Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1924, p. 1

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VOL. XIII, NO. 42 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JULY 18, t924 TWENTY PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS And just look at those beautifulty colored beads 1 And did you ever see such cute little dolls? etc., etc." TypiOppo '- nity Daya for Wil· """ cal expressions heard at the exhibi- St. Aupatiae'a Church In. Launches Battle to Eradi- tion and demonstration held Thursday vitea Villqe to Ceremette Sponaored by Chamt M · evening at the Byron C. Stolp school , ber of Commerce inoniea at 11 O'clock ca e oaqu1toea by the pupils of the Daily Vacation Bible school. There was also an array of colored HIT BREEDING PLACES candlestic~s. hotders, vases, hammocks VESTRYMAN HONORED JULY 28-29, THE DAYS and a vanety of other handiwork accomplished by the children. . Part of the evening was devoted to WetSeuon 8 nnsa · PIape 0 f a regular demonstration of the daily F il of FOl'lllel' 1 __ _._ Merchant. Pled·ed to Sell at · curriculum of the school. The opening am '1 &..eaUIICr to lnaecb period was devoted to worship. A Be Present Reduction Bible drill followed. The children were then given a session of music training, which was rounded out with Dedication of the three-panel FraJII'k Opport,unity is knocking at the door the singing of hymns and songs. every household in Wilmette, the A dramatization of a patriotic story, J. Baker Memorial window at St; Whack tbe Moaquito Augustine's Episcopal church will take of Commerce proclaims in the which the children had staged as part l·"'.trJnotmcement this week that the buying Hitting 'em with a swatter doesn't of the July 4th celebration, was pro- place Sunday morning, July 20, at the of the community is soon to be duced for the visiting parents. The regular services starting at 11 o'clock. do much good. The place to make greeted with one of the most notable Mrs. Baker and her two children. the effective attack is in the breed- closing circle ended the demonstration with the salutes to the flags and the who are making their home in Cali· bargain features ever projected in this ing sources l singing of the national anthem. fQfoi:t.. ;anti urhn ,. ... "t ""r~n+ vi·itii\Q" vicinity. The event, as this introductory Don't .permit water to stand in Thesf' ex·roi .... o ..fv::tC\1 tne second wtth Mn. Baker's father tn New York, paragraph implies, is .to be characterized pails, tin-cans, tubs or other resuccessful season of the Vacation will arrive in Wilmette in time to wit· ceptacles. "Opportunity Days" in the stores and Pour a combination of crude oil Bible school under the guidance of ness the ceremonies. The window was shops of the village. Monday and TuesThe installed through the efforts of Mrs. and kerosene in about equal quan - Beatrice Segsworth Kitchen. day, July 28 and ?.9, are the red letter tities on wet or low areas where total enrollment this year had an in- Baker following the s~gestion of days, the first of a regular series of simiRobert D. SkeltoD crease over last year, but the school Rev. Hubert Carleton to h1s parish, at mosquitoes breed. lar monthly bargain opportunities in the · Help in the fight to eradicate the was handica.pped by the lack of teach- the funeral services for Mr. Baker, village. time of 3:00 2-10. Decombre of Bel- mosquito just before the Christmas holidays of ers. nuisance. As sponsor of Opportunity Days, the gium tied this record in the second Those who devoted their efforts to 19Z2, that the church establish a lastChamber of Commerce announces in its semi-finals and in the finals the match carrying out the plans of the school ing memorial to Mr. Baker. advance notices that "the merchants of will be mainly between Skelton and Not in many a summer has Wil- by conducting or assisting in class This memorial window is in the front Wilmette who are members of the Decombre. work were, in addition to Mrs. the church facing Wilmette avenue. Chamber of Com.