municipal officers and many other 45 inches wide, being ample to ac- munity to another as soon as ·the mo- agencies also are doing all they can to commodate three medium -sized people. torists begin to suspect that they have give system to the campaign. There are IS inches between steering he en duped. In a number of states wheel and cushion, rendering it con- gyp club operators ha \'e been forced venient for the car to be en tcred to witltrlraw because of indictments ea~ily from either side. or convictions. A roomy rear deck provides ample "Before joining an organization st>ace for packages, which is an ad- purporting to serve motorists, investditional convenience for milady's shop- igate; find out for yourse.lf that the ping. Its hinged cover is provided claims of the representatives of the with a lock and is protected against organization are true. dust and leaks. Don't Sian Blind Contract "H you silf;n a coqtract or aDDlication blank for serv1ce, do not place Dodge Brothers, Inc. undue weight in the oral statements Reelect· Its Officers of the sa le sman. If he should offer Pre~ent officers and directors of a ervice contract and an insurance Dodge Brothers. Inc., with the excep- coverage all for one price, i':'sist upon tion of the chairman of the board, seeing the contract and pohcy before . were re-elected at the recent annual paying any money. "In a number of cases motonsts, meeting of the stockl~ol~ers. A. resoluthinking they are buying fire, ~he~t, tion was passed abohshmg thts office. Russell Huff, for nearly ten years collision, property damage and habtlchief engineer of Dodge Brothers, ity insurance, have found that what was elected as a ·new member of the board. 1 d The stockholders felt that t 1 e a clition of Mr. Huff to the l~oard. wou f strengthen it materially In new . o his long experience as an au~omotlve engineer of the highest standmg.. H~ is a former president of The Society. of Automotive Enginee~s an~ one o.t the pioneer designers ot the md~ tr). The officers cho en were: Prc:s·dent and general mana~er, Fredenck J. Hayne : vice pres1dent , Arthur T . Waterfall: treasurer, Jc;>hn Ballantyne; secretacy and assistant ~reas urer, Harry V. Popeney; assistant · ecretary, R. J. Fry. The last fiscal year was the largest in Dodge Brothers' history and the first six months of 1924 were ~reat~r than any correspondin'r pertod 111 point of deliveries to retatl purchasers, it was announced. td the salesman really so.td them was an accident insurance pohcy., . I nk The contract or the appltca.ttOn h ~ sets forth the serv.ice you will receive. If it i~n't in these mstrum~nts. chances are . hat the alleged service does not exist. f th "Finally, ask tite salesm:'-n or e names of four or I· \"e satq;fied. users of the sen·ice who ha\·e been m the organization for a year, he yc:ars! or ten years . Fly-by-night organtzatJOns cannot stand up under such test~ the legitimate club welcomes them. CHILD CRUSADERS SELL "BONDS" FOR NEAR EAST must- show a real A MAN interest in his work before anyone else will take an interest in it. You pay us the proper price for paying the proper amount of attention to the job you send us. Our repair work proves itself out-<>ut .on the road, and you can prove you are money in-in our shop. OCIAL ga our villas before deJ York, on at 54 Tuesday Elizabetl SAYS BEWARE OF GYP AUTO CLUB Body WILM£TIE MACIDNE AND AUTO WORKS at 1225 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phoae Wilmette 115 Phoae Wdmeue 2680 721 Lia Street WllliETI'E, IlL. I MOTORS SERVICE, Inc. EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE Machine Work We have a very complete equipment of power driven machine tools; also a complete eauipment of precision hand toot . .....,.pea form all the machine operations necssary on a car quickly and accurately with corresponding low cost and satisfaction. ~lm LAKE SHORE AUTO SALES J. C. Slown A. B. Van Deusen SAFEGUARD YOUR FURS in our roomy Salea R-m aad Semce Statioa lllt.ll Chiearo A.,.., EYa-toa, Ill FUR STORAGE VAULTS \\'c will Renovate, Repair and Store your Furs .for the Summer in our Big Vaults and Insure them agamst Lo. s by Fire, Moth and Theft. Prompt Attention Reasonable Rates Excellent Care HARRY A. ROPINSKI FURRIER Eatabliabed ia E·-·ton 111& til CHICAGO AVE. Near Main Street CALL EVANSTON 3722 EVANSTON LULIAS BROTHERS 635 MAIN STREET 1135 CENTRAL AVE. PRESERVING TIME What tastes so good as hotne preserved fruit erved in tnid-winter? \Ve can supply you with all the necessary uten~ils for preserving. -I ~1ake HomeGrown Vegetables "How deliciously sweet! What wonderful flavor." That's what they say about our home grown vegetables. All of our vegetables are your task easy by being well equipped. 635 Maia Street fresh and tasteful-you will say the same. 1135 Ceatral A.-e. Phones051 Phones{~= lJil John Millen "lilt' H·nlUHJre, Millen Htu It" ...............3061 1219-21 Wl.ette An. As the warmer weather approaches you should always have in your ice box a few bottles of ginger ale or other soft drinks. Buy them by the case. ,l

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