-nerce frankly believe Skelton won his way in the pre- mette and the north shore witnessed Kitchen, Rev. W. J. Kitchen, Miss of For the past few weeks it has been that they can meet com)ldltion anywhere liminaries, Tuesday, July IS. He such a plague of mosquitoes as has Bertha Wheelock, Miss Adelaide lighted in the evenings and has brought when the demanded quality is considered." earned his place to represent the descended upon these parts in the past Jones, Miss Doris Gathercoal, Miss favorab1e comment from many pasHa·e M.tropolitaa Tone linited States in the 200-meter breast Pease, Mrs. F . Z. Favor, Miss sersby. The window is illuminated Wilmette's stores and shops, the stroke event after e~tablishing a rec- few weeks, due largely to the exces- Ruth Dorothy Anderson, Miss Ruth CaldChamber points out, must not be classed ord in the trial events at Indianapolis, sively moist spring and early summer. well, Misses Patterson White, Helen from within the building. A powerful search light is fastened to the girders with places of business commonly termed June 7. After an exhibition in New While the pestiferous, health-en- Thompson, Frances Howard, Frances of the church roof which throws the "country stores," but, rather, must de- York, he sailed wrth the Olympic dange(ing insects have been annoy- Allworth, and Florence Scribner. light from the inside, the first venture serve to be ranked with the most ac- swimmers June 16. of this type in the instance of a church cep~ble metropolitan shops and markets, The Wilmette youth holds several ingly prevalent throughout the village, window. insofar as quality of goods and up-to- records in the United States. He Greenleaf avenue, .for some unknown At the time of his death Mr. Baker dateness of appointment aTe concerned. cstabJ' bed the American record in the reason, appears to have been the was vice president of the Public ServWilm'ltte merchants are progressive 220-yard breast stroke event in Min- favorite abiding place, for, during the ice Company of Northern Illinois. He -.ople wbo adjust "downtown" ideas to neapolis in March of 1923. He beat evening hours, a w~lk along that was particu1arly active in the St. _;lburban ftqU · nts. They give met- bis own time at the lndiana.polis try- thoroughfare necessitated a veritable Augu.t' ' F..pi · 1 church c:ircle · · heMic .pt'l'formanee the part tJv~li 1ttar-ttn:,enona1, ottts. and his philanthropies, at his insi tof the harassed pedestrian. ~ neighborly touch that obviously cunot ance, did not become known until after While official action to eradicate the expected in the larger population his death. Before the Chirstmas holi~enters. mosquitoes in other suburbs was start- Enaineera Prepare Enlaraed days in 1922, Mr. Baker came to Rev. ed last week, it remained for the Wil"These merchants want more of your Carleton and a ked him to decorate mette Chapter, American Association Street Proaram business," the Chamber of Commerce the church in a uitable manner for of Engineers, to take up the cudgels, '· tells the housewife. "You will agree that the holiday wor hip, partly at his exor swatters, or whatever appropriate they would be pretty poor. specimens if pense. 'fh decorations were comweapon is employed in the war on the they were always satisfied with what pleted and just a few days before obnoxious aeronautic beasts. The board of local improvements they are getting. And they are not willChristmas Mr. Baker died of hear· s..lc a Remecl· is working out a new widening proing to it in a. comer and twirl their , gram for Wilmette and Central ave- disease. thumbs until more business comes their Improvement Projecta ApThe church decorations were f.r-;t The Engineers this week appointed nues which is more ambitious than way. They are going after it. They a committee to study the mosquito that contained in the ordinance re- seen by the church congregation at klU'-· that the members of the Chamber proved by Kenilworth At that time plague question and, if possible, sug- cently defeated because of a faction the funeral s ervice~. of ~mm~rce can serve every need of gest some remedy. fight in the board of trustees. En- Rev. Carleton uggested a window the community and they are going to "What are we going to cto abQUt the gineers now are working out the de- memorial for Mr. Baker, followin~ show the residents the most wonderful which Mrs. Baker expressed the de ire Several important improvement pro- mosquitoes?" W A. Melchoir, secre- tails of the plan and when they will to as ume the expense of such an unseries of money-saving sales that have jects, for which special assessment tary of the engineers' organization, have completed their job, the members proceedings will be instituted imm<'di- queries in a communication to Wit- of the improvement board promise to dertaking. Friends of Mr. Baker ard. ever been offered in this vicinity." Offer Reduced Prices ately, were authorized by ordinance mette Life. "They are always a nuis- bring the matter up in the form of a as ociates in the Public Service comDuring Opportunity Days, the buying at the session of the Kenilworth Vil - ance but this year they are worse than' new ordinance for ratification by the pany subsequently purchased a bond, publ\c is further informed, each co-op- !age board this week, including the usual and the question has n~turally village tru tees. They hope to have the interest from which is used to deerating merchant is pledged to offer installation of sewer and water sys- arisen: can something be done about everything in readiness for the next fray the expense of keeping the winmeeting of the council, which is dow lit every night from dusk unti1 heretofore "unheard of bargains." They terns in the property east of Ridge a ,·e- it? midnight. The story of the Good plan to sell merchandise cheaper than it nue and recently annexed to the vii"It is a problem for the sanitary scheduled for August 12. . has ever been sold before and they want lage, paving of streets in the 40-acrc engineer to solve" he continues. "The 1'he new plan proposes to w1den Samaritan is depicted on the three panels. their customers-both .tri ~:and pros~- tract which comprised the old North Wilmette Chapter of the American Wtlmette avenue from Elmwood to Mr. Baker passed away suddenly, ve-t<;> co~e to thear places of busa- Shore Golf elub'l; prPmiA.-..: , :tnd the A sociation _of Engineers has appoint- Park .av~nue. From Elmwood to s~, mvestagate the completen(\SS of 'paving of Kenilworth avenue from ed a commtttee to ""·.ly thp auestion Lake, 1t 1s proposed to have a 40- a victim of heart failure, on Monday. e1r stocks and take advantage of the west Railroad avenue to Ridge ave- and if possible, suggest some remedy .~ "WvL V4 "'"1'r· -a.!IP from Lake t~ Park December 18, 1922. He was born in rt .. v .. lancl Oh\o.. it\ 1864, and was a greatly moderated , as well to nue as a two-way thoroughfare with Expert advice from a noted entomol- the roadway wall. be ~ tc;.c;· of engmeenng at tne u-nrveLtest the quality of se . center parkway. ogist who, in 1916, directed with sig'_l'he Central wadenmg p~ocess, by student sity of Michigan and of law at North'_'Better busi':less," reads a s ga!l, "is Work on these projects will begin nal success · a mosquito eradication thts new arrangement, will extend western university. He was a man of qu1.te. as essent·al as be~er ho~s m the without delay, Kenilworth officials de- campai~rn in Winnetka, is to the effect fro!" Tenth ~treet to Lake aven~e. varied interests in the field of enginf cr de oil and kuoTh1s artery wtll be made ~ feet wtde 1 fo atnV1ng fgr a better Wilmette. clared after the meeting, the passage th t u . . from Tenth street to the raalroad, and eering, having been affiliated with the a ~ so u 1 n of the various ordinances constituting sene m about equal quantities spray- 40 feet wide west of the tracks to Public Service company, the North the most comprehensive improvement ed gen~rously o~ wet or low are~s Park . venue. Fall from Roof Provea Shore Electric Railway company and scheme adopted by the billage in sev- (mosquito bre.edmg places) constlA w 1dcr Wilmette avenue east of the the Chicago Suburban Water and Fatal to Pbelpa Child eral years. Light company. In the banking field tutes an effective remedy. railroad tracks to Elmwood avenue At this week"s session the board Lawrence Phelps, 9 year old son of will relieve the traffic congestion in he was pre ident of the Hiahland Park · W. W. Phelps of 530 Linden avenue, also enacted an ordinance establishthe heart of the village's business area State bank anc1 the First National di~d last Friday from injuries he re- ing Kenilworth avenue as a through and also be a boon to the congestions Bank of Wilmette. ~1 c,,. ed when he fell from the roof of traffic artery between Richmond and His most active duties were in conat the Baptist and Methodist ehurchM, Sheridan roads. This will require a .tOuse earlier in tbe week. it is claimed. The Baptists have been nection with the Public Service comAt the time the 'boy fell from the stops by traffic from intersecting urging a wider roadway at this place pany in which he was in charge of the roof he was rushed to the Evanston streets and signs are to be placed as of worship to relieve the motor traffic operations, engineerinJ and purchas· a piano hospital where att_~ding physicians soon as possible, it was announced. there and the promoters of the new in departments, a posttion that made An ordinance regulating the use of learned he had Mltfered a fractured widenintt plan claim the extension of him virtually the general manager ni domestic fuel oil burners in the vilor skull. the prOJeCt to Elmwood avenue will that extensive utility corporation. lar;e, with reference to installation, He was a vestryman of St. Augu be hailed with delight by members of location of tanks, and requiring a vila au:opbone tine's church and hi charitie covered the two congregations named. lage permit for installation, was also a wide sphere of welfare activities. The members of the local improveBONUS INF enacted at this week's board meeting. ment board say their ation in the The board also approved an amendYou're in demand, as matter was demanded by an almost Information concerning the atory ordinance bringing up-to-date a unanimous public opinion and they bewitness the accompanyprocedure in malting applica- measure pertaining to the uses of Aceoi-cW ntte lieve the project will be unanimously ing W ant Ad taken from tion for the federal bonus is "inftammable liquids." P. H. Saunder , lOIS Forest ne11ue, approved by the vilta«e trustees. ha~ received notification of hia apffered ex-ser.vice men of the our Classified Section. HOME FOR A DAY pelatment to the bAnorary s-~it-. ·' · by Wilmette Post, No. Batbiq H·t SUI:CUIIIIM J. R. Harper, superintendent of the aide de camp with rank a colonel on 46, of t' .e American Legion. Wilmette public schools, was in the A vast variety of opto CaD ol the Wave. the statf of Gov. W. A. ~ny of Inquiry should be made to offices of the Central school Wednesportunities r e p o s e i n Wilmette beach patrons have been Kentucky. clay morning, July 16, just long enough Mr. aunden is a native of Loui Com . · r Lea J. Orr, 1002 to have several interviews with people finding the water "just right" this Classified ads. R e·a d ville-, where he s~nt his borhood GreeD.rtcLt avenue, telephone in relation to the coming school year, week. yean ,and ha been a per onat friend The cool rainy weather that has them. Wilmette 557. returning to his country place in Michkept the bathers away from the beach of Gov. Perry for many years. igan in the evening. Application blanks may be The honor accorded Mr. SaunMr so tong, changed to real summer Sma.ll orcheatra, Bleb School secured and finger prints taken temperature and people of Wilmette ranks him with cores of nationally I.OSEI SISTER BY DEATH etudente, deelre good planlet and kuown men who have reeeivt'd similar were attracted to the sllore for a dip. at the Wilmette State Bank. Mi-1. F. W. Funk. wife of a promir.!:~~.onTel~l~~.:f. f.~~T for Many enjoyed the splash Y:onday and honorary title from chief exec:uti·et it is announced. nent Waukegan jeweler, and sister of Tuesday. Last Satvday afternoon, it of the Blue Gra s tate. It i a eo ete4 This service is offered to all F. L. Streed, village manager at Kenwas reported, water fan parked along eli tinction which wilt brina hitn coei!Wertla, passed away Monday.. July lOLTN-ltc the shore from the Wilmette beach rratulatory me sage from a host ex-set"Vice men. 14. Services were held at the Waufriend in thi · "icinity. to Highland Park . B~iet ehufeb on Wednesday. STORFS OFFER BOBBY SKELTON DOES PLAN CAMPAIGN. BIBLE SCHOOL~ DEDICATE BAKER GAIN EVENT · Robect~ ~ ·~~ ~. ~ IN smJER I AR "A~.~~.~ . IlNDO .SUNDAY ?kelton of Sll.PaTk avenue, representmg the Illino~s A. C., won h1s way to the finals m the . 200-;neter brea~t stroke, after breakmg the Olymp1c record for that event at the Olympic games, at L1!s T-ourelles, France, Wednesday, July 16. He set l;lP the second En· ineen' Club Comml"tt- WOULD EXTEND . IIDENING !LAN PAVE ROADS IN OW OOLF AREA _.d.. ° f y " If You Play- K·lllc:b CGionel Idle wa. ...,____ _______ ...,...,,lcepn

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